Wrestlemania XXXII

Can't believe there were people who legit believed Ambrose had a chance to win against Brock Lesnar. It was always a foregone conclusion that he was going to lose regardless of what he did.

And that's the biggest problem with Lesnar's booking IMO. I don't care if he wins all the time, just let him have competitive matches. Let him and his opponent beat each other half to death before Lesnar hits that final F5 for the win. This match was competitive, but it just wasn't long enough. It's like listening to a really catchy song that only lasts for 30 seconds.
That, and Ambrose really didn't get to showcase his crazy resiliency that he'd been talking up for weeks. Brock just kind of beat him without being any more brutal than he is with everyone else.

If Brock turned up Beast Mode up to about 12 and massacred Dean to the point of being uncomfortable to watch and Dean STILL kept kicking out and asking for more and then lost, I'd probably feel better about the match since it would've stuck to the story and theme better.

Yeah, I was 100% expecting him to kick out of that F5 with Lesnar just looking shocked. That would have brought the crowd to their feet and sent the match into overdrive, but LOL nope.
If I were booking, you'd have had the same Ambrose-Lesnar match, but Ambrose would have gotten back to his feet a couple times prompting further Lesnar beatdowns. In the end, Lesnar shakes his hand.

Easiest homerun of the night. Morons.

Seriously though. STEPH.
Yeah, I was 100% expecting him to kick out of that F5 with Lesnar just looking shocked. That would have brought the crowd to their feet and sent the match into overdrive, but LOL nope.
They include heaps of unnecessary kickouts in matches that don't need it, but when it would benefit the story once we don't get it. Because Brock needs booking that would make Goldberg blush.

Because there were so very many easy home runs available to them.
Oh so true. But I stand by putting Ambrose over (in defeat) as such a no-brainer.

Quick thoughts from someone who's too drunk to digest any of this:

-New Day lost because why?

-Lana was hotter than hell

-The Roman win came off flatter than I could have ever imagined (and I like Roman)

-Fuck you, Shane. Wrestling doesn't need that shit anymore.

-LOL Bray

Overall a good show. Just so many headscratchers. Jericho winning wasn't one of them. Yay Jericho. (AJ should have won this though. Probably.)

For a show that was a tonne of bullshit, I enjoyed a lot of it.
They include heaps of unnecessary kickouts in matches that don't need it, but when it would benefit the story once we don't get it. Because Brock needs booking that would make Goldberg blush.

I can't wait for the day when fans finally turn on Lesnar because he's booked too strong. Happened to Superman.
Just tuned in.

I saw the earlier match results and they are VERY questionable to say the least.

Why in the world did Zack Ryder, Chris Jericho, the League of Nations, and Charlotte go over?

Oh yeah. Just enjoy the show. The hell with Ambrose. The hell with Styles. The hell with Owens.

They're not Samoan and they don't have the look, so SCREW THEM.

Could WWE for once push someone who is actually over with the fans instead of Vince?

I know I'm ranting, but I don't care. This was an awful show with an even worse main event.

You missed more than half of it.
Once again, Lesnar was involved in the best match. That match was fantastic - violent, funny, chaotic and just entertaining. I'm sure the smarkiest of the smarks wanted bettet pacing or a larger variety of moves or whatever, but fuck all of that. Dean's best performance I've seen.
Once again, Lesnar was involved in the best match. That match was fantastic - violent, funny, chaotic and just entertaining. I'm sure the smarkiest of the smarks wanted bettet pacing or a larger variety of moves or whatever, but fuck all of that. Dean's best performance I've seen.

I wanted Dean to either win or take a massive amount of punishment to put down. i.e. Make him into a megastar, instead we got something that was too short and far too predictable
Brock beating Dean half to death will not make him a star. Dean put up the best one-on-one fight Lesnar has had in quite some time.

Again, best match on the card.
Once again, Lesnar was involved in the best match. That match was fantastic - violent, funny, chaotic and just entertaining. I'm sure the smarkiest of the smarks wanted bettet pacing or a larger variety of moves or whatever, but fuck all of that. Dean's best performance I've seen.

