WWE Money in the Bank 2012: World Heavyweight Championship MITB Match

This match actually struck me as being very refreshing. Normally, you get all the usual upper midcard/fringe-main eventers in this match, but this year we've gotten guys like Tyson Kidd and Damien Sandow, offering a breath of fresh air into the usually monotonous match. Sure, Kidd's probably in there as nothing more than a spot monkey and Sandow isn't a major contender, but just being in the match will do volumes for their position on the card in the future. I mean, honestly, Tyson Kidd had been a basic jobber until they decided to put him over Swagger, and now he's actually gaining some momentum and looking like he has a bright future ahead of him. You can't complain about that -- the whole purpose of the Money in the Bank match is to elevate people, anyway.

My two favorites to win the case are Cody Rhodes and Dolph Ziggler. Ziggler's already been in a few title matches and is apparently really impressing WWE officials, so he's due for a push any time now -- this might be his chance. On the other hand, Rhodes needs one small step -- like the Money in the Bank briefcase -- and he'll be a legitimate main eventer. Both guys have been really good lately, have large fan followings, and are poised to make an impact on the main event very soon. So, while both guys would do great things with the briefcase, I'm going to pick Cody Rhodes to win the match -- solely because he needs it just a bit more than Ziggler and his current storyline just logically seems to progressing with him winning the Money in the Bank match.
If this thread is in the wrong place, let me know then move it please, thank you :)

Damien Sandow vs. Tyson Kidd vs. Christian vs. Santino Marella vs. Tensai vs. Cody Rhodes vs. Dolph Ziggler

Well, before I start my analysis, I think Zack Ryder gets in this match on Smackdown this week. So that will be factored in to my analysis.

Likely Winner No. 1: Dolph Ziggler
Reason: What's not to like about Dolph Ziggler? His look reminds me of a mix between Ric Flair and Shane Douglas. His in-ring abilities are very, VERY good. He may the best seller in the business. He might be the next Shawn Michaels. His popularity is increasing big-time. But let's face it, he needs a real world title reign and not the crap he got last year on Smackdown. I think he wins because the WWE has no choice.

Likely Winner No. 2: Cody Rhodes
Reason: He's just 27 years old, people, but he's been in the WWE for 5 years on July 16th. He's becoming a top heel, but he's got this rivalry with Christian. That's why he's not no. 1 on my thread. That said, he's a good choice to win this match. I originally picked him to win the World Heavyweight title at this pay-per-view in a prior thread.

WWE might be stupid enough to let ______ win: Tensai
Reason: Well, this'd be one way to try to get Tensai over. WWE needs to realize that no one cares about Tensai killing Tyson Kidd or Sakamoto. WWE probably will consider Tensai to win this match, but, and I repeat, that would be dumb. A better idea would be to have him feud with Kane or Brodus Clay; just don't let Tensai win MITB!

Dark Horse: Tyson Kidd
Reason: Think about it. Kidd's starting to get a push. The WWE let him beat Tensai. The only other two to accomplish that: John Cena and Sheamus. He's a great in-ring competitor; his mic skills are pretty much unknown. A more likely path for Kidd is a feud with Tensai, but if Kidd walks out with the briefcase, don't be shocked.

Veteran Presence: Christian
Reason: We all know Christian's in there to put people over. Plus, he's the Intercontinental champion and is feuding with Cody Rhodes (which is why I believe Rhodes is out of the equation). However, it is possible Christian wins and gets one last reign as champ, then passes it to Cody Rhodes. That's the only way I see Christian winning.

Feuds to be continued/started in this match: Christian-Rhodes (likely); Sandow-Ryder (also likely); Kidd-Tensai (possible).

Please note- Santino shouldn't even be in this match as far as I'm concerned.

What's your opinion?
I dont know why people want to see cody rhodes and dolph ziggler to win it so badly. They're not ready. Argue all you want but they're not ready for the main event. Unless wwe decides to have them win the briefcase and "build" them upward then im fine. But history has shown wwe has no patience and love to rush cashing it in so damn early.

I understand Dolph ziggler just bounce back recently from his hiatus with brodus clay and got some decent reaction from the fans. But everything is happening too early. If he is the real deal like the iwc proclaims him to be, let him win the big one through the "traditional route," by working his way up.

