WWE Over the Limit 2012: General Discussion & Aftermath

Darkshot77's review of Over the Limit 2012

I knew better. I knew better. I told my self, "Don't watch Over the Limit. It will be bad, it has always been bad." But did not listen to logic. And for the first time I was angry with myself for watching a PPV. Was I disappointed in the PPV, no because I knew it would be bad. I was upset with myself for subjecting myself to that pathetic excuse for a PPV. Lest start with the good, cause there is not much of it.

The two Title matches were the only things of quality on this PPV. The fatal 4 way was exactly what a fatal 4 way should be. There were four really good wrestlers in the ring all of which did their jobs very well. Jericho reversing the cross arm-bar into the walls, classic. The whole thing was good and I liked the match.

The CM Punk/Daniel Bryan match was phenomenal. Those two really laid it all out in the ring for us. The crowd was split in two, as they should have been. It was exactly what I had expected form these two guys. Their chemistry is amazing. This is a has to be one of the best matches I have seen in the WWE. The ending was classic, and anything but clean, so this is not the end for the two. The crowd ate it up, and it was an amazing match.

But not even this could save the PPV. You know you have made a mistake watching a WWE PPV, when the live crowd does not want to be there. There were 6 people who got reaction: Cena, Punk, Bryan, Orton, Sheamus, and Vicky Guerrero. No one else got either boos or cheers. Naomi and Cameron Tried to start a chant for Brodus Clay, but no one bit. They barely cheered for Truth and Kofi. Cody Rhodes came out to MacIntyre heat. And what surprised me the most was how absolutely silent it was for the Diva's match. Beth had no heat, Layla got no reaction (as a side note, she desperately needs new music). They did not care about anything really. But I really can not blame them. There was nothing to be interested in. It was a 2 match PPV.

For the first time, I felt sorry for the Miz. He is above Brodus, totally and completely, but tonight we saw him making a poor impression of Michael Jackson. Oh how far he has fallen. It is really sad to be honest.

Why are they making such a big deal with the undefeated streak of Goldberg 2.0. I mean Brodus Clay is still undefeated, so is Lord Tensai, if I am not mistaken. So whats the big deal. Ryback also looks so ridged and awkward in the ring. The arm lifts and the head slaps are not doing it for me. When Goldberg had more personality than you, its bad. But when talking about Brodus, Tensai, and Ryback, These guys literally have nothing besides their streaks. With all of your titles being held by faces, where are you going to take them. They are squashing talent, for what...to what end...there is no direction with them...and eventually they will fail.

Why is Dolph Ziggelr being held back by that Black Hole named Jack Swagger. Jack swagger is more vanilla, than vanilla. It upsets me that Dolph Ziggler could be Bobby Roode. He has the charisma, the talent, everything. But instead he is being grossly misused and held back. Right now, Kofi and Ziggler could be having a great feud over the WWE title, but they are in under card limbo, why...so i can watch John Cena vs John Laurinitus. I have lost all faith in the WWE.

For the love of God, Get rid of Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler. I am sick of them. The thing is the WWE has access to two announcers who are so much better, geting wasted in Superstars in Scott Stanford and Matt Striker. Please have them call the PPV's

And now to the Main event. And while there were some legitimately funny parts, it dragged in for way to long, and had no business being on a PPV. It had RAW written all over it. And the worst part about it, it was 20+ min for cena humiliating Laurinitus, all for what? A Big Show heel turn. So..3 weeks ago, Cena got his ass kicked by Lesnar only to beat him at the last second, and last night Cena kicked Laurinitus's ass only to lose at the last second.

John Lauinitus > Brock Lesnar

Don't believe me, just listen to the way Michael Cole was sucking his dick in the post match commentary.

I have lost all faith in the WWE. To hell with their PPV's, I'll stick to Superstars.

Final rating: 3/10
Considering this isn't a big-named PPV to begin with, I wasn't expecting a whole lot. The only thing that saved this from being an outright disaster was Punk/Bryan and the fatal 4 way, which wasn't half bad.

However, the WWE devalued their own title even more by having Ryback against Camacho right before the double John match. Why? Are they that hellbent to get Ryback over that they had to put this match on that late?

And I'm not even going to get into the Cena/Laurinitis match. The crowd was right when they chanted "This is awful." Because it was. What a waste. The only thing that saved it was Big Show, but most people already knew what was going to happen.

