Wrestlemania 27 - Randy Orton vs. CM Punk

What the hell was that tonight? "I don't mean to ignore your feud with CM Punk, but what is it like having your own bus?" WTF?!? Where the hell did that come from?

This was stupid on so many levels. First, I'm to believe that Orton doesn't fly around on airplanes like the rest of the company, that he has his own bus, and that he brings his wife with him everywhere that he goes.

Even if he did bring his wife to all the events, (which I seriously doubt he does. Was that even his wife? I have no idea what she looks like.) why is she so upset about tonight's attack, and not any other attack that he receives? If she were supposedly at Raw every single week with him, why wouldn't she be showing up every time Orton got hurt?

Wow, I cant believe how unbelievable it is that he has a bus. What are they going to do next, have Edge, Big Show, and Triple H and Steph come out and say they travel by bus? Oh wait, that's already happened in many interviews. Jesus Christ man, the top guys all travel by luxury bus with a personal driver.

As for the question about his wife. Yeah, I think she would act more upset seeing her husband get attacked with a pipe in the parking lot than she would be to see him lose in the ring. The sad thing is that I actually think the feud has jumped the shark. I was dissapointed to see that you made your thread about such a stupid issue instead of the feud itself.
LOL.. actually I thought the same thing, it looked like a generic storyline in a Smackdown vs Raw game or something.. and no, i don't think that's his wife.. she's probably an actress, didn't they show his "wife" the time that Triple H ran into his house and threw him through a window, they mentioned it on the site that that "wife" was an actress.. not sure if she's the same woman though.. and also, I thought the same about her looking at Punk through that door, i thought she was about to lay a smooch on him or something :)
A lot you guys are seriously over analyzing this that was real good segment and the best of the night. This feud has been great so far and perhaps the best going into WM. Every week these two do something to each other to get even and that fact the WWE has done an excellent job of keeping these two from wrestling each other has been great.

Personally it is the match I am most looking forward to come WM and it has the potential to be a show stealer.
I agree with you mate.

It seemed a bit silly, and I highly doubt that if he brought his family to the show that they would sit in the bus for the whole time. And I mean he implies he was going to do something to the bus and his wife, but all he does is hit him with a wrench.

Seemed pretty obvious Punk was going to do something involving the bus once it was mentioned. I mean, when's the last time WWE interviewed someone arriving out of a vehicle just for the interview's sake.

Also, I was very annoyed that they stopped the WrestleMania rematch. What the hell is the point of hyping up a WM rematch if you're going to cut it short and not even finish it.
i agree. dumb segment, but wwe has been known to do quite a few. it was obvious what was going to happen, and did not do too much for the match. for how great everyone has said the match is going to be, the buildup has been lackluster compared to just about every other match except the ziggler morrison match. i honestly wouldnt be suprised if the match started the show. i just dont give a shit about it any more. way to predictable.
Now that the whole Orton facing Nexus every week is done and dusted, the creative can now focus on making their feud "personal": even though they couldve done a better job (think HHH/Orton heading into WM25). I agree Orton's "wife" was a absolutely shit acter. But I wouldnt call it random.
Your complaining about something being not real on a fake wrestling program?

Stop trolling.

I enjoyed the segment, Orton/Punk is being built pretty damn good IMO.

You wanna complain about something... complain that the new dark twisted Cody Rhodes didn't come out when Rey Mysterio was in the ring... the Raw crowd deserves to see him.
Love it! That was AMAZE-ING.. Punk and Miz are making making Raw lately. The bus question from the interviewer was out of the blue, but not random. Randy was obviously feeling a little overconfident since taking out the New Nexus and was uncharacteristically candid. I'm a mark for what Punk did because of how Orton got away with injuring his ENTIRE team. I'm very surprised Punk didn't take it further. Heel Orton would've punted Punk's wife (remember Stephanie?). It was soooo poetic. "Yeah, Randall, I'm not sick and twisted, just chillin outside with your wife. Let's go say hi" :) Classic.
Saw nothing wrong with this. Orton took out all of Punk's members so Punk had to get him back. The wrench to the leg was a nice touch and something that Punk can work on because it's typical heel tactics to exploit an injury. At least we got a little physical confrontation more or less between the two.
I thought the segment worked great! WWE did not "JUMP THE SHARK" at all. Look up the meaning to that phrase and you'll understand.

