Why all the hate for Shannon Moore?

Dude, unless you're backstage in TNA, which I KNOW that you're not (or else your wouldn't be posting on a wrestlezone message board) you need to just be quiet.
And I'm sure the WWE should have pushed Matt Hardy over Chris Jericho too, seeing as Jericho was a WCW reject.

As one of the users noted above, the sell was Jeff Hardy. Hardy didn't come to TNA and drag Moore with him, Moore came back to TNA, and Hardy jumped with him. I'll take a guy like Shannon Moore on the roster for the most over wrestler in the world any day.

If Stone Cold Steve Austin circa 1999's best friend was Eugene, you wouldn't hire Eugene to get Austin?

This home grown shit is getting ridiculous. No one was "grown" by TNA. They all wrestled elsewhere prior to getting their break in TNA, including AJ Styles, Samoa Joe and Christopher Daniels.

Come on now, IDR, you're an excellent poster with well thought out opinions and points of view, whether I share them or not. Surely to God you are not comparing Shannon Moore to Chris Jericho? Chris Jericho was a superstar waiting to emerge, a bonafide star who needed to be on a bigger stage to truly blossom into the superstar he's become. He wasn't a WCW reject, he left WCW to go to the WWE because he saw the writing on the wall with WCW and wanted to showcase his talent on the grandest stage of them all. He wasn't released by WCW, he chose to leave, and in doing so made a step up in his career. Moore was fired by WWE and went to TNA by default, a career step backwards, even you as a big TNA fan must admit this. And again please don't speak of Jericho and Moore like they're the same, they're astronomically different.

And sure, to use your analogy, I'd probably hire Eugene to get SCSA, but I don't think I'd fast track him into a title shot over already established and more deserving superstars, I'm quite sure I wouldn't. I'd hire him and keep him in the mid-card and give him the opportunity to move up like everyone else, not put him into a title hunt right away.

Plus, I'm not sure I fully buy into the idea that they were hiring Moore anyway, and got Hardy as a bonus. It's more like Hardy was looking for a change, and Moore got piggy-backed into the deal.
Come on now, IDR, you're an excellent poster with well thought out opinions and points of view, whether I share them or not. Surely to God you are not comparing Shannon Moore to Chris Jericho? Chris Jericho was a superstar waiting to emerge, a bonafide star who needed to be on a bigger stage to truly blossom into the superstar he's become. He wasn't a WCW reject, he left WCW to go to the WWE because he saw the writing on the wall with WCW and wanted to showcase his talent on the grandest stage of them all. He wasn't released by WCW, he chose to leave, and in doing so made a step up in his career. Moore was fired by WWE and went to TNA by default, a career step backwards, even you as a big TNA fan must admit this. And again please don't speak of Jericho and Moore like they're the same, they're astronomically different.

And sure, to use your analogy, I'd probably hire Eugene to get SCSA, but I don't think I'd fast track him into a title shot over already established and more deserving superstars, I'm quite sure I wouldn't. I'd hire him and keep him in the mid-card and give him the opportunity to move up like everyone else, not put him into a title hunt right away.

Plus, I'm not sure I fully buy into the idea that they were hiring Moore anyway, and got Hardy as a bonus. It's more like Hardy was looking for a change, and Moore got piggy-backed into the deal.

Does it really matter if Shannon highjacked a title shot thanks to Jeff? The X Division has received some much needed life. And this was all on the move to Mondays episode when Shannon debuted. Since then the X Division has actually some story depth. Not exactly the case last year when an Ultimate X match for said title was centered around who was Suicide. Seeing him fight over the X Division belt is way better than not seeing the champion for a month. On an even brighter side, he isn't tagging with Jeff. He's on his own.
Come on now, IDR, you're an excellent poster with well thought out opinions and points of view, whether I share them or not. Surely to God you are not comparing Shannon Moore to Chris Jericho? Chris Jericho was a superstar waiting to emerge, a bonafide star who needed to be on a bigger stage to truly blossom into the superstar he's become. He wasn't a WCW reject, he left WCW to go to the WWE because he saw the writing on the wall with WCW and wanted to showcase his talent on the grandest stage of them all. He wasn't released by WCW, he chose to leave, and in doing so made a step up in his career. Moore was fired by WWE and went to TNA by default, a career step backwards, even you as a big TNA fan must admit this. And again please don't speak of Jericho and Moore like they're the same, they're astronomically different.

