Wrestler You F****** Hate

Randy Orton.

I'm sorry but I was digging his "legend killer" gimmick, and was even firmly behind his "viper" gimmick for a while, but it's just gotten STALEEEEEEEEEE.

I mean don't get me wrong, I don't really have a problem with him in the ring, how he sells some moves and the psycho faces he makes actually make his character all the more believable. Is he GREAT in the ring? Not really, but I've seen worst.

Why I can't stand the guy is that except for the Mark Henry/WWE championship feud, when was the last time the guy lost ANYthing really? He was on a roll at one point where he just WON EVERYTHING ALL THE TIME. Now I'm sure I'm sounding like the typical "yeah this guy isn't over so I'll cheer for him......oh wait he's over now, time to do the cool thing and boo him" but I genuinely dislike this guy.

Hell, I've even warmed up to Cena a bit. Maybe because he actually has lost his fair share of matches recently. Whatever it is though, at this point in time for me Cena > Orton.

Oh and I used to hate HHH with every fibre of my being but then he got injured and stopped shoving himself on TV.
Hate is a strong word and is you feel so strongly about a scripted show that you would wish the guy harm, you need a long walk outside. I find it hard to hate anyone, but there guys I fast forward during so lets go with that; ADR- don't know why, he should work just bores me. I also dislike Brodus Clay and hope they guy doesn't come back, he is just pure fat. Gail Kim used to annoy but she's gone now so all good on that front, JoMo as well I used to love him. But he just bores the hell out of me now again no idea why, also a mention to face Kane as well but that is just down to the fact I loved masked Kane.
I also dislike Brodus Clay and hope they guy doesn't come back, he is just pure fat.

This just doesn't make any sense to me. You hate him because he's fat? So what if he's fat? He's still a very good in ring talent and pretty good on the mic too.

He has a unique look and isn't your typical big guy wrestler. I've seen his work down in FCW and I can honestly say the guy is an awesome worker for someone his size. Hating him because he's "just pure fat" just sounds so fucking idiotic.
I dislike his look it turns my stomach to be honest, and you can dislike someone for tons of reasons. I don't pretend to be an expert I don't care enough about WWE to watch stuff online, he maybe a hard worker and if he comes back and entertains me I'll like him. It may sound shallow, but I prefer watching people whose body doesn't ripple when doing something as simply as walking.

As with everyone wrestler I'm always willing and happy to change my mind if they entertain me, at the moment I just don't like him. Is it really more moranic than disliking them because kids like them? Or hating someone so much you wish them dead despite the fact that they are playing a charector?

If you think it's an idiotic reason than fair enough, I personally believe that worshipping a man in the sky hoping he will make your dreams come true despite all fact and reason disproving the idea abit thick, but that is for another forum and neather here nor there.
Kofi Kingston. He's one dimensional and predictable in the ring. I don't get the hype at all. He's barely changed since he arrived. Bar the accent change I can't think of anything else. He showed potential during his feud with Orton, but that fizzled out. I mean what the hell has the guy done that's of merit.
From Least to worst:
Edge - don't get me wrong I love 1998 - 2004 Edge with the brood E+C and the Rob Zombie theme. SUPER BADASS But after that he was just not as cool. he trimmed his long hair and The spear was the main focus of his move set. It was a big part of it before but it got way over the top. I felt bad for his injury though. BTW I FUCKING HATE THAT THE SONG. prior to that His themes were beast, like I mentioned before Rob Zombie. that was the perfect theme for him and like alot of guy's themes, they fucked it up.
Triple H- Someone probably already said what I was gonna say.
For me it is none other than The Usos. Yes I know they are a tag team and it's supposed to be just the one wrestler who we can't stand.... They are both equally terrible though. I thought they were annoying and dumb from day one but when they started doing those STUPID war chants or whatever that is during their entrance, that was the final straw.

