WWE Extreme Rules LD - Inside Me a Light Was Turned On, Then I Was Alive

I can't comment; I didn't see Lockdown. Oh, no, wait! I'll use my TNA sense. Hnnnnnnnn! Yep. It was shit.
What would be the point of elaborating? If you think Lockdown was better than anything the WWE has put out this year, there's clearly no hope for you.

I never said this year of course. By recently I generally mean Wrestlemania.

Does having a retired wrestler go over your two top Raw brand stars in the main event that ended in a double count out sound more appealing then a high flying cage match where the young guys you built up go over the stable of veterans that have been abusing their authority and are there for pay checks?

Of course not, again anything with TNA is shit right? WWE can do no wrong. :lmao:
care to elaborate? :p Or does anything with the word "TNA" get this type of reaction?

No. Wrestlemania was better than Lockdown. Lockdown had it's high points for sure, but really the only "good" match was Jarrett vs. Angle and it was overbooked and also showed us that TNA creative have literally no idea how to end the feud. Pope and Joe was great from a wrestling standpoint but it the stupid storyline it was set around was just too crappy to forget. The Lethal Lockdown was fun, but it was by no means good wrestling and missed a few great spots in the match(Matt Hardy falling off the cage for one.). Wrestlemania, on the other hand, had Edge/Del Rio, Cody Rhodes/Rey Mysterio, CM Punk/Randy Orton, and Triple H/Undertaker as four good-great matches on the card. WWE also knows how to work their card better. Using Lockdown as an example, TNA throws their three best matches at the top of the card. This seems logical (the main events should be closer to the main event, right?), but in reality you want to give the crowd a chance to rest between the hottest, most emotional matches of the night. Take a look at almost any WWE card and you'll see that they'll slide a diva's match or a tag match in between the main event matches to give the crowd a chance to recover.

I believe this post is one that Jglass made that I for some reason had in a notepad document.
No. Wrestlemania was better than Lockdown. Lockdown had it's high points for sure, but really the only "good" match was Jarrett vs. Angle and it was overbooked and also showed us that TNA creative have literally no idea how to end the feud. Pope and Joe was great from a wrestling standpoint but it the stupid storyline it was set around was just too crappy to forget. The Lethal Lockdown was fun, but it was by no means good wrestling and missed a few great spots in the match(Matt Hardy falling off the cage for one.). Wrestlemania, on the other hand, had Edge/Del Rio, Cody Rhodes/Rey Mysterio, CM Punk/Randy Orton, and Triple H/Undertaker as four good-great matches on the card. WWE also knows how to work their card better. Using Lockdown as an example, TNA throws their three best matches at the top of the card. This seems logical (the main events should be closer to the main event, right?), but in reality you want to give the crowd a chance to rest between the hottest, most emotional matches of the night. Take a look at almost any WWE card and you'll see that they'll slide a diva's match or a tag match in between the main event matches to give the crowd a chance to recover.

I believe this post is one that Jglass made that I for some reason had in a notepad document.

I'd agree. Wrestlemania overall is a better PPV. Definitely not my favorite overall this year, but half of the show was really good.

However, thats not really the argument I'm trying to make.(Gotta kill some time until the actual PPV starts right?) The end of a PPV can drastically alter the way its presented. Same goes with just about any show as well. Its the bottom of the ninth and you don't wanna throw a stinker that will cost you the game. Logically Lockdown had a very good ending. It wasn't the most sound of Pay Per Views, but the ending definitely helped make it what I'll call "acceptable for TNA standards."

Now on the flip side for a Wrestlemania PPV, The momentum was definately not there. After Taker/HHH tore the house down(which in my opinion should of ended the show) the crowd was burned out. Cena/Miz went slow and the crowd didn't get into it until at least halfway through. The ending of course took away from it even more.

Tonight WWE has a good chance of putting the period to end the show that should of been at Wrestlemania. Miz retaining cleanly or a Morrison/Cena title win can do that, Or if the WHC ends the show even moreso.

Of course its just one mans opinion, everyone say it with me now O-p-i-n-i-o-n.
Just thought about it. Wouldn't Christian be a grand slam winner when he wins tonight?
From what I know the only other current wrestlers capable of grand slam fame is Big Show and Undertaker who both need Intercontinental while Christian, Regal and Goldust(?) all need world titles.

Would Christian also be the only world champion to hold the light heavyweight title?

Last Grand Slam was JBL back in 09'. It's been awhile.

And how awesome was that?
From what I know the only other current wrestlers capable of grand slam fame is Big Show and Undertaker who both need Intercontinental while Christian, Regal and Goldust(?) all need world titles.

So basically, Christian and Show are the only ones who could really do it. I mean, Dust or Regal are never going to hold the big one and Taker isn't going to hold the IC Title. So if Christian does win it, it could be pretty historic as it could be the last Grand Slam Champion ever... Barring them doing something dumb like resurrecting one of the lower than mid card titles.
Also, there has been a lot of discussion of both

1. title unification

2. a fued between Cena and Del Rio that will blow off at Summerslam

Uh, duh?
So basically, Christian and Show are the only ones who could really do it. I mean, Dust or Regal are never going to hold the big one and Taker isn't going to hold the IC Title. So if Christian does win it, it could be pretty historic as it could be the last Grand Slam Champion ever... Barring them doing something dumb like resurrecting one of the lower than mid card titles.

Yes. Regal had his chance but fucked up. Christian could win tonight and Show could win the IC at some point so he'd have something to do.

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