First, yes Orton DOES own a bus...but who cares if he did or didn't. Stars have been shown in the past with having their own tour bus. You may or may not remember Austin dropping an I-beam on Stephanie's and blowing it up.

Second, no that was NOT his wife, just a bad actress...she looks like her though.

WWE is taking some creative thought into some stories and not others...this is one of them. Punk had to have some payback on Orton and I would expect ONE MORE next week, since Orton has made Punk look weak without even touching him.
He's a face, this promo was the first proper face promo I've seen him do.. it's about time they sort out his character which is currently in limbo and doesn't fit his current persona. He can still be 'psychotic' for sure but he needs to have more face mannerisms because as far as I can tell heel orton and face orton are the same & it just doesn't work when he turns face.
that segment when orton run out to the bus and get hit was wack. cuz if orton wife saw him getting beat up and punk right by the bus, shouldn't she have ram the bus door hard into punk to knock him down? that seen just was to fake, wwe gotta come better than that.
The bus was irrelevant. It was simply a convenient backstage location to have Orton's wife nearby.

A very simple segment that accomplished what it needed to do: Punk gets heat by taking out Orton while Orton's wife looks on in horror, and Orton gets some sympathy. It makes Punk look vicious, reminds the audience why he is the leader of the Nexus, and makes Orton look vulnerable. Given how Orton had been steamrolling through Nexus, they needed something like this to remind the audience that Punk is a dangerous man.
I partially agree with you. I wouldn't go as far to say as they "Jumped the Shark" but I do agree that beginning part did seem out of place and was just an obvious set up to use later. It felt somewhat forced by the writers and I agree that it was odd with Wrestlemania roughly 2 weeks away that the interviewer (I forgot who it was) would want to ask him about his bus, and I felt it came off as awkward and somewhat lazy by the writers. I didn't really have that much of a problem with the ending, other than the bad acting by his "wife".
What the hell was that tonight? "I don't mean to ignore your feud with CM Punk, but what is it like having your own bus?" WTF?!? Where the hell did that come from?

When I saw the title of this thread, I had no idea what to expect. Little did I know someone had brought up the least important aspect of the entire show. The bus bothered you? Huh??

This was stupid on so many levels. First, I'm to believe that Orton doesn't fly around on airplanes like the rest of the company, that he has his own bus, and that he brings his wife with him everywhere that he goes.

This bothers you? This? The bus is so small, and so insignificant, I cannot imagine anyone being this upset. It really meant nothing. It could have been a car, a truck, a motor home--who cares.

Even if he did bring his wife to all the events, (which I seriously doubt he does. Was that even his wife? I have no idea what she looks like.) why is she so upset about tonight's attack, and not any other attack that he receives? If she were supposedly at Raw every single week with him, why wouldn't she be showing up every time Orton got hurt?

She isn't at Raw each week, that was the point of showing the tour bus.

Next, why even involve a bus in the first place?

Why create a thread about a bus? Seriously, it can't get any less important than this.

The whole time Randy Orton was talking about his bus, all I could think was, "This does not fit his character."


Talking about a bus, a transportation vehicle, doesn't fit a character? Maybe each week, they should show him being released from a cage :suspic:

Him talking about his bus was about as obvious as someone bringing a cake to the ring. Honestly, I assumed CM Punk would ram it with a crane or steal it or something stupid like that. But to go through all that just to hit him with a wrench seemed anti-climactic.

As much as it pains me, I have to agree (somewhat).

And I don't want to beat a dead horse, because we all saw how horrible the acting was by Orton's "wife", but am I the only one who thought that she was going to make out with Punk or something, with the way she was looking at him when Punk was breathing on the window? No joke, she looked like she was *********ing. Maybe they are foreshadowing something for next week with that? Or maybe not.

I'll go with not.

This whole angle this week just seemed so random. I'm not normally one to come on here and bitch about Raw, but it doesn't look like this topic has been covered so someone had to do it.

No, it could have been ignored. It was a plot device, and nothing more. He has a family, they ride on a bus :shrug: I don't think it was overly entertaining, but you're acting as though this is a big deal, when it's really not. Actually, it isn't a deal at all.
Nick B
Originally Posted by brighamosity
The whole time Randy Orton was talking about his bus, all I could think was, "This does not fit his character."


