WWE Extreme Rules - Randy Orton vs. CM Punk - Last Man Standing

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According to a post from Joey Styles on Twitter, Randy Orton will face CM Punk at the Extreme Rules pay per view in a Last Man Standing Match. This will most likely be a blow off to the Orton/Punk feud and unless there's a special stipulation that prevents Nexus from being involved, expect lots of interference in this one.
Wow, what an awesome sounding match. These 2 have already shown me that they have excellent chemistry together, so adding a gimmick match to end the feud should be outstanding.

For Christ's sake, let Punk get the motherfucking win this time, PLEASE!! I'm so fed up with Orton dominating everything he touches and Punk desperately needs a credible win if he's going to be anywhere near the top of the card in the future. It doesn't have to be clean, in fact, it shouldn't be clean. I like a lot of people understand wrestling and heels shouldn't beat the top faces clean. Nexus needs to orchestrate a huge beat down or Punk needs to do something ungodly to put Orton down. Please, just don't have Orton win a-fucking-gain.
Intriguing match if this is true. These two work very well together and this has been one of the better feuds of the last couple months aside from the fact that Orton wins every match. He has turned into what Cena has been a few times, indestructible. That whole thing is honestly getting a little old for me.

As for the match, I'd be excited to see what Punk does in this environment. We've seen Orton in every match type there is, but there are still some that Punk has never been in. And if memory serves, this is one of them. Punk is one of the better wrestlers in the company, and has also had some pretty good gimmick matches over the years so this should be no different. I'd think it would be a brawl until maybe Nexus gets involved towards the end.

The thing that HAS to happen here is Punk needs to win. I'm not sure when the last time he won a match was and I'm not sure the last time Orton lost. It'll help Punk more here and let's face it, the basis of this entire feud is revenge for Orton attacking Punk out of the blue a couple years ago. Punk should be the one to win this feud even if he is a heel.
I actully really love this idea and I think its a great way to end the fued. Punk needs to get the win to end this. I just hope its a really good last man standing match and its not all PG toned down and doesn't end in a stupid way like Batistia vs. Cena.
wwe.com is also reporting the last man standing match between Orton and Punk, so it must be official now. I am looking forward to this match, because these 2 seem to put on very good matches. Not a fan so much of last man standing matches though because I feel the pacing of this match is so slow with all the breaks in the action for the ref to count to 8 or 9. I really do hope Punk goes over though, because he needs a big win.
Though i may be one of the last few on these forums that still loves Randy Orton i do agree Punk needs the win here

With that bein said i believe so far that this match is going to be the best on the card and should be given a significant amount of time. Allow them to brawl untill the end with a huge beatdown from nexus Orton should lose this match

But i disagree on this ending the feud, how could it end it if Punk and nexus beat Orton down to win the match? I think if anything it would make the feud more personal
Man the Punk and Orton feud has been awesome. Hopefully we finally get to see Punk get the win he so desperately needs. The match should be epic. I have been pissed about Punk not winning, but I can't be pissed at the quality of matchs Punk & Orton have given us. I was at Mania and their Match was great. I think last nights match on RAW was even better, A Last Man Standing Match between these two should steal the show and be freaking amazing. Really really hoping Punk Wins.
The Punk-Orton feud has been going really good for the past while. They've had descent matches so far, but this match should be fantastic.

What problem do I have with this though? CM Punk needs to f****** win already!!!!!

He's 10X better than The Miz, who should not ever be a Main Eventer for his crappy match in WM 27. CM Punk should be feuding with Randy Orton for the title... but anyways, at least JoMo is in the Main Event...
Right on. These two have had a couple good matches thus far in their feud, so I have no problem with more. And considering that I've accepted how heels are booked in the WWE, I'll have no problem with the outcome. Now what do I really want here? Blood. Let them get intense for me. Blood adds a lot to a match and this is a combination that could really use it to take their issues to the next level. They need to go Bret-Austin and decide to use blood without the permission of the higher ups. Well, they don't need to. But I'm certainly hoping they do.

