Repackage a Wrestler

Here's one for you, it probably wouldn't work now because wrestlers now are generally just themselves or something, the gimmick characters aren't so hot anymore. But, at any rate....You can take Dibiase Jr. and Jack swagger, have them both drop their real names and make them a tag team called Blood & Gore. Ted Dibiase Jr would be renamed Tyrone Blood, and Jack Swagger would be renamed Bobby Gore, together they make Blood & Gore. They would be quiet guys, not talk a lot, even when spoken too, they just look at you and stare you down and walk away. They would act like total bad asses and just go out and demolish people.

I like the idea, but I don't think it fits them. They just wouldn't look right. Maybe that's good angle for Mike Knox, and then another partner, but I don't think it would make sense to use Swagger and Dibiase like that at this stage in their career.
I like the Kofi, CM Punk pot head idea. It could be the start of a solid Punk heel turn.

After he attacks and feuds with Kofi over the pot. It should than evolve into CM Punk pushing his straightedge views onto everyone. First Punk starts cutting promos on how everyone, including the fans are losers with no morlas because they're not straightedge. Punk than starts attacking guys backstage who aren't "straightedge" brutally assaulting them. Than you could have videos of Punk with a cameraman, spying on wrestlers partying at clubs or bars, Punk than attacks these guys in the clubs. This goes on for a few months of Punk preaching how straightedge is the way and him taking it out on non-straightedge wrestlers trying to pound some sense into them. Than we can have it all build to a feud with a guy like Cena or HHH over them not being a worthy champion because of their lack of morals.

I would personally add a twist of having Cena or HHH, whoever the feud ends up against. spying on Punk and showingthat infact CM Punk isn't straightedge at all. They would show a video of Punk doing drugs and drinking in his hotel room, pretty much making Punk out to be the biggest liar of all. But not sure Punk would go for something like that, even if it is just a fake storyline. I think this angle would work with or without this part but I'd prefer it with.
I have a way to repackage 3 wrestlers with only one storyline; Finlay, Hornswoggle and The Great Khali. Let's face it, Khali and Hornswoggle can't wrestle, it's not a knock on them there size just doesn't work. So why not team them together in some sort of comedy tag team, the biggest and the smallest men in WWE. Play it off as Hornswoggle wanting to branch off away from his dad and try it on his own. This way Finlay can get back to doing what he does best, FIGHT! Hornswoggle tries some singles matches for a few weeks with people like Miz and Morrison or The Brain Kendrick and Big Zeke. After being humiliated and beaten up Khali comes out and makes the save, kinda like what he did with Rey and Kofi a while back. This can form a new team. Just think of the possibilities. Hornswoggle can come out dressed like a genie, instead of a tadpole splash from the top rope a double team finishing move having Khali assist with a tadpole splash for 7'3" or however tall they say he is.

This way you give 2 guys who really can't do much something to do and you give Finlay a run as a singles competitor, idk maybe the ECW title or something, seems like everyone else has had it why not give the 4th or 5th title to him.
if they decide to go with a joker angle it could be great if done right.
1. don't call him joker that would be lame call him something like the villain or something
2. make him a manager which would allow him to be more crazy and dangerous. start running promos with a gritty camera quality about coming to take over and make him seem legit crazy add the word fear in there a lot
3. pair him up with a couole no name monsters who act like his body guards

4 . give him angles on all 3 brands
5. have him kidnap someone or hurt a diva or something awful
6. have him turn someone evil and join him ala jeff hardy and help him in every match help him win the strap then burn it or something

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