Talking about a bus, a transportation vehicle, doesn't fit a character? Maybe each week, they should show him being released from a cage

To add another point to the whole argument... if you watch Superstars you would know that particular interviewer as a a commentator who often brings up facts and topics that are irrelevant and/or random, and in the context of the kayfabe storyline, coming off Orton's achievement of taking out Nexus, it was understandable.
The segment was awesome. What's the big deal about a tour bus. It isn't far fetched. Besides, you didn't think that they showed his wife and kid last week just because, did you? It added some life into the feud and continued to show how awesome of a heel Punk is.
This segment was not horrible, but it was a bit awkward. If you really want to analyze it, it seems odd that Orton's wife travels everywhere on a bus with him, but stays in it when they get to Raw...but I get the point, Punk wanted to do something to get back at Orton, something more than just attacking him from behind, something that screws with his head. Orton doesn't really have close friends, so he goes after his family. The bus was a way to get that family there, and to get her alone and vulnerable. I'm hoping for something next week that really brings it all together...we'll see what happens.

The brilliant part of this feud is that while Orton is playing the babyface, Punk is totally justified in his actions. Orton screwed him out of his title years ago by injuring him, and week after week, Orton has been giving Nexus members concussions by kicking them in the head after matches. This bus incident was the first truly heel-ish thing Punk has really done, and it was largely psychological...I was kind of expecting a longer, more violent beat-down. Punk tricks Orton into thinking he's going after his wife, but he doesn't actually do anything to her, it was just a way to distract Orton. If Punk comes out and asks why the crowd boos him and cheers Orton, I can't really come up with a logical answer, other than one is supposed to be the heel and the other the babyface. What can you really say about a babyface who injures someone to cost them their title, then puts the career and health of 3 men in jeopardy? We're nearing the end, but there is still more the writers can do to make this feud work.
The only thing I didn't like about this segment was how obvious it was that it wasn't Orton's wife. The woman on Raw looked like she was about 20 years old. She was hot though, I'll give them a pass on that one.

Otherwise, I agree with some of the other posters in that even though the interview was a tad out of character for Orton... It was a good thing. It has kinda been questionable and a little stale for awhile now.
I gotta say after watching that scene unfold, it doesn't look like she was horrified at all. Call it bad acting or whatever you want to, but she looked like a stripper trying to seduce some 20's out of punk. seriously go watch the part where she is staring through the bus door, nothing about that says horrified, but it does say something else.
it seems like your are just bitching. orton does own a bus. so he brought it to raw. who cares? the feud is still going strong. yeah the actress playing the role of his wife did a shitty job but theres alot of shitty acting in wrestling these days.
I only read part of the first page so didnt catch everyones post on this thread, but the one thing I want to say and I'm sorry if its been covered already.

I do believe that he takes his family around on a bus alot of the family people do just so they dont have to spend some much time away from the family and as I did read someone say I know big show does because I've seen the movie.

The only thing I didnt like about the seggment and I actually liked it alot, but the one thing that I didnt like was the fact that this was the first time they showed orton in it and they made a point to interview him by the bus earlier in the night so I kinda new then that orton was going to do something to the bus or his family. Other then knowing something was going to go down I did like how it played out.

I do have to agree with the OP though I was expecting Ortons wife to make out with Punk I just had this weird feeling that she was going to turn on him.

Glad it didnt happen that way though because it just seems that woulda been to crazy so close to WM maybe if it had more time to build up but not this close.
I think it only fuels the fire and vengeance of Orton as him punting the Nexus members wasn't exactly the "revenge" he was looking for. Many think he'll lose at WM due to that but let's face it, Punk has gotten the upper hand where it matters the most between these two and no Nexus involvement, so when they have that proper match, he will fully get his revenge on Punk for preventing him from main eventing at WM.
"Jumped the shark."


Anyways, it was a good segment even with the bad actress. It was classic WWE, draw your opponent backstage and attack them. It's a formula that works.
Yeah Orton does own a bus.So they use it in story.Then Orton acts more relaxed and cut a promo more as himself than his character.I

d say thats kinda adding more realism not vice versa.

Then the wife thing,yeah another good idea.They have managed to humanize Orton a little more (Kind of important for faces) and o a couple of different levels,but also FINALLY managed to give Punk an edge.For weeks Punks had to watch Orton get ahead in the story,but they finally gave his character some teeth on Raw,showing he is still capable of such things.

That said,the wifes acting was pretty awful.She even started to go back into the bus and close the door before Punk said anything.

Aside from that,jump the shark? Nah. Im with the majority here,well played,WWE

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