WWE Money In The Bank 2013 - WWE Championship MITB Match

Who should replace Kane in the All-Stars MITB Match

  • Brock Lesnar

  • Big Show

  • Rey Mysterio

  • Someone Else

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NO NO NO NO! No Bray Wyatt!

Seriously, this could annihilate the next few months of a credible build if he gets hot shotted a briefcase right now. I know you people will say "oh he wont cash in now PG!", but it is very important that at this initial phase of his debut on global television, please let him grow and then I dunno, make him win the Rumble or something.

That will be the best Rumble moment since Punk's SES promo in the 2010 RR.
I think we see the Ziggler Del Rio match happen right before this ladder match and since its a match with all "faces" it would make sense now that he is face he would beat Del Rio and then be given the ultimate chance of unifying the titles come Wrestlemania. By putting Ziggler in this match they would have the chance to set up a very long term story with his next cash in. This would also set him up for a HUGE push going into next year with him joining the likes of Cena and Punk as faces of the company. It probably wont happen that way but I can dream right!
More likely choice would be Jericho or Cena if Henry pins him.
No-one should replace him. The match is already stacked, as is. Just leave it without Kane, or anyone else. The match won't suffer, and this might even start Kane back on the road to being a heel again, because he is MUCH better as a heel than as a face.
I personally would love to see Bray Wyatt get in this match and pull off a big win, but that isnt going to happen.

Mysterio is ready to return, but as someone said, that will overshadow RVD's return as would the Big Show.

I do like the option of the Jericho/Ryback winner going into the match to replace Kane, but lets be honest, Ryback has fizzled out and will now be a midcarder for a while due to his crappy gimmick and Jericho is said to be taking a break to go on tour with Fozzy, so realistically, neither makes sense to be in the match because they dont have a real option of being pushed with the case.

I know i am going to get alot of heat for saying this, but I think they should throw the Miz in this match. He is a former WWE Champion, and really hasnt been doing much, so he is the closest thing to an all star that they have left and the Miz can use the case and a heel turn, because lets be honest he was way more entertaining as a heel.
I don't think he is going to be replaced(at least I hope not). I'd rather have the commentators continue to make remarks about Kane not being there due to the Wyatt family's "vicious attack" to help put it over.
Honestly, I'm a huge fan of the Big Show so I voted for him to come back. I would love for nothing more than to see him actually win and get one final reign with the WWE title before retiring. With that said, however, there's one person that would make a great second in my opinion...

Rey Mysterio. I'm not sure when he's slated to be ready, but I'd love to see him back. Someone on the WZ disqus proposed a Daniel Bryan v. Mysterio feud that would allow the two to be equals and I say go with that... and put Ambrose in there too for the US title. I'm not expecting Mysterio to win if he returns... nor Daniel Bryan. So there's that. And even if DB does win, he's got a year.


As for who I think should win, I think it's time to pull the trigger on a Viper return. "But Randy's not gone." Fuck you, turn Randy heel. Only, not for the reasons others may think. I personally believe that a great way to interest fans in the usual "Summer Slump" would be to give them a revitalized Orton vs. Cena rivalry with a heel Orton. Or at least a tweener Orton. I'd even go as far as to let Orton get the WWE title until around WrestleMania.
The idea of Ryback vs. Jericho with the winner going into the MiTB match, sounds like the best option for me. This would be a good way to rebuild Ryback's momentum by having him defeat Jericho and then go on to win the MiTB before he defeats Cena for the title later in the year. As for WWE's booking of Ryback lately, Jack-Hammer mentioned it in another thread, I think they are going the route of potraying Ryback as a cunning beast. This "Cryback" thing and him stopping his match with The Miz seems like a ruse to me to lure Jericho into a trap in their match, so he can easily defeat him and then take him out, putting him on the shelf. Then again if Ryback were in the match, would it really be an "All-Stars" match since the match is comprised of former world champions? Still though, I'm in favour of this idea happening.

