Wrestlezone's Official Call out Thread

ENTERKEY you are a pompous douche. Keep red repping me IDC. Telling me to Fuck off and give up doesn't matter to me. I post on here because I want to and enjoy it. IDC what you think of me. BTW it's not cool to put chicks with big tits on here and then tell every1 your welcome for providing it. TRUST ME we all know how to better stuff on the internet then your providing. What you provide is a joke, it displays your insecurities and desires for attention. " hey guys pay attention to me I like big tits...." YOU GIVE UP go find a REAL Girl it's much better staring into her eyes then seeing yours when you look into the mirror after jerking off.
Dont bother commenting back, just red rep me and move on. YOU cant even keep up with me and I'm just MEDIOCRE.
Wait your're calling him out and telling him not to respond, kinda defeats the purpose of the thread.

Blessing a thread dedicated to tits, does not desire attention. The thread is there to post tits so he does. So what if that's his contribution to the forums. I don't see nobody else complaining about it. Don't be mad because he is more known than you, just for posting some tits.
I half agree with something in that post, and mostly disagree with the rest.
ENTERKEY you are a pompous deush.

You wouldn't be the first to make that assumption but I'm sure that you'll be proven wrong by one of the many people that defended me against those accusations when rattlesnake4eva and Uncle Chester falsely accused me of the same thing months ago.

Keep red repping me IDC.

Will do

Telling me to Fuck off and give up doesn't matter to me.

Apparently it does or else you wouldn't have started bitching out over it

I post on here because I want to and enjoy it. IDC what you think of me.

So you enjoy posting on a site where people do nothing but insult you?

BTW it's not cool to put chicks with big tits on here

Says the guy that is trying to get noticed solely on the basis of taking on the "big name" guy that got over by "only" posting tits... well with being a cool dude in the cage and making friends on the side.

and then tell every1 your welcome for providing it.

That's generally the nice thing to say when people keep THANKING me for doing what I do.

TRUST ME we all know how to better stuff on the internet then your providing.

Well no fucking shit dumbass, if it was within the rules to do so I would have posted high quality porn a long time ago. Also, sometimes it is better to leave somethings to the imagination. Look at SSC's sig, fucking amazing, and then look at the full picture and you will be severely disappointed even though the nips and vag are in plain sight.

What you provide is a joke it displays your insecurities and desires for attention. " hey guys pay attention to me I like big tits...."

I find this ironic seeing as you're doing the exact same thing by trolling the place.

YOU GIVE UP go find a REAL Girl it's much better staring into her eyes then seeing yours when you look into the mirror after jerking off.[/QUOTE]

Believe me I have women in real life, probably a lot hotter women at that, that beg me to fuck them and I have the ability to turn them down whenever I so choose, I am not some desperate loser that can't find a woman on his own and settles for any dirty crack ****e that will sleep with him for $5 like you are. Now I'm sure you'll try to defend yourself in some way with a really horribly spelled insult about how I'm supposedly full of shit and that no guy can do that but I assure you that I can because I am enterkey and as such my life is better than yours. Don't take that as me bragging though, I'd say about 95% of the people on here have better lives than you including guys like rattlesnake4eva and DougCrashin.

Dont bother commenting back, just red rep me and move on. YOU cant even keep up with me and I'm just MEDIOCRE.

On the contrary, you are just like the hundreds of other sad pathetic trolls that have popped up on here over the past few months attempting to be cool trolling up the place misspelling things for shits and gigs. There is absolutely no originality in you and once you eventually get banned there will be a dozen more people just like you to take your place. The only reason you didn't want me to respond is because you like to start shit and know that you can't finish it with me.
You wouldn't be the first to make that assumption but I'm sure that you'll be proven wrong by one of the many people that defended me against those accusations when rattlesnake4eva and Uncle Chester falsely accused me of the same thing months ago.

Will do

Apparently it does or else you wouldn't have started bitching out over it

So you enjoy posting on a site where people do nothing but insult you?

