Who's the foil 2k14 edition - Daniel Bryan - WWE WHC

Who plays the foil?

  • Kane

  • Sheamus

  • Brock Lesnar

  • HHH

  • Randy Orton

  • Batista

  • John Cena

  • Cesaro

  • Other

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Sheamus' Suntan

A hound of justice

Who will end Daniel Bryan's championship reign?

At Wrestlemania XXX, Daniel Bryan finally did it. He finally won the big one, after winning the medium sized one twice, and being screwed twice out of the big one. After a gruelling match with HHH, Bryan went to the main event, where he overcome HHH, Orton, Batista and Stephanie to become the WWE World Heavyweight Champion.

There's been a lot of speculation as to who is going to end the reign of Bryan, so in no particular order, here are the most likely candidates;

Kane is of course, the man gunning for the titles right now, and it seems only right to put him on this list, seeing as he and Bryan do indeed go "way back". Kane, and Team Hell No, are a large part of what put Bryan SO far on the map with the crowd, not that WWE will see that as a reason to put the titles on Kane. He, however, has served for a long time, and may well get his reward.

Sheamus and Bryan ALSO go way back, and it was Sheamus that ended the run that Bryan had with the WHC. This would be a killer way for Sheamus to finally turn back heel, and he is deserving enough of the WWE WHC...but will he end Bryan's reign again?

Brock Lesnar
He eats, sleeps and he conquered the streak. Brock Lesnar, the youngest EVER WWE champion has just about done it all. Could he win the title from Bryan?

HHH and Bryan, what a rivalry these two have had and it doesn't want to come to a close. Could HHH insert himself into a match and win the big one from Bryan?

He's the former champion and had a decent run with it in the year just past. Will Orton be the one to pick it off of Bryan again?

Batista is a strong candidate. He's back to promote a movie for a start. The WWE WHC could use that exposure, that's for sure. Could Batista be the one to take the title off Bryan?

John Cena
Cena is never a million miles away from the title, and his relationship with Bryan is well documented. Could we see Cena/Bryan II for the title with Cena winning?

A real outsider this one, but Cesaro shocked the world by becoming a Heyman guy. Could Cesaro shock again by winning the title from Bryan?

Is there anyone else that could foil the reign of Daniel Bryan?

So...who plays the foil to Bryan's reign?
It has to be HHH or Cena. No one else has the star power to carry Daniel Bryan through his promos and be believable enough of monsters to keep him as an Underdog with the titles.
My guess it will be CM PUNK at WM31. Sometime Punk will return and it's no secret his friendship with DB goes way back.
It was highly anticipated that Punk was to show up on RAW the Monday after WM30 and beat the living crap out of Bryan, then proclaim that it should have been him who headlined WM. this would set up a year long feud ending at WM31, finally giving CM Punk his headliners match on the grandest stage of them all.
Plus based on the ring styles of each, who wouldn't want to watch this thing built over a long period of time.
Punk is a good choice, a jealous Punk turning on Bryan would shock the fans. That said he's not in the roster now so that might not happen.

From the current roster, Lesnar would be another good pick but his (very) part time status could hurt that possibility.

Bray Wyatt is another good choice if they decide to go all in with him. He could have a series of matches of Bryan during the Summer / Fall, if Royal Rumble was any indication it's going to be a string of MOTY candidates. Imagine Wyatt vs. Bryan HIAC!!!

I can't see Cena as being the guy to beat Bryan. Bryan is the #2 face but he has a good chance to be a 1B face down the line. If Cena beats Bryan it doesn't really elevate Cena but Bryan losing means that he's pretty much seen a guy "behind Cena". I think it would be a good business decision to have Bryan as a "1B" instead of the "#2" face.
Kane: No thanks. He's got too many wins over Kane. Add mask and he's doing the job in the mask

Sheamus: The right payoff here is a squash to return the favor from their previous encounter.

Brock: WM31, long match, big run up, Bryan loses it only if Brock decides to stay over the summer with the blowoff being Summerslam next year.

HHH - Should finish the evolution story and get into the rhythm of having an annual WM match with someone who needs to get over.

Orton: Needs to go away for a while and come back when needed.

Batista: Not a chance, too old, too slow, too many other interests. Should get squashed by Lesnar.

Cena: Needs a heel turn and some time off. We've seen this one too recently too.

Cesaro: Should be Bryan's feud after Summerslam through Royal Rumble.

