The one wrestler you hate.

I really dont hate any wrester at all.

Hate is a strong word for me.

So I dont hate.

I respect every wrestler that gave memories, if i loved them or booed them as a wrestler.

I think some fans today are to much of a marks.

This "sport" aint real. Everybody wants to be number 1.

I just enjoy the show, it's all memories and we all forgive and forget.

I love more then I hate.
I don't hate anyone either, but I've changed my mind about certain characters, especially when they've changed up their gimmick. For example, Kane has gone from my favourite wrestler EVER, to one I can't stand anymore as I hate the Corporate gimmick. Again, I don't hate on the guy, I hate on what they've done with him.

Ryback pisses me off mainly though. I've listened to and watched interviews with him on YouTube, and he just comes across as genuinely deluded about his position in the company, and his popularity. I'm all for being self-confident. I bet most of the guys in the WWE think they're the man, and think they should be higher up the card etc. But this guy just gives off this aura of self-importance, and delusion that the direction of his character is enough to move him up to main event status.
I know what I'm going to say is going to inspire profound ire from most of you IWC bums but I'm going to say it nonetheless.
I hate, loathe, detest, abhor, and condemn one Daniel Bryan. He's the biggest abomination to wrestling ever since The Miz was champion, or since Rey Mysterio won the WHC. The "Yes" movement is a disgusting slap to intelligent viewers such as myself, and anybody in the audience who's been chanting YES and NO from god knows how many months now, is a ******, or at least devoid of the intellectual faculty and ability to discern things.
My reasons for hating Daniel Bryan are obvious. He's not that talented, his mic work sucks in that The Miz(somebody so abhorrent) is more entertaining/amusing on the mic (and that's not saying much) than this goof, and his in-ring work is good but so much for good wrestling skills. He's simply not tall enough to be a credible WWE WHC, and to say he belongs in the same league as Eddie Guerrero and Chris Benoit would be a compliment, because their characters were engaging unlike Bryan- who's a fucking Vegan with a big beard. As far as WWE programming, he belongs in the same tier in which Guerrero and Benoit did belong throughout a large chunk of their careers- the mid card- IC title, US title, cruiserweight title(in Guerrero's case), feuding with Rey Mysterio, tag title. That's where Daniel Bryan belongs and is doomed to belong(unless he figures out a way to grow a few inches taller).
As far as any of you IWC bums adding a negative reputation or flooding this thread with invectives, KINDLY REFRAIN FROM THAT. None of you bums can deny that Daniel Bryan is simply not main event material and has not proven to be anything more than a big-bearded tiny little goof running around chanting YES and NO. I'd much rather take The Miz(another talentless wrestler but at least he possess the faculty of speech) as the WWE WHC. Thank you.

Meh, I don't think you're anywhere near on track here, but if what you're saying is true he simply won't pan out. You said he belongs in the same tier as Guerrero and Benoit, so him getting one descent reign like them wouldn't be bad or unforeseeable.
"Ryback pisses me off mainly though. I've listened to and watched interviews with him on YouTube, and he just comes across as genuinely deluded about his position in the company, and his popularity. I'm all for being self-confident. I bet most of the guys in the WWE think they're the man, and think they should be higher up the card etc. But this guy just gives off this aura of self-importance, and delusion that the direction of his character is enough to move him up to main event status."[/QUOTE]

I have to agree with everything you said. I don't think I have ever listened to any other wrestler interviewed that angers me as much as Ryback. I used to like his character until I heard him be interviewed a few times and every time the high opinion he has of himself is in no way representative of his abilities or his popularity. He believes just because he's a "big guy" that should make him main event material. I won't even get into all of his annoying character traits as of late. He comes on, it's time to change the channel.
I'd have to say The Miz. I respect him for what he has achieved from coming into the WWE from reality TV and working his way up- he was not pushed on arrival and was with the company for a few years before getting the main event spot but as a wrestler and on-screen character he is awful.

