WWE Money In The Bank 2013 - World Heavyweight Championship MITB Match

Who will win the World Heavyweight Championship Money in the Bank?

  • Ambrose

  • Cesaro

  • Swagger

  • Fandango

  • Rhodes

  • Sandow

  • Barrett

Results are only viewable after voting.

Adam Rush

Can you feel...the electricity?
SmackDown Senior Advisor Teddy Long anounced that the participants in the World Heavyweight Championship contract match would be U.S. Champion Dean Ambrose, Fandango, Antonio Cesaro, Jack Swagger, Wade Barrett, Cody Rhodes, and Damien Sandow.

The WWE Championship Money in the Bank match has all faces, whereas this has all heels. Overall, this one is pretty unpredictable.

I think we can rule Ambrose out. He holds the US title and unless the Shield interferes, Ambrose will be taken up by the US title.

Fandango is unlikely at best. He had the concussion that derailed all his momentum.

Cesaro? Eh. New push with Swagger, Swagger could turn face on Cesaro. Both of them are out in my book.

Barrett? Very possible. He just dropped the Intercontinental title, got a theme change, and has been injured when he was supposed to win the Money in the Bank.

Rhodes? He should, honestly, but I feel like he won't.

Sandow? Please God. PLEASE.
Are you ******ed?

Do you realize that Dean Ambrose can lose his fucking US title. For gods sake he has one year to cash it in, of course one year is enough to drop the US title and build himself up. look at ryback, 6 months and hes in the main event of hell in a cell.. dont be so naive. dean ambrose also has the most momentum and best win/loss ratio

fandango - no momentum

cesaro - jobbing for months

swagger - jobbed the fuck out to del rio

rhodes - he honestly deserves this, but i cant see it because he has no momentum, no signs of a push. he keeps on jobbing every single match

wade barrett - also treated like shit, jobbing 50% of his matches and winning 50%

damien sandow - he is booked the 2nd best out of this whole group, but that doesnt say much AT ALL. a feud with sheamus means nothing at all. it wasnt to elevate sandow, it was just to keep sheamus busy. that was merely a filler feud. anyways damien sandow also loses most of his matches.
I think we can rule Ambrose out. He holds the US title and unless the Shield interferes, Ambrose will be taken up by the US title.

You are aware that Miz just recently held both the MITB and the US Title, right?

Hell, didn't RVD hold the MITB and the IC Title?
I have to go with Damian Sandow. He has proved himself night in and night out to be one if the best talkers in the mid card division. He has great mic skills, is a good wrestler and is probably the most entertaining of all of these individuals. One thing we all know, this match is filled with up and comers such as Barrett, Rhodes, Ambrose etc...I don't see how Ambrose wins. I don't see Barrett winning or Rhodes because of the god awful booking they have been the receiving end of for the past several months.

Plus, I can see Sandow vs Ziggler being a great feud with Sandow as a heel and Ziggler as a face. I can see potentially a very good feud with very good wrestling matches and two guys who are over, so yes Sandow seems like a great option. Unless they add someone to the match last minute then it has to be Sandow.
What a match. Now all they have to do it make if for the WWE Championship briefacse and the other match for the World Heavyweight Championship. That was somebody new and fresh will eventually get a chance with WWE's premier belts and the WHC doesn't seem quite the mid-card title as it will when one of these guys holds it. Also this match features all heels (that'll be weird) and the other features all faces, with the opposing WHC being a heel and the opposing WWE Champ being a face, if they cash in soon it just makes sense all round.

My pick: Barrett. WWE seem high on him and have shown that by making him lose lots and lots. That's backwards WWE Money In The Bank contender logic. They apply it every year.
This match does seem to have a good deal of unpredictability about it because. Aside from Dean Ambrose, none of these wrestlers really have any degree of momentum going for them right now.

We haven't seen Fandango in weeks and after such a lengthy absence due to suffering a concussion, I don't really see him pulling it off. It's much, much too soon in my opinion.

