Wrestler You F****** Hate

I destest the fact that HHH can always get in the title scene and I mentioned to my friend last nite , that yes he should be a say 4 time champion he is good enough for that. But no way is he capable of being 13 time champ. I believe Vince is giving him this reign of titles so as he can be related to the most decorated wrestler of all time hence adding to the McMahon legacy. However I do like HHH just not when he dominates the title scene the way he has this past 2 years. Look at how Taker and HBK, Jercicho, Angle all can hold their top spots with the fans and still drift out of world title fedus, grudge feuds and mid-card feuds. It is testament to their ability and makes the Cenas, HHH, etc all look very weak and stale.
The wrestlers I fricking DESPISE with a FLAMING PASSION both in the ring and genuinely as a person are...

John Cena... Where do I even begin with him. John Cena is the king of annoying overrated wrestlers. He is constantly force fed down our throats each and every week, being this super mega baby face who is almost always in the title picture. He can't even wrestle worth a crap; all he has are his 5 moves of doom. He's like Hulk Hogan version 2! (limited move set, super popular with the little kids, the face of the company, sells practically the most merchandise, makes these superhuman comebacks, insanely long title runs, always in the main event every week.) Enough of the ass kissing already. I really wish they'd fire him or he'd 'pull a rock' and go do movies full time.

Batista... He is way too injury prone and he is the PRINCE of annoying overrated wrestlers. It seems like he's always getting hurt at least once a year, and has to have some type of surgery that puts him on the injured list for a long period of time. He also can't wrestle worth a crap. He's got his five moves of doom as well, his little moment where he stomps his foot, shakes the ropes, and goes bezerk. (and people actually believe he's supposed to be 'the animal'? Give me a break!) Batista is slow, boring, injury prone, and untalented. Not to mention he sucks balls on the mic. I despise this guy's guts, in my opinion, he doesn't deserve to be in the main event, and if he knows what's good for him, he should just retire all together. (Actually, the one and only thing I do like about him is his entrance song.)

Randy Orton... He was ok when he FIRST entered the WWE back in the day when he was a nobody, and he wore those blue tights with the yellow stripes down the sides and he had his name on the back of his butt in yellow letters. (why do I remember stupid crap like that) But now I can't stand him. He is cocky, he's an asshole, he's selfish, and has a huge massive ego. He's always in the main event title picture and will do whatever it takes to get the belt. He will go through anyone and everyone. Kick people in the head, and not give a crap who he has to hurt, male or female. Give someone else a shot for a change. The whole world doesn't revolve around Randy Orton 24/7!

The Miz... He is just plain frickin' annoying! I just want to take him by the throat and strangle him until he turns purple. Why he is in the WWE I have no idea! I hated him on MTV and I hate him now that he's in the WWE!

Michelle McCool...She has bothered me from the first day she stepped in the WWE. She looks like she's frickin' anorexic, has zero talent, has a very annoying voice, and should really go back to go teaching 7th grade. It's more her brain level.

People Who are Insantely Overrated But I Don't Hate Them...

Jeff Hardy... I don't hate Jeff as a person. (he was actually the first ever superstar I ever met in my life) But as a character, he drives me nuts. I am so sick and tired of seeing Jeff Hardy this, Jeff Hardy that, Jeff Hardy won the title for 2 seconds but lost it a second later. Can this be Jeff Hardy's time? Is Jeff gonna do it? I don't give a frick! Jeff Hardy, I have a message for you, get the frick out of the title picture and give someone else a shot! I am so sick of hearing about you and your awe inspiring stories. Your house, your dog, your fricked up past, and your fairy tale ending that never even happened yet. You are staler than 3 month old bread. You need to turn heel, take time off, do something, but whatever you do, stay away from the main event WWE title picture or you're gonna keep getting staler!

Rey Mysterio... The king of the underdogs. I also don't hate Rey as a person. But his character needs some serious freshening up. Rey has been king of the underdogs for like 8 million years. It's getting way too predictable around here. Like the way he comes down the entrance ramp and touches heads with all the kids in the ramp who are wearing his masks. (it makes me want to barf) And then they have the whole David vs. Goliath thing going on, and he'll be like sucking the whole time getting his butt kicked and then out of nowhere, he'll pull a 619 out of his butt and win the match! COME ON! How many times have we seen that?