I fast forward past anything involving them unless someone I really like has a promo or match with them because they are SO annoying that I would rather watch ten hours straight of Vickie yelling EXCUSE ME than ever see the Usos onscreen ever again. They suck on the mic, have boring matches, and their entrance is one of the worst in WWE history. Anytime they show up I instantly hit fast forward now.
I hate Kofi with a passion. Why would I cheer him? You're coming to the ring for a match. It's supposed to be combat with another person who wants to kill you. Kofi comes out the curtain doing his ridiculous boom gesture, whatever the hell that's supposed to be, and then he hops around and runs pigeontoed down to the ring like a toddler in a pooply diaper. He looks like Tommy from Rugrats.

I also hate Rey Mysterio. He looks ridiculous. He acts ridiculous. He talks ridiculous. His music is ridiculous. I know it's entertainment, but nothing he does in the ring is even slightly believable. He was fine against smaller guys back in WCW, but as a main eventer? Hell no. My favorite Rey Mysterio moment was when Nash lawn darted him into the side of a trailer.
I'm guessing this is limited to current superstars, in which case I'd say Rey Mysterio. I've said this many times on the threads and front page articles, but I've never been a fan of him from ECW to the present, the 619 is one of the stupidest finishers I've ever had the displeasure of seeing, and them pushing the little engine that could story every time he's on TV.
Alberto Del Rio. They took a masked luchador and repackaged him with a JBL gimmick when he looks like a younger in shape George Lopez and stole Eve's arm bar finisher and made a new latino superstar to represent the hispanic demographic when even though Mysterio wrestles about as much as Undertaker does he still maintains a huge fanbase and actually stays true to the Mexican culture by wearing his mask. They could have just as easily left him with his Dos Caras Jr. gimmick but just changed his name because I know how WWE loves to trademark names with a passion.
I have been putting off writing in this thread for a long time, because I just didn't have one guy I really HATED enough to rant about him. At least not in WWE... Plenty of people that I disliked, or thought were completely over-rated, but nobody that I truly hated. Nobody who I thought was actually making the product worse by their very existence...

But you know what...I'm done being the nice guy. I'm done giving this guy the benefit of the doubt, hoping that one day his mic work would improve or that his actual in-ring ability would live up to the massive hype the IWC grants it. No longer am I afraid to say that I...Mike Killam...HATE this man:

Jack Swagger. Not a single **** was given. He's never done anything I've enjoyed watching, and in most cases his involvement in anything has made me fast-forward. I stopped watching WW-ECW because of him, and I barely paid attention to Smackdown with him as World Heavyweight Champion. I'm a huge Dolph Ziggler fan, and I genuinely believe the All-American is holding him back. There are other people on the roster that I can't stand, or that I have a strong dislike for, but none more than Jack Swagger.

Those that tell me he's the best pure-athlete in the business clearly never tracked Shelton Benjamin, and those that say he's the best collegiate wrestler obviously have no regard for Kurt Angle. Hell, Swagger can't even hold a candle to Charlie Haas in that regard... I'm just sick of all the "Swagger is the second coming of Angle" bullshit, that both the fans and the WWE push on us. Being a collegiate wrestler is one thing, but using the Ankle Lock? Really?

I loved Kurt Angle...still do...but not because he won an olympic medal. But because he was a damn good PROFESSIONAL wrestler on top of his ammeter accomplishments. Using it as a character is one thing, being able to actually back it up is completely different...

Screw you Jack Swagger. I hate you.
CM Punk. I'm not picking him just because he's "popular" and going against the grain. I've never cared for him even before he debuted in the WWE. I don't "f*cking hate" him, but he's the closest to that in the WWE today. You want to talk about the biggest ego in Proffesional-Wrestling since the '90's, CM Punk has it. And it's really starting to show in his recent interviews. He says doesn't like the fact that The Rock is in the main-event of WrestleMania. He says he's "disrespected" him. I think it's because it's not Steve Austin. If it was Steve, CM Punk would be "singing his praises". His smugness is grating. He says he's wants to make "wrestling fun again". Good luck with that.
I'm usually a nice person. I try to be understanding and patient. But even I have my limits, especially when it comes to wrestling. But I am so glad that we're allowed to just vent in this thread!

