Money In The Bank LD Is Hoping For Some Major Transactions on 7/18

I'd be perfectly happy with a month long run or so. I don't think anyone thinks he's the solution. It was a moment for the older fans that have watched him for so many years (been with the company since 95 and worked there in 93. DAMN that's a long time.). I love the people that bitch and moan about how he doesn't deserve it and how he's not the best choice for it or whatever. Well I hate to break your little worlds apart, but if the title went to the best wrestler, William Regal and Dean Malenko would have main evented about 6 Manias in a row (yeah I say that a lot. Get over it) This was a cool moment and Kane's thank you for jobbing to ANYONE they asked him to over the years. He deserves this. Think of it like Foley main eventing Mania 16. He wasn't really needed, but he had earned it over the years. Kane has earned a short world title reign if anyone else has.

You must spread some more reputation before sending it to KB again

Good PPV. Glad to see Kane WHC and not Mysterio.

Son of a bitch Mark Henry cost me WZPC because he only climbed once. What a crock.

I know what you mean Simpson.
I've stuck with the WWE through some bad times as well. Can I get a title reign for being a good soldier?
I marked out three times during that PPV. Once when Kane got the briefcase, once when he cashed it in (could be separated into him coming out/him winning the title) and once when I thought Bourne was going to win MitB.

I don't want to like Kane. I don't know why I do. I'm not even sure I do. But I marked out for him, that's for sure. I'm regressing.

Oh, and I also yelled "Shiiiiiiiiit!" when Miz won the case.

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