Antonio Cesaro & Jack Swagger both seem like dark horses. Swagger's been Mr. MITB but given the fact that he sabotaged himself in the midst of the biggest push of his career, I don't see him getting another opportunity this soon. As for Cesaro, he's been given the "boring" label by some higher ups in the WWE while others see long term potential in him. At this point, I think he has a better chance of winning the match than Swagger.

As I said earlier, Ambrose is the only one with momentum on his side. As the reigning United States Champion, Ambrose could certainly pick up the briefcase and has an entire year before cashing it in. So, during that time period, WWE could build him up as a top challenger for the title, something which won't be difficult, while still giving him a strong run as US champ. However, for some reason, I just don't think it'll happen for Ambrose at this time. I just have a feeling that WWE is going to keep the focus solely of Ambrose as being a strong heel mid-card champion. Given that Christian scored a pinfall victory over Ambrose last night during a six man tag match last night, and that they had a singles match on Main Event Wednesday, the writing is on the wall for a US title feud between them.

Allegedly, Wade Barrett was supposed to win the MITB match that was scheduled for WrestleMania last year, thereby ending the MITB ppv concept and returning it to a special attraction for WM. But Barrett was injured and out of action for the next 6 months or so, and WWE had to move onto other plans. Normally, I'd be primed for Barrett to come out with a win here, and I think he still might, however I just can't get excited about the possibility right now. I'm a fan of the guy and have been since his days on NXT but WWE has done nothing but bury Wade Barrett for most of this year. It was made all the worse that he was IC champ while this was going on as well. I might not complain if Barrett wins, but WWE is going to have to seriously get back on track with him before I start to become all that interested in Barrett being Mr. MITB.

Cody Rhodes & Damien Sandow have, for the most part, spent the past several months being jobbed out either in tag team or singles matches. Much like we've seen with Barrett & Cesaro, it's a damn shame because they're too talented to have simply been allowed to flap in the breeze during WM season and in the post WM season. I think this match will ultimately be used as a means of splitting the two of them up as a team. Sandow is someone who is consistently enjoyable to listen to on the mic and Cody Rhodes has demonstrated the ability to be as well, when they're not having him focus on his mustache. Both are also a lot of fun inside the ring as well. As with most of the others, it's difficult to tell because there's no real sense of momentum here.

WWE has kind of painted themselves into a corner with this match, in my eyes, because, as I've alluded to, nobody but Dean Ambrose has been built worth a damn over the past several months. Thereby, if Ambrose doesn't win, then the interest in whomever does win it might be lukewarm. As a result, having Ambrose as Mr. MITB is probably the safest bet of ensuring a solid level of interest.
With the heat he was getting on smackdown there and he's been really impressive the last few weeks I only see one person winning it has to be Sandow. Only other person who has a chance is cody rhodes aswell but like nearly everyone on this list their jobbers atm.
While the other match will be more entertaining this match has more of an intrigue with regards to the winner. The winner will be someone finally breaking through such as the case for Edge, Ziggler and The Miz.

I'm slightly undecided on who the winner will be. I voted for Barrett because after dropping the IC title, he needs a new direction. He is definitely good enough to be a world champ and with the correct booking he could be a fantastic heel champion.

Ambrose is another option. While I understand he is US champion there is no reason for him not to hold both - perhaps he retires the US belt. The Shield perhaps need the World Title to take them to the next level. The title needs prestige and there has been foreshadowing of a feud between The Shield and the McMahon's. Ambrose winning the WHC and pissing of HHH in the process if a potential route for the WWE to go down.

I cannot see Sandow winning. He has been made to look weak by losing to Sheamus. I think I want Rhodes to win the most but it seems very unlikely as there are better options. Fandango would be a shock winner...

