WWE RAW LD 3/14/2011 - A Career Could Be Washed Ashore

Orton may suck as a babyface to some of us but he gets a huge reaction from the crowd and at the end of the day that's all that really matters. Plus I still see him as more of a tweener and not a full face.
I don't see how he's a tweener, the only time he ever does anything non-face like is when he occasionally will lay out a face with the RKO, but I can't even remember the last time he did that. He's full-on babyface otherwise.

And yeah, he gets great reactions. He's just clueless as to how to take advantage of that once the match actually starts though. He's still working the same formula he was a heel, all slow and "Viper" like, it's the opposite of how a babyface should work to get the crowd fired up and involved in the match. Plus he never, ever takes the traditional babyface beatdown. There's no real heat for his matches outside of popping for moves because he always dominates the match, or he takes a few moves and then hits the RKO out of nowhere. There's no extended heat segment for him to milk the crowd's sympathy, he just cuts right to the finish. It doesn't help that he's been booked as fucking unstoppable, I can't remember the last time he was pinned clean or dirty, the guy constantly goes over. Which is another problem with his feud with Punk, every week he beats the fuck out of all of Nexus and they never get the better of him. How are we supposed to take Nexus and Punk as a threat to Orton if he disposes of them with ease on a weekly basis? They should be taking cues from how Miz and Cena has been booked, with Miz beating down Cena each week leading up to their match. That's how you book a damn feud.

Okay, Orton rant over.
Great points, X. It's not like Punk eliminated Orton from the chamber or laid him out when he was dominating Raw prior to the last PPV. Orton picking off Punk's minions one at a time in order to get Punk one on one is definitely an accurate measure for how seriously we should take Punk.

What's wrong with backing the heel into a corner and making the fans pay to finally see Orton get his hands on him? Doesn't always have to be the heel dominating formula for it to be good.
Great points, X. It's not like Punk eliminated Orton from the chamber or laid him out when he was dominating Raw prior to the last PPV. Orton picking off Punk's minions one at a time in order to get Punk one on one is definitely an accurate measure for how seriously we should take Punk.

What's wrong with backing the heel into a corner and making the fans pay to finally see Orton get his hands on him? Doesn't always have to be the heel dominating formula for it to be good.

My complaints are about Orton's work in general, not just his feud with Punk. The problem with their current feud is Punk looks like shit in comparison man, yeah he got the pin on him at EC but Orton was vulnerable then and since then we've seen nothing but Orton getting the best of him and Nexus. I just don't like how shitty Punk continues to be booked.
Punk's had about zero contact with Orton since the PPV. As such, I don't see how he's the recipient of shitty booking. Sure, Orton sucks. But I see nothing wrong with this feud which is the first time I've said that about an Orton feud in ages.
Punk's had about zero contact with Orton since the PPV. As such, I don't see how he's the recipient of shitty booking. Sure, Orton sucks. But I see nothing wrong with this feud which is the first time I've said that about an Orton feud in ages.

Again, as I just said man, I'm talking about Punk's booking in general, not just the feud with Orton. He hasn't been the same ever since 'Taker buried him a year and a half ago. And you just know he's going to lose at 'Mania, so I don't see it getting any better anytime soon.

I have more desire to see Punk/Orton then I do Del Rio/Edge.

Yeah not thrilled about Del Rio/Edge, still hoping Christian gets tossed into the mix frankly.
I'm not too keen on Christian being thrown in that match. I would much rather see Christian feud with Del Rio over the title provided that Alberto wins. I don't like triple threat title matches at Wrestlemania.
Again, as I just said man, I'm talking about Punk's booking in general, not just the feud with Orton. He hasn't been the same ever since 'Taker buried him a year and a half ago. And you just know he's going to lose at 'Mania, so I don't see it getting any better anytime soon.

I don't agree here. His SES gimmick was awesome... on paper and at first. Then they just overcomplicated it and added too many members. It really had a brilliant potential.
Again, as I just said man, I'm talking about Punk's booking in general, not just the feud with Orton. He hasn't been the same ever since 'Taker buried him a year and a half ago. And you just know he's going to lose at 'Mania, so I don't see it getting any better anytime soon.

