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WWE Apparently Done With Evan Bourne


Mid-Card Championship Winner
I got this from another website. IF TRUE, I cannot say I am surprised. I cannot say I am bothered either. Decent enough in the ring but didn't bring anything else to the table. Hopefully someone like Tyson Kidd will get his spot.

Bye bye Evan!!!

Former WWE tag team champion Evan Bourne is currently serving a 60-day suspension for his second violation of the company's Wellness Policy.

While Bourne would be cleared to return to action in March, a reports suggests that Bourne could be done with the company for good.

No official decision has been made yet, but "a number of WWE sources" have indicated that Bourne will not be brought back.

Bourne's first violation of the Wellness Policy was reportedly a result of him using synthetic marijuana ("spice"), which is a banned substance in WWE.

Bourne's latest violation is said to be a result of something "completely unrelated" to his first situation.
I would not be at all surprised if that were the case... Evan has screwed the pooch on his own career and as he said himself sometimes you are your own worst enemy. Two wellness violations in three months (including his first suspension) is a career ender. A shame really since he was entertaining for the most part.

This was also on wz by the way, I think with raw being last night it's been pushed much further down the front page though
If this is the case, I can't say I disagree at all. Bourne was back what, three weeks before this happened again? They got the titles off him and they had the rematch where he lost both times so the angle is covered. At the end of the day, Bourne is a guy that is there for his ability to hit a gorgeous shooting star press. I'm going to bet WWE can find a guy that can do that exact move without the drug issues, so Bourne is pretty replaceable. No issues with this one as Bourne did it to himself.
Shock of the fucking year on that one.

I said it just last week after the news broke...Its a fucking miracle the guy even touched the WWE in the FIRST place. Looks like a high school gymnast, and has no mic skills whatsoever. If anything, im shocked it took THIS much for him to be released.

Its like some ugly fat guy dating a fucking Victoria Secret Angel and abusing her and cheating on her repeatedly. You have NO fucking buisness being there in the first place, and then you want to just violate this miracle blessing? ugh, get what you deserve.
Can't really say i'll miss Bourne if they let him go. He never really had any memorable moments. Love his Shooting Star, but that's about it. Otherwise, this kid has no real character and his high flying arsenal is already covered by guys like Mysterio and Sin Cara. In the WWE, there isn't a Cruiserweight division, so there isn't anything unique about a bland, no persona guy doing high flying moves when they have dudes wearing masks who can do the same thing or better, and they can profit off of them through merchandise sales. Sorry Evan, you know you were there on chance....living a dream, but you chose to abuse the opportunity.
They should bring him back and have Kane dismantle him and write him out of storylines semi permanent. This would only add to Kane's character at the present time, and allows WWE to get their worth out of Bourne, and if WWE set this up correctly they could also do Kofi/Kane feud.
It's just that the second violation came so close on the heels of the first. Management's thinking is probably that anyone can slip and draw a warning; that's why they get two strikes before hitting the tape. But having the second one come up immediately after the first is probably interpreted as a show of disrespect by the violator, an indication that he isn't trying at all to comply with the rules.

I enjoyed Evan in the ring; a guy with that kind of body control has a useful place in the organization. If they do fire him now, I wouldn't be surprised to see him back someday......perhaps with a one-time provision in his contract: any violation in the future will be your last one.
Two wellness violations in three months (including his first suspension) is a career ender.

Yeah I know, what a dumbass, hee-yuck hee-yuck...

Bourne's latest violation is said to be a result of something "completely unrelated" to his first situation.

Freakin A Shotaro, I just got done agreeing with you! Now we both look like asses!

The height of Bourne's WWE career was being on the business end of an "Oh Shit" moment with Orton RKO-ing him mid Airbourne. He didn't have anything to set him apart from other high flyers, either. He never even got his token US Title run, did he?

Probably not going to be missed to badly. He's also been pretty mouthy about the WWE product in recent days as I recall.

Shock of the fucking year on that one.

I said it just last week after the news broke...Its a fucking miracle the guy even touched the WWE in the FIRST place.

Yeah, I'm inclined to agree with that. Who brought this guy in? His entrance theme was shitty too.

I have one more question... "What's Matt Sydal doing in the Impact Zone?!"