Swagger has no chance. I can't see Ceasaro winning it either. Him and Swagger will team together although a potential feud over the MITB briefcase would make good viewing.
Went for Ambrose, although surely if he has the title all he has to do is come down from the crowd on Smackdown with Rollins and Reigns, beat the shit out of the WH Champ and cash in... which could make a lot of flaws in storylines etc if he doesnt cash in very soon after winning it and I don't really think hes ready to be champ for a few more months yet, especially with his stablemates feuding against The Uso's.

If he had been handled correctly I would have said Cesaro should win it but unfortunately I don't see him ever holding the Big Gold belt with WWE now, not with the past of Yodelling and jobbing that he's had in the past year.
I think there is a difference between who should win and who will win. You could say that for every match, but with the participants in the Money in the Bank Ladder Match this year, it is unfortunate that someone this year will be screwed over. It has to happen.

Cody Rhodes and Wade Barrett have worked their asses off for a long time, both have had great opportunities in the past and nothing came of it. The funny thing is, they both succeeded. They both ran with it. Rhodes with the Intercontinental Championship and Barrett with the Nexus and the Corre. Jack Swagger deserves more, but with his recent DUI, it is hard to say with him. He should have been used more effectively in the past, but that opportunity has come and gone. Damien Sandow is a good heel. In fact, when given the chance, he is a great heel. Great look, great talker, great wrestler. 'Nuff said.

I think that either Cody Rhodes and Wade Barrett should win. These two have been going at it the longest, have proven the most, and are ready. The Money in the Bank win itself is a boost, and if WWE use these guys well, they can become great World Heavyweight Champions. Look at Daniel Bryan, he was popular with the hardcore fans, as are these two, and when he won the title, shit happened. He is arguably the most popular WWE superstar at the moment. Goes to show how things can happen in funny ways, and both Rhodes and Barrett are in the position Bryan was in. WWE want main event guys quick, this is your ticket.

Who will win? That is the question. I chose Antonio Cesaro. While others in the match deserve it more and should win, we know that isn't how the WWE works. There isn't a reason for this, it just is what it is. Cesaro is a good worker. He made the United States Championship a little more relevant and is a good in-ring worker. Some of his skills in the ring are really impressive, but he needs some sort of mouthpiece to be the full package that a World Heavyweight Champion should be. If Zeb Colter comes around to Cesaro's aid, then I would say Cesaro is a good guess. I understand WWE went off him for a while, but all of a sudden, there seems to have been a difference of opinion towards him backstage. Perhaps Triple H's influence could get him the briefcase.

Either way, I will be happy with the winner. Near enough all of the participants deserve the Money in the Bank.

Cody is about to get his shine back on. A feud between he and Dolph would be excellent, but honestly; Barrett is gonna win it more than likely.
I'm suprised. I thought I would've seen people moaning about the all-heels concept in this match by now but nothing, so that's good. I like the WWE trying out new ideas here, with an all face/all former world champions MiTB match and an all heel/all non-world champions MiTB match. I expect the WWE Championship MiTB match will be more exciting than the World Hvt. MiTB match, but this one sure is more unpredictable as to who will win.

My top 2 guesses for who comes out the winner are Dean Ambrose & Wade Barrett. But out of the two and everybody else in the match, I think Dean Ambrose would put on the most interesting programme with whoever the World Champ is at the time the WWE decide to have the World MiTB briefcase cashed-in, so my pick to win would be Ambrose. They could have The Shield go after both world titles at the same time - Roman for the WWE Title while Dean goes for the World. I expect the crowd in Philly will also be rooting for Dean Ambrose to win, I see him being the only one in the match getting cheered and like crazy. If not Ambrose then Barrett although he has been getting buried for a while now, but like Y2Jake said WWE always bury their MiTB winners before they push them again and have them win the big one. And if not Barrett then I could see Sandow or Cesaro winning it. Actually, no, this match is not that unpredictable cause I definitely do not see Fandango or Swagger winning it.
Hard match to call, that's for certain. This MITB is one I really like as we have a 6/7 chance of seeing some fresh blood as WHC, as most of these men haven't been world champions yet definitely deserve it. I'm going to rule out Swagger as he's more or less back in the doghouse, and Fandango who has no business winning a World title.

