Vince is losing his mind and needs to let Triple H take over. VKM hates it when people dont react to the product in the exact way that he wants. People like Zack could make them some money but he doesn't care. Same with guys like Bourne, Bryan, ect. But he knows ahead of time who he wants to push and wont stray from that. We're gonna keep getting Cena, Del Rio, Swagger, & Sin Cara no matter what. Not that they dont deserve to be but others do as well. Is a guy like Sin Cara better than Kaval? Not that I can tell but VKM just falls for certain people for whatever reason. He hates that people didnt accept Cole as the voice of the WWE so now we just get more and more of him in very large obnoxious unentertaining doses while Good Ol JR, who everyone loves, is trotted out occasionally to be shit on and humiliated.
Back when Raw was losing to Nitro an era was started that led to the most sucsessful in WWE history and it wasn't just b/c of "Attitude." It was b/c Vince was desperate and had to listen to the fans and push the people they cheered for. So we got Rock, Austin, DX, as well as healthy doses of all the other midcarders like Val, Godfather, Brood, Hardiez, D'Lo, ect. If not for the WCW threat Vince might have decided that Double J and Test were the real future and thats all we would've gotten no matter what the crowd thought or what the ratings were just like we do now with Cena and Orton.
Zack Ryder is just a perfect example of what is truly wrong w/ the WWE. He and others waiting to get pushed are like that song that stations just wont play b/c its not similar enough to what was popular before. It'd be like if Nirvana was never discovered b/c the evil tycoon who was contolling what we heard didn't want to let go of Warrant and Poison. As entertaining as a lot of the shows can be just imagine how much better it could become if they just start mixing in what the fans want along with their plans just a little. That could be the start of another wrestling boom or at least a minor one.