(that's all I can think of for right now)

So basically you hate every big name guy in the company, so why do you even watch the show.

Anyway I hate:
Goldust: He is just stupid and a waste of time. At least Hornswoggle provides a little comedy once in a while, but they make him job, to terrible promos, week after week.
I don't hate anyone...moments maybe, annoyances maybe, but "hate," not really...

Annoyed at: the way the invasion angle turned out; the treatment of Randy Savage; the audience of one; HHH always in the spotlight; the treatment of the tag team division; treatment of the IC and US title; the constant breaking up of tag teams; repeat storylines; having the Big Show always wrestling guys like Rey and Evan; the recent mistakes in commentary; the way Cena does not sell injuries unless he is actually injured; the way Kurt Angle is acting now (he's come a long way from his Olympic win in 1996 - not in a positive light either); treatment of Mr. Kennedy; Santino and The Great Khali.
CM Punk.

I live my life by one principle: Never, ever, EEEEEHHHHHHH-VER trust a man who doesn't drink.


His current opponent Jeff Hardy also pisses me off. I can't suspend disbelief long enough to believe that a 150-lb., concave chested weakling who's only combat skill seems to be a predilection for jumping off tall objects is a serious contender to a a World Heavyweight belt. At least Mysterio (who I love), you could say, well, he's lightning quick and pretty muscular for a midget. I liked him as a tag team competitor, I liked him as a hardcore or even an Inter-Continental champion. But he's example A of why they should bring back the Cruiserweight crown.
Hands down, without a doubt, it has to be John Cena. From his horrible rapping gimmick to this sort of faux-honorable/respect militant type. Yknow i always read how Cena has great mic skills... HOW? His promos are worse all the other main eventers (Orton, Edge, HHH, Y2J). He's clearly less talented than the 4 i mentioned.

Dishonorable mentions: Scott Steiner, Khali, Big Show, KANE. OMG Kane is sooooo bad to watch. Bret Hart,not cause he sucked in the ring -- he did not. But i do think hes overrated and has got to stop whining about Montreal. JBL as well.

For WWE divas.. well they all are pretty terrible. But the fact Mickie James gets a huge pop everytime when she's not very good and wtf is her gimmick? She's kinda out of shape for a wrestler. And as for her personal qualities and hobbies I think I'd hate her.
I don't really hate any wrestler so I'll say I dislike Shelton Benjamin the most. He's uninteresting, horrible in the ring, horrible on the mic, no charisma, spotty worker, and I can go on and on. Yet people think he's the second coming of Ric Flair and Randy Savage and that just grinds my gears. He hasn't changed the WWE since he came here and the WWE wouldn't be any worse when he leaves.
mine would have to triple h,cena,and orton.

Oh what a surprise.

I fucking hate all 3 of them with every fiber of my being,i wish WWE would fire all 3 of them so i would never have to see them again.

Because firing the biggest draws and safest bets for championships would be good for the WWE?

Those 3 never leave the WWE title scene,

The 3 are often contenders for the World Championships for 1 reason - they're just that damn good.

they have like 50 world titles between them and yet they want more,

Triple H has 13, John Cena has 5, as does Randy Orton. Now, maths doesn't seem to be your strong suit but would you like to explain how that equals 50 world titles?

Can cena get any more gayer

I hope you enjoy your infraction.

,kissing all the fans asses every week.

You mean, getting the fans to care for him? You know, his job?

triple h,has like 30 world titles but still doesn't put anyone else over,

We've addressed your bad number skills already.

he only got these world titles because hes vinces son in law.

I thought this argument would pop up somewhere. IT's stupid for a lot of reasons. For a start, Triple H earned his first title before his marriage to Stephanie.

and orton,he's a fucking prick that only knows 2 damn moves,the RKO and a backbreaker,learn to fucking wrestler

Are you kidding me?

