Wrestler You F****** Hate


whats the one wrestler you can't fucking stand,when you see them on TV,it just pisses you off and you want to change the channel,you wish WWE would fire him?

ps,this can be more then one wrestler

mine would have to triple h,cena,and orton.I fucking hate all 3 of them with every fiber of my being,i wish WWE would fire all 3 of them so i would never have to see them again.Those 3 never leave the WWE title scene,they have like 50 world titles between them and yet they want more,they've been fueding for the past 5 fucking years and yet,they still end up fueding every week over the same damn thing.Can cena get any more gayer,kissing all the fans asses every week.triple h,has like 30 world titles but still doesn't put anyone else over,he only got these world titles because hes vinces son in law.and orton,he's a fucking prick that only knows 2 damn moves,the RKO and a backbreaker,learn to fucking wrestler

so which wrestlers do you hate the most?

and also,the point of this thread is to bash
Ive been a huge fan of WWE for the past 22 years. Since late 1987 to be exact.

I have never ever disliked a guy more than Cena.

Its the same crap over and over and over and over. I cant stand it.

The guy is fucking overrated. A silly 5 knuckle shuffle DOES NOT ENTERTAIN ME OR IMPRESS ME AND I DO NOT GIVE A RATS STINKING ASS IF I "CANT SEE HIM"

I blame Vince for scarfing this guy down our throats. Its like "like it or night this is what you're going to eat and digest for as long as I say so" I refuse to be told what I have to like and be a fan of.

I respect the fact that he has true passion for the business, I respect that but thats as far as I'll go for him.

Maybe the guy does have some wrestling ability, Im almost willing to want to believe that, but he's been told to stay limited, they perhaps want to make him into Hogan the II. Hey, if it worked 25 years ago it might work now right.

I think what angers some fans is that he has this safe, clean, puppet like attitue about him. Everyone knows its Vince pulling the strings and Cena is just a fucking puppet.

I cant wait til Cena becomes the most vicious hated heel and see what these Cena-disciples have to say, half of them might crawl back under whatever rocked they crawled out of.

I cant stand the mere sight of him.

And its equally as bad seeing this overmuscled monkey front and center of the dvd covers for the past 4 or 5 years.
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Theirs one wrestler that i fucking despise and that is the great khali, just because he's like a giant does not make him a credible wrestler he has never had a good match and hes a cock how did he get a world championship reign, did he fist vince's ass or summit, i wish the big bastard would go die!!
Batista- shakes ropes, couple clotheslines, spine buster, clothesline, batista bomb, match. Terrible on the mic, terrible in the ring.
I wouldn't go as far as saying I ''fucking hate'' any one particular wrestler. Although I think each one may have their flaws, it doesn't take away the fact that they are all inspirations.

With that being said, one wrestler that I don't really favor would have to be Triple H. I started watching WWE in mid-2003, and I was a fan of HHH. However, around the time that Triple H was fueding with Shawn Michaels and Chris Benoit in early-2004, I just hated him. The dominance of him and the rest of Evolution on Raw made me hate him even more. At the time, I did hate all heels, but still. But, when DX re-united, I started to like Triple H a lot more and I really missed him for the 7 months that he was out with injury. But, since his return in August 2007, he's already won the WWE Championship, three times. I'm sick and tired of all of his pushes. Being a 13-time World Champion and the last man eliminated from the Royal Rumble for two years in a row. I get annoyed every time I see Triple H or even hear his theme song, and I would love it if he would get away from the main event for atleast two years. It's not fair that Randy Orton always has to get embarrassed by HHH, and I hate it.

I'm not much of a fan of Cody Rhodes, M.V.P., C.M. Punk, Mike Knox, and Melina either, but no one annoys me as much as Triple H.
The one wrestler I really don't like would have to be Triple H. the reason is because he constantly annoys me with a passion. Why do you ask? Because he has a never ending push and i'm not just blowing smoke. It has literally been going on since I believe late 2002-early 2003 along one of those time lines.

