WWE RAW LD 24th March 2014 - Scooby, Arnold, Brock, Taker, Bray, Cena, Hunter, Bryan

Wow you guys are so smart of course the spooky mirror vanishing thing has been done before. Because nothing has ever been done at least twice in wrestling right?

No, never ever done twice. Nor was The Renegade WcW's Ultimate Warrior.
@Larisano - I never said he was getting pushed, I just think it's a good step in the right direction. A segment like that with legends in the ring with never hurt the opposing wrestler because it makes them feel more important.
There is just something cool about seeing a big guy doing a suicide dive through the ropes, that is impressive...
@Larisano - I never said he was getting pushed, I just think it's a good step in the right direction. A segment like that with legends in the ring with never hurt the opposing wrestler because it makes them feel more important.

Personally, I think once a guy has been to the upper reaches of the card and then back down, like the Miz, Ziggler and even Sandow(MitB holder)....it is not too difficult to send them up and down the card in terms of booking,tbh. That is due to fans already having an idea of what they are capable of.

It is a whole different thing when the guy is fresh and on his way up. Like Titus, for instance...because he hasn't really looked the part when paired with those higher than him.
Man the Wyatts have a great fucking gimmick. All the little weird things they do mid match are so awesome.
Well, like he did with Cesaro a few wks ago...expect that Harper will get loads of plaudits from tonights match with John Cena.
Props to Cena for really selling this match. Obviously he will win out of no where but this match has me very impressed with Harper.

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