So. Cesaro, Sandow, Rhodes, Barrett or Ambrose; all formidable options. I can see WWE giving Rhodes the proverbial finger for the 3rd time after he failed to win two of these matches despite being a favourite in both. Barrett and Sandow have both been jobbing away lately, which as pointed out earlier in the thread, seems to foreshadow a victory. Ambrose is a likely contender but I can't see him winning it this early into his US Title run.

That leaves me with Cesaro, who is my rather wild prediction to win this. A push seems to have been kickstarted for him and I could see him mildly shocking the world by winning this. This prediction has a very high chance of being wrong, but for some reason I can't see the other guys winning this. I'll put Sandow and Barrett as my tied 2nd most likely guys to win it, with Ambrose in 3rd behind them.

As for who I want to win, that would be my boy Deano.
For me, it's a tough choice between Cesaro and Ambrose, but I'm going with Cesaro. WWE pairing Cesaro with Coulter, and placing him in this match is a sign of WWE not giving up on him. Cesaro would be a genuine shocker/out of nowhere pick to win it all, and more often than not (Cena last year, and I guess you could say Miz and Del Rio from the past), WWE goes for the shocker to win the MITB briefcases. Coulter is more than capable of drawing heat on the mic as a manager, and with Cesaro, it'll be like Swagger/Coulter Version 2, provided Cesaro doesn't fuck up outside of the ring.

Ambrose is riding a solid wave of momentum as US Champion, but World Heavyweight Champion? I don't see it happening right now. Yeah, Ambrose doesn't have to cash-in the briefcase right away, but I think he still has a lot of ground left to cover with The Shield and as US Champion before we start talking or thinking about world champion status.

Fandango? I'm not seeing it. I really enjoy the character, but his momentum took a steep dive after Wrestlemania. And sooner or later, WWE will need to add some more depth to his character. The "come out and dance, or come out and dance to interrupt the wrestler you're feuding with, while the crowd sings your theme music " routine got stale quick. And after a while, Fandango will just become another sideshow comedy act in WWE.

Swagger is still eating shit, and he's going to eat more shit in the coming months, so he's an obvious no. Rhodes and Sandow have spent too much time as Sheamus' punching bags, to the point where I don't have any reason to believe in them doing anything worthwhile in WWE. It's a shame, because Sandow had so much potential, and you would've thought Rhodes was headed for main event spotlight after The Disfigured character, the mask, and the feud with Mysterio, but look at where both guys are now.

A few years ago, or a year ago, I probably wouldn't hesitate in picking Wade Barrett. But now? Forget it. WWE's clusterfuck booking for Barett's recent IC title run was frustrating to watch. Miz, seemingly won the belt for the sole purpose of passing it back to Barrett for a shocking win on Raw the very next night, but Barrett's momentum already hit a wall by that point, so in the grand scheme of things, I guess you could say it didn't make that big of a difference. Still, I have no reason to believe in Barrett having a shot at winning this match, and with the way WWE constantly screwed his character around, who would really care if Barrett actually won?
After forgetting who is in this match, i needed a quick glance at the poll options just to remind myself is in this match. That alone tells me my interest is pretty low for this match but nonetheless these guys could probably drive my interest back in. Anyhow, as for the match itself. I'm 100% sure that Barrett will walk out in Philadelphia with te WHC Briefcase. As some of you are aware, I'm not a fan of Barrett at all. Now with my smark personna done, I think Barrett will be the 1st British World Champion. Cool. Although it's interesting to see Cesaro and Swagger both in this match regarding their manager in Colter. I'd like to see Cesaro win this one because the guy can deliver. Ambrose is the current United States Champion so thinking of how WWE is booked, Ambrose will not be winning the briefcase, he's still young. He still hasn't been on the Main Roster for a year yet. Fandango isn't worth mentioning but then again I just did. Rhodes and Sandow are jobbers to the stars. So I think this will be a good match all in all but my prediction is Barrett winning and my dark horse/sleeper pick will be Cesaro.
Anyone else notice that this match is entirely composed of heels?

