The one wrestler you hate.

And ever since then every time he has a promo with somebody and they mention how his career has gone nowhere since then he just HAS to bring up the fact that he main evented Wrestlemania ONE time....("Look at meeee, I main evented Wrestlemaniaaaa"....)

That's kind of the whole point for The Miz. No matter what, he Main Evented WrestleMania. He''ll always be able to say that. And it's a great thing for his character. Especially if it's a heel. WWE should make him heel again, and then he may not be the best, but people will get annoyed, and boo. And if they boo that means they care. And if they care, they're spending money.

As for myself, I don't have too many wrestlers I hate seeing. If what they do fits their character and their story, I'm fine with it. The one person I dislike the most now is Emma because I hate that STUPID dance. It's just stupid. But other than that, I try not to focus too much on hating and want to care more about who I like instead. That said, there are two people I do hate basically, and they're not even wrestlers. If Dixie Carter or Vince Russo were never involved in pro wrestling again, I would celebrate.
Not a wrestler, but a wrestling personality nonetheless- Jim Ross. I don't dislike the character he portrays, which is of a very good and noble guy, but Jim Ross the person. Jim Ross is not a good person; He is an asskisser, and I really dislike asskissers. They are liars, hypocrites and opportunistic. They don't genuinely mean the affection and gratitude they show, but do it only to satisfy their own needs or get their own work done easily. I think the WWE realized this, so they fired him and didn't bother to bring him back.

JR ain't no ass kisser. He just tells the truth. Go see his one man show and I think you might get that feeling. To even say JR did what he did for himself is ridiculous. He always wanted to put other people over. Never himself. And in fact I think his being fired from WWE is proof that he's not an ass kisser. Cause if there's one thing Vince seems to love, it's a good ass kisser. JR just tells it like he sees it, and in that sense he's only ever been sincere.
I never could stand Matt Morgan. He got a stuttering gimmick in WWE, and I am not even taking that into consideration. In TNA, it seemed he got chance after chance after chance, and could never move to the next level. He did a program with Hogan, and couldn't even benefit from that. After he is finished with the company he does a you tube rant criticizing the fans for not liking him because they couldn't do what he does. Most fans of sports can't do what the people they watch do, and in general athletes have a thick skin for criticism. They don't bash the fans that put money in their pockets. Morgan simply didn't have what it takes to get to the next level so he blamed everyone else. I used him as my example because not only did I not like his onsceen persona, but I am guessing I would not like Matt Morgan the man either if his rant is any indication of what kind of person he is.
I can't say I've ever hated a wrestler. "Hate" is such a strong word. But I've known to have disliked many wrestler gimmicks. For me, in terms of modern day wrestling, I'd have to go to TNA's Bromans Robbie E. and Jessie. Dear God, I can't stand those no talent ass clowns and I was baffled as to why TNA kept the tag team championships for as long as they did. They can't cut a half decent promo and are even worse in the ring. I have nothing but extreme distaste for this tag team and it's a damn shame that a talent like Zema Ion got paired up with them. That blow horn thing also utterly annoys me and I always change the channel when they appear on my television. I can't even begin to tell you guys how happy it made me when The Wolves finally took the titles off these guys.
There isn't a wrestler I hate, but I absolutely hate Paul Heyman. And any wrestler he manages gets put on the "I'm changing the channel now" list with me. I refuse to sit and listen to one word he says so I either change the channel or turn the TV off. He's a jackass of the highest order and I have no time for people like him.
There isn't a wrestler I hate ^^^,but there are some gimmicks, which i can't withstand.The best example is only the same John Cena.It make me very angry when i see him on TV.He is too boring and predictable to be watched by me.
Mike and Chris Von Erich - I disliked. I was living in Texas at the time and caught several of the shows live before they branched out independent. Mike was nowhere near the athlete of David or Kerry and largely I felt he was pushed into the sport. Watching his matches back then were like watching paint dry, he lacked the overall passion the rest of his brothers possessed. Perhaps he would've made a better musician.

Chris was too small. The divas and Knockouts in WWE and TNA respectively had a bigger build than him. While he probably was the most passionate out of his brothers about wanting to star in professional wrestling he couldn't. He was too small and too fragile - I remember his feud with Paul Bearer and Stone Cold before their iconic runs in WWE.
I've always hated John Cena. His promos are awful. I can't stand him, because his gimmick is stale, stupid, and annoying. He, to me, is what is wrong with wrestling. His "never give up" crap and him being shoved down my throat for years makes me yearn for the day he retires, and makes me hope he gets booed like crazy when they put him in the Hall of Fame. I also dislike him because he will have more championship reigns than Flair, who I like a lot, and think is one of the greatest of all time.
Just in an effort to not fall into a Cena hater, I'm going to go with Big Boss Man. Here's why.

I have never found another man so rancid on the mic that I wanted to throw my small dog at the TV. His puffy physique made me want to wretch. At least button your prison guard suit all the way to the top.

He had more chest hair than I do and that is pretty damn sad.
I Hate Alberto del Rio, he doesn't have one quality that makes me interested in him. From his rich guy persona, to the way he talks, and how much he has been pushed down our throats, annoys me. Everyone pays so much attention to all the faces that "get shoved down our throats", but no one pays attention to the heels. For the past 3 or 4 years Del Rio has been shoved down our throats and haven't anyone really complain as much as they do other wrestlers that atleast has something about them that stands out. Del Rio has had WAY too many championships to say that he barely gets any reaction from the crowd or none at all. I give every wrestler a chance but I seriously can't wait until Del Rio retires.

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