I just have never liked him. His look and physique are painfully average, he has the face of a teenager and doesn't look like a pro wrestler in the slightest. I find the whole character annoying, irritating and even his moveset is awful. The Skull Crushing Finale is an awful finisher, and the whole "AWWWEEESSSOOMMMEE" thing is awful, not awesome.

It amazes me that WWE thought enough of Miz to give him a headline spot at WM as the Champion, and for him to actually win the match! It's no surprise though that he has fallen back down the card, as he fucking sucks.
As with many of you, I don't "hate" any pro wrestler. I doubt there is much that could ever compel me to hate one of them; the only thing that might do it is if I saw someone who had conducted themselves badly backstage and/or after they leave the company.

To that end, the performer I have some distaste for is Shane Douglas. From things I've read (including things Mick Foley mentioned in his autobiography), Shane had a fuss made over him by a couple of major wrestling organizations, but foolishly "burned his bridges" behind him once his tenure with the company was over, thereby ensuring he wouldn't be asked back, which is self-defeating and highly unnecessary.

What's the sense of doing that? Even if it feels good to vent, didn't he know people would remember his indiscretions later? After all, there are only so many places you can work if your chosen field is sports entertainment and feeling compelled to bitch about how badly you were treated is going to leave only bad feelings behind.

In addition, while he was a good wrestler, so are a lot of other people. You've got to have a gimmick.......or at least a solid give yourself a chance to shine. Unlike many others, I thought the "Dean Douglas" schtick had a chance to go somewhere, but Shane's heart never seemed to be into it, or he was simply a poor performer. I believe someone else doing the same character might have gone places.

As I said, I never hated him, but Shane Douglas was a good example of someone who had the ability to advance himself, but foolish decisions.....and a big mouth.....derailed what might have been a solid career.

Hard to give a damn about someone like that.
This is a tough one, although I am going to have to go with 'BOB HOLLY'. This man is an ego manic, a lousy SOB, thinks that he is better than he is & beats people up just because he thinks that, that is what you do. Bob Holly always complained about how the young guys never showed him any respect, well how could people respect him whenever he went into the ring with the intent to put a hurting on you, most of the time for no reason what so ever. He is a complete arrogant, self centric dick that never deserved to even be in the WWE, never mind how long he was actually there for.

I am glad that he is no longer on our TV screens as I just can't stand seeing him wrestle, he is someone who should have went to UFC, somewhere they would have shown him how you earn respect & not just demand it because you have been on the roster longer. Pshh, pathetic.
As many have stated, any hatred I have would be directed towards characters, not the people who play them. That said, I'll mention a few I've already seen on here - Ryback: I was just never into him, even when he was a face, I just didn't get into his character. Alberto Del Rio - truly despise the character.

One guy I go both ways on depending on his current character is HHH... when he's bad, I love to hate him, but when he's good i love to love him. I think he does a great job as both a heel and a face.

I will also say there are a few characters like Khali, Brodus Clay, and Fandango, for example, that I'm just indifferent about - the characters are to lame to either love or hate, I just don't care about them, which is actually probably even worse than hating them, in my opinion.
I can't believe I left this off of my previous post - the character I probably hate the most is Brock Lesner. Oh my gosh, he just seems like such an a-hole. They build him up so much, and then he just goes out and loses. He doesn't even use the microphone (well, for more than ten seconds at a time, Heyman does all the work for him in that regard. Of course Heyman isn't a wrestler, but he's definitely another "love to hate guy" for me. He does great work, I'm just not on his side.
Cm Punk

I know he's a good wrestler but he's no Kurt Angle or Chris Benoit. He's not even a Daniel Bryan in the ring. I always thought his in ring work was extremely overrated. I didn't like his boring original gimmick when he debuted. I kind of liked his Straight Edge Society for maybe a day. That got boring pretty quickly too. Then when he went to his "Best in the World" gimmick in 2011 I thought maybe he'll finally be good. I gave it a shot and he was in no way boring like before but some how he was even worse. He just became this overrated piece of shit who did have good mic skills but I never found him funny. Everyone thinks he's hilarious and I've actually heard some people go as far as saying he should do stand up but I just can't stand him. He's actually one of the reasons I stopped watching for a year and a half. I am actually glad he's gone and I hope he never comes back.
For me, it's hard for me to find it in me to 'hate' a professional wrestler. There are many, who, whether it be gimmick, wrestling ability or promo style that makes me dislike them as performers, but to hate them would be going a bit far.