Cody rhodes is great in the midcard division right now. But where is that breakout momment, breakout feud, or something like that saying cody should move to the next level.

I dont want to see weak champions, or paper champions being developed. Im interested to see the next solid legit star. Not another:

Jack Swagger
Del Rio (is he really that over right now? come on)
Cm punk first two reign

Among them all, christian is the one with credulity as a top midcarder, and has the momentum going forward to win the big one.
I've mentioned a couple times already in other threads regarding the World Title how I think it should be merged/retired and have the WWE title as the only top title in the business but this MITB match bascially means, unless the winner cashes it in sooner than later, that the World Title won't be retired for about a year at least.

So, even though that is what I'd like to see happen, I'll analyze this match because it is going to happen anyway.

My analysis:

funny that they have Santino and Christian in the match. Santino is the funniest and not really funny in the good way. He is US champ, but shouldn't be, at least not for this long, has ZERO feud going involving any sort of challenger for his title so they throw him in the match because "The US Champ has to do something at the PPV" but we all know he has zero chance of winning. I mean, at least if he wasn't the US champ it would make a little bit more sense for him to be in the match as he CAN actually wrestle so he adds a level of entertainment to the match and could be considered a dark horse but not now since in the US champ.

Christian in the match is funny just because he is IC champ and that means he also has basically zero chance of winning the match because WWE hasn't had a multi-title champion in a long time and even if they were going to I highly doubt they would put in on a super-face like Christian. But I like Christian, he is in the match for a vet presence which at least should ensure some good spots and moments.

Tensai in the match is laughable too. I bet he is there a big guy to help with some of the big spots... you know catching guys jumping off ladders and over the ropes. Spot-fests like MITB can alway use big guys like that... why do you think Kane has been in so many? Anyway, Tensai has less chance of winning that Santino because it would be a ratings kill for Tensai to be MITB winner.

Now for the more likely contenders:

Tyson Kidd could be considered the biggest dark horse, considering his size I know that is a bit of an oxymoron but obviously the guy can go in the ring and has seen a bit of a push lately. I don't think he'll win it though because he is a face and there is no room for a face MITB winner esp. with Sheamus as the current champ.

So that leaves Sandow, Rhodes and Ziggler. My prediction is one of these guys wins it. Fairly obvious but it is basically what has to happen regardless of what I think of any of these wrestlers personally.

Any of those guys winning it could work. Each of them have the in ring and mic skills to pull off being MITB briefcase holder for short or long term. Sandow is probably the best pick to win it because he basically has the best gimmick for a heel character to hold a powerful item such as the MITB briefcase. However, if Rhodes or Ziggler win it it'll probably work as well and Sandow will be fine since his in new and has more time to climb the ladder (if that's what happens for him).

The interesting thing is that only one can win it and so either Rhodes or Ziggler will not win it meaning all their progress so far will kind of be zapped. If Rhodes loses I guess it'll be due to something to do with Christian and maybe they continue that feud and somehow Rhodes costs Christian the IC title (not necessarily back to Rhodes) but that would at least give Rhodes something to do after. If Ziggler loses he is officially the "pencil-in heel" as the guy who WWE just throws into any match because he sells great but they never quite give him the big wins.

So with that said... Ziggler probably wins it.
I am thinking there is roughly a ten thousand percent chance that Wade Barrett returns and finds himself in this match, likely the winner....Since that was the plan before he got hurt.

Other likely winners could be Cody Rhodes or Ziggler....More likely Ziggler. His booking reminds me a lot of Edge when he won his...Plus they seem hesitant to book Ziggler strongly in any way, but he is over like gangbusters, so this is the happy medium to get the title on him.

In any case, much less predictable and dull than the WWE title one.
Hopefully Rhodes or Ziggler dont win and WWE do this just to piss off a large part of the IWC some more....:lmao:

Tensai has no chance whatsoever, Christian is IC Champ and there to add some crediblity, Tyson Kidd wont win but I bet he comes close and the crowd is rooting for him and Damien Sandow could really be the dark horse in this match.