And sure, to use your analogy, I'd probably hire Eugene to get SCSA, but I don't think I'd fast track him into a title shot over already established and more deserving superstars, I'm quite sure I wouldn't. I'd hire him and keep him in the mid-card and give him the opportunity to move up like everyone else, not put him into a title hunt right away.

Plus, I'm not sure I fully buy into the idea that they were hiring Moore anyway, and got Hardy as a bonus. It's more like Hardy was looking for a change, and Moore got piggy-backed into the deal.

No, not directly, but you understand my point. Jericho was a drastic example, but the idea was that it's not always as easy to tell off the bat whether a guy has that it factor who was let go. Austin was fired from WCW and hired by the WWE who turned him into one of the most famous wrestlers of all-time – he didn't leave WCW, he was fired, and the WWE didn't give him the Stone Cold gimmick for well over a year into his "Ringmaster" run. That street runs two ways, man.

The point I was trying to make was that while you may not see the potential in Moore to be a successful X Division star, or an X Division champion, I do, and I think they're doing a good job of booking him into a feud with Doug(las) Williams to develop that. He got a title shot outright, yes, and that may not have really been "deserved", but looking at the competition that TNA had at the time in terms of who else could have been given that boost, there were very few who IMO would have been better suited for a longer-term feud sans perhaps Jay Lethal (who they obviously had plans for otherwise).

For the record, I wouldn't have pushed Moore this far this fast, but I don't have nearly the amount of hatred for him simply because of where he was employed before like so many others here do. As you noted with Eugene, I'd have done the same with Moore in giving him a shot in an Ultimate X-type match to win a number one contenders spot, the same way they did with Elijah Burke when he came in as The Pope and feuded with Suicide.
This is my first post. I'm 24 years old and have been watching wrestling since I can remember. I'm probably what would be known as a "WWE mark". However, I objectively DVR and watch TNA every week. I like some things they do and dislike others, same as WWE.
With that being said...Shannon Moore really? It seems to me this guy only has a name because he was Gregory Helm's sidekick when they were that boy band in WCW and his ties to the Hardys while in WWE. Now, since I think TNA lets talent do whatever they want, Jeff Hardy's crazy ass likes having Shannon Moore around. So he now has some relevancy in TNA because Jeff Hardy loves him. I just don't think this guy would ever draw anything on his own. He just doesn't have it. But I'm sure he'll play a heck of a sidekick for whatever him and Jeff hardy call themselves.
Why the hate you ask? Shannon Moore is that little punk who hangs out with the football players in high school but doesn't actually play. Then hes always talking smack because of who his friends are. Haven't you always wanted beat those kind of people with a hammer? I know I have.
Shannon Moore's gimmick is annoying to me. The punk thing with makeup and mo-hawk is something I'm not fond of for some reason. I also think it's stupid how he tries to put makeup on his opponents. Also he's getting pushed too soon over all of the guys who were there first. I didn't like how he got a title shot at Destination X on the first night he was in TNA. I really think he should ditch the punk gimmick and find something else then maybe I could take him serious.
No, not directly, but you understand my point. Jericho was a drastic example, but the idea was that it's not always as easy to tell off the bat whether a guy has that it factor who was let go. Austin was fired from WCW and hired by the WWE who turned him into one of the most famous wrestlers of all-time – he didn't leave WCW, he was fired, and the WWE didn't give him the Stone Cold gimmick for well over a year into his "Ringmaster" run. That street runs two ways, man.

