WWE RAW 1/2/2012 - itbegins...with Punk vs. Ziggler

My guess? The "It Begins" reveal will have something to do with Kane's promo from the beginning of the night when he talked about Cena "knowing hate" by the end of the night.
Has punk yet acknowledged not being let into MSG because the security didnt think he was a wresler?
Dolphh doesnt need the belt just yet, they need to keep it on punk, if jericho does re-debut, then were in for a treat
The "IT" that will "BEGIN" tonite very well could be Cena's heel turn....Im not the usual "cena turns heel" mark from the internet, but it's an interesting thought nontheless....I mean, come on, everyone's givin up on the heel turn so it would FOR SURE be unexpected and catch people by surprise AND Vinnie mac would put the screws to everyone expecting JERICHO!!! thoughts please
for all fans- the Fiesta bowl is 21-14 stanford over osu right now... back to wrestling... i think Zig's could hold it til rumble... have some Ace interference to cost it for punk...
My guess? The "It Begins" reveal will have something to do with Kane's promo from the beginning of the night when he talked about Cena "knowing hate" by the end of the night.
Sounds possible, but who? A new alliance between Kane and his keyfabe brother? I don't know if that would work...
I think it's amusing how the announcers want us to believe that a college degree makes someone an intelligent person.
Ziggler is fantastic. This guy deserves his "I'm Perfection" theme back.
Though the "If you ever doubted me, you don't have a clue" lines also fit him nicely.
does anyone else see the theme for Ziggler becoming much much more like Mr. Perfect Curt Henning's... i think Dolph would be great at caring the banner like that... and yes i know about Joe Henning but lets face it... he isn't going anywhere... anytime soon...

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