I fully expect Wade Barrett to be added to the match making 8 competitors. If he is added at some point, he wins. If not, I am going to go for Damien Sandow. Maybe heart ruling head but please not Cody or Ziggler!!!
Crazy idea, but what if Santino won it, some sort of fluke and he cashes in and obviously doesn't win...could that lead to a Santino character change ala The Rock? wishful thinking on my part but that is the best possible result in my opinion and would clearly be the biggest shocker
Ziggler shouldn't win. He's too far into his push and to big right now to be Mr. MITB, because he'll be Mr. Main Event in a couple of months. With a WWE MITB as wierd as it is, the winner of that match will cash in in a month, maximum two, and Mr. MITB should carry the case until winter time. If Barrett returns, he has to win. Period. Cody is still far from his main event shot, even though I could see him feuding versus punk. Ziggler is a Summer kind of champion, while Cody is more of a fall guy. So Cody would be the safe bet that doesn't win - big shocker.

Damien Sandow could be interesting. He could open many WHC matches, or even interrupt them, talking big words, and just talking, while watching on the stage. I'd like to see that. It would be very fresh, but Is he ready?
"WWE should put more guys who've ever been in higher profile matches"
"WTF there are no stars"
-IWC staple number 349

I like this. I like things that are hard to predict (in certain situations). This will be fun. I bet Santino gets HUGE pops when he gets close. Donno who's going to win, don't care. Just know it's going to be fun. This will be more of a spotty ladder match but will probably also tell a story all the way through. WWE has gotten very good at making these matches spectacular but also making sense.
I always see comments on Barrett saying he should win because Rhodes and Ziggler aren't ready. Mic wise Ziggler isn't there yet but Rhodes I don't get. If anything he's as good as Barrett on the mic overall (Wade may be phenomenal in natural ability but Cody streaks ahead in terms of variation) and is better in the ring, not to mention he has done every bit as well if not better than Wade in terms of recent feuds. So I don't get those saying Cody isn't ready but Wade is.

Anyway, to discuss the match, as it stands, Rhodes and Ziggler are the favourites with Sandow being a dark horse because WWE are probably high on him. This, to me, is a no-brainer. WWE have to pick either Dolph or Cody to win. Have they been booked to the point where they can cash-in straight away? Probably not. But they are the only guys in that match aside from Christian that will be ready to be a permanent main eventer within the next few months. A guy like Sandow or Kidd, they're more than a year away imo. Dolph and Cody, just one step.
The chance for guys to make a name here, I think this could be a match that really kick starts things for Tyson Kidd. I don't see Sandow winning as I think he'll go into a IC title feud with Christian for Summerslam, but he too will have a strong outing.

I can't see the winner being anyone but Cody or Dolph and I think the former is more likely as Dolph is in a place where I don't think he needs the case or that the classic cheap cash-in fits his show off persona.
I'm pulling for Kidd to win the WHC MiTB match. Ziggler doesn't need the briefcase because he's practically already a main eventer as it is. Rhodes doesn't need the briefcase either for the same reason. We've already seen him go toe to toe with main eventers, so he doesn't need the briefcase as a crutch. I say give it to Kidd, give him a slow build up, and have him cash it in RVD style on a random episode of SmackDown, lose after a hard fought match, and continue on as a heavily featured midcarder/JTTS.
I'm pulling for Kidd to win the WHC MiTB match. Ziggler doesn't need the briefcase because he's practically already a main eventer as it is. Rhodes doesn't need the briefcase either for the same reason. We've already seen him go toe to toe with main eventers, so he doesn't need the briefcase as a crutch. I say give it to Kidd, give him a slow build up, and have him cash it in RVD style on a random episode of SmackDown, lose after a hard fought match, and continue on as a heavily featured midcarder/JTTS.

The only problem with Kidd is that he has had this abrupt push into the match so him winning wouldn't really work. The only 2 who would really get away with it are Ziggler and Rhodes imo
Two people I would like to see win

1. Ziggler- most people all want to see him and he is the most logic choices but sometimes WWE will throw a curveball on us because once the Internet thinks/knows who is going VInce will change it

2. Tensai- longshot but they need to make this guy look strong because beating Sakamoto doesn't really accomplish much but if you give him the briefcase now he has power and the briefcase could finally finally put tensai over
I'm still not sure who to pick in this one honestly, I'm ten times more excited for this one than the WWE Championship MITB but I find it that much more difficult to pick a winner.

