WWE Money in the Bank : WWE World Heavyweight Championship Ladder Match

Who walks out of MITB as new WWE World Heavyweight Champion?

  • John Cena

  • Cesaro

  • Alberto Del Rio

  • Randy Orton

  • Roman Reigns

  • Sheamus

  • Bray Wyatt

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Now that we have all the spots filled, am I the only one pulling for the United States Champion, Sheamus, to win the WWE World Heavyweight Championship Title Ladder match…and parade around with 3 Championship Title Belts!?
Either Cena or Wyatt takes this. I don't think another Cena title win will be so bad since there would likely be a rematch for the title down the line with either Lesnar or Bryan. Even though Wyatt isn't ready for it yet, if he doesn't win, other than the possibility of him feuding with The Authority, what does do next if he isn't holding the belt?

It should be a great Money in the Bank though considering the names in the match. It's gonna be totally unpredictable and I can see some exciting spots like a Cesaro Swing with the Ladder, a Spear through the Ladder etc.
If you ask me, MITB is going to be at least the 2nd best PPV of 2014. The main event is one of the most unpredictable matches in recent history. There are several directions they can go, but I think we can all agree that Sheamus and Del Rio have a 0% chance. In fact, this could've been a 5-man match as far as I'm concerned.

The likeliest and safest choice could arguably be Randy Orton. It's the easiest and most logical winner just because he can easily be the guy to keep the seat warm until Bryan comes back from his neck injury. Also, Orton has the most backup (with Triple H and Rollins likely to try and lend a hand, and even a slight chance of Stephanie).

Cena has the 2nd best chance imo. There's nothing safer than giving him the belt and having him carry the company when they're in a bind. The problem with this is who does he feud with if he is champion? We'd probably get Cena/Orton for the thousandth time and nobody wants that.

Bray Wyatt is 3rd likeliest, I believe. His popularity is greater than ever and him grabbing the belts would get the biggest pop of all 7 contestants, with Reigns being runner-up in that category. Just like Cena, I have to wonder who Wyatt would feud with though if he did become champion. For Wyatt though, it's more of a question because I wonder if he'll be turned face directly after. I'd lean towards that not happening til later this year, so I would think they'd revisit his feud with Bryan upon his return. A Daniel Bryan/Bray Wyatt main event at SummerSlam could be amazing.

Cesaro is 4th likeliest for this reason only: if they intend on making Brock Lesnar champ at SummerSlam, then the opponent that makes most sense for him is Cesaro. We all know it's just a matter of time before Cesaro breaks away from Heyman and turns face. And as much as putting Cesaro and Heyman together sounded awesome in theory, it made little sense to not have Cesaro go full babyface the night after Mania when he officially left the Real Americans.

Roman Reigns rounds out the top 5 and while it wouldn't completely shock me to see him win, I think they're going to wait til WM31 to let him become the lead dog. Much like Bryan this year, I think they're banking on Reigns to become the new fan favorite and capitalizing on his popularity on the grandest stage of them all. But again, if their plan is to make Lesnar champ at SummerSlam, then this match would make sense. I can't see Reigns facing anyone but Triple H at SS, however.

Then there's always the chance that they have 1 man grab each title belt and we see WWE and World Champions once again.

So who's your pick and why?

I will go with Bray Wyatt because I think they need a fresh face to hold the belts. They should know that's the best way to hold the fans' attention with Bryan not being able to compete. One thing's for sure: if Bryan had to get injured, the timing couldn't be better. There aren't any other gimmick matches other than MITB or Royal Rumble where I'd like to see the vacant title be decided. Beats the hell out of a long, drawn out tournament.
Although I'm not entirely sure who will walk out of MITB as champ I would put any money that the title goes to Cena in the VERY near future. Since Bryan got hurt it has been Cena who has been fighting the Authority (not to mention the Authority now seems to care whether Cena is champ or not) and I can't see that ending any way that doesn't involve Cena winning the title. With that said I think Cena is out from winning the title at MITB as I don't see him winning it that quickly.