Prediction: No duct tape. Duct tape? Are you serious?! Yes. Yes I am.
after the little rift between Punk/Ryan I wonder if Ryan will try to help Punk, Punk tells him no and he somehow costs Punk the match.

They could do that at ER or they might milk it for a few more months.

Right on. These two have had a couple good matches thus far in their feud, so I have no problem with more. And considering that I've accepted how heels are booked in the WWE, I'll have no problem with the outcome. Now what do I really want here? Blood. Let them get intense for me. Blood adds a lot to a match and this is a combination that could really use it to take their issues to the next level. They need to go Bret-Austin and decide to use blood without the permission of the higher ups. Well, they don't need to. But I'm certainly hoping they do.

No they don't, that's old news and boring. Lets see how creative they can get with the new stipulation. Plus they'd get slaughtered in the media for Hart/Austin levels of blood. Just be patient man.

I hope they do more of the leg work. It makes sense in last man standing, Punk works Ortons leg (great work and selling of it at mania) with the whole notion that a single RKO could take Punk out is enough of a match story possibility that I think it could be a real interesting match without blood.

Unless you want it dumbed down and to let them hide behind the bells and whistles of artificial brutality. Personally I think seeing guys work with restrictions is more interesting at the moment.
Err.. Orton in a long match? I don't care what you think of Punk, having Orton do his shtick for longer than 5 minutes is a recipe for disaster. I wouldn't expect a lot of weapons or blood in this one. Punk has three flying monkeys that will fly right into RKOs. I do think Punk will pick up the win mostly because of the New Nexus.
I was hoping for an i quit match between these two but this is the next best thing for these guys. Especially with all the potential for weapons lying around ready to be used. they both claim to be sick in the head, so a match like this will see who is more deranged. But i want a clean win if CM Punk wins, he can run Randy over with a car for all i care, so long as he does it without the nexus.
I'm hoping this match gets the time it deserves, 20-25 minutes. This can be an absolute war, if time isn't an issue. I loved the Mania match, but this can trump that, no question.

Both men are brutal, unemotional machines. This kind of match is right up the alley of both men.

As for the outcome, I don't know. I hope Punk wins in a dirty fashion. But, part of me wants Orton to win clean, if only to make Orton haters go through what guys like myself went through while Cena was completely unstoppable for a few years. ...Nah, I'm still hoping for a Punk win.
I usually groan at the announcment of this type of match, but with the phsycology of the two workers involved, this could be absolutely fucking excellent. I can see quite a few subtle yet iconic actions and mannerisms from Punk during this...and of course, a loss.

Does he ever win? Does Orton ever lose? The answer to both is no.

Add to this the fact that Orton could well be the new face of Smackdown for this match, and he is probably going to kill the whole nexus. They started cracking the foundation on RAW, and this will likely be the thing that happens to split them once and for all.

Should be awesome.
For an end to the feud, this seems awesome. But it would be even better if both are brutally beat and can hardly fight anymore when suddenly Nexus appear and start beating down both Orton and Punk. Let's face it, Punk has been holding them back and simply used them as protection for himself and the statement he made about not caring for them being punted further fuels the fire between the members and himself.