The point I was trying to make was that while you may not see the potential in Moore to be a successful X Division star, or an X Division champion, I do, and I think they're doing a good job of booking him into a feud with Doug(las) Williams to develop that. He got a title shot outright, yes, and that may not have really been "deserved", but looking at the competition that TNA had at the time in terms of who else could have been given that boost, there were very few who IMO would have been better suited for a longer-term feud sans perhaps Jay Lethal (who they obviously had plans for otherwise).

For the record, I wouldn't have pushed Moore this far this fast, but I don't have nearly the amount of hatred for him simply because of where he was employed before like so many others here do. As you noted with Eugene, I'd have done the same with Moore in giving him a shot in an Ultimate X-type match to win a number one contenders spot, the same way they did with Elijah Burke when he came in as The Pope and feuded with Suicide.

I hear what you are saying, I really do, but it's just that I cannot understand how you can say that it's hard to tell who has the "it" factor and who doesn't with respect to Shannon Moore. He's bounced back and forth, around and around, if he had anything remotely like such "it" factor, someone, somewhere would have to have discovered it by now. It's more likely that both organizations realize he doesn't have "it," that's why he's constantly being future endeavoured.

Don't drag comparisons to SCSA into this discussion please. You admitted that comparisons to Jericho were "drastic," comparisons to Austin's scenario would be even more drastic. And as I said regarding Jericho, when Austin moved from WCW to WWE, that was a step upwards, not a step backwards as with Moore. Sure he was fired by WCW, but that's not really relevant here. SCSA is one of a kind, safe to say that Shannon Moore is not the second coming of SCSA.

I'm not so much questioning his likelihood of being a star (although I really don't believe he has such potential), I was just answering your question as to why there's so much hate directed at him. He has taken other guys spots, most notably Samoa Joe. TNA has Joe and they don't know what to do with him. Here's a thought- put him back into the X-division where he excelled before. Because he's sure as hell not moving into the main event picture in TNA under the Hogan regime, he's going to get lost in the shuffle there of WWE rejects and Hogan's/Bischoff's anointed few. Rather than having Joe be "kidnapped," while they try to figure out what to do with him, make him X-Division champ again. Restore some credibility to the X-Division, rather than fast tracking Shannon Moore there because they want to keep Hardy happy.
Why is he boring? I continue to read the same slights against him, but no one (but KB) has actually elaborated on it. No one says "he's boring because X, Y, Z". All I hear is "he's boring".

Why is he not boring? 'Boring' is a pretty subjective label.

I don't hate Moore, but I don't find him interesting in the least. It's not enough to step in the ring and perform adequately. There has to be something about your character that people identify with and can get behind or against, depending on if you're a face or a heel. As a face, there is absolutely nothing that I like about Moore. I don't like his look, his catchphrases, or his promos.

In all honesty, Moore reminds me of the kids who tried way too hard to be non-conformist in high school. I understand that pro wrestling gimmicks often have to be over-the-top to attract a crowds attention, but Moore might as well wear a 'PLEASE LOOK AT ME' sign to the ring instead of that getup. Maybe I'm just getting old, but that 'I want to scare my parents' motif just doesn't appeal to me in the slightest, at least not when Moore does it. Moore's gimmick is designed to be shocking and intimidating. But it's not, because he's not. For a guy like Raven, that sort of a gimmick might work. But it doesn't seem to suit Moore's personality at all (or in the very least, he's not very convincing portraying it). Instead, Moore just comes across as a poseur.

Also, I'm pretty sure that 'glam rock' doesn't mean what Moore thinks it means.

In his division, nothing Moore does in the ring stands out. As many others have said, there are a lot of guys in the X division who are or have been more over and relevant than Moore, who are being passed over to give him this spot. And it's not as though Moore didn't have a shot in TNA previously with the exact same gimmick and catchphrases. It didn't exactly set the wrestling world on fire.