Because Cena is out that would most likely put Bray out too as they just feuded, putting it on Orton is most likely out too because that would just be going backwards (although WWE does that a lot) but once again, the only 2 people Cena has feuded with this year is Orton and the Wyatt's so I don't think it will be him.

I don't see them putting the title on Del Rio again or Cesaro, at least at the present time which leads me to one guy: Sheamus.

My guess? Sheamus turns heel and wins the World Title. I know he's still US champ but they can EASILY get that title off of him before MITB, possibly to someone like Cesaro or Reigns (and I don't see them turning Reigns or having him win the title before WM31 at the earliest) but I think this is going to Sheamus. Maybe not the best choice but at least it should freshen things up a bit as Sheamus hasn't been heel in 3 years.
Honestly, I see the winner being Wyatt, Cena or Orton. Reigns is still in his Shield business, he will be champion one day but not at MiTB. Cesaro just hasn't had enough build yet, Sheamus is Sheamus. If Wyatt wins, it could be a good way to restart the Bryan/Wyatt feud we had earlier this year, the only way I see Cena winning is if he turns heel.....then again he probably wont and has a good chance of winning anyway so theres that, but the easiest thing to do would be to put it on Orton which could not only keep the Bryan/Authority rivalry going but it could lead to the Orton/Reigns feud everyone says is going to take off. So I believe it will either be Wyatt, Cena, or Orton.
I really don't want to see Cena or Orton walk out of Money in the Bank as the champion. As reliable as they are and how safe it is to just give them the title like they have countless times (not literally) before, I don't think there's anyone interested in seeing either of those two as champion. Especially with their current gimmicks (i.e. the same as they have been for the last six or so years).

I would love to see Wyatt or Reigns walk out as champion and I could see it happening. I think Reigns is more likely at this point given how strong they booked him during this week's Raw. That and they could have Rollins win the briefcase, and Ambrose feud with Rollins over the briefcase, making the split between the three Shield members that they have been pushing recently finally happen while Reigns feuds with Orton for the title. Although I would just love to see Wyatt walk out as champion. Imagine the promos.

That said, I could still easily see Daniel Bryan coming back "ahead of schedule" to become the eighth participant and win/retain the WWE WHC Championship.
Well, neither del Rio or Sheamus is winning this and although there's a small chance, neither Reigns or Cesaro is ready. Cesaro more so than Reigns purely because he has Paul Heyman to put him over, but I still don't see it happening. And for Reigns I think they will go for the big Wrestlemania moment vs someone like The Rock or Lesnar. He has to be a huge favourite to win the Rumble at this point.

John Cena is an obvious option but he seems to have more utility feuding with guys like Big E and Rusev right now tbh. Randy Orton is by far more likely simply because he can have a nice brief feud with Bryan when he returns, and Bryan goes over to get the belts back. Also Orton has nothing else to do apart from stand around next to Triple H so it seems pretty logical.

Bray Wyatt is the left-field option. He is more than ready, far more so than Reigns or Cesaro. And the great thing about Bray is that the nature of his character means that losing hurts him far less than it does almost anyone else (apart from the actual comedy jobbers). So if they only want him to have a short run, it works. I'm not really sure where that would leave DB on his return, but on the plus side, the fans would love it. Bray is fresh and very good - Orton and Cena are great, but so so stale.
As the question in the title says quite clearly, I just wanted to know WHO the members want to Win the WWE WHC titles at MitB and how you would go about making it happen...

My Choice for Winner of the WWE WHC at the MitB PPV is:


I'd have John Cena about to retrieve the titles when suddenly the lights go out as it has so many times involving situations with the Wyatt family.

After a few moments; a Spotlight shines on the ring as it did during Bray Wyatt's promo last RAW; Bray Wyatt is sitting in his Rocking Chair with both titles(WWE WHC) in his lap laughing hysterically with Luke Harper and Erick Rowan standing either side of him, Bray then starts up his song for a little while until the lights go out again to end the PPV event for the night.