That said, if there's one wrestler who's always left a bad taste in my mouth, it's Chavo Guerrero. From WCW to WWE to TNA, he's shown the personality of a stick. I recall Chris Jericho writing in his first book that while Eddie was a good friend, Chavo was hard to get to know because of an inflated ego. He was standoffish, and believed that simply having the Guerrero namesake should be enough to carry him through.

It's been that attitude that's caused his release or lack of pushes in all three companies as well. When he left the WWE, he had a host of unpleasantries he aimed at John Cena, but none of them were personal. They were all wrestling-related, both his character and his wrestling ability alike. My mouth gaped as I ead. Of all people to criticize, he chose the face of the company, and a man with quite a bit of backstage stroke? In the same interview, Chavo stated that the 'door was open' for him to return to WWE.

I imagine that following that interview, the door was slammed shut.

And so it went for his TNA venture as well. He left there following grabbing the "Fired" case in the Feast of Fired match, and explained following his release that he had requested his release because he was being 'misused.' He had been part of a tag team with Hernandez that got two fairly decent runs as tag champions, despite neither man having an ounce of charisma in them.

But since TNA is essentially WWE-light, at least, in Chavo's mind, he apparently expected to become World Champion, or at least challenge for the title.

Legends in their own minds. In my line of work, we call them narcissists.

Enjoy landing that frog splash in front of 150 people in a high school gym in Northeastern Pro Wrestling, Chavo.
I dislike most of the typical ones I see on here like ryback, big e Langston but as for as the top wrestlers I always disliked triple H. This coming wrestlemania will be a triple h match that I actually want to see and that's mostly cause Daniel Bryan. But never had I looked forward to seen one of his matches .What exactly makes him a great wrestler somebody explain. He's never been a top guy if you think about it. He was always the guy that fault the top guy. He just was never the most entertaining in the ring or on the mic. And of course a lot of his success is because of who he's married to.
I don't HATE anyone, but for some strange reason, I absolutely loathe the gimmick of "The Artiste" Aiden English.

The dude has great potential, but every time he is on, I have to fast forward. I can't STAND that awful entrance, I lose interest in NXT so rapidly when he shows up.

Then he had that sing-off with Colin Cassady.

No. Just no.
I'd have to say The Miz. I respect him for what he has achieved from coming into the WWE from reality TV and working his way up- he was not pushed on arrival and was with the company for a few years before getting the main event spot but as a wrestler and on-screen character he is awful.

I just have never liked him. His look and physique are painfully average, he has the face of a teenager and doesn't look like a pro wrestler in the slightest. I find the whole character annoying, irritating and even his moveset is awful. The Skull Crushing Finale is an awful finisher, and the whole "AWWWEEESSSOOMMMEE" thing is awful, not awesome.

It amazes me that WWE thought enough of Miz to give him a headline spot at WM as the Champion, and for him to actually win the match! It's no surprise though that he has fallen back down the card, as he fucking sucks.

YES, THANK YOU. It makes me so happy to hear someone echo the sentiments I've been preaching since this little prick rose to fame. I really can't think of many(if any) wrestlers that I hate, I've disliked characters and complained about gimmicks like everyone else but usually I can at least say something good about them. I can't think of one thing for Miz and I'm really trying here….