Still, book the guy as a heel (because it's easy for me to hate him) and let him actually work his way to the top of the X division by getting himself over, and I wouldn't mind him being in the position he's in now. For the time being, however, I have yet to see a single reason why Moore is getting this push other than the fact that he's friends with Jeff Hardy.
I hear what you are saying, I really do, but it's just that I cannot understand how you can say that it's hard to tell who has the "it" factor and who doesn't with respect to Shannon Moore. He's bounced back and forth, around and around, if he had anything remotely like such "it" factor, someone, somewhere would have to have discovered it by now. It's more likely that both organizations realize he doesn't have "it," that's why he's constantly being future endeavoured.

Don't drag comparisons to SCSA into this discussion please. You admitted that comparisons to Jericho were "drastic," comparisons to Austin's scenario would be even more drastic. And as I said regarding Jericho, when Austin moved from WCW to WWE, that was a step upwards, not a step backwards as with Moore. Sure he was fired by WCW, but that's not really relevant here. SCSA is one of a kind, safe to say that Shannon Moore is not the second coming of SCSA.

I'm not so much questioning his likelihood of being a star (although I really don't believe he has such potential), I was just answering your question as to why there's so much hate directed at him. He has taken other guys spots, most notably Samoa Joe. TNA has Joe and they don't know what to do with him. Here's a thought- put him back into the X-division where he excelled before. Because he's sure as hell not moving into the main event picture in TNA under the Hogan regime, he's going to get lost in the shuffle there of WWE rejects and Hogan's/Bischoff's anointed few. Rather than having Joe be "kidnapped," while they try to figure out what to do with him, make him X-Division champ again. Restore some credibility to the X-Division, rather than fast tracking Shannon Moore there because they want to keep Hardy happy.

Moore is only 31 and he's spent the majority of his career jobbing for one reason or another. He's simply never gotten the opportunities IMO to vault him higher in the pecking order, which is why (again IMO) he's clung so hard to guys like Hardy to retain his job. I don't blame him at all for that, because had the writing staffs come up with legitimate story lines for him other than being someone else's butt buddy, I think you'd see he has a lot more to offer, and I think you'll probably see that in this feud he's conceivably starting with Doug(las) Williams.

Once again however, the point isn't to draw correlations to who has more star power. I understand that Austin & Jericho have more star power than Moore has (or ever will), but Austin is the perfect example of a guy who caught his big break well into his thirties, something Moore hasn't hit yet. Do I think Moore will ever be as big as either of those two? No. Do I think he has the potential to be bigger than he is (or has been)? Absolutely. That's all I'm saying.

I also don't think he's taken Joe's spot at all. Joe's a main eventer right now, and when he returns it's likely he'll remain one. His X Division days are over.
Shannon Moore's gimmick is annoying to me. The punk thing with makeup and mo-hawk is something I'm not fond of for some reason. I also think it's stupid how he tries to put makeup on his opponents. Also he's getting pushed too soon over all of the guys who were there first. I didn't like how he got a title shot at Destination X on the first night he was in TNA. I really think he should ditch the punk gimmick and find something else then maybe I could take him serious.
Well it certainly beats his 3 Count gimmick. Or do you find that one more serious? He's putting Doug over as a heel and is helping the X Division big time. The hell I care if he's carrying some book with lipstick. He's doing his job. The fan reaction is there. It really shouldn't matter if its big or not because the objective is to give Doug a feud. So far, Shannon has done more as mere challenger than Homicide, Amazing Red and Samoa Joe did for the X Division as champs. I say roll with it while it works.
I dont like Shannon Moore. He's had plenty of time to show me something- but he just never has. So I cant get into the guy.

When I saw this thread was up to its 4th page already- I almost puked. I read the 1st page & not too many people seem to like the guy. But 4 damn pages in like 6 hours is pretty rediculous! I dont know if pages 2, 3 & 4 all rip on Moore too- but either way: its pretty amazing that a Shannon Moore thread has totally blown up like this!!