I think it could be a moment to remember and a unique way to end a ladder match but still fit the Wyatt family character perfectly and would hopefully set him on his way to a decent length title reign going forward.

This may not be the most popular opinion but I actually want Cena to win the title. Out of all the other options, he presents the safest option.

How Cena would win
Cesaro and Sheamus takes each other out with a sick spot outside of the ring. Rollins, HHH, Orton screws Reigns from winning. Del Rio is a non-factor. Cena hits the AA on the top of the ladder on Wyatt while they both attempt to grab the titles for the win.
This may not be the most popular opinion but I actually want Cena to win the title. Out of all the other options, he presents the safest option.

I disagree with this being the safest option for two reasons. First, Cena is really starting to show his age as he becomes more injury prone. I think that the recent pushing of new stars like Bray, Reigns, and Bryan is a sign that the WWE is more interested in pushing new talent than in keeping the old. After all, the more time they spend on making Cena a star is less time they have to build up new stars for when his career ends. I think that the focus on Roman Reigns on last night's Raw is a sign that the WWE is looking into who the new top stars are going to be, and while Cena will still undoubtedly play a huge role in the future, I think its too soon to give a belt.

Also, it must be acknowledged that there are a lot of hardcore WWE fans who dislike Cena but own the WWE Network. Does the WWE really want to put losing those fans up as a risk but putting the most polarizing superstar back in the championship role? I don't think so, or at least, I don't want to think so. Cena just hasn't been having a great year, as I feel that Bray completely outshined him in their feud.

Besides, keep in mind that this is a title that was taken from the most over man in the company, Daniel Bryan. Whoever wins that title is most likely going to get a lot of heat whenever he returns. In my opinion, it would make a lot more sense to build up a new heel. As such, my choice is also Bray Wyatt, and I really like larisano's plan to do it. I personally would set it up so that Reigns has cleared the ring like he has in battle royals and the Royal Rumble, only for Luke Harper and Erik Rowan to hit the ring after having won the tag titles. They attack reigns, but get speared and superman punched respectively for their efforts, only for Bay to hit a Sister Abigail with Reigns onto a ladder. Bray goes up to retrieve the belts.

In my opinion, none of the wrestlers who have been in the title picture for a while need the belts, but Bray is clearly ready to be in the main event picture after his work with Cena. With the titles, Bray wreaks havoc on Raw, terrorizing both the Authority (setting up a face turn) while feuding with the likes of Reigns (who he did not beat cleanly) and possibly Orton if the Authority sends him in to deal with the situation.
The finish suggested by larisano would be a great finish especially if Cena or even Roman are just about to win.

I feel Roman will get screwed by the authority as revenge for them being poisoned on Raw. If this is the case perhaps Orton will take it as that's who HHH and Steph would most like to help in the match.
Roman Reigns hits the superman punch and then climbs the ladder. Keep it simple, put it on Reigns and let him run with it. I don't want some complicated ending with lights turning on and off. Reigns should win the title and progress with his storyline against Triple H.
I disagree with this being the safest option for two reasons. First, Cena is really starting to show his age as he becomes more injury prone. I think that the recent pushing of new stars like Bray, Reigns, and Bryan is a sign that the WWE is more interested in pushing new talent than in keeping the old. After all, the more time they spend on making Cena a star is less time they have to build up new stars for when his career ends. I think that the focus on Roman Reigns on last night's Raw is a sign that the WWE is looking into who the new top stars are going to be, and while Cena will still undoubtedly play a huge role in the future, I think its too soon to give a belt.

Also, it must be acknowledged that there are a lot of hardcore WWE fans who dislike Cena but own the WWE Network. Does the WWE really want to put losing those fans up as a risk but putting the most polarizing superstar back in the championship role? I don't think so, or at least, I don't want to think so. Cena just hasn't been having a great year, as I feel that Bray completely outshined him in their feud.