Back to the match, once the Nexus trio are done attacking them, the ref starts to count and Orton manages to stand up in the end - taking the win. This can be an excellent set up for a feud between Punk and his former Nexus soldiers. Specially since Nexus have killed the chance of Punk ever getting a win against Orton when he was dominating the match.
I was hoping for an i quit match between these two but this is the next best thing for these guys. Especially with all the potential for weapons lying around ready to be used. they both claim to be sick in the head, so a match like this will see who is more deranged. But i want a clean win if CM Punk wins, he can run Randy over with a car for all i care, so long as he does it without the nexus.
Why? Why the fuck would a top heel go over a top face cleanly? That spits in the face of pro wrestling logic. That would make Orton look like shit and wouldn't garner as much heel heat for Punk. Punk's not a mark for himself, he realizes that cheating to win gets you more over as a heel. If you want Punk to go over clean it's just out of pure fandom. Which doesn't make sense. As a fan of Punk since 2003ish I WANT him to win, but I want some epic cheating and dastardliness because that's what heels do.
If Punk loses, we riot!
Nah, just kidding.
Still, it all seems rather wishy washy. I mean, yeah, Randy did the heel thing to Punk and two YEARS later Punk gets revenge? And he hasn't gotten any revenge. And he isn't getting a title shot or anything meaningful at all from any heel standpoint that I can see.
Hopefully it's over soon, and Punk gets something out of it by some despicable deed.
They do work well together, and that counts for something.
good feud, should be a good match, dont think i wanna see punk win, maybe someone will come help orton then he will get the win after someone knocks cm punk out, orton will roll ontop for the win, or the nexus beat orton to a pulp then punk gets the win.
This match should be great. Iv'e always loved last man standings. Only 3 have disapointed me: Smackdown 07 Batista vs Kane, One Night Stand 08 HHH vs Orton and Batista vs Cena at last years Extreme Rules PPV. So this should be a great way to end the feud should the creative team not let TV-PG pollute the match quality. Hopefully theres a stipulation saying Nexus are banned from ringside, because it will just be a buzzkill if they interfere DURING the match. I wont mind having a post-match assault.
I'm an Orton mark, but I believe that Punk should win this match.
In another thread somebody posted that they would turn Punk into a bit of a psychotic character and that sounds like a great idea.
Punk could win cleanly and then after the 10 counter he delivers 2 consecutive GTS's with Nexus present. He then goes for another as Otunga and McGillicutty try to reason with him to stop but Ryan pulls them off. Punk does the third GTS with only Ryan's approval.
Orton could be written out for a while and come back with more charisma bt still as The Viper (think promo for WM25 v HHH). Punk becomes more psychotic over the weeks by beating on anyone he wants with Ryan helping because the others in Nexus distance themselves from Punk and Ryan.
Punk's new character could be similar to The Joker from The Dark Knight in terms of his mind games and mental state.
Then Orton returns to carry on the feud at about NOC by which time Punk could have the title.

I'd like to hear other peoples thoughts. Feel free to rip my post to bits.
Should be a great match, and one where i hope Punk gets his revenge. But sadly, i can't see it happening. :(

Nexus will no doubt interfere at some stage, and this could be the downfall of Punk.

Unfortunately, i think Orton will win this after an epic match.
Randy Orton vs. CM Punk - Last Man Standing

Much like Mysterio and Rhodes, this match will close this feud with only one man left standing. It'll be interesting to see what involvement Nexus plays in this, as we have seen a small bit of conflict between Mason Ryan and CM Punk last week. In addition to this exciting variable, we will get to see who gets a push going into their own respective show.

In my opinion, this is completely up in the air. I guess it all depends on whether or not CM Punk is leaving, because it'll be curious to see if they will push him if he is.
I think we will have a good match here. Orton won last time and I bet he will win again to gain momentum while moving to Smackdown. The fact that Nexus could not interfere hurt the Wrestlemania match a little and I anticipate their involvement. They will probably run out to help Punk only to het RKO'ed by Orton one by one. That would be a great moment. Orton winning would make more sense because then the feud can end and Orton gets momentum for his Smackdown debut. Punk can move on to some random other feud, and/or some internal angle between Nexus.

Randy Orton will defeat CM Punk.
Well, I highly doubt Orton will put Punk over, He wouldn't in London 2 weeks ago to even up the playing field, and he's not going to lose the feud. It annoyed me in London how he gets beat down badly, but miraculously can get back up and hit an RKO to leave on top, but that's not suprising any more. If Orton get's the clean sweep, I'll be pissed, and no wonder CM Punk is tempted to leave if he's not going to get a sniff against someone like Orton. The match will be good, mostly due to Punk and his superior in ring skills, but Nexus will probably interefere for the wrong, leading to Punk losing and not being able to answer the ten count. I would love however to be suprised and see Punk win, but if he is going to leave WWE, he isn't going to get a win here, especially against Orton.
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