I thought the women's match was miles better. It got the time it needed, unlike Lesnar's match which felt like it was cut short. The wrestling and drama was top-notch, so much so that in a night of "HUH?" endings, Charlotte winning is the one I'm the least annoyed by. Match of the night IMO.
Brock beating Dean half to death will not make him a star.

That is literally exactly how the WWE made Austin into a mega star.

Dean put up the best one-on-one fight Lesnar has had in quite some time.

He was markedly less close to ever beating Lesnar than Taker or Reigns were.

Again, best match on the card.

Not by a long shot. The match never left second gear and the WWE clearly never wanted to threaten Lesnar's stature at all.
1. That is not how the WWF made Austin a star. I assume you're talking about Austin vs. Bret. The match at WM 13 was much more than Austin passing out. Bret's attitude change had a lot to do with that and Austin was already moving into a league Ambrose could never touch.

2. I judged the match on what it was, not what it will mean for Dean in the future.
Brock beating Dean half to death will not make him a star. Dean put up the best one-on-one fight Lesnar has had in quite some time.

Again, best match on the card.

Yes it would have, because it would have fit the story they were telling in the build-up. Dean was supposed to be the guy Brock would have the most trouble keeping down. And yet Brock beat Dean without exerting himself anymore than he usually does. He threw Dean around for a bit and F5'd him. That was basically all it took.

Based on the story for the match, Dean should have been kicking out and refusing to tap to anything and everything Brock threw at him while making the big comebacks and getting a few hot false finishes. This goes on a while until Brock just snaps and MAULS him to the point that Dean just physically can't continue but never actually quits.

Brock looks like a monster, Dean looks like the tough bastard he claimed to be and earns mad respect, everyone wins. But as it stands, the match was underwhelming and wasted potential. CM Punk had a FAR better match with Brock that was similar in style but executed much better.
That wasn't the story I saw the last several weeks. I saw a lunatic who cared more about hurting Lesnar than winning a street fight. That was exactly how Ambrose played it tonight. Ambrose can't beat Lesnar in a regular match and anyone watching knows that. Dean put up a good fight. I don't see the problem...

And CM Punk is a lot better than Ambrose.
That wasn't the story I saw the last several weeks. I saw a lunatic who cared more about hurting Lesnar than winning a street fight. That was exactly how Ambrose played it tonight. Ambrose can't beat Lesnar in a regular match and anyone watching knows that. Dean put up a good fight. I don't see the problem...

And CM Punk is a lot better than Ambrose.

The problem is taking the most over face on the active roster and making him look like a B+ player. The story they sold here was absolutely that of a Dean Ambrose who wanted to prove he could take anything Lesnar could throw at him and dish it back. Instead, he never threatened Lesnar in a serious way and Lesnar barely broke a sweat beating him. Again, compare to the matches versus the Undertaker or Reigns. If they wanted anything meaningful to come from this, Ambrose had to come at least as close as those guys.

Ambrose didn't live up to either of his promises - that he would hurt Lesnar, or that he would survive the punishment. He looks like a total chump as a result, and why in the world would you want to do that to the biggest face you have right now?
I don't think we watched the same match. Ambrose absolutely put up a good fight, twice the fight I thought he would, which is why I liked it a lot more than I thought I would.
I don't think we watched the same match. Ambrose absolutely put up a good fight, twice the fight I thought he would, which is why I liked it a lot more than I thought I would.

Sure, he had great offense, but Lesnar walked away unscathed. No blood, no limp, no nothing. When Lesnar walked away from the Undertaker, he looked haggard. We didn't even see him walk away from Reigns. When Lesnar walked away tonight, he was able to make a joke and literally laugh with the fire extinguisher bit. Ambrose meanwhile sold a single F5 like he was dead after weeks of telling us they didn't hurt.
Lesnar hurried up and got the fuck out of Dodge after that last F5 because Dean clearly put up a better fight than he expected. He knows Dean's dangerous after this fight, and so does Heyman considering him telling Lesnar to finish it now and let's hurry out of here.
People love to bring up Austin vs Hart at Wrestlemania 13 as a thing that helped make Austin a star (he already was at that point). Bringing up that example is great but please bring up an example more recent than 1997 for that (good luck with that).

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