The guy has no talent, he fancies himself a good talking but there really isn't anything there. Everything from his time with Morrison dressing like a douche to now where he's just so bland and boring with his "Awesome" schtick. Worst of all he's a liability to everyone he gets in the ring with, at times he can get by but I can't think of any other guy in recent years whose name was so synonymous with wrestlers getting hurt. He's just completely and 100 percent unimpressive and enderwhelming, I'd rather watch a 5 minute JTG promo than have to sit through his entrance alone.

His WWE title reign is an embarrassment, the fact that he headlined and won a Wrestlemania main event is a slap in the face to the entire locker room past and present. As an Orton fan, probably my most painful moment ever was Miz taking his title. Not even because Randy was losing his title, but that he was losing it to such a sad excuse for a wrestler and it still stinks to look back on. You're the Miz and you're not Awesome, you're a talentless prick who can't dedicate himself enough to his craft to improve in the ring or get rid of your man tits.
I try not to hate people especially in wrestling because it's a tv show or whatever but I hate Randy Orton. I liked him for a few years until he apparently started getting enough stroke to get the at the time future face of the company Mr. Kennedy fired. Then I heard more about him. He went AWOL. He sucks on the mic outside of here and there he looks like a douchebag. He beat Christian for the WHC two days after he won it and then pretty much buried him in their feud. He harassed the female coworkers. I could go on Whenever I hear someone in the business say anything good about him as a person I'm genuinely surprised because everything else points to the contrary.

There's a few people who I think are extremely overrated and the main one is CM Punk. I don't hate him but his fans made it hard to enjoy him sometimes. I rarely heard anyone on this site or the main site say a damn thing about Punk until he did the pipebomb promo and all of a sudden he's the greatest thing since sliced bread and everybody on the internet got on their knees. When he was with the Straight Edge Society on smackdown he bored me to sleep numerous times and before then I had no interest in him. After the pipebomb I also began to enjoy his work but I didn't start gobbling like a lot of others. I actually enjoyed his run as a face in late 2011-2012. Did not enjoy his work as a heel following that somewhat enjoyed his run as a face until the match with Brock Lesnar then after he started to suck until he decided he wasn't getting his way and wanted to leave. With that being said I don't hate CM Punk it's the constant line of internet fans with their forehead at his abdomen level that made me sort of get annoyed with him. I personally don't get the hate for some of the guys mentioned in here though.
Not a wrestler, but a wrestling personality nonetheless- Jim Ross. I don't dislike the character he portrays, which is of a very good and noble guy, but Jim Ross the person. Jim Ross is not a good person; He is an asskisser, and I really dislike asskissers. They are liars, hypocrites and opportunistic. They don't genuinely mean the affection and gratitude they show, but do it only to satisfy their own needs or get their own work done easily. I think the WWE realized this, so they fired him and didn't bother to bring him back.
I don't hate anyone, especially since I've actually met and talked to a few wrestlers. I dislike Davey Richards very strongly though. Davey Richards seems to be an arrogant egotistical C+ in-ring wrestler, who makes John Cena and Mojo Rawley look like the Dolph Ziggler of selling. He thinks he is the best to ever enter a 20x20 ring and because of that I blame him for Eddie Edwards not getting a WWE contract.
It's a toss-up between Big Show, Great Khali or Jack Swagger for me!

In my eyes these 3 guys only have employment in the WWE based on their size, not their skill-set as professional wrestlers.
This is a fun thread. After reading thru the posts and before submitting my own I had to shoot on over to youtube and watch the Haters Ball from the Chappelle. Some funny stuff right there.

I am going to toss out Vince Russo. This d-bag was a major cancer within the business. His view that the industry should be a side show attraction completely pissed me off. He turned the titles into jokes while running terrible storyline after terrible storyline. He tries to take credit for a great era in wrestling when in reality it was due to the amazing and diverse talent. Vince Russo is wrestling biggest sack of crap.

I'd have to say The Miz. I respect him for what he has achieved from coming into the WWE from reality TV and working his way up- he was not pushed on arrival and was with the company for a few years before getting the main event spot but as a wrestler and on-screen character he is awful.

