Wrestlemania XXX- WWE WHC match> Streak match.


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Wrestlemania XXX- WWE WHC match> Streak match.

I was going to create another hateful, angst-filled, venomous, and furious thread rebuking the current WWE product, especially Wrestlemania XXX based on just having read the Raw results on Wrestlezone, but after having watched the opening segment of Raw, and the highlight of HHH destroying Daniel Bryan from Raw 17/03/14, I'm in a whole different mindset and too high on the Authority-Randy Orton-Batista-Daniel Bryan buildup.

This was one of the most entertaining segments I've watched and it disproves everything and everyone who have ever disapproved of Randy Orton's mic skills. When I saw Randy walk down to confront Stephanie, I was immersed in his mannerisms, expressions, and the way he talked was just so convincing and charming, and I even heard a loud pop when his entrance music started. As for Stephanie, she is just totally perfect in the role she plays, everything from body language to her mic work, it's just plain exuberance and confidence in delivery, same as Randy. Of course the audience being the ignorant ***** that they are, tried to ruin this wonderful segment by numerous chants, from CM Punk, to Lets go Bryan which was beautifully mitigated by Stephanie, to "Boring" . Instead of enjoying the wonderful chemistry between Orton and Stephanie, and the undertones and their expressions, the stupid WWE Universe have decided to just consider any non-Bryan segment to be boring, which IMO is silly. Daniel Bryan's Occupy Raw segment 2 weeks ago was a hell of a lot more unendurable, uncharming and ridiculous and yet we non-Bryan fans endured through it with equanimity, and once again, stellar performances came NOT from Bryan, but HHH and Stephanie.

Even Batista's 2-min repetition of "Deal with it" had fluidity and coherence to it. He's just playing the big bad jerk who doesn't care about HHH/Orton/Steph/Bryan perfectly. I thought Batista sucks donkeyballs on the Mic as opposed to brilliant delivery by HHH/Steph/Orton but I believe he's playing his role perfectly. I chuckled and ejaculated loud laughter when he revulsively looked at Randy Orton's face and said "You make me sick! Coming out one week sucking up to HHH, coming out next week, sucking up to HERRRR. Lean a little closer and just drool over her a little more" And he's even being openly treated to NOT be in the Authority's favour as revealed when stephanie utters with mild condescension, "I'm sorry Dave. You're just going on and on about something" .He's a nice contrast to Orton in that Orton is such a likeable tweener which makes him all-the-more intriguing as to how him and HHH mightgo at it. Once Batista's "drool on" comments became unbearable, he gets a slap from Steph and all he does is chuckle, and the way Randy Orton's controlling his laughter in the ring was the superlative of all things amusing and hilarious. (On a side note, I can't wait for the WWE to create Batista- Deal With It T-shirts. They won't be nearly as bad as DB T-shirts).I will say Randy Orton has never been so good and amusing to watch. Batista's playing a big bad whining jerk to perfection. HHH's promo work with Bryan and the intensity he displayed last week was brilliant. Steph is amazing. Practically everything about this story is the best thing and the greatest story going into Wrestlemania.

Now the awful part. Deadman. Old-ass Uncle Festerous deadman. The Brock-Undertaker story and buildup, IMO is a huge disappointment. Now you can of course choose to oppose me and find the same-old deadman schtick to be orgasmic but tell me, how interested are you in that match? I'm not. I don't care for the streak, nor it to end and who ends it. I just wanted a decent buildup to it as a long-time Taker fan and Brock fan but I've nothing but bad things to say. And it's not Brock's fault but Takers. The whole druids and casket crap worked fine at Royal Rumble 1994. It has been done endlessly since then with opponents from Randy Orton to Mark Henry to Shawn Michaels but his buildups with Shawn Michaels and Batista were far more better. I understand this is his gimmick and we're supposed to suspend disbelief but it's not just any Joe this year but Brock Lesnar, the former UFC champion. Can you really suspend disbelief so much as to believe that Brock Lesnar gives two hoot or is threatened by Undertaker at his age and physical condition trying to play the fearsome and scary deadman? Do the caskets matter at this juncture? And, if every segment is going to end with Taker standing tall over Heyman/Brock, uttering "RIP", or the lame schtick that happened tonight on Raw, it disgusts and sickens me to the core because for any credence about Lesnar having a chance, leave aside beating the Streak being inevitable, they needed to have Lesnar decimate and destroy taker, one-on-one outside the ring, inside the ring with a few F-5s. Now all you have is Uncle Fester rising up from a casket but this is not 1995 and Brock Lesnar being scared of a skinny abnormally tall man is as absurd as if Daniel Bryan single handedly manhandled and destroyed HHH. In fact, the best segments/story leading into WM XXX are exactly the ones revolving around HHH-Bryan, Batista-Orton with Stephanie thrown in the mix.