Sandow and Kidd I see having strong showings, Kidd is on the brink of a big push and I see him having a few big moments in the match that amp the crowd up and get them behind him.

Tensai and Sin Cara I expect to kinda just float their way through the match, Tensai will be after Kidd atleast part of the match but he'll probably get hit with something off a ladder and Cara will mix it up with everyone.

Santino will probably get a moment where he gets close to getting the briefcase but then gets squashed and doesn't do much else.

Christian will be entertaining but I really don't see him doing much in this match.

That leaves the guys I believe will be most likely to win, Dolph Ziggler and Cody Rhodes. It's either gonna be Ziggler who has been a world champion technically and is hotter than hell as of late and needs the next step to holding it again and putting together a real reign. Or Cody Rhodes who had a great reign as IC champion but needs something like this to get him from hot mid card talent to legit main eventer. I'm gonna give the edge to Rhodes because right now I could see Dolph winning a world title without winning MITB and I don't see that in Cody yet.
When it comes to the Smackdown money in the bank matches often times there the most unpredictable ones.When it seems like everything points to someone winning or they focus on the 1 person a lot leading up to the match they end up losing and we get someone unexpected winning it lol.And right now when them focusing on Cody a lot leading up to the match and him losing his first qualifying match and complaining until he got another one he's the most predictable choice which is why I don't think he's going to win this.

The current Cody situation reminds me when Drew Mcintyre was trying to qualify for the mitb match in 2012 a lot of the focus was on Mcintyre because he lost a bunch of qualifying matches and he complained and complained until he finally got 1 last chance to qualify against Kofi and he finally won.That year a lot of people were thinking Drew was going to win it for that reason but he didn't.

In the end I think Dolph's going to win it, I mean yeah he's the 2nd most predictable one but at least not the most predictable won :lmao:

I also made a video on my prediction going into more detail about this whole thing
^ I'd like Dolph to win as well, but he's already been trying several times and has never been able to beat Sheamus for the title .. does the WWE really want to keep at that route?

but that feud (Sheamus-Ziggler-Del Rio) has been going pretty well so far with quality matches but is it one that needs to keep going? especially if Sheamus retains at MITB?

and regarding the predictions about Damien Sandow winning it (I think he'd be another solid choice) just some food for thought ... if Ziggler & Rhodes are widely seen as not ready for the Main event yet .. why would Damien Sandow be?

but as it sits now with 8 participants the World Heavyweight MITB match does have a ton of intrigue as no one clear cut superstar jumps out as automatic to win it (can't say the same for the WWE title one with Cena)

that said I'd be happy with Rhodes, Ziggler or Sandow walking away with the briefcase
I am MUCH more interested in this match than it's counterpart. For one it has more than FOUR people in it. Secondly, these guys have not held the World or WWE Championship before (other than Ziggler, who needs a "real" reign). I could see it opening the show and it would be starting off on a great note. Now, let's take a look at each competitor.

Damien Sandow is nowhere near ready yet. He's still too new and rushing him to the World Heavyweight Championship would be quite a risk. Recall how Del Rio's title reign went. Who want's to see THAT happen again? Not me. Tyson deserves a shot, but now is not his time. Maybe next year if they push him properly for the next 12 months. Christian is the Intercontinental Champion, so unless they plan on unifying his title with the World Heavyweight Championship then I doubt he is in here to do more than make the match more interesting.

Santino will NOT win. If he wins too many people will riot. Plus, much like Christian, he is already holding a title that I doubt will be merged with the World Heavyweight Championship. Tensai is definitely not winning. Too boring and his gimmick is a joke. He cannot be taken seriously.... I'm not sure why he's even in the match. Sin Cara has the same job that Christian and Tyson do, he's in the match for cool looking spots. That brings it down to Rhodes and Ziggler. Rhodes could be the guy to take home the briefcase, but after thinking about it.... It's Ziggler's time. This is the perfect opportunity for WWE to finally get him to where he needs to be, he has the skills, he just needs the believability and a MITB push could do just that. I won't be against Rhodes winning though.

Dolph Ziggler will win the World Championship Money In the Bank briefcase.
I am MUCH more interested in this match than it's counterpart. For one it has more than FOUR people in it. Secondly, these guys have not held the World or WWE Championship before (other than Ziggler, who needs a "real" reign). I could see it opening the show and it would be starting off on a great note. Now, let's take a look at each competitor

Christian held the World title... twice... last year.

