WWE Extreme Rules - Randy Orton vs. CM Punk - Last Man Standing

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Randy Orton. Put over some damn talent. Seriously. I feel like I say this everytime I post in a Randy Orton thread, Randy Orton CAN afford to lose a match. Punk cannot. Randy Orton is incredibly over and nothing will change that in the near future. He can go out there and lose a match and still look good. However Punk, isn't necessarily over as a main eventer. If he goes over Randy and ends their feud, there's no doubt he would gain some much needed heat from the crowd to possibly push him into the main event on RAW. I'm hoping CM Punk will win this, but how likely is it Randy Orton will allow Punk to go over him? It sucks but I see Punk getting punted in the head from Orton to get the ten count and end the match. We get a little hiatus from Punk after this point. Highly doubtful Punk will gio over...Dammit Randy...

Hamler's Prediction- Randy Orton
But it was ok for Orton to lose most of his matches against Cena 18 months ago. Punk is where Orton was a year and a half ago. Leader of a stable in a fued with a top face. Its just another reboot with different characters or roles(for Orton). If Punk chooses to stay with the "E" im sure he will have his moment again. Right now they need to puch Orton as the big face on SD and more than likely will do that at ER. Then again maybe Punk some how wins with Nexus' help. There are no stipulations that say Nexus can't interfere that I can find. so i actually expect Nexus to interfere and help Punk win which will make Orton go over even more as a face.
Should be good. These two have already proven they have great chemistry by having two good matches on Mania and on Raw. With a stipulation added then I expect that this will be even better.

That is all well and good but please for the love of god let Punk win something for once. Punk has not won a PPV match since Extreme Rules of last year, since then he has been soundly beaten by Rey, Show and now Orton. I understand that he is a heel and heels loose more than they win but that is fucking ridiculous, he hasn't won a match on PPV in a fucking year. Hmm maybe that has something to do with him reportedly wanting to leave? Please WWE if you want to keep Punk as a member of your roster then let him win this match.
Punk really needs the win here. He is a great talker and a great talker yet he never wins PPV matches. Since Orton is on Smackdown, he doesn't need anymore momentum because he is automatically the biggest face on Smackdown. Punk is still on RAW and actually needs a momentum boost to keep up with the biggest heels of the company. It would only make sense to give this to Punk since Orton doesn't need any type of push atm because he owns Smackdown now.
This one can really go either way. On one hand, I can see Orton winning due to the fact that he's one of the biggest faces in the WWE. I can also see him winning because of the WWE wanting to continually push him.

With recent reports of CM Punk being unhappy, I can see him walking out as the winner as well. It can raise his morale a bit, and would even put him on a bit of a roll - which could lead to a better spot on the RAW roster. Of course, he still would have to deal with the traveling, but I can see the WWE giving him the win as an extra push to get him to re-sign with the company.

Also, with Chris Jericho being eliminated from Dancing With The Stars and his recent tweets, it'll be interesting to see if he gets involved in some way. Perhaps costing Orton the match?
It is painfully obvious that Randy wins here. He just moved to Smackdown and needs this win to start off strong. What needs to happen with Punk is the New Nexus needs to break up the way that Legacy did. Punk then needs to face his former allies in a gauntlet match, have him win and his rep will be preserved. Then he can trick everyone into thinking he's going to TNA when his contract is up, get vince to offer him a better contract to stay and then he can continue tearin it up. I believe CM Punk is one of the best men on Raw, but this one is all about Orton.

punk needs to win, its only a matter of time before orton is made wh champ on smackdown, so a punk win means he could challenge cena in his next feud and possibly be taken seriously, whether cena is champ or not
Reading the reports about CM Punk wanting a break, I can see how this goes. In the middle of the match, Nexus will interfere and attack Orton brutally, then when CM Punk thinks he's gotten them to slave for him some more, they will betray him and beat him down brutally as well before exiting the ring. The ref starts to count and Orton manages to get up by the end, taking the win. The Nexus members still standing outside, start smiling and then all of a sudden, Orton gets ready for a punt. While he is getting ready, the Nexus members do nothing about it (and perhaps talk him into doing it). CM Punk gets punted and that leaves him out of the WWE for a couple of months for the break he asks for, puts Orton into a big start in Smackdown and also sets up for a Nexus vs Punk feud for when he comes back.

Now like somebody else suggested, Punk can go over Nexus in a 4 man gauntlet match or better yet a handicap three on one match. This may establish Punk as a face, but he'll quickly gain the heat by talking shit about the crowd like only he can and problem solved! That should put him into a feud with John Cena if he's the WWE champion by then and that helps him becoming a main event heel on Raw.
I'm really looking forward to this match. Their match at mania was really rushed, and you could tell it. It could have used at least 5-6 more minutes. But this match, the last man standing match tipicaly runs pretty long. As a grudge match that's been building for the longest time lets hope it does.

Punk needs this win, and Randy honestly dosen't need it. Punk wins and then after this finds something usefull to do in the WWE I hope. Because I'm not ready to see him go yet. Orton will prolly get the win after being attacked by 20 people. Hulk up and destroy punk.
This is going to be a great match. Not only do I like a good Last Man Standing match, the psychology that Punk and Orton employ in their matches is always good. I can't help but feel - given the stipulation and the blow-off element - it will be taken to a higher level.