He has to constantly be in the world title picture/main event, when clearly his in ring performance has diminished since he first stepped into the game (pun some what intended) He should be at the level of HBK or Taker at this point in his career. Meaning main event as well as HELP OUT the younger talent which he doesn't. If there is a match where an up and comer is set to face HHH you just tremble in the thought of it, knowing in advance of what will happen.

His everlasting push, refusal to put over young stars, obsession to break Flair's record, and his own thought of thinking he is the best thing WWE has to offer (listen to how he talks about himself).He clearly isn't anywhere near the greatness he thinks he is at. So for all those reasons HHH would have to be my least favorite on the roster
whats the one wrestler you can't fucking stand,when you see them on TV,it just pisses you off and you want to change the channel,you wish WWE would fire him?

I don't think there is anyone, there are some that really annoy me but none that deserve firing at the moment now that JBL is gone.

mine would have to triple h,cena,and orton.

Surprise surprise.

I fucking hate all 3 of them with every fiber of my being,i wish WWE would fire all 3 of them so i would never have to see them again.

Fucking hate, wow that's a tad over the top. So you would fire the 3 guys that make the most money on RAW. Great idea :rolleyes:

Those 3 never leave the WWE title scene,they have like 50 world titles between them

Nope, it's only 23.

and yet they want more

If you didn't want more what's the point in being a wrestler?

Can cena get any more gayer

I'm pretty sure he just got married and there is PLENTY of things he could do to be as you say "gayer".

kissing all the fans asses every week.

He's the top babyface on RAW, of course he's going to 'kiss their ass's', he's role is to get the crowd excited, easiest way is to talk up the crowd.

triple h,has like 30 world titles

Nope, 13.

but still doesn't put anyone else over

This is kind of annoying, but he will put over people who he thinks deserve it and they are usually very deserving although I do agree sometimes he can be a bit of a prick like that but hey, if I had his power I'd probably want to be on top as much as possible too.

he only got these world titles because hes vinces son in law

Ok that's bullshit, his relationship may help but he would still have been a multiple time world champ. He DOES actually have talent and deserves to be a top player on the roster.

orton,he's a fucking prick that only knows 2 damn moves,the RKO and a backbreaker,learn to fucking wrestler

He has more than 2.

so which wrestlers do you hate the most?

As I said, no hate.

and also,the point of this thread is to bash

You're an idiot.
In no particular order:

Cena= can't wrestle,thinks he is cool but isn't, lame promos, gets his ass kicked in every match and then hits 3 moves and wins.

Mickie James= fat, that stupid hat and that stupid skipping to the ring, her fucking mating call she screams out just before her finisher.

Kali= can't wrestle, can't talk, looks like a fucking sasquatch, no charisma, almost a Giant Gonzalez clone

Kofi Kingston= his music, that stupid boom boom hand gesture, his hair

Batista=Ultimate Warrior except no facepaint and shittier promos
Edge. Plain and simple.
I Fucking hate him more then I hate anyone or anything in this world. I Hate the fact that he gets title after title because hes the fucking ultimate oppurnist that fucking pisses me off. He gets World titles because of his gimmick. I fucking hate him, he dosnt deserve the 3rd most titles in WWE history, Like WTF?!... Hes a fucking transitional champ that dosnt hold the belt for longer then 2months Maximum. He wins then 2 PPVs later he loses then. When he won the WWE Title I believe at the Elimination chamber I was soooo fucking pissed, I thought i was gonna destroy my computer when it happend.
john cena, triple h, and zack ryder. cena's physique is not impressive, it's fucking weird and gross looking, his current move set is limited and crappy, and his character is as stale as cheetos that sit out in the open for a few hours. triple h's constant push and refusal to put anyone over makes him out to be nothing more than a paper champion, nothing more. if he breaks flair's record, he will have accomplished nothing. he abuses his position in backstage politics and it makes watching him unbearable. he can play the face character and make all the stupid jokes he wants, i see his real face, who he is, and what he's really doing. ryder, he's just garbage. his look, music, not to impressive in the ring, he's just ******ed. that's my take on this.
I think I've said this many times on these forums, and now that I have the chance to do it again, I'll simply put it out there

