Gimmick Changes

As The guy above me said, Kozlov is being used as a comedy jobber now. Bring back his original badass character where he was unbeaten for the good part of 2008/9.
But Why not give Santino Marrella a gimmick change. im suprised that no one has said this at the moment (sorry if you just have, but i was typing) but ive heard and read that he is exellent as a Martial Artist, so why not use this to his advantage. Give Santino a less Comedic role, new look and it could work well if Kozlov reverts to his old way, it could be one hell of a tag team, and not the 'Look at us, we're funny but we always lose and get released' Type of guys... I'm Just Sayin...

I think the only way that Santino would be able to change his gimmick and bring out the martial artist in him is if he turned heel again. I just don't see a comedic, face jobber start whippin out all these moves, but still be the dork he is. I'm not saying I'd like him to turn heel, because I love his face side much much more, but I think it'd be the only way.
Lovely thread. I like anything that gets the individual creativity flowing. Now, on with who could use a gimmicky face-lift.

First off, Matt Hardy could really use something to further separate him from simply being Jeff's brother, particularly now that Jeff has gone to TNA. My idea would be to re-connect with what he had when he was in ECW. I've got to say that since he left ECW (that final feud with Jeff aside) he's not had the same success (I blame the booking for that.) Make him more hardcore. Where someone like John Morrison is glam rock, make Matt Hardy deathcore metal. Jeff had the fun-loving party animal persona, give Matt the wilder and slightly darker version of this scene.

Secondly, Jillian Hall. Most everyone simply knows her as the horrible singer, but I've always seen a good deal of potential in her ring work. If there's any female who could believably go totally violent rabid psychopath, it would be Jillian. I would basically turn her into a female version of Kane, that violent, that prone to attack anyone, and that scary in what she'd be willing to do to anyone who got in her way.

That's all you're gettin' from me for now.

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