WWE Money in the Bank LD - It's Clobbering Time

The only time I ever mark out or got those anticipation sweats and nerves is for big time mma fights. With that being said, that match gave me all those emotions and more. Can't remember the last time I was that into a match. Fucking awesome.
X, no ***** for Cena vs. Punk, I know it wasn't as good as some of the other 5 star matches, but it still probably deserved it IMO, but whatever, you definitely know more than I do.

Man you have no clue how close I am to giving it five stars. I'm going to have to watch it ATLEAST one more time, but honestly I would not be surprised if I do change my rating to a ***** if it's just as brilliant on second viewing.

I guess I'm the only one who thought the opener was absolutely hands down fucking incredible and the best ladder-type spotfest match since the glory days of the original TLC trilogy a decade ago. In-fucking-sane that was.

I gave it ****3/4, but I could have very easily given it *****. I'd have to watch it again and search my feelings to give a definitive answer, but it's no less than ****3/4.

My sentiments exactly. Going to have to watch it again, definitely.
Man you have no clue how close I am to giving it five stars. I'm going to have to watch it ATLEAST one more time, but honestly I would not be surprised if I do change my rating to a ***** if it's just as brilliant on second viewing.

I guess I'm the only one who thought the opener was absolutely hands down fucking incredible and the best ladder-type spotfest match since the glory days of the original TLC trilogy a decade ago. In-fucking-sane that was.

My sentiments exactly. Going to have to watch it again, definitely.

I'm totally with you on that Ladder match. The Raw match was good too, but it was a bit too sloppy for my liking. That Smackdown match ruled and anytime you know DB is going to get a WHC shot it's a win.
Great match. Probably the best since HBK/Taker II. ****+, I'd say.

Good PPV overall, though most of the stuff between the opener and the main felt like filler. Pretty good filler. SD MITB was damn good and the result is a real feel good moment. Divas and Show/Henry was whatever, nothing horribly offensive. Raw MITB was a bit phoned in though it had some nice spots. Orton/Christian was okay, it's getting a tad overdone, now. The post match fare was quite good, though. Main was great, great stuff.

Probably the best WWE PPV of the year, though not by a runaway.
I sure don't want to be part of the backlash when the people saying it was a mere ****3/4 duke it out with the ***** people. Blood will be shed. Two such polar opposites can not exist beside one another.
Simply put, this PPV was about as incredible as we possibly could have imagined it to be. A shocker when Bryan won MITB, Del Rio continues on his road to destiny, Mark Henry DESTROYS Big Show to further his character development, Christian wins the WHC with some really good booking to keep his feud with Orton fresh, CM Punk wins the WWE championship and Cena is fired.

My fucking head is about to explode.
There is a God. I don't know if anyone else in here is getting that same feeling. I'll have to skin the thread... I guess.
I am very pleased with how the PPV ended. Now I hope the title gets vacated so we can have a nice tourny going into summerslam. (I am going with Punk leaving with this)
I'm seriously not trying to rain on anyone's parade, but this IS Punk's 5th World Title. Some of you are acting like he's never held one before.
I'm seriously not trying to rain on anyone's parade, but this IS Punk's 5th World Title. Some of you are acting like he's never held one before.

4th, unless for some reason your counting the ECW title, and it's his first reign as WWE Champion. Not to mention he just fucking beat John Cena in Chicago in a spectacular match. There is no reason for us not to be losing it right now.
I'm seriously not trying to rain on anyone's parade, but this IS Punk's 5th World Title. Some of you are acting like he's never held one before.

I think I speak for everyone when I say my excitement is not based on how many times CM Punk has won a world title before.
I'm seriously not trying to rain on anyone's parade, but this IS Punk's 5th World Title. Some of you are acting like he's never held one before.

Counting ECW I presume?

Yeah that's true, but it being the WWE Title makes it a bit sweeter. The moment is better here though. Definiately better than the others.
Anyone have any idea how to use that free replay on DirectTV? I bought this at my grandma's inbox me the answer I beg you.

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