As for Brock-Taker I practically have no interest in the buildup or the match any more. I am thoroughly enjoying the story between the Authority, Randy Orton, Batista and Daniel Bryan and in IMO that is the big story, NOT Brock-Taker with their childish idiotic schtick.

Your thoughts, opinions, and feelings?
The one factor keeping the WWE WHC match being the more anticipated of the two is due to the probable inclusion of Daniel Bryan. If it was to come down to Trips vs. Orton vs. Batista, the New Orleans fans will shit all over it and so will most other fans. Some like him and some hate him, but Bryan is who the majority of fans want in the title match and walking out of WrestleMania with the title. The overall build for the Bryan vs. Triple H and their inclusion into the title match has been great and a lot of focus has been put on Daniel Bryan. It's an opportunity for him to shine on wrestling's biggest stage, so it can't be said that he's not being given a shot.

When it comes to Taker, frankly, I don't care than he's 49 years old if he's still able to get inside the ring and deliver the goods. I've got nothing against older guys still competing in matches at all if they're still able to go and Taker can. I'm not all that thrilled with the build up to the match all in all. Personally, I think WWE should have gone the other way in that they should make Lesnar come off as the biggest threat to Taker's streak there's ever been. Personally, I'm of a mind that they should have had Lesnar get the better of Taker last night and not be bothered by the head games to further cement the notion of Lesnar being such a huge threat. He wouldn't have had to beat the snot out of Taker last night, just one or two moves. For instance, when Taker had him back up against the ropes, Lesnar should've charged forward and hit him with a spear. Then, he could've walked around the ring, screaming and pounding his chest and all that, ripped off his shirt, picked Taker up and delivered a F5 before leaving Taker laying with his shirt draped over his face. You know, having it be symbolic of pulling a sheet up over a corpse's face to symbolize that the streak's as good as dead.

There's still some hope that Lesnar will emerge and gain some momentum against Taker, which is what needs to happen in my opinion. It looks too lopsided right now since Taker's gotten the better of Lesnar twice and is succeeding in playing head games.
The one factor keeping the WWE WHC match being the more anticipated of the two is due to the probable inclusion of Daniel Bryan. If it was to come down to Trips vs. Orton vs. Batista, the New Orleans fans will shit all over it and so will most other fans. Some like him and some hate him, but Bryan is who the majority of fans want in the title match and walking out of WrestleMania with the title. The overall build for the Bryan vs. Triple H and their inclusion into the title match has been great and a lot of focus has been put on Daniel Bryan. It's an opportunity for him to shine on wrestling's biggest stage, so it can't be said that he's not being given a shot.

I understand your relentless zest for Daniel Bryan but you do know a lot more is at stake here right? There are essentially 4 dimensions or 4 contrasting characters leading into it and it has never been so multi-dimensional. You've got Orton, the charming handsome-as-ever tweener who can both smile and grimace, you've got Batista being the biggest self-centred jerk on the planet, and HHH is almost a Wrestling God when it comes to knowing the business, his mic work and everything. He's the best today. And then there's Bryan and I can again understand D-Bryans' fans' zeal for the big moment really but at this point, no matter what the result is, this is the most unpredictable and exciting situation here. Much of an antithesis to how predictable Taker's schtick is.

When it comes to Taker, frankly, I don't care than he's 49 years old if he's still able to get inside the ring and deliver the goods. I've got nothing against older guys still competing in matches at all if they're still able to go and Taker can. I'm not all that thrilled with the build up to the match all in all. Personally, I think WWE should have gone the other way in that they should make Lesnar come off as the biggest threat to Taker's streak there's ever been. Personally, I'm of a mind that they should have had Lesnar get the better of Taker last night and not be bothered by the head games to further cement the notion of Lesnar being such a huge threat. He wouldn't have had to beat the snot out of Taker last night, just one or two moves. For instance, when Taker had him back up against the ropes, Lesnar should've charged forward and hit him with a spear. Then, he could've walked around the ring, screaming and pounding his chest and all that, ripped off his shirt, picked Taker up and delivered a F5 before leaving Taker laying with his shirt draped over his face. You know, having it be symbolic of pulling a sheet up over a corpse's face to symbolize that the streak's as good as dead.

There's still some hope that Lesnar will emerge and gain some momentum against Taker, which is what needs to happen in my opinion. It looks too lopsided right now since Taker's gotten the better of Lesnar twice and is succeeding in playing head games.

I like the idea you propose and it wouldn't have hurt(literally and figuratively) Undertaker to take a spear or a belly suplex and then be F-5ed on the mat , if not totally destroyed by the beast incarnate. Mirroring you, I'd say there can only be a little hope Lesnar would get the better of Taker in the upcoming weeks but I don't think there's sufficient time to add credence to this story. This is not the UFC Lesnar , but a dumb big amateur or a dumb big wrestler like Mark Henry or King Kong Bundy decades ago with his manager, being scared shit of a "deadman".

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