I fucking hate Shelton Benjamin

And admittedly, that has to do with the smarks that God up this man, and make it seem like he's fucking ready for the main event. He's not, folks; he has the charisma of a dry piece of dog turd, hsi promos are lackluster to say the least, and even his match quality, which used to be his saving grace, are beginning to dip in terms of actual wrestling ability. I used to have high hopes for this guy when he was a member of Team Angle, but now I see him for just how absolutely worthless the guy is. He contributes nothing to the WWE, and has no true value to him whatsoever. When's the last time you were clamoring for a Shelton Benjamin? I'd be more excited for crabs than I would be to watch a Shelton Benjamin promo? I'd rather have to take a spanking from The Abominable Snowman than to have to watch the guy's matches. And yet, still, he's Godded up by the smarks, because he's not Triple H or John Cena, and "he knowz mor then 5 movez!!!" I understand you're looking for a new face, but Shelton Benjamin is not the answer. Hell, I'd take Tugboat, and put him in the Main Event before I put Shelton there. That's how much I dislike Shelton Benjamin.

In short, he's boring, and he's better suited jumping off a cliff.
It's ironic that you hate three main eventers. The one wrestler that I lothe is Dolph Ziggler, and I don't know if it's because he's just playing heel really good, or that I just geniunely don't like the guy form his cocky gimmick to in-ring work. I can say he's pretty good, but for some particular reason that I can't put my finger on, I just completely hate this guy. Maybe, it's the hair gesture.
I wouldn't say that I " fucking hate" a particular wrestler. I certaintly don't like some wrestlers. But I would have to say Hornswoggle is the one wrestler I can't stand to see on tv. He is not funny at all and makes almost everyone he works with a complete joke. It does more damage than good to be in a storyline with him. For example, Chavo. He went from fighting for the ECW champ with CM Punk to this?
Anybody over the age of 14 can see that he's not funny. He was better off working the heel role with Finlay helping him win.
ive gotta agree with almost everyone. i fucking despise cenaand orton. its always the same match finish a couple of shoulder blocks,a spin-out powerbomb 5 knuckle shuffle then the fu. its the same with hbk he does the same damn finish everytime. cena cant talk worth a shit on the mic and whenever he comes on i change the channel as soon as those damn trumpets sound.orton cant carry a match either all he does is get pissed off and kick people in the head. i dont even watch the main events on raw anymore just cause i cant stand watching him and orton. if vince fired the 2 of them things on raw would be so much better
It's ironic that you hate three main eventers. The one wrestler that I lothe is Dolph Ziggler, and I don't know if it's because he's just playing heel really good, or that I just geniunely don't like the guy form his cocky gimmick to in-ring work. I can say he's pretty good, but for some particular reason that I can't put my finger on, I just completely hate this guy. Maybe, it's the hair gesture.

i agree that ziggler is annoying as hell. after being a male cheerleader in the spirit squad how can anybody take him seriously. i want him to introduce himself to me so i can go hi im gonna kick u off a cliff
wow, I got a lot that I can think of.

1. Batista- He's injury prone (he's out with an injury at least once a year), he has like 3 moves, and he sucks on the mic. I honestly think he's on steroids, and the only reason he still has a job is because he's buddies with Triple H.

2. Rey Misterio- I honestly can't stand him. I think he's really annoying, and I always have to change the channel when he's on. I was really upset that he beat Bradshaw @ Wrestlemania because Bradshaw is a way better wrestler. He's also injury prone, even though he hasn't been getting injured as much. I also don't think it was fair that he got the push Chavo shoulda got after Eddie died. His last name is Misterio, not Guerrero. Chavo shoulda won the Royal Rumble and became Champion @ Wrestlemania.