That being said, I'm ruling out Swagger because of his DUI, Ambrose because I don't see WWE being too reckless with him as of yet and as someone else said, he's early in his US Title reign (although it would be good if he won) and Fandango because I don't see him as WHC yet.

That leaves Barrett, Cesaro, Rhodes and Sandow. Out of the 4, I'm leaning Cesaro mainly because of his slight push at the moment. I know it's WWE logic to do pushes that lead to nothing, but I think there's got to be a reason for it. And I'm thinking it's to set Cesaro up to be what Swagger might have achieved had it not been for the DUI: The World Heavyweight Champion. He's got Mantel with him, which'll work nicely for a mouthpiece, something that Jack had (which could lead to Jack turning face), he's got enough momentum and he's good in the ring. Rhodes would be my second choice mainly due to experience, and in my opinion, he's due a title run.
TBH i wish they switch up some names between the wwe and whc mitb ladder matches because out of this 8 i believe none of them should win.......
Ambrose..... Way too soon way too fast and besides why would the other shield members want ambrose to win unless they freebird the briefcase... There is no "leader" in the shield
Fandango lost all his momentum
Cesaro doesn't strike me as a long term main eventer
Swagger was just declared guilty of a dui and is injured so how does that look?!
Rhodes has been jobbed out
Barret cant get over and creative doesnt know what to do with him 75% he is just there
Sandow,....... Not yet tbh dont see him as a main eventer and hes only been there more than a year

If i have to choose one barret or sandow
Fahhhnn Dahhhhnnnn Go - His concussion and obvious absent from television have all but killed any chance he has at winning MITB. I just dont see WHC written on him at all. He is a strong midcarder but nothing more.

Antonio Cesaro - My Pick to win this year.. Great awesome ability in the ring and underrated Mic skills. He has the total package,looks,strength and he makes you believe he is a Bad Ass in the ring. Strongest P4P wrestler there is in the WWE! He has champion written all over him

Jack Swagger - His recent albeit a few months ago DUI bust and subsequent lack of a push have all but killed his momentum. Its a shame I am one of the few who like him he has world class ability,but for whatever reason the WWE just wont pull the trigger on a guy like him. He was right there,guaranteed a WHC title run until his DUI bust. Plus his Anti-propaganda (Which I like) the general audience just is not ready for it!

Cody Rhodes - He kinda has fallen by the wayside as of late. Really hasnt won a match of any significance,but damn he did bring prestige back to the IC title. The WWE seemed to me have least forgotten about this young talented performer! But if there is a darkhorse in this MITB its Cody

Wade Barrett - IF Antonio wasnt in this MITB he be my pick. Hell he was destined for a title run last year until that fateful night when big show tossed Ziggler over the top and he landed on barrets arm dislocating his elbow. Wade was gonna win MITB that year at WM,they were going to have MITB at WM28 until unfortunately Wade got hurt. I feel Antonio is just a bit hotter right now wade is gonna be champion one day its just his injury has derailed his push a bit

Damien Sandow - I Like Sandow love his ability especially love his mic skills. He is a great wrestler and well on his way up the ladder.. But this is too soon for him to win MITB he will make a strong showing of it though
I think we can rule Ambrose out. He holds the US title and unless the Shield interferes, Ambrose will be taken up by the US title.

How can you rule out the guy who's been part of the hottest act in the WWE for over the past 6 months? In fact, RVD held both the U.S. Championhip and the MITB at the same time, and Miz WAS U.S. Champion when he won MITB if you want a more recent example.