I dont like Shannon Moore. He's had plenty of time to show me something- but he just never has. So I cant get into the guy.

When I saw this thread was up to its 4th page already- I almost puked. I read the 1st page & not too many people seem to like the guy. But 4 damn pages in like 6 hours is pretty rediculous! I dont know if pages 2, 3 & 4 all rip on Moore too- but either way: its pretty amazing that a Shannon Moore thread has totally blown up like this!!

Yeah. Almost as amazing as your ignorance. I may puke right now for quoting this. How many years were Triple H and Steve Austin wrestling before they were relevant? What? Like 5 years? How long were Kane, Undertaker and Sting wrestling before they became the famous names they are today? Like ten or so. Point is they had years of showing what they had and never did. Until they found the proper platform that is. How times change, right? it doesn't matter what they've done. It's what they do now that counts. I suppose next you're gonna argue about the Official Shelton Benjamin thread. You were pretty stupid to post such a ridiculous comment without reading the details.
It isn't that I don't like Shannon, it's just that I don't see why he should get pushed ahead of the rest of the X-division so soon. I think he should have had to work his way up the ladder like the rest of the guys. As I previously said, his mic work does nothing for me at all but his wrestling abilities are decent. He isn't the worst thing to watch in the ring, I will leave the credit to Khali. I just don't like the way TNA has booked him ahead of the rest of the X-division guys. He can be a decent asset to the company in some capacity but I personally think he would work better as a tag team partner with maybe Shane Helms when he arrives in Orlando.
He's a decent in ring talent. That's giving him a little credit. Other than that, I think he's shit. He should be calling and thanking Matt and Jeff everyday for befriending him and keeping him somewhat relevant. His gimmick is fucking obnoxious. The Prince of Punk? I wasn't aware that punk is something you could buy for $45 at your local Hot Topic store. He absolutely reaks of poserness and tries way too hard to be different to the point where you don't believe anything about him is ''punk''. The Three Count gimmick was the best thing that has ever happened or will ever happen to Moore.
The reason why there's so much hate about Shannon Moore is because he has no credibility. Back in WWE he was always a jobber and now we're supposed to take him seriously now with that book of ***** or whatever its called. I watched some of his past matches and they were ok not good. He never made an impact and thats why many people think that he's boring.
In regards to Shannon Moore, while I certainly don't hate him, he has yet to impress me. I honestly could go either way in regards to Shannon Moore.

He has a different look which certainly does help him at first glance.

He has the right friends, which absolutely help him backstage in TNA, however to say that he only has a job because of his relation with Jeff Hardy isn't true as he had a brief stint in TNA before.

Shannon's look will only take his so far and once he begins to talk on the mic, for me, its out the window. The book of DILLIGAF is completely idiotic.

With Shannon Moore, I could take him or leave him. Is he a staple in the TNA roster or the X Division? No, not even close. But does he hurt the roster? No.
He sucks. I mean he sucks BAD.

Show me one time he's ever won a damn thing or had a kick ass match. I'll save you the time: they don't exist. Moore has a job because he's friends with the far more talented Hardy Boys. His gimmick isn't even a gimmick, he's never been intimidating, he's never had more than a decent match without another great worker, he takes up space, and he's not interesting. The guy is just a total waste of time and he's always around. He was a jobber forever in WWE and all of a sudden we're supposed to take him seriously? The DILLIGAF thing is idiotic to say the least as it's not even a gimmick. The whole Prince of Punk thing is stupid as no one gets the point to it. He looks like an idiot, isn't that good and has a job because of his friends.

I could go on but you get the idea.

roasted! props as always...