The E is going to lose more PPV revenue by throwing crap like this out and making people pay $60 bucks for it. I'd rather watch it free online or read the aftermath on WZ.
The Ryback match was just a buffer between Punk/Bryan and Cena/Johnny. It was a bathroom/snack break. Outside of the last match, I don't see any point in getting worked up over where a match gets placed on a card. It usually isn't that big of a deal (and the Ryback match last night certainly wasn't).
I'm fairly close to giving up watching the WWE because it's boring the shit out of me. I live in Manchester, England and this was one of our free PPV's. We usually have to pay around £15 for a PPV but they put about five of them on SKY Sports for free and I still feel short changed!

The Fatal Four Way was very good despite hoping for a Jericho win that was never gonna come.

Punk/Bryan was superb as well and I even loved the ending.

Other than that, it was 2 hours of my time wasted. I feel like the WWE has no idea what direction to take with the majority of it's superstars.

The Miz is being so harshly treated that it's bordering on persecution! Having him job to a fat dancing dinosaur is a fucking joke. This guy is one of the biggest talents in the company.

Why is Dolph being held back in the non-existent tag team division. There's only a couple of geniune tag teams, like the USO's for example and it really shows that they're desperate. Dolph should be pushing, along with Cody Rhodes for the WHC at the very least.

John Cena is even being wasted. He's fought the Rock, fine, great match, great promos etc. Since then, he's fought Brock Lesnar who's now been sacked and is fighting Johnny Ace!? It's a huge lack of a plan B, desperation even. Big Show heel turn was predictable but boring.

WWE needs to push certain individuals because the ratings must be horrendous and unless there's big changes, this is gonna make a lot of people turn off. I've been watching for 25 years near enough and even I'm close to turning off.
If I had to grade Over the Limit, I'd give it a C and that's being lenient. It could have been better. Strengths: Layla vs. Beth, CM Punk vs D-Bryan, Christian. Weakness: the impromptu Battle Royal, Fatal 4-way, Cena-Laurinitus match. Also where was my boy Damien Sandow? He could have laid some truth up in Raleigh.
this is one of my first posts, so not too sure how well i'll do, but here goes nothing.....other than the fiasco that was the main event, i thought OTL'12 was a pretty good show. really odd openning, i assume this is either to get more viewers to tune into the youtube preshow or someone screwed up pretty bad. really SOLID(that one's for littlejimmy) tag title match, surprisingly good divas' match, IC title change that included the returning christian and a pretty good fatal fourway world title match. i'm usually not too big a fan of fatal fourways as they almost always seem to lose something when the participants styles don't mesh and come across as sloppy in general. this one, however, worked pretty well. PUNK v BRYAN was the best all-around professional wrestling match i have seen in wwe in a long time. i am a huge Bryan fan and he and punk really delivered an outstanding performance with good storytelling, interesting submissions, high-flying action....it seriously had just about everything you could want in a wrestling match(obviously, im biased due to being a Bryan fan, but seriously, if you can watch this match and not be entertained, please do the rest of us fans a favor and stop watching)! as for the main event, things were accomplished, but these things could've been accomplished earlier in the evening or on RAW. real bummer wwe felt the need to put cena on last, AGAIN! ryback & brotus's matches made for good restroom breaks....overall, i also give this show a B rating.
Over The Limit fell at the last hurdle with a TV main event angle match that featured an obvious ending. The one interesting part is that Show seems to be under duress as opposed to going full heel yet.

Tag title match, Fatal 4 Way for the WHC and the battle Royale were all good, and while I'd rather Christian returned as a heel to feud with Punk, his IC title match with Cody was good and hopefully the start of a rivalry over the belt.

I've got nothing against giving new guys a few minutes run out on PPV, but I'd have preferred Sandow and Cesaro got that time instead of Brodus and Ryback.

Punk vs Bryan pretty much is why I still watch after all these years. Incredible match, top of the pile for MOTY at this juncture, it was Hart/Perfect, Flair/Steamboat good and hopefully the ending indicates they will continue to feud over the WWE title.
The wrestling was good for the most part.

The fact that every single match (minus the Battle Royal/Christian IC Title) outcome was completely and utterly predictable was terrible. And for those saying "Jericho could've won," he told everyone he was leaving. It's no secret. And he has no problem putting people over. Stop being dillusional.

The question I have regarding the Big Show angle, why didn't he just let Ace get fired and get his job back with the new GM? Duh... More logical the way he did it my ass. :shrug:
The ppv was a mix bag. I thought both the WHC and WWE title matches delivered.

