WWE Hell in a Cell 2011 LD - Remember When These Used to Go Over 1000 Posts?

So Cena winning the title was pointless then. That should have just ended with Del Rio retaining by DQ or something to somewhat warrant a HIAC match in the first place.

Also, the post match is the most violent a cell environment has been since Batista/Trips or Edge/Taker
Why do they even have titles now it seems since they just pass around randomly? Be interested to see where this ends up going though.
That was an absolutely... interesting? crazy? stupid? amazing? ending. Not sure. Gonna have to sit on this one for a sec to see if it was actually any good...
If Del Rio is going to be champion again, hopefully he will be able to actually build some heat this time. Perhaps some tweaks in his gimmick might do the trick.

And I have no idea if this ending was awesome or terrible. I'm confused.

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