In fact, I think the heavy favorite here has to be Ambrose. Why? Because of the factor you mentioned, which is the Shield. So unless the Shield are banned from interfering for some reason, which would be absurd given the nature of the rules, I think Ambrose wins this because the Shield interfere. This is a situation, of course, that could cause plenty of tension between Ambrose and his Shield cohorts, but they don't need to rush it. Ambrose, having a year to "cash-it-in" could delay until the last minute, perhaps even MITB next year, for Ambrose to win and become World Champion. This shouldn't be a group that stays together forever, but while they are, which should be at least a year, they should continue to show the same cohesiveness they have in times past, which wouldn't theoretically bode well the other 6 members of the match. To me, he seems like the obvious favorite, and perhaps, too much of one. Still, if I were a betting man, I'd go with Dean Ambrose.

Cody Rhodes: Since he and Sandow have 're-united', he's done little more then play second fiddle to Sandow. Sandow's gotten the featured feud with Sheamus, while Rhodes has been the sacrificial lamb both in single's and tag team matches. I don't want to say that WWE has given up on Cody, but I don't believe they see him as a future World Champion either. He may be the least likely of the candidates, for me.

Fandango: While the gimmick is a fun one, it's a gimmick, not a wrestler. I like Fandango, and the former Johnny Curtis is a good wrestler and really sells you on his gimmick. Unfortunately for him, I can't imagine this gimmick winning a World Title anymore then I can see Zach Ryder doing so. I like his aggressiveness and suppose he could pull off the upset, but I wonder if he'll even be cleared in two weeks.

Jack Swagger: Here's a guy, if you believe reports, that was supposed to win the World Heavyweight Championship from from Alberto Del Rio at Wrestlemania. Sure, this could be his second chance, but I don't recall the last time Swagger's even been on TV. Of course, I was shocked when he won the first time, but he's really been pushed aside, even by Zeb Colter, for Antonio Cesaro.

Damien Sandow: He's receiving a bigger push, for sure, but he can't get a win regardless of the single's match on Sheamus. Before he were to win something like this, he would need to be re-built in a major way. While he's a seemingly better choice then Fandango, there are many aspects that still scream 'comedy character' which makes it harder for me to buy into him as a serious candidate.

Antonio Cesaro: The yodeling is gone, and he's now joined the last man in Zeb Colter to lead someone to a championship match. Hes not exactly a beacon of consistency in terms of getting on TV, but the time he's gotten recently has been productive. He's my dark horse.

Wade Barrett: A solid second. He's had some poor luck with injuries and then seemingly fell into WWE's doghouse for some reason, but this would be a gret way to re-build him. He was more choice two years ago when Bryan won, and it almost feels like a lifetime ago that he was the hottest heel in the company. WWE is sorely lacking for top heels, and if given the chance, I think that's exactly what he can be.

Still, if I had money on it, I would bet on Ambrose. He's part of the hottest group in WWE right now, and said group is free to interfere based upon the match rules. Of course, if I were the other six, I'd join together first to put Ambrose and the Shield out of commission, then then go for the briefcase, but that's just me. With how high WWE seems to be on the Shield, and Ambrose in particular, he's my pick.

In order:
1. Ambrose
2. Barrett
3. Cesaro
4. Sandow
5. Swagger
6. Fandango
7. Rhodes
How can you rule out the guy who's been part of the hottest act in the WWE for over the past 6 months? In fact, RVD held both the U.S. Championhip and the MITB at the same time, and Miz WAS U.S. Champion when he won MITB if you want a more recent example.

It was actually the Intercontinental Championship RVD held.

This match is actually quite interesting and any of these men could potentially win the match. None of these guys really have direction at the moment, bar Dean Ambrose.

Speaking of Ambrose, he's probably the best pick for this match. He's been featured heavily over the last 6 months and been having good matches. WWE seem high on him and with the added factor of The Shield in his corner, I could see them beating the crap out of everyone and allowing Ambrose to pick up the MITB briefcase.