-Punk and DB have great chemistry together and put on a great match. Ending was kind of stupid but I guess it sets up a rematch.

-The fatal fourway was excellent. They had some great near falls. The pace and timing of this match was near perfect. The place would of went nuts if Orton or Jericho won.

-Cena vs JL. I didn't like that this closed the show. IMO the fatal fourway or the WWE title match should of closed the show. I dont think having Big Show making a predictable return was a big enough swerve to warrant closing the show.

- The Divas match was one of the better divas matches I have seen in a long time.

I just didn't like the amount of random matches. You are paying 50 dollars for these ppv's. Every match should have some sort of build. I know they are using guys like Ryback and Brodus Clay as filler in between the important matches but it feels too much like an episode of Raw or Smackdown when they do that.
Anyone else feel that WWE dropped the ball here?

So the rule was 'if any WWE employee got involved they would be immediately fired'.

Call me crazy, but I was expecting to see Lesner come out and interfere with the match and make Cena lose. I mean he's already fired right?

Then on RAW Johnny Ace says 'I hired back the Big Show on Saturday'.

Wouldn't that mean Big Show should be fired again?
One thing that needs to be singled out - the corporate style opening 'People Power' promo video was golden. That and a dazed Johnny in the announcer's chair stammering 'five times... five times...' had me HOWLING.
The comedy match between Cena and Laurinaitis closing was a terrible way to close the PPV especially when you had a MOTY Contender as the WWE Title Match on the same card. It would have been ok if the Cena/Laurinaitis had a surprise angle but it didn't, Big Show turning heel was the most predictable ending they could come up with and the crowd was not even shocked. Announcers tried to make it sound shocking but no one was buying it.

Can't comment much on this PPV aside from Christian/Rhodes, Bryan/Punk keeping this PPV on an average level. Though I don't understand why Christian is a face in which Booker describes as "all heart" when he was a cowardly heel less than a year ago.
Three matches for me made the PPV watch worthy.
1.Tag team title bout:when was the last time in a wwe ppv a tag title match was so great.Both teams worked great,and both of them showed classic tag team wrestling
2.Fatal 4 way:Good bout from bell to bell.Everyone had their moment.Only problem for me was Y2J being pinned.
3.Punk vs Bryan:Best WRESTLING match of the year till now.Great bout with both men coming out strong with huge momentum.
Rest of the PPV was a piece of horse shit for me.
The wrestling was good for the most part.

The fact that every single match (minus the Battle Royal/Christian IC Title) outcome was completely and utterly predictable was terrible. And for those saying "Jericho could've won," he told everyone he was leaving. It's no secret. And he has no problem putting people over. Stop being dillusional.

The question I have regarding the Big Show angle, why didn't he just let Ace get fired and get his job back with the new GM? Duh... More logical the way he did it my ass. :shrug:
The outcome of Avatar, The Dark Knight, Forrest Gump, Godfather, basically ANY movie is predictable. If you only care about the destination and not the journey, maybe entertainment that uses storytelling just isn't for you.

Good show from top to bottom. The main event was an angle but who cares. It's an over angle, this is essentially what the Attitude Era was based around. They should leave you wanting more or wondering what is going to happen next.

DB/Punk left plenty in the tank for a rematch and this match was really awesome. Beautiful selling and in ring storytelling.

Divas match was good. Beth is awesome and pretty face number 23 is actually semi-athletic and looks like she's trying really hard.

Tag match was outstanding. Textbook example of how to do a tag team match. Fatal Fourway was a lot of fun too. IC title match was also good.

Top to bottom very solid show.
Anyone else feel that WWE dropped the ball here?

So the rule was 'if any WWE employee got involved they would be immediately fired'.

Call me crazy, but I was expecting to see Lesner come out and interfere with the match and make Cena lose. I mean he's already fired right?

Then on RAW Johnny Ace says 'I hired back the Big Show on Saturday'.

Wouldn't that mean Big Show should be fired again?
No, he was already fired. If he's not hired in the act, how can he be fired?

Also, no, no ball was dropped. Everything happened as it should have. The main event was an angle, if you expected it not to be, you're stupid. Second, it's the most over segment, so who cares if DB/Punk is the best (and I think it's hilarious when people put it like this) "WRESTLING" match. It's not the most OVER match, which is the bottom line.

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