What I'd like to see(probably never gonna happen):
I would book a 1 year long big storyline where Paul Heyman becomes obsessed with getting the belts off Daniel Bryan. So Bryan would spend a year feuding with "Heyman Guys." First, I'd turn RVD heel by having him rejoin Heyman and have he and Bryan just go nuts all summer in stip matches with the end being a big hardcore spotfest in a cage at Summerslam. It would be almost an ECW throwback with weapons, tables, double color, and the most insanely athletic performances either have ever given. RVD loses and Cesaro steps in to continue the feud, since RVD will be done after SS anyway, it will be a nice storyline for him while he's in, and a big sendoff for him. Cesaro and Bryan have some classics between SS and RR. Bryan goes over Cesaro finally in the blowoff at RR and guess who #28 is in the Rumble: BROCK. He beats everyone and we get a 3 mo. ramp to Brock/Bryan at WM31. David vs. Goliath. Bryan wins by DQ because of another Heyman Guy, CM PUNK, who feuds with Bryan over the summer and finally takes the belt at SS. Bryan wins RR 2016, and Punk has his retirement match losing the belt to Bryan in the main event at WM32 in the biggest title match of this generation.

So, to answer the question, CM Punk at SS2015 as a heel. But, I would not mind if Brock and Bryan threw it back and forth between Elimination Chamber and WM31.
Brock Lesnar.

No reason for CM Punk to beat Bryan, he already buried him many times in the past.

Lesnar wins the title at the rumble, drops it to Rock at Wrestlemania.

Bryan faces punk at wrestlemania 31 in which Bryan wins.
Well the main page is reporting that Lesnar is coming back around Summerslam and the plan is to challenge for the WWEWHC. Who will be champion at that point is anybody's guess but I strongly believe it will be Daniel Bryan. Since I can't see Lesnar losing in his first match after breaking The Streak, I'd say Lesnar will end Bryan's reign.
Going with my gut reaction, I'm thinking that if there's anyone on the list that I see Bryan dropping the title to, it's Brock Lesnar.

Brock Lesnar is the man who ended the streak and, as a result, he's more of a heel than ever before. The reaction of anyone who watched WrestleMania XXX live, whether it be via ppv, the WWE Network or live in New Orleans, was one of utter shock. I've heard the comment from fans and various writers alike that the death of the streak was sort of the final nail in the coffin of their childhood and the end of the one solidified constant of wrestling they grew up watching. As a result, people ultimately wanna see Brock Lesnar get beaten, so who better to beat Lesnar than the most over babyface on the roster? I'm not saying that to mean that Bryan will beat Lesnar, but it's a match that a ton of people wanna see and it's a bout that I think could help sell a lot of ppvs.

With Lesnar, WWE will definitely be able to play up the underdog aspect of Bryan's character. Lesnar's a monster, a legit badass, his first run in WWE is still talked about with awe because it was so dominant, he's a 3 time WWE Champion and he's the guy who did the impossible by ending the streak. Daniel Bryan, in the eyes of most fans, is a likeable guy; he seems to be a genuinely nice person. He also happens to be among the best in-ring guys in all of wrestling, so couple that with him being a nice guy and you have someone that people WANT to cheer for.

IF WWE wants Brock Lesnar to go into WrestleMania XXXI as WWE World Heavyweight Champion, I think the best course would be for Bryan to drop the strap to him at the Royal Rumble. WWE runs the risk of having a lackluster bout if they go that route, however, seeing as how they did it with Cena vs. Rock II at WrestleMania 29. If that's the case and if Bryan is still every bit as over then as he is now, maybe the guaranteed way to give the crowd a pleasing title match despite already knowing the clear outcome would be for Bryan to enter the Royal Rumble match later in the night, win it and get his rematch against Lesnar at WrestleMania.
I'd like to see Orton and Batista capture the Tag Team titles and run wild through the division with their double team finisher. Set them up as tweener faces, and get the crowd on their side. Set up a strong set of challengers to win the titles, but have Batista turn on Orton, initiating a face turn for Orton and a proper singles heel run for Batista that culminates in a 1 on 1 WWE WHC match with Daniel Bryan.

Batista came back, he quickly made the heel turn when the crowd rejected him, and he was a part of a great Wrestlemania main event. I think he deserves a title run, and I'd rather see Lesnar win the title from Batista than Bryan.
I'm hoping Brock Lesnar is the one who ends up taking the title from Daniel Bryan but I have a feeling that Batista will take the title from Daniel Bryan at Summerslam, setting up a feud between the two that will end at Survivor Series with Daniel Bryan winning the title back.

Another possible scenario I see occurring is a feud between Daniel Bryan and Batista, with Batista winning the title and going onto WrestleMania, where he would drop the title to Roman Reigns.

At this point and time I feel Batista is the one to take the title from Daniel Bryan. I don't think Batista returned for nothing.
I absolutely HATE when the title goes to a part timer. It doesn't do anything for the title at all. That being said, I still see them putting it on Brock, which leads to Cesaro wanting it, which leads to Cesaro taking it. This, of course, would be played out to Rumble/Mania time to be said and done.
I absolutely HATE when the title goes to a part timer. It doesn't do anything for the title at all. That being said, I still see them putting it on Brock, which leads to Cesaro wanting it, which leads to Cesaro taking it. This, of course, would be played out to Rumble/Mania time to be said and done.

Antonio Cesaro is not in the same league with Brock Lesnar.

He's not worthy of facing a guy like Brock let alone beat him.

Antonio Cesaro isn't ready to be WWE Champion, at all.

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