Cesaro would be my pick if I were booking the match. The guy has a bucket load of talent and now that he's paired with Colter, I see a push in the horizon. What better way to start the push than by winning this match? Although I would be a fan of him winning, I just don't see it.

Sandow is just under Ambrose in terms of being favourite in this match. Although he did lose to Sheamus, he was still getting to hang with one of WWE's top guys. He's shown what he can do in the ring and that he can speak well so I believe he would make for a good MITB holder.

Fandango is my dark horse for this match. There were rumours circulating that he was going to win the Intercontinental Championship before he received his concussion so I could see WWE giving him the briefcase, though I believe his odds are low.

Well the others don't really have a chance, at least in my view. Cody has done shit for ages and I don't see that changing. He's showed everyone that he's not as talented as people made out. Swagger should just cut his fucking hair before the match, then he may have a chance. Barrett has been jobbing for months so realistically he would have no chance, but this is WWE so I wouldn't be shocked if he did actually win.

TLC's pick; Dean Ambrose.
On a podcast I do (Total B.S, check it out on Vimeo wink wink nudge nudge), back before Wrestlemania, me and my co-host predicted that the winner would be Wade Barrett, going on the following method

1 - Lose IC title at Wrestlemania
2 - Lose re-match at Extreme Rules
3 - Do nothing at Payback
4 - Win MITB

So all is in line, albeit not through the circumstances we imagined

Our combined view is that he will cash in against whoever, at the RAW taping in Manchester before Survivor Series, thus receiving the loudest cheer that any WWE Superstar has had since Brock Lesnar returning in 2012
Again them changing things up and making things more interesting in these matches is something great. Unlike the other MITB match this one is all heels participating. I guess they kind of figured we knew they're pattern of one heel and one face winning these Ladder matches every year that they just said well screw it we'll do a match with all in each just which wrestler will the winning face or heel?

This one to seems like an easy choice as Dean Ambrose is a man whose momentum completely eclipses the other six men's combined and due to that and the potential of The Shield having a guaranteed World title shot to their name I'm going with him as the favorite to win though I'm not really counting out anybody else from pulling this one off.

I think Swagger is surely not going to be pulling this one off and part of me hopes he causes Cesaro not to win either because I do not want see either of them with the briefcase so I'm really hoping they cancel each other out. Fandango is a glorified mid-card comedy heel I see him making to the IC title level at most in this point in time but a guaranteed shot at the WHC? I just don't see it, though for whatever reason I have this nagging feeling he may be a dark horse.

Rhodes is someone whose time for winning this thing has past he's irrelevant and more talents in this match deserve it more. Rhodes I just don't think is top tier level material he may have hit his ceiling as a career midcard heel with a mustache. Sandow on the other hand needs that one big win that he can run off of and winning MITB would be it and he's my personal choice to win this match but as a big of a fan as I am, I can even admit his booking is making me less than desirable to believe he's going to win something this big but he's been more relevant these last few months than he's been in nearly a year which is a shame.

Speaking of for shames in the WWE look none other than apparently the second favorite on here to win this match in Wade Barrett. What a colossal waste of talent with the booking he's received, they haven't even been giving him mic time which is his strength for crying out loud. The company seems dead set on keeping this guy in midcard purgatory much like Rhodes, but unlike Cody though Barrett does deserve to get a long run with a major title as I believe he would shine as a heel champion. I could go on record and say he's WWE's best heel when they let him but this company won't let him move past where he is. Anyone who actually believes Wade Barrett is going to win a guaranteed world title shot just remember he's English and this company prevents such talents from reaching above a middle road level. Look no further than William Regal and British Bulldog, and trust me when I say this but Barrett will never achieve anything more in this career then they did. You heard the truth here first!
Ambrose would be my choice, arming The Shield with a "suitcase nuke" would definitely pose the most danger to Ziggler who is likely going to be the new face WHC after Summerslam. The idea of the threat of The Shield hanging over him would be a good storyline IMO.