Besides, keep in mind that this is a title that was taken from the most over man in the company, Daniel Bryan. Whoever wins that title is most likely going to get a lot of heat whenever he returns. In my opinion, it would make a lot more sense to build up a new heel. As such, my choice is also Bray Wyatt, and I really like larisano's plan to do it. I personally would set it up so that Reigns has cleared the ring like he has in battle royals and the Royal Rumble, only for Luke Harper and Erik Rowan to hit the ring after having won the tag titles. They attack reigns, but get speared and superman punched respectively for their efforts, only for Bay to hit a Sister Abigail with Reigns onto a ladder. Bray goes up to retrieve the belts.

In my opinion, none of the wrestlers who have been in the title picture for a while need the belts, but Bray is clearly ready to be in the main event picture after his work with Cena. With the titles, Bray wreaks havoc on Raw, terrorizing both the Authority (setting up a face turn) while feuding with the likes of Reigns (who he did not beat cleanly) and possibly Orton if the Authority sends him in to deal with the situation.

I respect your opinion.

I'm all for young talent being promoted. I'm just hoping they take their time with the pushing young talent. I wouldn't want them to be another Sheamus and Del Rio, pushed too fast.

I feel the same exact way you feel about Wyatt but as well know those hardcore fans aren't investing their money into merchandise etc for their favorite young wrestlers like fans have continually done for Cena. I figured with the whole WWE stock situation, what better way to make money back than putting it in the hands of a guy who's always made them money.

That may be true with possible heat for whoever champion whenever Bryan returns. However, what if it could be a face vs. face angle between Bryan and the face champion.

I like Wyatt a lot. I'd just want to see him and Reigns have more experience as solo workers. Cesaro could be a sleeper. He's been in the WWE for a few years, pretty much maxed out the mid carder and consistently put on good matches.

Him vs. Bryan would be a epic match, especially if Cesaro turns face before then. It's just confusing on what the WWE wants to do with Cesaro - feud with Sheamus, chase the WWE WHC, I don't know
Ive stated this in the Money in the bank match thread but I want more post count ;),

I cannot look past one man to win this, for a number of reasons, and that man is the blandest option of a winner. Randy Orton.

The reasons are below;

1. He's reliable and not likely to get injured or burn out.

2. They've tested the waters by having Bryan as champ. It went well, but now we need normality. We need someone tried and tested.

3. Evolution have the most storylines open to them; Cena, Reigns, Ambrose, Batista on return, anyone else that opposes Evolution. They are right now the most versatile group.

4. Orton was "given" the position. It's normally a good precursor.

5. I can see the best imagery here possible. The past in HHH, the present in Orton as champ, and the future in Rollins, Mr money in the bank.

It all just makes sense to me.
Really interesting that at this point Orton is winning this poll. I t makes tons of sense with The Authority so likely to screw Roman out of the titles as revenge for poisoning their coffee.
Cesaro is going to win the World Heavyweight belt and then feud with Brock Lesnar, Paul Heyman keeps talking about Brock beating the Undertaker over and over, now he talk about Cesaro being champion, causing Brock to be jealous and then feud with Cesaro,causing a face turn for Cesaro, they will fight at Summer Slam for the belt.
As of right now, I'm unsure. There are a few interesting choices to win and it is unpredictable.

I'll completely rule out Reigns and Orton. Orton just dropped it and Reigns shouldn't get it yet. Del Rio is very unlikely given how little he is doing. Sheamus is a top level guy but it US champ so I'm not convinced.

The main three are Bray, Cesaro and Cena. Bray has just come of a feud with Cena and needs something. Giving him the belt and the "power" could be very entertaining. I think Bray is ready because after working with CM Punk, Daniel Bryan, The Shield and John Cena the only way is down.

Cesaro is another good choice. His mic-skills are seemingly poor but he so damn good in the ring. His popularity is growing but Heyman is a great manager so they could go either way. Plus there is the chance of Cesaro v Brock for the belt which would be absolutely out of this world.