European uppercut
Falling clothesline
Gutwrench elevated neckbreaker
Inverted headlock backbreaker
Jumping knee drop
Randy Orton Stomp

To name just a few.
whats the one wrestler you can't fucking stand,when you see them on TV,it just pisses you off and you want to change the channel,you wish WWE would fire him?

ps,this can be more then one wrestler

mine would have to triple h,cena,and orton.I fucking hate all 3 of them with every fiber of my being,i wish WWE would fire all 3 of them so i would never have to see them again.Those 3 never leave the WWE title scene,they have like 50 world titles between them and yet they want more,they've been fueding for the past 5 fucking years and yet,they still end up fueding every week over the same damn thing.Can cena get any more gayer,kissing all the fans asses every week.triple h,has like 30 world titles but still doesn't put anyone else over,he only got these world titles because hes vinces son in law.and orton,he's a fucking prick that only knows 2 damn moves,the RKO and a backbreaker,learn to fucking wrestler

so which wrestlers do you hate the most?

and also,the point of this thread is to bash


You said the point of this thread is to bash so that's exactly what I'm going to do. Bash you.

I see you are another of those who thinks HHH got most of his titles are because who he has a relationship with. HHH has had more world titles before marrying Stephanie than he did after. Strike one for you.

Please be accurate and say that HHH has had 13 world titles. I know you know the exact number. Please don't generalize. It's obvious you haven't watched a Orton because he certainly does more than two moves. Strike two for you.

HHH has put Benoit and Batista over and was pretty good doing it. So who do you want in the main event scene that is established and is a good option for the company? Strike three for you.

You're out and that's a shame because even Jeff Hardy has less strikes than you.
Well mine are:- Cena. Mainly because he had an awesome gimmick and then gradually got worse. Plus unless he's wrestling someone like HBK or HHH his matches involve him getting beat on and then basically grabs some spinach from under the ring and 2 minutes later we're done.

CM Punk, Jeff Hardy and Batista - because they all just put me to sleep, i'm sorry.

Edge - I don't dislike Edge, i just dislike the way they book his character.

HHH - I'm just sick of him really. Until about the time that his angle with Steph started, i liked him, and then it just became HHH this, HHH that, HHH this, HHH that, and then that ended and he got hurt and went away and then came back and then 'oh look, Hogan's back. Fuck off Paul, we'll call you when we want you'. Then Hogan left and then Evolution started and we went straight back to nearly 3 years of HHH this, HHH that, HHH this, HHH that. Give it a fuckin' rest already. He's the ONLY guy in wrestling that i don't miss when he's hurt.

But you can't argue with drawing power so i'll just stick to watching nothing but PPVs and youtubing the matches i want to watch, plus all the Undertaker segments.
This thread is making my head hurt. I find it very humorous that 75% of the people in this thread have little to negative rep, and 90% of said posters hate John Cena. Face it, you are WRONG! Fact! I don't give a shit if it's your opinion, your opinion sucks and you should be lawfully banned from being allowed to speak it. It's a shame Shelton Bunjamin( oh yes, Wayne's World reference, how awesome was that?) hasn't been mentioned more. Given my hate is due more to the smarks than anything else, he is still a curtain jerker in a mid cards body. HE HAS GOLD HAIR!
My most hated wrestler is Randy Orton. I mean, he goes around kicking people in their heads and cheats his way out of matches to keep his title. Why can't he just be a man and lose with honour?

We not talking about kayfabe? Oh, well I don't hate anyone. If you hate someone that much you obviously care about them enough to have that strong feeling of dislike. If there's a wrestler who gets me to care about them that much and emotionally invest in them, they are doing their job.

People like Big Show, Jimmy Wang Yang, Jesse, Festus, Shelton Benjamin, Christian and Ricky Ortiz I have no care for and wouldn't watch one of their matches so I they would be the answer to the question "which wrestlers do you not care about".

But for hate, no one. No one at all. Not unless I decide to switch my brain off and just watch the show as a kid.
In no order-

The main event on RAW. Same thing over and over again for like 5 years. Same 4 people in main event.

CM Punk. No skills boring to watch. Hate heel turn.