The only other person I can really see winning is Sandow despite mainly being Sheamus whooping boy, he has at least featured on Smackdown and with his mic skills I can see him making the most of being Mr MITB.

Barrett and Cesaro are dark horses, neither have done much this year after spending most of their time as IC and US champion respectively, jobbing to Sheamus, Orton and Ryback (in Cesaro's case). However they are big guys and WWE may use this as the springboard to a new push.

Swagger and Fandango are just making up the numbers and sadly so is Cody as his main role these days is arrive, job, leave. He's even the guy that takes the pin on the odd weeks that WWE decide Sandow needs a break from staring at the lights so Rhodes Scholars are reactivated.
I think it one of the most unpredictable MITB matches that ever where {if not the most one}.If I dont count Swagger which already got 2 trys in the main event and doesn't stay there for more than 4 months and Fandango that his concussion got all of his momenton down like when he was Johnny Curtis in my opinion.Also these 2 man were not in an in ring action in the past month and a half.

That leaves me with a really hard choise between 5 man that I believe that some day they will get their world title run and get into the main event poisition {at leat I hope}.

Antonio Cesaro:
In my opinion Cesaro is one of the greatest in ring performes in the WWE in my opinion {at least with Punk & Bryan & Jericho}.He should get this World title shot because his long US title reign was stopped to give The Shield momentom which was great because he started jobbing when he held the title.Also now he has Zeb Coulter in his side so he we can see WWE plans something for him.

Cody Rhodes:
In my opinion he is the most underrated superstar in the WWE today.He is a 2 time intercontinental champion & a tag team champion & was in the main event in 2009 {with the Legacy} but he never got a really hard push into the main event a singles competitor like he deserves.But because I know WWE I believe that after they gave him about 7 months as a jobber it would be a very surprising pick but I dont believe they will give to him but maybe I wrong {at least I hope I wrong}.

Damien Sandow:
He has great mic skills & great work with the audience & great promos & good in ring performer - can you ask for more in one superstar?
I think in the year to come he will be one of the top heels in the company but I think this is just to early for him.

Dean Ambrose:
Ambrose will get into the main event picture for ever in the next couple of years.But as of right now I think he has a great momenton with the Shield as a group & if he will get a MITB briefcase & Reigns and Rollins will continue fight with guys like The Usos it will make the shield break.Also I think his US title reign will be a long one.Also there are signs that WWE wants to build Ambrose vs Christian for the U.S. title in the summer but if they will put the MITB briefcase on him I think the feud wont be the same.

Wade Barret:
Like Rhodes he was an I.C. champ & and he jobbed in the last year.Unlike rhodes he was already in the main event position as a singles competitor {in 2010 with the nexus} which I believe was a very sucssesful run.I bet that if he wasn't ended getting injured last year he would win the return of MITB to WM {like it was set to be done}.In my opionion he could be a great world champion.

So in the end of the day I think the most deserving 2 are Wade Barret & Cody Rhodes but if I need to pick one I will go with Barret {because lately WWE just don't surprise me and it can't be someone who is not Barret/Cesaro/Amrbose}.
WWE has been very clever in making the matches. The WWE title MITB match has the star power but this match has the unpredictability. A lot of the guys in this match deserve to win and they're all ready to step up to the main event.

Ambrose, Barrett, Sandow and Rhodes are the most likely. They're the most ready but all the wrestlers will be able to be ready in less than a year. Sandow and Cesaro look like they're doing something together with Colter, likely a tag team. Fandango seems like a bit of a risk, he could easily fade away so I don't see him winning. Rhodes and Barrett's push has been long overdue. They both seem to be just hanging around until WWE decide to push them. Sandow has everything needed to win the match. Not sure about Amrbose. It would be entertaining to see how The Shield are booked with having the briefcase.

I hope Sandow wins but I'll be fine with Barrett, Rhodes or Ambrose.

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