A crazy idea I have in mind would be for the winner of the World Heavyweight Title Money in the Bank match to enter the match to try & become the first person to hold both briefcases at the same time. I'm not saying he should win the WWE Title MiTB match and then cash in for both titles at later dates so he can merge both world titles but it would be a pretty cool idea, win or lose. Or maybe one of the losers from the World MiTB match can insert himself into the WWE MiTB match and go on to win the briefcase, like how Edge lost the World Title Elimination Chamber match and then entered himself into the WWE Title Elimination Chamber later in the night at No Way Out 2009.

I just hope whatever WWE decides to do, they don't replace Kane with Brock Lesnar, Bray Wyatt or Rey Mysterio for reasons already mentioned in this thread by a few posters. I don't mind Show entering the match though.
I don't think they'll bother with a replacement for Kane, the match doesn't need one as it's already stacked as others have said.

As for the winner, I'm going with Punk for two reasons. One, he's had a lot of big match losses this year and I can see WWE wanting him to have big back to back PPV wins before facing Lesnar. The second reason involves Lesnar as well, I think Punk will use the briefcase as bait to get the match with Brock at Summerslam.

This is my pick for the match of the night. I like every single competitor in it and all of them would be good choices to win the red briefcase. Let's take a look at each of them.

CM Punk
If CM Punk wins this then he will be the only wrestler to ever have held 3 Money In the Bank briefcases. That's another impressive accomplishment to add to his list of bragging rights. His odds aren't bad. The thing is though, he really doesn't need it as badly as some of the others on the list might. Punk will be in another WWE or World Heavyweight Championship feud soon with or without a MITB briefcase.

Daniel Bryan
Daniel Bryan is my pick to win it. I can see him winning this match and then cashing in on Cena at Summerslam to begin a lengthy reign with the WWE Championship of his own, rivaling CM Punk's. If Punk got one then Bryan deserves a shot at one too. An intense feud between them could take place and the fact that both have won Money In the Bank twice can get brought up. Bryan benefits from winning the briefcase more than anyone else in the match other than Christian, who doesn't have very good odds of winning.

Randy Orton
Randy Orton winning this match would be very cool. He's already accomplished pretty much anything else he possibly can in WWE. Why not? it would be something different and Orton is always a great choice for a world title push. He doesn't really need it though is the problem. Bryan or Christian would benefit more from winning than Orton.

I have pretty much the same thoughts on Sheamus winning this that I do on Randy Orton winning it. It would be very cool to see and he's a great choice for a world title push. The question is.... Does he really need a briefcase? It would be more for bragging rights for Sheamus. A Money In the Bank push isn't really something he NEEDS in order to get back into the world title scene.

Christian benefits more from a win here than all of the other competitors put together. I would love to see him win this match. I just don't see it happening though. I think Christian trying to "win ONE MORE MATCH for Edge" could be a nice angle with the briefcase for him. Then have him cash in on Cena. It's doubtful though. He got what might be the only World Championship push he will ever get. I do not like his odds of winning.

Rob Van Dam
Not going to happen. It could be cool, but why would RVD win a Money In the Bank briefcase, and the resulting WWE Championship push, in his very first match upon returning? He is only in here to do some amazing spots. I look forward to seeing those. If he wins, great. I'd support that decision. I doubt it happens though.

So there you have it. I want Christian to win the most, but his odds are very doubtful. Daniel Bryan benefits greatly from winning. Punk would get more bragging rights toward his "best in the world" argument. Orton or Sheamus would both be solid choices too. I'm going to go ahead and pick Bryan to win this. The red briefcase can be a way to get him a massive push to a long WWE Championship reign, just like the one Punk had. He is extremely over right now, so why not give him the push? It's not like any of the others in the match (with the exception of maybe Christian and RVD) won't be getting more world title shots. Bryan should win this. I expect the match to steal the show as the best of the night and to go on toward the end of the card. Possibly last. If Cena and Henry do not close, this does. If they do, this still goes on toward the end of the night.

Daniel Bryan will win the Red Money In the Bank Briefcase.
With the wyatt families actions on raw this past monday I want to know if you think there will be a replacement for Kane in the WWE MITB ladder match. Who? and why?

Personally i would like to see Mysterio return even if he doesn't win because I think it is a great way to bring him back, being a former world champ and MITB match veteran he fits in with the concept and adds another high flyer to the mix making the match that much more unpredictable.

