Zack Ryder Is The *NEW* WWE Intercontinental Champion

I predict KO will win the title back at RAW tonight. This is the kind of dumb crap that WWE creative does. Ryder is a glorified jobber who's best work was done in the bunny suit. Nothing to see here......just shitty WWE booking as usual.

Woo woo woo. Zack Ryder is champion. And you may as well throw the IC belt in the dumpster!!

This is an instance where they gave us a "shocking" moment merely for the heck of it. I pity all these idiots here who bask in that idiotic jobber's if it's really going to matter in the long run.

Plain fact-KO needed to retain, or at least Zayn or Ziggler should've won.
I predict we get Ryder vs. Owens on Raw and we all predict a title switch only for Zayn to cost Owens.
It's incredible how they have been taking the piss on the US and IC lately (and things were looking good from the moment where they gave them to Cena and Bryan)

- Kalisto is just a bland character and can't carry out a storyline.

- As for Ryder - don't get me wrong... I like the guy - he goes from being on the shelf for years to being IC champion. Either is going to do great from here on or he'll drop the title tonight (Zack Ryder said about being the greatest night of his career and that all would be worth it if he were to quit next, so... maybe it's a cheesy way for a possible send off?)
But if he is stripped of the title soon, what was the point?
You guys will never be satisfied. You go from "Why don't they give _____ a chance?" to "_____ winning devalues the title. It's a cheap trick!"

I hope none of your favorites win anything big now. That way, the argument will stay in one lane.
He was the fav to win the match at the betting sites, so i wasnt surprised at all by him winning, i was surprised on why they choose him to get the upper hand.
This was stupid to me, as he was only there because him, Sin Cara and Stardust were not credible opponents and that was kind of the point of Owens choosing them. Then he wins and if any of the underdogs should have won, it should have been Sin Cara, who took the most risks. But hey, maybe it's the start of a pus- oh wait, he's already lost it.
I predict KO will win the title back at RAW tonight. This is the kind of dumb crap that WWE creative does. Ryder is a glorified jobber who's best work was done in the bunny suit. Nothing to see here......just shitty WWE booking as usual.

Hate to say I told u so........I predicted KO, but I knew Ryder would drop the belt last night. WWE booking is stupid, predictable and down right embarrassing right now.
Hate to say I told u so........I predicted KO, but I knew Ryder would drop the belt last night. WWE booking is stupid, predictable and down right embarrassing right now.

Same, I said that I had no problem with him winning the belt but they needed to get the belt off him before people realize he's not supposed to be anything more than a jobber.

Fine with the Miz winning it as it allows a NXT promotion to come up and feud over the belt. I'd love to see Sami go after it but I think they need to follow through on the storyline with Owens before that can happen. Apollo Crews came up last night, certainly wouldn't mind him having a run at the Miz.
Hate to say I told u so........I predicted KO, but I knew Ryder would drop the belt last night. WWE booking is stupid, predictable and down right embarrassing right now.

You' can't really say I told you. You were wrong. You predicted KO and he didn't win it.

You knew Ryder would drop the belt, but you said it would be KO. So WWE not entirely predictable is it?
Miz winning it only changes the possibilities of who goes after it... Nakamura can still take it very easily. Cesaro will be in the mix now and possibly Apollo Crews... one guy who could get a leftfield push now is Titus... let's face it, it would look bad to bury him onscreen so to prove "he served his time" he could return and shock Miz very easily... WWE then gets to shy away from the whole racism thing with him.

Crews winning it is a big possibility now he's in, he's exactly the kind of talent that would benefit from an early title run... but my money is still on Nakamura - his persona fits well with Miz's as they're somewhat similar and it's a good introduction to the main roster... and the Jericho stuff is all there waiting for him too.

Outside bet is Cesaro, as without Tyson there, they need something for him to do...and even further outside bet is Barrett... sure he's had it 5 times, but it seems that they might finally have decided to either use him as a face or to get as much out of him as they can... so making him an IC challenger to get someone else over is good business.
Miz winning it only changes the possibilities of who goes after it... Nakamura can still take it very easily. Cesaro will be in the mix now and possibly Apollo Crews... one guy who could get a leftfield push now is Titus... let's face it, it would look bad to bury him onscreen so to prove "he served his time" he could return and shock Miz very easily... WWE then gets to shy away from the whole racism thing with him.

Crews winning it is a big possibility now he's in, he's exactly the kind of talent that would benefit from an early title run... but my money is still on Nakamura - his persona fits well with Miz's as they're somewhat similar and it's a good introduction to the main roster... and the Jericho stuff is all there waiting for him too.

Outside bet is Cesaro, as without Tyson there, they need something for him to do...and even further outside bet is Barrett... sure he's had it 5 times, but it seems that they might finally have decided to either use him as a face or to get as much out of him as they can... so making him an IC challenger to get someone else over is good business.

I wouldn't think Nakamura coming through so quickly from NXT to the main roster. I think he needs at least one good feud before heading after the NXT title. I wonder if Corbin is on the main roster now or still under the NXT umbrella. Would be a good feud for him, he would learn a lot from Nakamura.

Miz has been an excellent starting point for new guys and I think Crews is a good shout. He is extremely talented and Miz can run his mouth as good as anyone. Giving it to Cesaro is a long deserved solo push, he really needs a run with a belt, frankly I'd prefer the US title as I think it's a little wasted on Mysterio Jr and the Lucha Dragons are dead whilst he has the belt.
You' can't really say I told you. You were wrong. You predicted KO and he didn't win it.

You knew Ryder would drop the belt, but you said it would be KO. So WWE not entirely predictable is it?

Oh it's very predictable. My theory is the original plan was to have Ryder drop the belt back to KO. However, after reading my post WWE Creative decided to throw a curve to throw my theory off.:banghead:
Why is it that The Miz always seems to be involved in 24 hour belt changes? And it seems that it's the I.C belt again too. Didn't they use this story already?
Sigh...Guess OP has to change the title

I'm gonna be cheesed if Miz has the title longer than a month. This isn't fair to Zack Ryder at all. If anything, I want Ryder to kick in his rematch clause at Extreme Rules and beat him, but knowing creative that ain't happening.

The only question I have is why Ryder won it at Mania in the first place? Was it for that stupid Snickers commercial with Ric Flair?! :banghead:

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