On to the topic at hand.

I'm going to be the guy who throws his hand into the underdog category and go with either Sin Cara, Tyson Kidd, Santino, or Damien Sandow to be the winner. I'm leaning more towards Sandow or Kidd as the more upsetting victors, but hey someone has to be able to say Santino can deliver.

Also, for those who doubt Santino's credibility as a main eventer, let's rewind to Elimination Chamber of earlier this year. He was mere seconds away from walking out the World champion. Just last year, he was mere seconds away from winning the rumble. And in both cases, the crowds were red hot. Santino has it in him to get the crowd behind a world title reign and if he were to get one, I'd love for it to happen.

But back on topic, the common three to go with in this match are Christian, Ziggler, and Rhodes. All of them are undoubtedly great choices and I wouldn't be mad if they won... save for Christian. He's not great in the world title picture. But at the same time, I think that Tyson now has the chance to capture the brief case and become world champion.

People forget that once he gets the briefcase, he has an entire year to cash it in. That means from July 15th all the way until the next Money in the Bank, WWE would be able to build him up as a legitimate contender. I think that if given the right push, he could achieve the heights of becoming a legit world champion. Keep in mind, people once considered both Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels "too small to be world champion" and they both became poster boys for WWE.

As for Sin Cara, it's always nice to have that guy who could unsuccessfully cash in and lose. Sandow could also benefit from it as it would further prove why he is "Savior of the Intellectual Masses".
Coming out of Smackdown WWE definitely have painted Dolph Ziggler as the favourite in the match. The commentary says it: Cole flat out saying Ziggler was going to win, while the other favourite Cody Rhodes has been treated as a dark horse. Now I like Ziggler a lot but Cody would use the briefcase better and Dolph tbh doesn't need it. He has Vickie for heat and his wrestling has not gone unnoticed; it has helped him really get over. All Ziggler needs to main event is a face turn. Rhodes is a guy who will create an entire gimmick around winning that briefcase and won't treat it like a prop. imo, he did a phenomenal job with what he was given as Intercontinental Champion and he would do the same with the briefcase. Let these guys both get pushed, rather than screwing one of them over.
I am firmly behind Cody Rhodes winning this MITB match. I'm not that big on Dolph Ziggler (The other favorite) and there will not be a face winning this match so Sin Cara, Santino, and Christian are automatically out. Damien Sandow (While Promising) is not ready for such a burden on his shoulders, and Tensai is merely there so that there is a "Big Guy" in the match and to even the heel/face mixture. Tyson Kid would be a personal pick of mine, but I know he just doesn't have a chance. The WWE have decided to give him a legit push and I think he has the stuff to make good with it, but the time for that is not now, although it would hot shot him into "serious contender" territory.

I think we all know it's coming down to Rhodes or Ziggler, and being a guy who predicted the rise of Cody Rhodes several years ago I'm taking him for the win. He, moreso than Ziggler, has proven he is ready for the next level imo. He did more with the Intercontinental title and bringing prominence back to it than did Ziggler with the U.S. title, and it feels to me like Rhodes is ready for that next level as a result. I think Rhodes is much more versatile within feuds, meaning he can have a good feud with anyone and even carry them if need be, and displays more character than "typical cocky heel" Ziggler. I just don't feel one ounce of charisma from Ziggler either. He looks to me, like he's trying to convince himself of the shit he is saying even more than the audience, and that's bad. He flops around well and sells the shit out of other peoples offense, but that doesn't make him great in the ring in my book. I much rather prefer the more traditional style of Rhodes, which also seems to be more effective and comes across a bit more legit as a result. It all comes down to these two, and sizing them up, there's no comparison in my eyes. It's time for Cody to get his due and shoot up to the Main Event, winning the MITB tonight.
Well i for one will pick Cody Rhodes because what will they do whit him if he doesnt and this way he can pick his chance walk a long time with the briefcase and cash it in just cant wait for that otherwise my hope is santino because everybody thinks he will lose it the first time but than retains for 3 times or so that could be epic
I'm going to be the guy who throws his hand into the underdog category and go with either Sin Cara, Tyson Kidd, Santino, or Damien Sandow to be the winner. I'm leaning more towards Sandow or Kidd as the more upsetting victors, but hey someone has to be able to say Santino can deliver.