Says the guy that is trying to get noticed solely on the basis of taking on the "big name" guy that got over by "only" posting tits... well with being a cool dude in the cage and making friends on the side.

That's generally the nice thing to say when people keep THANKING me for doing what I do.

Well no fucking shit dumbass, if it was within the rules to do so I would have posted high quality porn a long time ago. Also, sometimes it is better to leave somethings to the imagination. Look at SSC's sig, fucking amazing, and then look at the full picture and you will be severely disappointed even though the nips and vag are in plain sight.

I find this ironic seeing as you're doing the exact same thing by trolling the place.

YOU GIVE UP go find a REAL Girl it's much better staring into her eyes then seeing yours when you look into the mirror after jerking off.

Believe me I have women in real life, probably a lot hotter women at that, that beg me to fuck them and I have the ability to turn them down whenever I so choose, I am not some desperate loser that can't find a woman on his own and settles for any dirty crack ****e that will sleep with him for $5 like you are. Now I'm sure you'll try to defend yourself in some way with a really horribly spelled insult about how I'm supposedly full of shit and that no guy can do that but I assure you that I can because I am enterkey and as such my life is better than yours. Don't take that as me bragging though, I'd say about 95% of the people on here have better lives than you including guys like rattlesnake4eva and DougCrashin.

On the contrary, you are just like the hundreds of other sad pathetic trolls that have popped up on here over the past few months attempting to be cool trolling up the place misspelling things for shits and gigs. There is absolutely no originality in you and once you eventually get banned there will be a dozen more people just like you to take your place. The only reason you didn't want me to respond is because you like to start shit and know that you can't finish it with me.[/QUOTE]

His post ends here, IDK why it wont quote until the end...

I pretty much just want to say your post is well thought out, but wrong....
A. I do not consider you a big name, even if I did consider you a big name I couldn't give a F what you think. The thing you don't understand is that you think you know all when it comes to wz. Accepting new people allows more discussion which if done correctly is def in the best interest of the forum. WZ expanding if done correctly and respectfully is a good thing. I have done noting to disrespect WZ or wrestling. YES I know in my name I misspelled but I did it to reflect my opinion of the current product. I have been a fan for the past 15 years and the product up and till a month ago has been mediocre in my opinion. They went down a path to cater to a audience that would be there anyways the kids.I think most people on here would admit that this program is mediocre compared to the to the 1995-2002 period.( I'm not elaborating because I do not want to start another anti PG argument.
B. I don't fuck 5$ crack ****es
C.Your def a Pompous Asshole.
D. I just want to state again you are not a big name, and even more of a douche for saying that you are.
E. My post about you received mostly positive rep so I'm not the only one who feels this way.
F. Takes this for what you will, but I hope you realize that maybe for 1 min you should stop looking at MONSTER TITS and look in the mirror and stop being a douche.
G. You will prob refute everything I said and RED REP me, if that what makes you happy, enjoy
:lmao: enterkey thinks he is a "big name." Even in quotes that is laughable. Mediocre often struggles to be that when he is posting but he is right here. Enterkey was one awesome sig and nothing else.
The fact that the arguement between these two, on a wrestling forum, now involves who has the hottest women or who is fucking the hottest women, literally made me laugh out loud.

The Cage isn't as useless as I first predicted.
I pretty much just want to say your post is well thought out, but wrong....

What a coincidence, your posts are horribly thought out and wrong as well.

I do not consider you a big name, even if I did consider you a big name I couldn't give a F what you think.

So despite not caring about me or what I think you still take the time to call me out just because of a couple of red reps and a sandy vag? Oh yeah you definitely don't care :rolleyes:

The thing you don't understand is that you think you know all when it comes to wz.

Definitely not true, my name is not Slyfox, KB, IC25, or any of the other countless veterans that have been here for what seems like forever.

Accepting new people allows more discussion which if done correctly is def in the best interest of the forum.