I wouldn't want to see Lesnar in this match because it would just make no sense to me at all especially if he doesn't win and as a last minute replacement why would he win?

Big Show also might stay out a little longer because of the constant whining and complaining he did on t.v. people in the audience might not forget about it but it would be an interesting fit as any of these superstars would be, he might be the best choice here even.

thanks for reading!
It's being dubbed the All-stars, so as much as I'd like to see a young guy get a rub, it'll probably Big Show, Lesnar, or Mysterio.

I think Mysterio is still hurt and was aiming for an August return, and Big Show was supposed to return mid-July I read, which coincides with the PPV. I think putting Lesnar in the match would be silly, I fully expect him to do a run-in on CM Punk but WWE should wait to blow their load until Summerslam, maybe fans would be more amped for PPVs if the guys going against each other didn't already wrestle 3 times in tag matches/non title matches leading up to the thing. If Punk does get his hands on Lesnar it should only be in a teaser fashion, like them nonsensical contract signing segments they love doing all the time.

I wouldn't mind Jerry Lawler getting in the action but it's doubtful they'd put him in a 7 man ladder match at his age.

My guess is the Big Show.

As far as who I wanna see, I'd like to see someone like Ted Dibiase get a rub, I thought he was pretty talented back when I watched more, wouldn't mind seeing him do well in the match and get another push.
Well, as has been said in a couple of other threads, I'm of the opinion that if Kane is replaced in the MITB All Star match, then it should be by a former World Champion. This makes the 2nd year in a row that the WWE Championship MITB match has been composed entirely of former World Champions, so it only seems logical that a replacement be a former World Champion.

I've read that there's, allegedly, been talk of putting Bray Wyatt in this match but that might be a huge mistake. Wyatt's first match on the main roster being a MITB match might be a bad thing due to the circumstances. Those circumstances being that the event is being held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and that 3 of the 6 remaining men in the match made their mark in Pennsylvania based wrestling promotions. CM Punk & Daniel Bryan were major stars in ROH and the returning Rob Van Dam was probably THE guy in ECW. ECW itself was headquartered in Philly, so I'm expecting huge pops for Bryan, Punk & RVD. Couple that with the fact that this is RVD's first appearance in WWE in any way, shape or form in about 5 years and you have a recipe that likely results in Bray Wyatt being completely overshadowed. Even if it is a very fresh talent who replaces Kane that isn't Wyatt, it's still a huge possibility for that wrestler being overshadowed,

As Kane is officially out, names that spring to mind as a replacement are Big Show, Rey Mysterio, The Great Khali and Brock Lesnar. Mysterio is still out injured and, last I heard, was expected to be back around SummerSlam. Can you imagine the negative reaction Khali would get in Philly? His presence might wind up only bringing the entire match down as they'd boo awkward ass out of the building. Lesnar will not be at MITB because WWE almost always seems to pull him out for the Big Four. Big Show is a logical choice as he's got the credibility and he can easily fill the role of a monster powerhouse.

So yeah, I'm of the opinion that if it isn't Big Show, then WWE might be better off not replacing Kane and just leave things as it is.
Brad Maddox should book himself as Kane's replacement. He's always wanted a WWE contract, now is his chance with the MITB contract at stake.

Punk then cashes in on Cena the next night, but Brock Lesnar interferes and costs Punk the match. Heyman then joins Lesnar and tells Punk that if he had just stuck by his side, he'd be WWE Champion right now. This officially separates Punk from Heyman.

In a perfect world, Undertaker would win the World title at Elimination Chamber leading to a World Title match against Sting at Wrestlemania. Sting finally comes to WWE because he wants HIS belt back. He helped make the big gold belt famous, and now he wants it back.

At Mania, Taker succesfully defends the title. As he and Sting shake hands they are interrupted by the Shield. The Shield surround the ring and attack the two icons. Ambrose is cashing in. Ultimately Undertaker wins, but is injured in the melee and has to forfeit the title the next night on Raw.