3. CM Punk- There's just something about him that I hate. I don't know what, but I just can't stand him for some reason. There's seriously just something about him that I don't like. I find him annoying, he's horrible on the mic, he looks like a homeless guy, I just don't like him.
The one I hate is the one that makes you hate him. I dont know if i Hate him, or his character but whatever it is he does a damn good job at making people hate him. of course I am talking about 'our savior' chris jericho. How many other wrestlers can you say bash the fans and crowd as much as jericho does? who else has fans spit at him and throw punches at him? and who else has fans charge the ring during some of his promos? whatever it is Jericho does a damn good job of making me hate who he portrays.
i really dont hate triple h, cena, or orton. what i do hate is the same storyline all three of them are constantly involved in with each other. if all three of them were in separate storylines i could put up with them a lot easier. i also think they should move either orton or cena to smackdown and definitley turn cena heel.

the two wrestlers i really fucking hate though are william regal and hornswoggle.

a feud with hornswoggle, like someone said above me, does more damage then good because you will end up wrestling a midget on your knees with your hand tied behind your back AND LOSING. and you look like an idiot.

and i dont know what it is about william regal but he just pisses me off. when he comes on i absolutely can not stand him. i think he is too rough with the guy he is wrestling and he is gonna end someone with main event talent's career like goldberg ended the hitman's. he doesnt look like a wrestler, but more of a fat older man who needs to cut his freakishly weird and gay hair.

honorable mentions in no particular order...

-batista (IMO is on steroids and has been his entire career, seriously....look at him)

-the big slow (i dunno, he just bores me and i am not at all interested in anything he is involved in. but i have to admit that the spear he adopted is brutal)

-evan bourne (on the fence about him, i just feel as if everyone is so over on him only because of his shooting star press. yeah he does a few interesting moves but thats really it. i dont see him winning a world title but rather being stuck in the mid card scene for his whole career)

-jillian/jamie noble (where the fuck have they been? yeah jillian's been sick but lets be honest, IF she stays on the roster she will continually be used as the ultimate diva jobber. and noble just popped up on superstars tonight with the jobber entrance but put up a decent fight against bourne...still jobbed)

-Mike knox (useless)

-R-truth's pretty ricky character (100% not funny. i heard the only reason its still going is because vince loves it and creative doesnt wanna get fired. i will give him that jumping over the t shirt stand to get free stuff made me chuckle but thats it)

-ricky ortiz (rally the fuck out of the wwe)

oh and christian will be jericho's partner which will eventually help him to propel into the world title scene. IN MY FACTUAL OPINION
I hate the following and in no order because my hate for them is equal and unconditional. Mike Knox, Samoa Joe,MVP, Snitsky (the greatest day in wwe history was when they fired that jobber) Booker T, THe Brian Kendrick, and last but ceartanly not least Jeff hardy. THats right I said it. I dont care if you like jeff hardy thats fine, but dont go off on me for not liking him. In my opinion Jeff hardy is the most overated wrestler of all time. Matt is way better but they wont give him a chance. As long as jeff hardy is jumping off of stuff and people yell o My GOD for the millionth time (as if theyre surprised) Jeff will always have a great career. Meanwhile matt can work hard be better on the mike. and beat the crap out of jeff hardy but no one will care.
I really hate Cena......I really have never liked him! I ALWAYS change the channel when he comes out to talk, b/c he thinks he should have his own sitcom....it's just complete and utter garbage what comes out of his mouth. If I could, I'd be having a sit down with Vince and telling him how ******ed the "comedy" bits Cena vomits out are. Next is his wrestling....the man works as stiff as a bored, and I really can't stand how he almost always plays Mr. Invincible.....as an example, Big Show can work over his leg forever and then instantly, Cena recovers and will pick him up for an FU with no apparent side effects of the beat down! And lets not forget the "5 moves of DOOM"

I honestly would like it much better if WWE realized that he could be the next Rock in terms of a GIANT heel.....the only ppl who cheer him on are the children under 12 and women....the rest of the crowd can't stand him....I was at WM 25 and it was awesome to boo the hell out of him. I don't care what anyone says, the crowd was dead when he won the title too......that's why he doesn't celebrate very long anytime he wins a WM match, cuz ppl are NOT cheering him on!

brian kendrick: maybe his push has just been bad, but he comes to the ring hopping like a ******. hes nothing like hbk, nothing like hbk. wen hes in the ring he looks like a fool. he looks like a fool in general. tie him to a rocket and send him into space.

used to not like khali, but he grew on me as a face. love matt hardy, hate his stomach. but now i know why its like that. good luck matt.