I just have never liked him. His look and physique are painfully average, he has the face of a teenager and doesn't look like a pro wrestler in the slightest. I find the whole character annoying, irritating and even his moveset is awful. The Skull Crushing Finale is an awful finisher, and the whole "AWWWEEESSSOOMMMEE" thing is awful, not awesome.

It amazes me that WWE thought enough of Miz to give him a headline spot at WM as the Champion, and for him to actually win the match! It's no surprise though that he has fallen back down the card, as he fucking sucks.

The Miz is the reason I stopped watching WWE. At least in large part.

I don't recall who, but I remember getting in quite a number of spats with a user or two here over him "doing his job" because I'd post about how much I hated him, and how much he made me dislike WWE and want to change the channel, so much so to the point I did. Permanently. For a solid what... five, six years? I kept being told "you are supposed to hate him!" to which I'd respond, no, I'm supposed to boo him, and want to watch his matches so the faces he goes against can eventually beat him. But I don't want to watch his matches. I want to change the channel when he is on, because he is the antithesis to entertainment.

The farther he was pushed up, the further I was pushed back. He's still a guy who makes me do the same even to this day. Before watching that post-Wrestlemania RAW a couple weeks back, I remember flipping past RAW some Monday like a year ago and saying "OK, I'll give this a go". I saw Kane in the ring, and I like Kane, so I was like, sure why not. Then all I heard was "AWEEEESOOOOOO—" and I immediately changed the channel again, and never went back.

This isn't bullshit or fluff, either. I'm not even exaggerating to try and make the point stronger. I literally changed the channel, and literally stopped watching because of his face, and his character and his everything.

I nicknamed him Mizerable years ago, and that name hasn't left, even now. He's probably the only wrestler I really "hated", as to me, there's a stark difference between hatred and simply being unimpressed or not entertained. The latter hosts a slew of guys in the company the last number of years. Namely Ryback, Daniel Bryan (yes, Daniel Bryan), Kofi Kingston, DiBiase Jr., Evan Bourne, John Morrison, Otunga, pretty much anyone from NXT aside from Wade Barrett, etc. I wasn't exclusive to WWE either — Hernandez, Amazing Red, Jay Lethal, Consequences Creed, etc. all made that list too.
For me, it's Bret Hart. Can't stand him, he bores the crap out of me, and he is so damned over-rated by everyone creaming their jeans for him, it's terrible. I don't like the way he carries himself, the way he is a complete mark for his own character as if he could never do wrong. I just can't stand him.

And yes, I understand this is an opinion that will differ greatly from the majority of other fans, especially posters on these boards.

I'm completely with you on this. And to add on, every bad moment of Bret's career (and he has tons of them) were always somebody else's fault in his eyes. Fuck him for that shit.

And Benoit. Hated that fucker before he murdered his family. He was stupid and an incredibly overrated wrestler with an extreme lack of charisma. Then he killed his family. That ended up putting wrestling into a tailspin it hasn't recovered from yet. Fuck him with New Jack's diseased dick for that shit.
I don't hate any wrestler, hate is a strong word but I do dislike a few. I dislike The Miz a lot, I don't know what the WWE ever saw in him but I dislike even more because out of the ten people John Cena has wrestled at WrestleMania and the three losses he suffered, one of them is to The Miz. I respect Cena for putting over talent but the fact that his prestigious WrestleMania record was wasted on the likes of The Miz leaves a bitter taste in my mouth. Never liked The Miz when he debuted, probably will never like him until the day he retires. He is just a mediocre wrestler in my eyes that did not deserve the push he got.

Another wrestler I disliked for awhile was Ric Flair, I respect him a lot and his matches with Steamboat are some of my favourites but when he started rambling about Bret Hart not being able to draw or Mick Foley being a glorified stuntman, it was a little irritating. Also the fact that he bashed TNA in 2008 and ended up working for them not too long after was just something else. Also, Flair coming out of retirement after that huge send-off was the biggest slap in the face to me as a wrestling fan. I have since learned to appreciate what he did for the business but still think he needs to be more humble.