Cena. Only reason he is here is because of all the kids worship him. Has like 3 moves. He gets killed, sblock, 5 knuckle shuffle, FU.end

Hornswoggle. No talent He would have been fired if not for PG rating. Not funny. Sad what is happening to Chavo. WWE buries him just because vicky left.

Both ECW anouncers- the only reason i hate ecw
"Mickie James= fat, that stupid hat and that stupid skipping to the ring, her fucking mating call she screams out just before her finisher."

How can you hate Mickie James, her feud with Trish when she was a heel was probably the best female feud I have ever seen. Mickie James was soooooo on. She can wrestle, she's charismatic and she isn't ugly.

I think her and Cena are over the top now but it doesn't reflect their personalities nor their skills. John Cena is a cash cow who probably is closer to Vince than his son in law is. Randy Orton is very talented and plays a great heel. HHH on the other hand has been in the main event picture for what seems to be 10 years. The internet dispises him and points out all of his selfish decisions which has impacted my feelings of him. I don't see him as a 13 time world champion. I see him more of a 5 time which makes him very good but not the best. He is approaching Ric Flair in title wins and he will never been in the same league as Flair.

Undertaker would be in the same category except for the fact he disappears for months so he doesn't get stale like HHH.
Undertaker would be in the same category except for the fact he disappears for months so he doesn't get stale like HHH.

Exactly, ever since the year 2000 and on Taker's been known to take time off. Most likely due to injuries.

And when Taker comes back, boy the reaction and people love him more than ever.

I have a curse that every time I tune in to Raw I have to see Cena's monkey ass monkeying all over the ring. The guy seems to never take time off, except for a mild injury or to do some shitty ass movie.

The guy's gimmick is more worn out than a used 1988 pair of Adidas.
I can't say I hate these wrestlers, but I can say I strongly dislike them.

Firstly, Shawn Michaels, I was an HBK fan years ago, but not now. It seems like he comes around and wants to collect a big pay, he will wrestle in a match at a high profile PPV collect a big check and disappear until the next one. He's never done a damn thing to warrant that kind of treatment. He slacks off 85% of the year, just to turn it on once or twice a year and perform in some of the most overrated matches this decade has given us.

Jack Swagger- for some reason I do not see the appeal and I can not get away from that stupid lisp, his matches are mediocre and his promo work bores me. Yes, he has potential, but right now I do not want him on my television screen.
Oh my God, I think this thread dropped my I.Q. seven points.

several generic idiots- so and so sucks he onely knowz 5 mooves

Are you people suggesting that if a wrestler uses similar moves in every match that they suck? Well damn then all wrestlers must suck pretty fucking hard. I don't think some of you realize that WWE performers wrestle 300+ times a year, so making every match 100% unique is a bit of a stretch. But of course most of you guys know that since your "smart fans".

And the by the way I not writing names because I rather have someone with hepatitis piss in my face then reread this entire thread and see who exactly said what.

over compensating douchbag- Mickie James looks like a fat penis

The fuck?! What does this even mean. Mickie looks fat as compared to who Michelle "xylophone ribs" McCool? Rosa "Tomahawk face" Mendes? I bet the last time you talked to a girl half as attractive as Mickie James it cost you 1.99 a minute.

Let me get out of this thread before it starts to mildew.
It has to be Cena.

Only does 5 fucking moves have hated him for his whole time in WWE. Another would be Kahli. Same as cena doesnt change ans cant wrestle.

I kinda wish i couldn't see him then i wouldn't have to watch his crap lowly excuse for wrestling.

Wow....Name these mythical five moves Cena does and get back to me on that one. It's the same argument from all the Cena haters as they can't find anything else to talk about. Always have to go to the moveset, don't you?

So what kind of moves should Khali do? Flying clothesline, Whisper in the Wind. I would love to see him do a sharpshooter or a Figure Four. That would be awesome even more so than a top-rope dropkick.
I don't particularly hate any one person but in terms of whose work I've never really been fond of I would probably say Chavo Guerrero. I don't know what it is about him but he's just never clicked with me, some of his earlier stuff in WCW was okay and I semi enjoyed his work when he teamed with Eddie but aside from that he just doesn't do it for me.