Cena is the person I predict will win this. It's obvious and it's safe. Plus it gets his count up (one behind Flair I do believe). I reckon we see a Cena/Rollins double. It would be risky to give Rollins the belt but he is definitely talented enough. They have been including Cena into the Shield/Evolution feud and that could mean something. Cena wins and Rollins cashes in the same night or within a month or so. That could set up some very interesting feuds and help make Rollins into a legit heel.
I actually was sure Orton was going to win, which would be safe and when Daniel Bryan returns, we can finally get the wrestlemania match people actually wanted. I thought Orton's loss at WM was anti-climactic because for the previous few months, Orton was given the spotlight as the top heel. By the time he lost it though, it was really a feud between Triple H and Daniel Bryan, where Orton was merely a prop. If Batista was in this match, I'd presume he would've won it.

But now I kind of think it will be Cena, since it's rumored that Brock Lesnar will fight the winner at Summerslam. As Lesnar has been used sparingly, it could be presumed that they will pit him against their most marketable face. In this lineup, Cena is the biggest name. The problem is that it will only get Cena more heat. If you thought the Daniel Bryan chants were bad now...

Bray Wyatt is a possibility if he gets turned face, but afterwards, what will they do with him? Reigns can't be contender until he defeats Triple H, Daniel can't be a contender until he beats Kane and no one else has been built as a potential rival. Will he feud with Cena some more? That's gotten boring and if he turns face, he could feud with the Authority...but I'm kind of sick of the Authority hogging up so much time (and I say this as a Triple H fan). If they push someone else for the top spot, WWE is taking a big risk as Bray's star power is still kind of unknown.

Even though Cesaro and Reigns are my personal favorites, I don't want to see either of them win. Reigns continues to be booked as a tag team fighter even after the destruction of the Shield, so lacks singles competition credibility. He only seems to have 3 moves, which works for team matches, but will get stale for major singles matches...He could have more, he's just yet to show it because of bad booking. Cesaro has spent so much time trying to get lesser belts (and failing), that I couldn't take him seriously as the WWE champ. His contender status is just too abrupt.

Sheamus and Alberto Del Rio are the least likely. I don't see the point of Sheamus getting multiple belts and it seems like WWE isn't entirely sure what to do with him. I don't mind him being a contender, but the fans reception towards his return seems to have fizzled out. I think they need to do something new with his character, even moreso than Cena (who at least gets strong reactions). Alberto del Rio might be retiring, but even if he wasn't, he's been losing too many matches to be a worthy contender. His victory against Ziggler was his first big win in awhile.
I'm going with Cena for the win. I'm not all that excited about Cena winning another title, but with Cena as champion, you're almost guaranteed great or good matches (rare exception with R-Truth at Capitol Punishment) and a big match feel on every other pay per view. I'm guilty of this myself, but a lot of us constantly worry about Cena being stale as champion with another world title, but he always delivers great matches, and you can use Punk, Ryback, and Bryan as recent examples over the past couple of years.

When it comes to Randy Orton, I think a lot of fans are just beyond burnt out on him being in the main event and being a world champion. And it doesn't help, when you consider the fact Orton spent a lot of time in 2013 as WWE Champion and chasing the WWE Championship after the Money In The Bank pay per view. On top of that, Orton was the first WWE WHC, and he went into WM XXX as the WWE WHC.

Alberto Del Rio has no shot. Del Rio's past reigns as world champion were forgettable and dull, and I see no reason to put ANOTHER world title on him again.

Sheamus is one the right track after missing so much time with an injury, and horrible comedy promos and segments, but he's not ready to be WWE WHC now.

Bray Wyatt is a slim possibility, and it'll be a legit shock if he wins. Plus, after a decisive loss to Cena at Payback, The Wyatt Family needs something to stay relevant. Still, I have a hard time believing in WWE pulling the trigger on Wyatt as world champion.

Roman Reigns is not ready yet. For now, he has the support from the fans, but I have this uneasy feeling about the fans quickly turning on him if he becomes world champion now. It's a case of too soon, and Reigns needs more time with his solo run.