A tournament is held and Ambrose wins the title the traditional way. This way he gets the title, but Taker maintains his streak, and the fans get one hell of a Mania moment.
First off, if they're going to replace Kane in the match, and he's healthy, Rey Mysterio should be the guy. I would have originally said Jericho, but I think he's going to be carted away on a stretcher after his match with Ryback. But going to six, in my opinion, is just fine, but why take out Kane if they don't have the plan to add someone else? Unless Kane is hurt, of course.

The issue thus is the winner of the match. Christian, God bless him, is not that man. He had his short run on top, hasnt shown himself to be reliable physically since, and has been jobbed out to the other All-Stars pretty convincingly since the match was announced. Of course, Vince sometimes loves to break people down before a gigantic push(see Daniel Bryan in 2011), but he's not that man. He's a steady hand and goodness knows a great ladder match competitor, but he's a mid-carder now and headed for a feud with Dean Ambrose, it appears, for the U.S. Title.

Scratch C.M. Punk as well. He's headed to a match with Brock Lesnar at Summerslam, and I see this match as a way of building towards it. Despite Punk's instructions, I could see Heyman coming out to "encourage him", but "accidentally" costing him the match when Punk tries to shoo him away.

I can't see Sheamus winning this either. Again, a guy who could have been brought down to build up, but I don't think his character is in a position right now, or possibly ever, to be that guy. He's a good wrestler, but he's too one-dimensional a character to really be a main event guy. He's done nothing for so long for good reason, he's just not that interesting.

RVD will come back, get a pop that's off the charts, will do some crazy high spots, but he won't win. He's on a part-time schedule, and while that didn't stop The Rock from winning the WWE Championship, RVD isn't the Rock. Besides, part of the briefcase is the ability to cash in at any time, which will be difficult to happen if he's not at the show. I'm looking forward to his return, but as his age, he shouldn't be winning championships, he should be putting over younger stars. And somewhere, I'm sure it's in the back of Vince's mind that he handed him the keys to the car once back in 2006, and RVD screwed himself and Vince over.

That leaves Bryan and Orton, who not only have been feuding, but have been the men left standing at the end of Raw and Smackdown respectively. They're the favorites, in my opinion, with Bryan having the edge. He's been built up so well and perfectly booked, and received, as a growing star that him losing would almost derail that. Of course, he could then win a #1 Contender's match for Summerslam, Orton could cash-in following a Bryan victory, and they could renew their feud anew, but I'm going with Bryan. Although Orton has seemingly stayed out of trouble and has earned enough trust to be main-eventing Raw's and Smackdown's, but he's just not at the level Daniel Bryan is.

No one in this match is. And in order to capitalize on a guy who has incredible momentum and a phenomenal connection with the fans, it should and I think it will be Daniel Bryan.
A very, very good line up for a MitB ladder match (unlike last year's) but hopefully Kane won't be replaced nor by the Big Show and certainly less by Bray Wyatt.

In my opinion almost everyone in this match has a pretty good chance to win the briefcase:

Christian: I really like Chrstian, but let's be honest here, he can be a very good wrestler bu he isn't going to have another run as main eventer, he is here for two reasons, he is the veteran of the match and is the man that knows a lot about ladder matches in order to do a couple of great athletic spots. Wich leads me to...

Rob Van Dam: Philly is going to explode with his return to the WWE, however as cool as it can be, his role in thie MitB ladder match is pretty much the same as it is for Christian, doing cool spots on top/with ladders.

Sheamus: For me, Sheamus has absolutely no business in this match, he is in here only because he is a former world champion but most importantly because he has nothing else to do... and that's the reason why he doesn't stand a chance to win the briefcase. There's no reason for him to win it.

Randy Orton: he could win it, he doesn't need it, but it is a good way for introducing back Randy on the title picture. I'm expecting some big spot, an RKO from the top of a ladder.

CM Punk: as always, my personal favorite to win. Having 3 MitB briefcases on his record is something really impressive. It could be an interesting way for him to be back in the title picture....However I can see, as many have said before, being distracted by Lesnar's music or Heyman "trying" to help Punk and screwing him...Either he is the man with the second best chance to win the red briefcase

Daniel Bryan: is fucking over right now, he is the man with the best chances to win this match. I have nothing else to say but YES! YES! YES!

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