The Legacy of Stone Cold Steve Austin


Getting Noticed By Management
Hey I'm still new at this so forgive me if this has been done before; please bear with me on this I'm still trying to get better at doing these threads. I'm not even sure this is the right spot for it.

Anyway with Stone Cold guest hosting Raw on Monday Night I was thinking about the Legacy of Stone Cold Steve Austin DVD. It's been awhile since I watched but it always irritated me because the DVD stops at Wrestlemania 17. I Never Really understood why they would stop there when Stone Cold's Career lasted for three more years after that. I know technically his wrestling career ended a year later but he did come back as the GM of Raw and then the Sheriff. Do they not see this part of his career as being Important. Whay did they stop there? There's a list of matches I felt that should be on DVD; they are the following:

Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. The Rock in a Steel Cage Match; Raw, The Night after Wrestlemania 17.

Two Man Power Trip vs. The Brothers of Destruction for the IC, WWE, and World Tag Team Championships. I forget what Pay-Per-View.

Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. Scott Hall Wrestlemania 18. I know there are people who say this isn't the best match Stone Cold had but I thought it was good.

Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. Ric Flair on Raw.

Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. Eric Bishoff No Way Out.

Stone Cold Steve Austin and Goldberg Beer Bash.

Stone Cold Steve Austin on Pipers Pit.

Stone Cold Steve Austin gets Inducted into the Hall of Fame.

Stone Cold Steve Austin Guests Hosts Raw.

I personally wouldn't mind if we saw a Legacy of Stone Cold Part 2 or the WWE re-release the first one with updates. I felt it was a disservice not to put any of these matches or moments on the DVD. These were important parts of Stone Cold's Career that deserve to be seen. My questions are; Is anybody as irritated as me about the Stone Cold DVD stopping at Wrestlemania 17? Should there be a second Stone Cold DVD? If so do you agree with my choices of matches and moments that go on the DVD that I chose: If not what matches and moments do you think should work it's way on the DVD.

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