I gave you a chance and you were bad the first few times I read your posts and horribly ******ed after that. If you've followed The Cage at all the short time you've been on here you'd know that nobody in here gives a fuck about accepting anyone that doesn't deserve it or that they, for one reason or another, simply don't like. If you want accepting discussions go to the nonspam section and spam around a while.

WZ expanding if done correctly and respectfully is a good thing. I have done noting to disrespect WZ or wrestling.

WZ doesn't need help expanding, it has been around for a hell of a long time and, from what I've heard, has only become more calm than it used to be and if it can prosper in a time when it was crazier than it is now then it can expand indefinitely regardless of the people that post here. There will always be new internet fans spawned and people that get tired of other forums for one reason or another and will inevitably find this site.

YES I know in my name I misspelled but I did it to reflect my opinion of the current product.

The knock wasn't on your name, you've gone out of your way to painstakingly tell everyone that it is some higher cause and that we shouldn't make fun of you because of it but it is because you misspell the shit out of your posts and it can get to the point of unbelievably laughable when you attempt to do it in your insults.

I have been a fan for the past 15 years and the product up and till a month ago has been mediocre in my opinion. They went down a path to cater to a audience that would be there anyways the kids.I think most people on here would admit that this program is mediocre compared to the to the 1995-2002 period.( I'm not elaborating because I do not want to start another anti PG argument.

Nice long winded speech on a subject that's been done to death. As I said earlier I already knew about the backstory to your shitty name, as you bring it up everytime someone insults you.

B. I don't fuck 5$ crack ****es

You can give them all the cute names you want but at the end of the day they'll still be taking small amounts of your money to feed both of your addictions.

C.Your def a Pompous Asshole.

Where are the quotes to back up this accusation? Back yourself up or GTFO.

D. I just want to state again you are not a big name, and even more of a douche for saying that you are.

As I've stated, as it was in quotes, it was something I said as a joke to knock on myself a bit as I in no way think of myself as a big name on here yet. Sarcasm just doesn't translate.

E. My post about you received mostly positive rep so I'm not the only one who feels this way.

Big deal, rep is a fleeting and pointless thing anyway and hardly anything to get so worked up about.

F. Takes this for what you will, but I hope you realize that maybe for 1 min you should stop looking at MONSTER TITS

I stop looking at them all the time, I do have a life after all outside of giant tits and WZ. If you can't manage one outside of WZ I understand that but it doesn't mean that someone else can have one.

and look in the mirror and stop being a douche.

Looked in the mirror, still not a bro so we're fine there and I don't see any extreme doucheness to it.

G. You will prob refute everything I said

Done, and rather easily at that.

and RED REP me, if that what makes you happy, enjoy

It doesn't make me unhappy so I'll probably do it

:lmao: enterkey thinks he is a "big name." Even in quotes that is laughable. Mediocre often struggles to be that when he is posting but he is right here. Enterkey was one awesome sig and nothing els7e.

As stated above I put it in quotes because I myself don't believe it and just put it in there to display him as delusional. I'd say that you're just a delusional TNA fan and nothing else but you're not Zeven_Zion and you tend to be a funny guy regardless of your TNA markness.
I tired helping you RvC but apparently you ingored it so deal with the shit people are giving you and stop being a moron. Do these 2 things and they will eventually leave you alone and find someone new to ass rape

Stop with the whole "Do what I say and you'll be ok" thing already.
Why don't you learn how to post, find your own gimmick, become mildly intelligent, and gain a taste in women and then maybe we'll stop red repping you. Honestly you've been shit since day one so naturally someone is going to send you some reps to reflect it. If you can't do any of this it'd be fine with everyone if you just left completely or, better yet, did something to get yourself permabanned.

The rock says this. Enterkey you are a jabroni. You think that you can find a picture of a girl using google images and think you are significant. Enterkey you need to know your role and stop being a douche. Really? I don't have a taste in women? Just because I don't think some of the divas are hot? Doesn't mean that I'm gay. You are that perv that takes private transportation and stares at the semi-attractive girl and stares at the boobs. You jabroni pervert.

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