Couldn't help it.
at any other job a second pop off a drug test just weeks after failing the first one would be grounds for immediate termination, especially if said employee is not performing to the best standards. Now lets look at Bourne, he's medoicre in the ring, his only good spots are his jumping heel kick and his shooting star press. He sucks ass on the mic, he's been mouthing off about WWE and ratting on other superstars (R-Truth). I think if WWE doesnt let him go, then they look like idiots and Vince wont let anyone make his company look stupid. He's let go of way bigger stars for the sake of his companies image (ie Jeff Hardy and Umaga come to mind) If Evan gets fired, then they should do it on TV and make it a storyline about his drug use. At least then Evan has a chance to come back clean and get his "good boy" image back.
He won't be missed. He has done nothing of note on his own, and I would hate to see him in a tag team again due to his unreliability.

He was going nowhere and really his Wellness violations have just pushed forward the inevitable. It's not like a high flyer is hard to find anyway.
at any other job a second pop off a drug test just weeks after failing the first one would be grounds for immediate termination, especially if said employee is not performing to the best standards. QUOTE]

What the hell is going on here??? C-O-M-P-L-E-T-E-L-Y (having all parts or elements; lacking nothing; whole; entire; full [dictionary.com]) U-N-R-E-L-A-T-E-D (not connected or associated [dictionary.com])!!! Why is nobody understanding that? Besides, where I'm from you actually can't be terminated from your job for failing a drug test, but you could be asked to go to rehab.

ratting on other superstars (R-Truth).

I didn't read that he ratted out Truth. I read that there were possibly others involved that didn't receive the same suspension. Where did you hear such a thing?

If Evan gets fired, then they should do it on TV and make it a storyline about his drug use. At least then Evan has a chance to come back clean and get his "good boy" image back.

Somebody else also mentioned Kane tearing him a new one... Actually, I kinda like the idea. I kind of figure Kane has more important things to do then send Bourne to hell, but Kofi could bust him up and bring back a little of that aggressive side he had with his mini Orton feud.

Bringing up his "drug use", though? I don't know, WWE typically goes a different direction in these sort of cases. Especially as the incident (note, non-plural) happened while he was still enjoying babyface status as one half of the Tag Team Champions. But once more:

make it a storyline about his drug use.

happened once, completely unrelated, go piss up a rope, blah blah blah...
Well its not a shock! Never been a fan of his at all. He will end up in TNA or NJPW and have a good career. But its complete and utter hypocrisy. Funny how if you're the Dolph Ziggler&Randy Orton of the WWE world it's okay with it. If you're the Chris Masters&Evan Bourne's you get shown the door. HHH everyone knows is juicing and gets the SON IN LAW treatment. WWE's policy is a facade! Screw a few small fish and let the big ones get a pass. Just so we can say SEE we're doing our jobs. Vince has a mindset on what he wants in the WWE so it's okay the cookie cutter wrestlers do it. I mean Bourne or any of them are dumb for even trying it once. Being former military you know one strike you're out so I agree with the firing. HOWEVER you can't give some a pass and others not.
you know something the WWE messed up last night instead of zack going through the stage that should have been Evan Bourne going through that spot!! What a perfect way to send that waste of space Evan Bourne out of the E!! I will not miss him he can hit a gorgeous shooting star press perfect everytime he lands it but he can be somebodys else headache!! Like TNAs
I believe after his 60 day suspension he will be released. WWE releasing Bourne would not be a bad thing after all not many are supporters of Bourne and would not miss him on WWE tv.
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Evan has done nothing but fly around the ring and job to everybody. WWE has a few small guys that can not only fly but can REALLY wrestle with the best of them..... Justin Gabrial, Tyson Kidd, the list really goes on. While I don't dislike Evan, he probably would have a better chance in WWE if they still had the Cruiserweight title. He'll go on to TNA and do some amazing crap in an Ultimate X environment. He's Billy Kidman and Dean Malenko. Pretty good in the ring. ZERO charisma. ZERO personality. NEXT
Fantastic news to me.

What did he expect? Two Wellness violations so close together like that are just asking for it. Who's going to hire him? What company would risk hiring someone who cannot follow their company's rules? He got wellnessed twice. Within 30 days of one another. TWICE. That certainly won’t look good on your resume. But good riddance. Evan Borune has successfully brought down Kofi Kingston with him and that makes him an overall douche. Kofi was stuck behind the curtains for Borune's 30 day suspension. Kofi loses the Tag Title thanks to Evan. Idiot Borune gets suspended again and Kofi remains irrelevant on the WWE roster.