Orton will win. This is the blow-off match due to the draft. Orton has already won two matches against Punk so there is no reason for Punk to win. However, I'd love to see someone cost Orton the match setting up a SmackDown feud straight off the bat. Jericho is someone I'd love to see. But he probably has ring rust and Fozzy are on tour again this summer. Which brings me to SmackDown's newest Superstar: Jinder Mahal. Words cannot describe how much I would want to see this. He's talented, and working with Orton could help him. He's also a virtual unknown, adding some intrigue. It's a long shot, but it would be an incredible goal if WWE did this.
Punk could really use the win here, but I don't see it happening. Orton is the bigger star, and he has already taken over Smackdown by destroying everyone with RKOs, and he won his first main event match on the blue brand. Orton will be "the man" on Smackdown, and this win over Punk will put another notch in his belt. Again, Punk could really use the win here, because Orton is over as over can be, but I just can't see it happening.

As far as the match goes, it should be something to look forward to. Punk and Orton had a very impressive match at Wrestlemania, so these two have shown they can deliver in the ring. I expect to see a lot of brutality here, and there should be a very brutal spot before the final ten count.
That was almost the perfect opening match to a WWE pay-per-view. If that is the last 'high profile' match that Punk has in the WWE (until his contract resolution is successfully resolved) then that's a good one.

I'm thankful that it wasn't a squash match which it could have been. Then again, it couldn't be if the WWE wants it to be resolved.
Excellent match to kick things off and every minute was exciting and great work from both superstars. The way CM Punk was laying down after the super RKO, it looked like he had actually broken his neck. CM Punk could've done with this win more than Orton to be honest, but I'm glad how it went. No Nexus interference is surprising to say the least, though.
Randy Orton. Put over some damn talent. Seriously. I feel like I say this everytime I post in a Randy Orton thread, Randy Orton CAN afford to lose a match. Punk cannot. Randy Orton is incredibly over and nothing will change that in the near future. He can go out there and lose a match and still look good. However Punk, isn't necessarily over as a main eventer.

Hamler's Prediction- Randy Orton

But it was ok for Orton to lose most of his matches against Cena 18 months ago. Punk is where Orton was a year and a half ago. Leader of a stable in a fued with a top face. Its just another reboot with different characters or roles(for Orton).

As much as I see where Hamler's coming from, Stuntz has a fair point, when Orton was in the position Punk is in now, he was either losing or cheating. Remember when Orton deliberately got counted out to retain the title? What a prick he was when he was heel.

This should judging by 'Randall' and CM's previous work, be an exciting and engaging match. I'll be looking forward to it. If the outcome were to influence Punk's decision as to whether to stay or not ... I want him to win. If it doesn't affect whether he stays or goes, Orton should, because it's the blow-off and in PG WWE, in fact, in most wrestling, the face should win the blow-off.
Great match. It was everything I could've asked from these two. They have insane chemistry with each other, and it was a wonderful, worthwhile feud. Hell, it's probably the feud of the year so far, and will be hard to beat. My only gripe is Punk losing. I know it makes more sense for Orton to win as he'll likely be pushed hard on Smackdown immediately, but I love Punk. That's my only reasoning, that I'm a mark for him. Oh well. I hope the best for Punk on Raw, but with the crowded main-event picture, I'm a little worried.
LSN's initial pick: Randy Orton
WInner: Randy Orton

These are the times I wish they would wait until AFTER the draft to conclude feuds. With Punk positioned as the likely #3 heel on Raw behind Miz and Del Rio, while Orton's move to Smackdown immediately made him the top face, regardless of whose holding the title there. Because of that, it made the outcome of the match much more predictable, and took away from some of the excitement factor. I was also surprised they opened the show with ths match.

Although this was a solid opener, the other problem I had with this match was that it showed some of the limitations of this type of match within a PG enviroment, especially in comparison to past LMS matches. The match is supposed to end when you incapcitate your opponent to the point where they can't answer a ten count. In comparison with past LMS matches, this one just didnt measure up as true incapacitation. That being said, there were no dull points in this match and both men worked hard in an attempt to make the match believable despite the limitations the current product produces. It's just the RKO from the top just didn't have the "feel" of an end to a LMS match. But there was nothing wrong with the work of either men, I just wish with the feud concluding, there would have been a more decisive end. I know it seems like Im complaining alot about this match, but there were plenty of decent spots as well, including Punk using a chair on Orton's neck and ramming it into the ringpost, and Orton with the RKO on the announce table. A more decisive finish to the feud would have been nice, is all. **.75
This was much better than I was expecting here as they didn't go with any quick ending. Orton was always going to win but they had enough close calls in there to make this work better than was expected. Good stuff from both guys with some hard hitting moves to it and some near endings throughout. It's kind of hard to have a good LMS match given how many we've seen, but this worked rather well and was one of the better ones in awhile.
Really enjoyed this match. Punk and Orton work well together. Annoyed that Punk lost I can't remember the last time he won on PPV... I'm probably being an idiot and forgetting something but I really can't. However that's for another discussion and it was a good solid opening match in what was probably the best PPV of the year so far.
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