I like the idea of Cesaro winning, especially with Heyman at his side as a mouthpiece for the time being. Ceasro's a breath of fresh air as WWE WHC Champion, but in the end, I'm sure WWE will go with the safe pick in Cena for the win.
Add Kane. He doesn't offer much, and if his past few matches are any indication, I'm not thrilled with him even being involved. I'm still saying Cena is the best option.
It would certainly be interesting if Reigns actually did win the match only to have Rollins cash in on him and win the title from him. I don't think that's the route they'll go but it's an interesting thought. Anyway, I have little doubt that they'll go with Cena as champ again. No, it's not my preference even though I do like Cena but I'm burnt out on seeing him or Orton as champ.

Speaking from my own personal preference instead of what I think will happen, I see this match as an opportunity to reinvigorate the product and the fanbase and create excitement coming out of the pay per view by having a fresh face win the title similarly to what happened after Wrestlemania 30 after Bryan pretty much single handedly conquered Evolution. If Cena were to win the title here, the only feud I can see him having afterwards with any of participants that I would find compelling is with Cesaro. I sure as hell wouldn't be invested in a title feud between him and Alberto Del Rio or Randy Orton yet again oh heavens oh God.

Now if the winner here is meant solely to be a placeholder champion until Daniel Bryan comes back then why not Bray Wyatt? I believe there's still some unfinished business between the two and I liked their earlier feud. I see no harm in giving Wyatt a trial run and having Bryan win it from him at some point. Hell, I wouldn't even mind Cesaro despite people saying it's too soon for him. I think he'll be fine especially if you've got a Paul Heyman associated with him and the world title. There's so many fresh avenues for fresh, new content that don't involve John Cena or Randy Orton winning the title again.
The only reason Kane would win is so his feud with Daniel Bryan could allow Bryan to come out on top once more as champ, while resolving their storyline.
I see two champions leaving MITB. I mean why else hang two titles above the ring? I feel the WWE winds moving in.. the aren't just whispering "swerve". Its practically being yelled at the top of its voice.

my guess:

If its only one champ: Cena
If its two: Cena as WWE Champ (building a fued with Brock)
Orton as WHW champ (building a fued with Reigns)
Here's my guess...Del Rio wins it! Every single person is counting him out, he's a former world champion and he has nothing going on right now, which makes it perfect for him! Think about the projected SummerSlam card: Cena v Lesnar, Reigns v HHH, Bryan v Kane, Orton v Ambrose I guess, and Sheamous is the US champ...so Del Rio can feud anywhere. Next PPV he can fight Cena and retain cleanly and then SummerSlam will do it's thing and you can have a Del Rio v Wyatt match! Granted somebody would need to turn face but it's an idea. Or Del Rio v Cesaro with a face Cesaro to get a decent match off. I know this won't happen but that would be how I would handle it.

That being said in seriousness, Cena wins and goes to SummerSlam to fight Lesnar :S
So recently a "spoiler" was leaked for the summer slam ppv with John Cena vs Brock Lesnar on the poster hinting to Cena winning the title. Now reports say that Cena may not win bc of the leak. So i don't really see anyone else winning the title match and losing it a month after I have 2 ideas of what could happen.

So the initial plan was for Daniel bryan vs lesnar at ST but bc of the neck injury he can't make it for MITB. What if when Bryan comes back on the kick off-show to announce he was evoking his rematch clause and does some small spots in the ladder match to win back the title then he has 2 months of a light schedule to recover for SS and we get Bryan vs Lesnar

Orr if you don't like that what if

The winner of the earlier contract ladder match decides to have his title match right at the end of the ladder match while everyone else is down and he cashes in and just climbs the ladder and wins the title. I vote for this one because it would be completely unpredictable and a surprise and this is the only time I think it could happen with the situation we have for the ppv.

What do you think should happen?

Pick one of what I said or come up with your own idea of what happens in 2 days

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