I have to say my absolute least favorite people in the entire world are the Bella Twins. If someone told me they died in a car crash, I think I'd actually jump up and down with joy (okay, mild exaggeration). They're two of the most useless people in the universe. Their twin schtick got old after the first day, their wrestling abilities are sub-par, their voices make me want to stick a fork in my ears, and they only get the tv time because they're "hot" twins. When one of them got the championship, I almost punched my tv, because it meant they got more screen time. The most useful thing they've ever done is become my punching bags in Raw vs. SD 11.

As for male wrestlers, I really wish they'd fire Otunga and Slater. Otunga is bland, boring, and can't wrestle his way out of a paper bag. I've tried giving him the benefit of the doubt, but I've run out of patience. Meanwhile, Slater should be locked up in a mental ward.

And then there's Rey Mysterio.:disappointed: The only reason I want to see Mysterio on my screen is to watch him be violently sent packing after being lawn-darted through a car window. It's funny because I actually used to like watching Rey Mysterio, but thanks in part to his busted knees, he's become more repetitive than a broken CD. Watching his matches is like watching slow motion, and that finisher? Forget it. Oh, by the way, if everyone knows you're more likely to win than lose, you're not an underdog anymore, dumbass!:banghead: And then there's his profiting from the Guerrero name. I know why it happened, and it may not be his fault entirely, but it still pisses me off.
whats the one wrestler you can't fucking stand,when you see them on TV,it just pisses you off and you want to change the channel,you wish WWE would fire him?

ps,this can be more then one wrestler

mine would have to triple h,cena,and orton.I fucking hate all 3 of them with every fiber of my being,i wish WWE would fire all 3 of them so i would never have to see them again.Those 3 never leave the WWE title scene,they have like 50 world titles between them and yet they want more,they've been fueding for the past 5 fucking years and yet,they still end up fueding every week over the same damn thing.Can cena get any more gayer,kissing all the fans asses every week.triple h,has like 30 world titles but still doesn't put anyone else over,he only got these world titles because hes vinces son in law.and orton,he's a fucking prick that only knows 2 damn moves,the RKO and a backbreaker,learn to fucking wrestler

so which wrestlers do you hate the most?

and also,the point of this thread is to bash

PLEASE learn to use spaces, capital letters, apostrophies and full stops properly. It was actually painful to read your opening post. And some of the points you made were.....well, pointless, actually.

As for who I 'hate'......I don't know. I used to dislike HHH around 2003-2005, I didn't like Kurt Angle in the early to mid 2000's, Undertaker has bored me for the last five years (his gimmick; his matches anre unquestionably good). Mysterio bores me. Otunga bores me. But would I go as far as to say I hate a wrestler? No, not really.

The closest I get to hate at the moment is probably Jack Swagger. But rather than hate, I just...meh. I don't give a rats ass about him. At all. Your job as a professional wrestler is to garner some kind of emotional reaction from the audience, and on that part, I can't help but feel he sucks at it. He might be technically sound, but I just don't care for anything he does.
Wrestlers I hate hmm.. Interesting question to be quite honest with you. I am a nice guy normally, and don't like to judge but if I was too pick a few it would have to be...

Michael Cole - I don't think I need to explain this one, but in case some of you haven't noticed. HE IS A COMMENTATOR, NOT A WRESTLER. He was / is soaking up some time, that other up and coming superstars could use. For instance use DiBiase there instead.
Heath Slater - There is just something I really don't like about this guy, I personally don't think he is a good wrestler, plus he has a stale character, and overall just don't like him in WWE
Evan Bourne - I used to like this guy quite a lot, when he was fresh. But now I feel he is getting used a lot. And with his recent suspension it puts a black mark on him for sure. But just in general nowadays don't like this guy in the ring anymore.
John Cena - I am sorry for being cliché here, but I legitimately hate Cena. He may be topping the merchandise sales, and I don't think anyone else in WWE could do as much as he has done, and I know he cares about the industry etc. But I just can't stand this guy. I know he won't move from the main event, but I really wish he did, as he isn't that good at wrestling in my eyes, and I just in general, am afraid to say I really dislike Cena. (Sorry for sounding typical I HATE CENA ).

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