From his entrance music to his personna to his in ring stuff...I don't know i'm just not feeling it. Perhaps the problem is the way he has been booked over the years, the biggest thing he can claim in WWE I suppose is the ECW title.

The guy is a competent wrestler but I find him difficult to watch and his recent stuff with Hornswoggle is just a joke in my opinion. Perhaps if WWE got fully behind him and gave him a decent push then my opinion of him would change but at the moment he's just floundering and not really doing much for me (but I certainly don't hate the guy, that's just taking it a little far)...
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This thread is fucking hilarious. If people aren't blindly hating on Cena for either being in the main event or doing what every other wrestler in his position does, then they're hating on heels because they're so boring or some shit. Hey guys. Guess what. The heels aren't flashy on purpose. They want you to think the face is more exciting, so that you'll pop for him.

As for whom I hate the most, it'll have to be Shelton motherfucking Benjamin. He's had how long in the WWE to be hated? 3, 4 years straight of being a heel? And yet the crowd can not give any less of a shit. Fuck, even his hair doesn't warrant a reaction. You'd think the crowd would have done a collective "Oh fuck, what the hell is that hair?"
But nope, they weren't even paying enough attention to gawk at that.

Also, his ring work is horrendous. Your only job as a pro-wrestler is to make the crowd care while you're cutting a promo or wrestling in the ring. Not only can Benjamin not make them care during a promo, he can't even get them to care when he's in the ring. If you can't get them to care, then your ring work must be god awful. And don't argue "His booking!" Because Dreamer is getting cheers after what, a year of jobbing? Henry is getting a reaction after jobbing for years. Kane does as well. R-Truth got over after his rapping gimmick was trashed, and I'm sure he'll get over with this horrible "Delicious" gimmick. MVP got over after a 4 month losing streak.

All in all, if you can't get over with really high jumps like Hardy, then you must really suck as a high flyer.
It has to be Cena.

Only does 5 fucking moves have hated him for his whole time in WWE. Another would be Kahli. Same as cena doesnt change ans cant wrestle.

Five moves you say? Okay. Who do you like then? Obviously 'Taker, how many moves does he currently do? Tombstone, submission thingy, snake eyes, old school and chokeslam. They are his signature ones, they add up to five don't they? "Stop being full of shit" you say, well I say the same about the Cena five move thing.

Khali does his job well. His moveset is meant to be slow and impactful. A chop from Khali can kill you, it's a believable moveset. Khali is a valuable member of the roster.
I would have to go with Michael Cole, he's not a wrestler but still they guy is horrible on the mic. Lawler has said he was more laid back then Jim Ross but of course Jim Ross is a legend and knows what he's doing. Cole couldn't announce his way out of a paper bag. Here's an example:

As far as wrestlers go if you can call him that I would go with Hornswoggle but since he is pretty much useless whether he wrestles with Chavo or not.
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First of all, the amount of moronic noobs in this thread is disturbing. The wrestler I hate the most isn't Cena, Hardy, or Mysterio. They are some of the best in the WWE at the moment.

As for who I hate the most, it's a tough choice. I guess I'll go with Michelle McCool. To some of you she may not count, but Diva's are technically wrestlers. She is just absolute shit in the ring. I haven't seen one match from her that was somewhat decent. She isn't even hot either; she looks like nothing more than a little anorexic 4th grader. There are a lot of bad diva's in the WWE, but no one can approach her level of crap.
Feckin' Hornswoggle.

I swear to God, this guy marks the end of serious pro-wrestling competition. It was the same with Eugene and the dude with on leg. People like to cheer for these people, I mean, who doesn't like a good underdog story but come on. Eugene could actually wrestle some and his story was pretty funna t some points. The dude with one leg was technically gifted competitor for being handicapped and was actually an interesting character.

Hornswoggle is not either of these thing. He grunts instead of talking, wears shit all smeared on his face and cannot wrestle to save his life. He botches his finisher every week and I feel so sorry for Chavo Guerrero at the minute. Losing to a man your own size is OK. Losing to man half your size, with your hand tied behind you back is just plain wrong. Mark my words, If Hornswoggle is still around in one years time, I will not be. Without a sligt bit of humour, the man is everything that is wrong with pro=wrestling.

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