Yes TS, your going to see a lot of the "a long for the ride with his more talented friends"

I mean just look at how many times he's jump from ship to ship... It's not like it comes out of no where either... It's usually always when one of his buddies re signs. I agree with this reply that he's not Horrible.. but also he's never really been good to the point where you can make a thread criticizing the people who criticize him.

There is always going to be speculation that the only reason he gets a push is because it was in Jeff's contract... I mean i want to believe that some bookers aren't that desperate but it is kind of ironic that Jeff Hardy signs and within a month Shannon Moore is getting title shots and promos.
On "wwe reject": theoretically everyone who is not presently in wwe would be a reject if you want to get technical about it. Actually making it to the "big time" should not be a knock against someone. In fact that means at one point this guy had something that wwe liked. In many of these guys case that point was a short time ago. That would seem to be a plus to the guys theoretical talent in my book. Bottom line if being "rejected" by wwe means so much should not being recruited by them in the first place mean something as well?

I just do not get who Moore is holding down. Creed? I hope that is not a serious statement. Daniels? I doubt we know the whole story here and it was not like TNA just released him because they had no spot for him. He WAS CLEARLY in the X-title mix just as much as Moore was prior to HIS departure. Why I say his departure is that I have seen almost no evidence that TNA released him while I have seen a lot of evidence he wanted to leave. Jay Lethal? Lethal just "hosted" the entire show and beat beer money in a handicap match in the middle of a huge push for beer money. That is not being held down. That is the beginning of a push from where I am sitting. Who is it that is clearly better than him that is not getting in on the x-division action?
He's just a tool. I dunno why i don't like him I just don't. No reason that I can think of off the top of my head. I was pretty indifferent to him when he showed up again, then he came out with the book of dilligaf. "oooh lookit me I have a book that is an acronym for does it look like I give a fuck. I'm the prince of punk hey no wait the era or glam rock has arrived"

Um so which is it are you a punk or are you glam rock? dilligaf is funny if you're 11 years olf.

What really got me pissed at the character is when he said technical wrestling is boring. Um ok so matches that are put together and flow nicley and have spots that make sense are boring? Ok to each their own but damn.

I dunno he's just never done anything special to grab my attention. He tries hard though. Bless his little heart.
Yeah. Almost as amazing as your ignorance. I may puke right now for quoting this. How many years were Triple H and Steve Austin wrestling before they were relevant? What? Like 5 years? How long were Kane, Undertaker and Sting wrestling before they became the famous names they are today? Like ten or so. Point is they had years of showing what they had and never did. Until they found the proper platform that is. How times change, right? it doesn't matter what they've done. It's what they do now that counts. I suppose next you're gonna argue about the Official Shelton Benjamin thread. You were pretty stupid to post such a ridiculous comment without reading the details.

Out of all the people in this thread, ripping Moore a new asshole- you decide to single out me to attack? I barely said anything. I just said I didnt like the guy cuz he hasnt shown me anything. All of the other guys you mentioned showed some kind of promise when they came into the 'sport'. As almost everyone else here has pointed out: Moore wouldnt have a job in the business if it wasnt for the Hardys. Where was he when Jeff & Matt were in WWE? Only reason he's back on TV is cuz Jeff told TNA- if they wanted him, they were getting Moore in a package deal.

I honestly couldnt gave a shit about Shannon Moore! I was just completly AMAZED by all the attention this thread was getting in such a little amount of time. Obviously people like to talk about him. So really- I was giving Moore some credit- since people are talking about him.

News Flash. When The Hardy's were originally wrestling in the WWF, Shannon Moore was over at WCW with Gregory Helms wrestling as a part of Three Count. So actually, Moore and Helms had made it in the business without Matt and Jeff's help, but okay . . .

