The Rock and Stone Cold


I recently watched the Rock/Austin III Match at WrestleMania 19. So, should The Rock ans Stone Cold have a "last match ever" against eachother? They of course will sell as tehy are two of the biggest stars in WWE history. OR, do you want to see them compete against a younger everyday supersta(i.e. CM Punk, Cena, Orton) I personally would love to see ONE last match between Rock and Austin. If it was indeed their last match, they would give it all they have. Many people may say it is to stale or unoriginal. But, tell me you didnt get goosebumps when Rock and Austin met mackstage at WrestleMania 27. The two-minute stare-down gave me goosebumps. So do you want to see Stone Cold vs The Rock again or have them go out fighting an everyday superstar?
I want to see them fight someone different. Both only have so much time left to really contribute much to the business so lets see them fight someone that we haven't seen before.
I wouldnt want to see the two wrestle eachother again. They ended that era the right way and it should stand as it is. I think The Rock should face someone like The Miz after Cena, or at least have a triple threat with Cena and Miz facing him. It seems like Miz's whole involvement in WM and SS has been left unresolved and while WWE wants to make him a scapegoat and absolve themselves of all responsibility for SS's failure, it was pretty entertaining when the three were going back and fourth before last WM.
I would be very excited if they did have a final match, and if they did it at WM 29, then i think it would be the most-watched WM of all time without question. But as the guy above me said, they ended it perfectly. The Rock finally got the clean victory over Stone Cold after an era of trying. I don't think the WWE would want to extend that perfect ending.

If The Rock wrestles at WM29, i personally would like to see it be against a returning Brock Lesnar. But there is also a strong case for CM Punk or perhaps mark II vs John Cena if this years main event lives up to expectation.
If they had a final match, it would degrade the previous ones. They were in their prime when they fought before, and now SCSA isn't even close. If they were to wrestle each other again, it wouldn't live up to the other matches.
As a piece of fantasy booking, it's a fun exercise. In reality, no way.

Stone Cold appears every now and then and when he does, it's an attraction. It should have been that way with The Rock too, but with all the furore around his promising to never leave then satellite/sporadic appearances, he doesn't seem to have the same backing.

For these guys to wrestle at WrestleMania, they need TV time. Rock - Cena has been kept relevant throughout the year thanks to Cena, and to an extent Punk, mentioning Rock's non-appearance after his return just over a year ago now. Rock will appear more now in the run up to April 1st but it's an active superstar who has kept this feud bubbling away, along with a big 4 PPV appearance at Survivor Series.
What I'm getting at is were Austin and Rock to suddenly feud, they'd have to both make time for it to appear on TV. While they can use social media to perhaps go back and forth with each other, it's what's on TV that matters. They could call each other whatever they wanted on twitter, post videos of them verbally tearing into each other, but the payoff wont be on social media. It needs to be on PPV.

Let's go further back to Rock and Austin's match at WM 19. The story was Austin had got the better of Rock at their last 2 WM matches, and Rock had to beat Austin to prove that he could do it on the biggest stage to satisfy his ego. Austin still leads Rock 2-1 at Mania, one more match could tie it up or have Austin go 2 clear. If Rock ties it up, would Vince/WWE really refuse the chance to coax one more match out of the 2 to see who is the better man? That means more commitment from Austin and Rock and more time focused on older stars rather than new ones.

These 2 guys are massive names who did a great deal for the business, but it's now up to the current crop of guys to spark some kind of magic, not have time taken away from them by 2 veterans who have expanded into new ventures outside of wrestling. Would it be great to see them go at it again? Dam right. But should they at the expense of the current guys? No.
I would be very excited if they did have a final match, and if they did it at WM 29, then i think it would be the most-watched WM of all time without question. But as the guy above me said, they ended it perfectly.

It would be cool... But it wouldn't be a huge draw like it was 10 years ago. Rock is in good shape, but you can tell that Austin has lost alot of shape. It would be an older but still fantastic Rock, taking on an Austin that has lost alot of size and shape due to age, and is too beat up from his earlier career to put on a long match. That was always his issue with taking on Punk at a Mania'; besides from Vinnie Mac wanting him to do it or not, could he actually still put on a good match? Is it worth risking the legacy of Rock/Austin?

I think that the feud should stay where it stands. They beat each other up at Wrestlemania three times, then they shook hands backstage at WM27. What's done is done. The hand shake was a one last Rock/Austin moment just for fans who wanted to see something happen. To be honest, I was more then happy just to see that; as it was infuriating me that Rock/Austin were both around but there was no confrontation. I think they did a good job at putting it to rest, continuing it would just be tarnishing their great record.
I would much rather see a Rock/Austin match than a Punk/Austin match that is going around. Let the 2 legends send each other off with a great, final showdown on the biggest stage, WrestleMania. It would bring in one of the biggest draws the WWE has ever had.
As a massive fan of both it would be amazing and is such an enticing prospect. Having said that it will probably already go down as the greatest rivalry in the history of the WWE in the eyes of many so why risk compromising that for one more match. I think that the way it ended after their final match was very appropriate and well done and closed the rivalry gracefully. A final match with Rock who is still in great shape but hasn't wrestled consistently and Austin who's condition we are unsure of may tarnish its legacy.

There are many current young superstars who a fued with the Rock would help tremendously and who have the talent and charisma to make it great. I would personally love to see Miz vs Rock at Summerslam the promo work would be brilliant and I feel theyd put on a great show. Honourable mentions go to Ziggler, Cody Rhodes, Orton and Ryder.
I don't ever want to see it again. It's already the greatest rivalry in the history of the WWE, and I have a ton of respect for Steve Austin hanging up the boots when he knew he couldn't perform at a top level anymore. It would only tarnish the great memories we have of when wrestling, and the WWE was awesome.

The WWE needs to figure out why they can't create iconic megastars like Hulk Hogan, Macho Man, Ultimate Warrior (you know it's true if you were around then), Stone Cold, and The Rock anymore. They need to create new megastars to create a new popularity boom, not keep dwelling in the past.
I would love to see Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. The Rock IV at WrestleMania, but I don’t have any logical reason as to why. There wouldn’t be a point, storyline-wise. I mean, if the Rock were to win, they would put them at 2-2, which would prompt a 5th WM match between two of my favorites. If Stone Cold were to win, then what?? I’m happy with their trilogy and we would probably have a better chance at seeing Austin and Rock going up against Cena and Orton, or Punk and Bryan. I can just have Stone Cold vs. The Rock on WWE 12.
As much as we would all love to see it, Austin will never wrestle again to the standard we expect coz of his neck, and the Rock will be gone after WM28, although i hope im wrong on both counts as im a fan of both these guys

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