WWE RAW LD 10th March 2014 - More Twists, More Turns and An Announcement or Two

Not really so much surprised. Half the time the wrestlers are making their own matches. Just don't get why we have a GM role still when just anyone can walk in and make a match now lol

That's nothing new at all... There have always been extra authorities that could make matches, even back when there were Commissioners instead of GMs. Vince would, on multiple occasions, make matches even though HBK, Regal, Foley, etc were supposed to be running the show.
And Cena just lost the battle royal.

Santino better win that motherfucker.

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Assuming they're not gonna have folks in the Battle Royal who already have a match: Does WWE even have a roster of 30 guys for that Battle Royal?
Assuming they're not gonna have folks in the Battle Royal who already have a match: Does WWE even have a roster of 30 guys for that Battle Royal?

I'm sure they can find a few has beens to fill the void... though, it won't be a Mania Clusterfuck without JTG.
Bray Wyatt kills it again. I'm going to have to steal that. What I don't like is the fact that this serious bad guy, who is unbeaten, and pinned Bryan clean, and beaten Cena down many times, comes out and Cena acts as if he is a joke. Cena never takes an opponent seriously unless it's Orton.
Fire Marshall Bill said:
Everyone in the IWC would hate it, but it would actually be fitting for Big Show to win the first one.

I agree. It would make a lot of sense.

Posted from Wrestlezone.com App for Android

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