Anyway, I always had a weird spot for Shannon Moore. After seeing quite a bit of what he was able to do over at WCW and then seeing what WWF/WWE did with him was a bit of a loss on me. The reason you all see Moore as Hardy dependent is because that's what Vince McMahon made you see it that way. I am not saying he would be a huge star without ever knowing the Hardy's, but damn, the guy might have been able to make it on his own. Plus, the "Prince of Punk" gimmick might have worked when Moore originally started it, but again, Vince had to use Moore as fodder to CM Punk to punish Moore for looking at TNA back in the4 day. Yeah, so we won't know really what Moore can do these days until we really see what can be done. Sorry, I don't find what Vince deems to be the standard for wrestling because half the time he's wrong. Good example: Look at Elijah Burke.
Many comments in this thread are very stupid.

However, he's the best, is very good talent in ring, and is good on mic.
And yes, is the next TNA X-Division Champion! YEAH!
News Flash. When The Hardy's were originally wrestling in the WWF, Shannon Moore was over at WCW with Gregory Helms wrestling as a part of Three Count. So actually, Moore and Helms had made it in the business without Matt and Jeff's help, but okay . . .

Anyway, I always had a weird spot for Shannon Moore. After seeing quite a bit of what he was able to do over at WCW and then seeing what WWF/WWE did with him was a bit of a loss on me. The reason you all see Moore as Hardy dependent is because that's what Vince McMahon made you see it that way. I am not saying he would be a huge star without ever knowing the Hardy's, but damn, the guy might have been able to make it on his own. Plus, the "Prince of Punk" gimmick might have worked when Moore originally started it, but again, Vince had to use Moore as fodder to CM Punk to punish Moore for looking at TNA back in the4 day. Yeah, so we won't know really what Moore can do these days until we really see what can be done. Sorry, I don't find what Vince deems to be the standard for wrestling because half the time he's wrong. Good example: Look at Elijah Burke.

This is simply a troll job on Vince..

You are blaming Mac for Shannon Moore not getting over (by the way... don't forget the previous two stints in WWE when he failed to get over, and the previous stint in TNA where he failed to get over)

It's not even IMO.. It's a fact that he has never got over. Let's run down his career... (Also i'm not bashing Moore, I'm just laughing that you guys think he's some stud when he's average at best)


3:Count : In 2000 when HELMS got hurt... They sidelined all of them and we didn't see Moore back until Helms was healthy again and they were able to re-launch 3-Count.

Hits the Indies Scene during the Invasion angle

2002-2005: Vince starts him out on Velocity and puts him in the Cruiser-weight mix. Don't start this "vince ruined him" crap. He failed to get over by himself in the Cweight division so Vince put him with Matt Hardy as his lacky. You act like the day he walked into WWE offices they were like "let's job this guy" They gave him a average push on there side show and he failed to get over. After Matt goes back to face it allows Shannon to go back to singles competition to get over again. They even put him in the Cweight open and Mania where he was eliminated by Ultimo (who was by far more over than Moore and more deserving) In 05 he than began his "punk" gimmick where yet again he failed to get over with the fans. After failing to get over at the start of the gimmick than they started to job him. Like i said before.. You act like vince jobbed him from the start... Get your facts straight. He than goes to TNA for a bout a year. (By the way, he lost his first TNA match so if anybody jobbed him from the start it was TNA)

In March of 06' he came back to the WWE on the ECW brand with the Prince of Punk gimmick again. They paired him up with CM Punk and I'll agree this was a job angle to get Punk over.

Jump to 08' where he got a PUSH YET AGAIN. Him and Jimmy Wang yang beat Miz and Morrison in consecutive matches. This flared the feud and they were actually competitive matches. I don't get you post at all...

Argubly 75% of his gimmicks in WWE were pushed at the start. I'll give you credit with the Punk angle.. but Vince tried with him..
I think he's a very talented wrestler, but I'm not a fan of his gimmick. He wasn't a right fit for WWE. I think he could do well in TNA's x division if given the chance. Hopefully he changes his gimmick a little. Many people have gone through many gimmicks in the past until they find the right one. He did kinda screw TNA over in the past. So I'm sure he has to prove himself again.

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