big show: tired of him. useless. he doesnt have the credibilty to put anyone over. at all.

also, every diva thats not gial kim, natalya, maryse, mickie, beth, melina, or michelle.
I cannot stand Rey Mysterio, Chavo, Jeff Hardy and Tommy Dreamer. Rey and Jeff are the most overrated superstars WWE has to offer. Jeff doesn't deserve to be in heavyweight title picture...to me he is the intercontinental or US title type may be even tag team...matt hardy is way better than jeff...rey mysterio is a joke...i don't know how he ever won the rumble and the heavyweight title...lucky for these guys, wwe is staged... as for chavo and tommy dreamer...they just got the face to annoy you...!!
the ones that i hate the most is Rey Mysterio and The Miz.. they're both annoying, and i can't stand the 619, it's a gay move, that splash he does is irritating and i can't stand it when he talks.. and i just can't stand the way The Miz looks.. they should both be fired
whats the one wrestler you can't fucking stand,when you see them on TV,it just pisses you off and you want to change the channel,you wish WWE would fire him?

ps,this can be more then one wrestler

mine would have to triple h,cena,and orton.I fucking hate all 3 of them with every fiber of my being,i wish WWE would fire all 3 of them so i would never have to see them again.

Possibly the worst thing I've ever read. You will never get your wish on this because HHH will be with this company until death or divorce. Cena will get shoved down your throat until he fades to black, and RKO is a legend in grooming. Wake up and realize there is no show without these 3. Are you really tuning into Raw to watch the next line of Superstars? No.

Anyways, here's who I FUCKING hate:

Big Show: If your favorite wrestler is feuding with him, your favorite wrestler is wrapped up in a 3 PPV program that he will eventually come out of victorious and exactly where he started before he feuded with Big Show. It is Vince's fault I hate him because rather than using him as a dominant force and constant Main Event Superstar, as he should be, he is a jobber to the Top Tier Stars and an absolute joke. They ruined him for me.

MVP: I hate MVP more than any other wrestler on any brand or company. What has this asshole done in the last year that is getting him cheered? Here's a little timeline...loses the US Title to Matt Hardy at Backlash 08, stumbles around Smackdown's midcard, has an uninteresting feud with Jeff Hardy, ending at Summerslam, gets pinned twice by one pedigree from HHH in the SD Scramble Match at Unforgiven, goes on a 4 MONTH LOSING STREAK, including losing to Kizarny, who never came back after that, and somehow turns face. How stupid are these crowds everywhere that started cheering for him? Why is anyone cheering for a consistent loser? He gets a gift US Title win over Shelton Benjamin, who flat out doesn't care, gets drafted #1 to Raw (what a waste), trys to make an instant impact by challenging Orton & Legacy, and loses the US Title a short time later. Basically, I hate MVP because it is so obvious he's trying to get cheered. The guys who get the best pops are the guys not out there flailing their damn arms and dating Sheri Shepard. His new finisher sucks balls too. Fuck MVP.

Tommy Dreamer: I think of ECW and I think of RVD, the Dudleys, Taz, Sabu, & the Sandman. Guys who were successful and helped ECW rise from indy status to major player in the 90's. I do not think of Tommy Dreamer. Just 6 months ago, he was being used as a jobber on SD (when SD and ECW had their "working agreement") and I'm supposed to buy this guy as the ECW Friggin' Champion? Sorry pal. You should have let your contract run out and be a backstage presence or the GM of ECW like on Smackdown vs. Raw 2008, the video game. Everything about Dreamer sucks. I could give two shits that he was an ECW Original. He sucked then and he sucks now and I'm not a huge Christian fan, but I am praying that creative writes the belt off of him and buries him on the bottom of ECW's card. Seriously, if he beats Christian, how is he supposed to beat Kozlov? Until Christian's recent win against him in the #1 contender match, the only men who had defeated him previously were HBK and the Undertaker. WWE Future Hall of Famers. They put this guy out there as a monster, and now it is entirely possible that if they plan to keep up this Dreamer as Champion charade, he may lose to Dreamer, which just should never happen. Dreamer blows.

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