Evans a cunt. Problem or no problem, he needs to get his shit together and grow up. There a millions of other guys who can execute a nice Shooting Star Press and the WWE should get on that. Hell, start pushing Justin Gabriel and his 450 splash to fill Evan’s role. As for Evan Borune, he can go fall in a hole.
I would be far more shocked if he isn't released, than I would be if he is. A guy his size is extremely lucky to have ever been signed by WWE. Much less receive the pushes he's had in the past and the current one as tag champion. To test positive twice in such a short time period. Indicates either he just doesn't care about his career anymore. Or he has a serious problem, either way I don't see WWE keeping him around.

I'm sure they will release him after he finishes rehab and his suspension is over. He may be brought back down the road if he stays clean, but I wouldn't count on it. I'm sure he has let down and pissed off many important people in the company.
This is no big deal. Guys like Bourne are a dime a dozen. The guy was the personification of a dialtone personality and had nothing remotely interesting about him other than his Shooting Star Press. The fact that his suspension came so soon after his return also furthers my belief that he's just a liability and should just go away. No need to drag down Kofi Kingston whose part in Air Boom is the most relevant he's been since his feud with Orton years ago. Lots of high flyers with more potential than this guy. If WWE has no plans to push Kingston as a singles competitor then team him with Justin Gabriel. Not like he's doing anything important besides hanging with Hornswoggle anyway.
Never been a big fan of his so this doesn't hurt my feelings any. He never did anything for me entertainment or wrestling wise even in his days in the wwe ecw brand he just wasn't very interesting. He was bland personality wise he had really no talking skills so I won't miss him any plus he did it to himself. Anyone who just gets off a 30 day suspension and gets busted again and gets suspended for 60 days obviously doesn't care about his job so therefore he doesn't need or deserve it.
The violations happened so close each other. I am not sure how the procedure in the wellness policy works but does anyone think it was possible that Bourne already took the substance that caused his second violation between his first test and when the results came out?

I mean looking at it in a sane perspective, if you are already suspended once no way would you roll the dice and take another unrelated substance right after.
This is just proof once again that the WWE wellness policy is just utter bullshit to make it appear like they give a shit. They'll throw a Masters or Bourne to the wolves, they're nothing to them. They can sacrifice a midcarder to make it look like their system works.

What about HHH, Cena, Orton, Ryan, etc? You guys honestly think they're not at the very least cruising on a TRT dose?

And for those who don't like Bourne's in-ring abilities, watch some youtubes of him before he went to the WWE. He's good.
everyone saw it coming.

If nothing else he can be a good example that WWE takes their wellness policy seriously, and will cut their tag team champion over it.

He was a great spot monkey, which is great for a career midcarder, expect to see him pop back up in TNA in a few months since they've taken themselves to be WWE's Rehab program lately.
I read that same statement this morning and, as others have said, I wouldn't be at all surprised if WWE just lets Bourne go and he doesn't return following his suspension.

It's not really so much the violation itself as the fact that it's the second one within a three month span. Hell, the guy practically just got back from a suspension, wrestled a handful of matches and was suspended again. There's no word on what was found in his system this time around but I'm assuming it wasn't Spice, which could indicate that Bourne might have something of a drug problem. A second violation requires a wrestler to go to mandatory rehab or be released.

There's a chance WWE could keep Bourne on, at least for a while longer. It's all but written in the stars that the MITB match is returning at WM and Bourne's presence could provide some entertaining spots. After that, it wouldn't surprise me at all to see him cut loose.

I enjoy watching Bourne inside the ring but there's nobody to blame here other than Bourne. It's just a shame this came about just as Bourne was finally part of something meaningful and doing good work in the tag team picture.
This is just proof once again that the WWE wellness policy is just utter bullshit to make it appear like they give a shit. They'll throw a Masters or Bourne to the wolves, they're nothing to them. They can sacrifice a midcarder to make it look like their system works.

What about HHH, Cena, Orton, Ryan, etc? You guys honestly think they're not at the very least cruising on a TRT dose?

And for those who don't like Bourne's in-ring abilities, watch some youtubes of him before he went to the WWE. He's good.

Orton's been suspended twice, so yeah...that's real favoritism. As for Cena, to my knowledge he was tested by the NCAA and several other independent organizations in ~2000 when he still played college sports, he was fine then.

On topic: Bourne should be fired. 2 drug suspensions for 2 completely different things...good bye Evan Bourne, hello Justin Gabriel and/or Tyson Kidd. Bourne
s peak was in an energy tag team like Air Boom. Now he's done and can go to Florida and do X-division stuff in TNA.

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