A year ago, I'd have been fine with Punk getting squashed week in, week out. He got so much damn heat that it didn't matter if he got beaten in thirty seconds because the crowd would just hate him more for it. Unfortunately he's not there any more.

The booking of his feud with Punk's been pretty good thus far though. Gets rid of the smegheads that were hanging around Punk while making Orton look like a badass and Punk like a cowardly heel. Next week I expect he'll GTS Randy from behind, or run away from the RKO so that the crowd gets to see the bastard CM Punk get his ass kicked by Randy at Wrestlemania. And when were heels ever in with a good shot at winning high profile matches at Wrestlemania? Punk would be at a disadvantage even if he was wrestling Chris Masters in that regard.
I don't agree here. His SES gimmick was awesome... on paper and at first. Then they just overcomplicated it and added too many members. It really had a brilliant potential.

Yeah, brilliant midcard potential. I'm a Punk mark, I want that man in the main event damnit, as a permanent addition not just a recurring character. I'm still kind of bummed that the plans changed from Cena-Punk to Cena-Miz in the first place.

Having him lead Nexus hasn't helped either. That stable is deader than dead.
Yeah, brilliant midcard potential. I'm a Punk mark, I want that man in the main event damnit, as a permanent addition not just a recurring character. I'm still kind of bummed that the plans changed from Cena-Punk to Cena-Miz in the first place.

The SES was a main event storyline for a while. That's when it was most interesting. Then, for some odd reason, they decided to urinate all over the faction. They could've been the next Nexus.
The SES was a main event storyline for a while. That's when it was most interesting. Then, for some odd reason, they decided to urinate all over the faction. They could've been the next Nexus.

With the SES, reality was writing the plot... unfortunately. Punk could have moved back up to the ME after his programme with Mysterio (not that he needed to) but injurys and Serena's firing fucked with the angle to the point where it was impossible to continue.
Was I the only one disappointed by Del Rio/Cena? I was expecting great things. I suppose that Snookie shit sucked up all the time.
Yeah Shocky... could have done without it all. But it still pissed on the J-Wow and Angelina segments from TNA.

It just goes to show how superior WWE's writing and production teams are compared to TNA's.
Oh, and the Punk / Nexus / Jesus stuff was amazing. The Royal Rumble was the fucking apex of awesome. And it has just sorta faded out lately. It was a time crunch that did it, really, I think
Watched RAW live but couldn't be in the live discussion. Got to say, it was an awesome RAW in comparison to the bland, last 2 weeks. Would've liked more wrestling personally, can we not see guys like HHH in dark matches? And aside from some video tape promos, they didn't do much as far as advancing HHH vs Taker feud. I like the concept but it feels like the Undertaker vs Triple H icon vs icon build up is being forced and the rivarly doesn't seem so natural, just like some of TNA's stuff. Wish they had started their feud in another way than they did at 2-21-11
Yeah Shocky... could have done without it all. But it still pissed on the J-Wow and Angelina segments from TNA.

It just goes to show how superior WWE's writing and production teams are compared to TNA's.

I skipped the backstage stuff with Snookie, because it probably was pointless filler. I thought the stuff she did in the ring was much better then what TNA has done so far. The most important thing of that segment, Trish Stratus and fucking Layla in Daisy Dukes getting it on, holy fucking hell it doesn't get much better then that.

Also, here's a little secret for most people bitching in this thread. The New Nexus sucks, hate to break it to you. CM Punk has been dragging that thing to relevance for 3 months now. I'm honestly glad they cut the fat, because those 4 guys are so damn green their painful to watch. Super Orton fucking owns all.
He's just not an Orton fan, which is fine. He's at least been consistent. He's not like most people that were sucking him off when he was a heel, and then jeer him mercilessly because he gets a face reaction.
If by consistent you mean doing the exact same thing every week, then yeah, very consistent.

New Nexus could have been something special if they kept up the whole Punk as a cult leader that sees himself as Jesus bit, but they cut it, and they fucked it over.
He's just not an Orton fan, which is fine. He's at least been consistent. He's not like most people that were sucking him off when he was a heel, and then jeer him mercilessly because he gets a face reaction.
I'm in the same boat as JMT. If anything, he might have been worse as a heel.

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