Wrestlemania 27 - Randy Orton vs. CM Punk

We've seen the mid air RKO before. A better ending would've been Punk doing the GTS but right before the knee happens Orton reverses it with the RKO.
LMAO It was a good match over all. ofcourse people are going to complain about something though lol saying how the match sould of ended instead of how it did. who gave yall the right to do the writers jobs for them . If you don't like it then watch something else.
Apparently, Orton is pissed that him and Punk weren't placed higher on the card and weren't given enough time. Honestly, I think he has every right to be mad. This match could've been better than what it was if given more time and it should've been higher on the card.

Creative really spat in the face of a lot hard working wrestlers this event.
Randy Orton will defeat CM Punk.

I got this one correct. I liked it! Even though I expected more from Orton and Punk, this was one of the better matched and I really enjoyed it. This match had the best build up out of any match, going all the way back to 2008 when Orton cost Punk his first world title reign. Wow, you allowed us to remember that, WWE? Great match, could have been better, but great given how bad the show as a whole was. I would not have changed the match itself because it was very enjoyable, but I would have put it as the next to last match, after Snooki/Laycool and before Cena/Miz.

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