Last but not least I dislike Sin Cara, Mistico. After seeing some of his matches overseas I was excited to see him come to the WWE but he just disappointed me on so many levels with his sloppy and lazy ring work and constant injuries. That one time he injured his finger or something, right after he came back from another injury just sealed the deal for me. Huge disappointment as a fan.
I don't like John Laurinitis. When he was on RAW, he seemed like he was trying too hard to be this semi-villainous GM, and made himself look like a fool. And then there's the matter of "People Power"... More like giving the fans a false sense of power and then yanking it out from under them IMO.
Not a wrestler, but a wrestling personality nonetheless- Jim Ross. I don't dislike the character he portrays, which is of a very good and noble guy, but Jim Ross the person. Jim Ross is not a good person; He is an asskisser, and I really dislike asskissers. They are liars, hypocrites and opportunistic. They don't genuinely mean the affection and gratitude they show, but do it only to satisfy their own needs or get their own work done easily. I think the WWE realized this, so they fired him and didn't bother to bring him back.

I agree...from what I've seen of him, I get the sense that Ross is an asshole. He feigns disinterest in the current product, pretty much shits on people who ask for his opinions, but will hang around to keep offering his snide opinions. The opinions he does offer up amount to asskissing, as Smark mentioned. I don't care if someone has opinions about wrestling, but I despise his attitude towards the very people who keep him in what limelight he has.
Hate is a strong word. I mean I never met these people and therefore don't have their side of the story of things said about them. So I must say I don't have hatred for any personality. Any person who has the ability to be in the ring, has my respect even if I might not like them (based on no first hand knowledge)

That being said, I have to be honest and say to answer that question, (which may not satisfy the question and the person asking it), I have to separate it out into 3 parts: People I think are overrated, people who I can't stand in the ring, people who I don't like based on things they said etc. This is just my opinion based on no first hand knowledge.

Overrated and People I don't like:

Sheamus- He's good but I mean that's about it. He does have a following no question about it, but he isn't great on the mike, didn't (imo) have any business being pushed as fast as he was into the main event picture. I don't dislike Sheamus, but I'm not a huge fan of his.

Randy Orton- Good to great in the ring, main eventer, but he's not a huge star or as big as he made out to be. His comments about divas and the Rock, really left a bitter taste in my mouth. Can't stand him.

Triple H-Good performer, passionate about the business, hard worker, sold a lout of merchandise, but imo, he wasn't nearly as great as he has been made out to be. He was a star but not a mega star like Austin, The Rock, Hogan etc. The politics to get him to the main event and the politics that kept him there also went against him, in my book.

Rick Flair-Can't stand him. His interviews were really my ammunition against him. His comments about other performers, make him look classless. I can't judge his work as I didn't see much of his career, the little I saw he seemed to be repetitive and one note.

Xpac- He was quick and knew his stuff in the ring. He wasn't the greatest storyteller and at times, he focused more on spots than actual psychology. He had little mike ability and a look that didn't really work for wrestling. Don't dislike him just not a huge fan.

Batista-Has a look, poor to ok mike ability (seems uneasy or nervous on the mike), poor to ok in the ring but not spectacular in the ring. He was pretty popular, he was a main eventer, but nowhere as great as he is made out to be.

HBK-Phenomenal performer, ok on the mike, not much of a draw, was ridiculously over promoted. There was a time I couldn't stand him. I can tolerate his presence now but in small doses.

Performers I can't stand in the ring:

Big Show- Maybe he was great when he was younger but today he is overweight and looks ridiculously slow. He seems to be out of breath in a 10 minute match. Same moves over and over again, it's just boring to watch him.

Kane- Same as above, now. Before he was okay but still like many performers he depending on doing spots for the most part.

Khali- Looks sloppy, can hardly walk in the ring. It may be he's injured but he just seems to be so uncoordinated in the ring that I can't understand why he's allowed there.

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