WWE RAW LD 3/7/2011 - Will the Rattlesnake Have Tiger Blood Flowing?

Actually, you posted it before RAW went off the air. That would mean it's hardly complete. Not to mention you omitted the single best part of Miz's assault (the People's Elbow). And all you said was he was "disrespected for the last time." That's not all he said, so yes, it was pretty bare-bones and shit. You explained a bunch of what Cena rapped (like the "I Bring It Via Satellite" and Pearl Necklace, so why did you do it to Miz? Oh yeah, I get it, it's cause you spent the whole LD shitting on The Miz.

Sorry if I don't care even the slightest bit about what you thought of my review tonight, are you still this butthurt about all the Jets-bashing that was done? Grow some thicker skin. It's a review pal, you don't write down EVERY FUCKING THING that happens, that's not what a review is for, what you're looking for is a summary. Find it elsewhere, it's critical analysis not reporting card results.

And that's a whole lot of I don't give a fuck what you think. Again, I have a right to be mad.

Everyone has the right to be mad. But over trivial shit like this? Come on.
In the arms race between Rock and Cena, I'm backing The Miz. He's the only thought!
I enjoyed most of Raw last night. Cena's rap was good, fuck the haters. It's nice to see the Miz finally get put into the spotlight. Pretty much the Miz shitting on both Cena and the Rock was top notch.

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