Just because someone says it doesn't mean it's any less ludicrous. Oh vey.

Also, for those who doubt Santino's credibility as a main eventer, let's rewind to Elimination Chamber of earlier this year. He was mere seconds away from walking out the World champion. Just last year, he was mere seconds away from winning the rumble. And in both cases, the crowds were red hot. Santino has it in him to get the crowd behind a world title reign and if he were to get one, I'd love for it to happen.

That's only if you believe he was on the same level of Del Rio or Bryan, which he simply was not. If anything, it was counterproductive to both matches to have Santino be in the final two, because it gsve away the finish. Sometimes, predictability is a good thing, but it's also nice in multi-man matches to have options. The fact remains that when Santino, the US champion, is in the ring with more established opponents, he gets squashed. Alberto Del Rio's return match to Raw jst 4 weeks ago when he beat Santino is proof of that.

But back on topic, the common three to go with in this match are Christian, Ziggler, and Rhodes. All of them are undoubtedly great choices and I wouldn't be mad if they won... save for Christian. He's not great in the world title picture. But at the same time, I think that Tyson now has the chance to capture the brief case and become world champion.

You think Christian is a poor choice in the World Title picture, but Tyson Kidd is a good one? As in, the guy who works almost exclusively on Superstars and NXT and when he's been on Raw or Smackdown, his only wins have generally come in a tag team? Christian, who is a great wrestler and talker and a steady veteran hand is a poor choice, but an unestablished single's wrestler in Tyson Kidd who can't talk is a good choice? Huh?

People forget that once he gets the briefcase, he has an entire year to cash it in. That means from July 15th all the way until the next Money in the Bank, WWE would be able to build him up as a legitimate contender. I think that if given the right push, he could achieve the heights of becoming a legit world champion. Keep in mind, people once considered both Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels "too small to be world champion" and they both became poster boys for WWE.

Except both Bret and Shawn were multifaceted talents, in that they could talk, steal the show, and were in quite a few meaningful feuds both before their ascenscion to World Champion status, and after. I like Tyson, and think he's talented, but his lack of ability to talk will hold him back in any feud. He's simply better suited for tag team/mid-card wrestling, capable of having good matches with most but best suited for putting others over rather then really ascending himself.

Sandow could also benefit from it as it would further prove why he is "Savior of the Intellectual Masses".

He's actually the "Intellectual Savior of the Unwashed Masses", but he's not winning this thing anyway. He's simply not at a place where he's been developed long enough for people to care about him, and while he'ld have a year to be established, there are better choices.

Namely Dolph Ziggler. I'll go as far as to say Ziggler has to win this match.

Ziggler has been hovering in and arounnd the main event scene for a year and a half now. He had a 2 hour title reign, sure, but he won the belt without winning a match to do so. All of his challenges for the title have fallen short, be it against Edge, CM Punk, or Sheamus. He's had stipulations in his favor and yet he still hasn't been able to win the title. With Wade Barrett not in this match, he's the guy WWE has brought closest, but has failed to pull the trigger on. How much longer can this guy take losses and still be seen as a possible legitimate contender? In the shallow pool that is the talent in this match, I dont think he can afford to lose here.

It's the perfect opportunity to make a new star. Not someone who can be built up over time, but someone who isn't far away and needs a final push. Dolph Ziggler is that guy, and winning Money in the Bank would be that final boost he needs to get established as a main eventer. He'ld be the best choice in a match deep with talent, he's certainly the best one in a match thats shallow with true contenders.
This may have been mentioned earlier in this thread, but I'm going to say that before the match, Barrett will cost Tyson Kidd his spot by a pre-match attack, and will replace him and win the thing.

To me, Kidd is the biggest head scratcher--not because he doesn't have the talent but because he doesn't seem to be on the bare minimum midcard level that these things tend to have. So he makes the most sense to be in there for the sole purpose of a placeholder, to be taken out and replaced.

The odds on favorite tends to be Ziggler and if Barrett does not make an entrance than I would go with Ziggler too. But as of right now there have been a few opportunities to push ziggler before now and they haven't pulled that trigger yet. I think they will soon but not quite yet if Barrett is ready to come back.

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