Wrestlemania 26 General Discussion


Pre-Show Stalwart
ok here goes, don't forget your explaination..

WWE Championship:
Batista vs. John Cena (c)

The Buy-rate 'Mania match that hasn't happened. The two muscleheads of the generation. They build up, Batista wins the Elimination Chamber match, Batista vs. Jack Swagger vs. Mark Henry vs. MVP vs. Shawn Michaels vs. Randy Orton.
Winner: John Cena

World Heavyweight Championship:
Edge vs. Chris Jericho (c)

Edge returns and wins the Royal Rumble, at the end of January. The prediction for his return is of course much further away than it really will be. I think that the return for the Royal Rumble could be a little premature, but we can hope. He could be the last entrant and just eliminate one person (perhaps Randy Orton??) So that he doesn't have to exert himself, then he doesn't actually have to wrestle again until Wrestlemania. Chris Jericho wins the title from The Undertaker perhaps at Survivor Series, after 'Taker returns and takes on Punk and wins the title.
Winner: Edge

ECW Championship:
Vladamir Kozlov(c) vs. Ezekiel Jackson

Battle of the titans, maybe a reasonable draw match for ECW, depending on who is built as the face. Zeke has a feud with Shelton and Christian for a while getting put over them.
Winner: Zeke

The Undertaker vs. CM Punk
Darkness vs. Straight Edge. The Undertaker returns and feuds with Punk straight away, 'Taker wins the title at "Breaking Point" 'Taker/Punk in a Submission match anyone? CM Punk disappears for a couple of months. 'Taker starts a programme with someone else for a couple of months (Kane, Matt, Mysterio), then at Survivor Series Taker defends against Jericho and wins, then they have a Last Ride match at Armageddon which Jericho wins. Taker has high hopes for the Rumble Punk returns and costs Taker the Rumble. Setting up the match at Wrestlemania.
Winner: The Undertaker

Retirement Match
Shawn Michaels vs. Triple H

DX come back around November and battle with Orton and Legacy probably for a while, then would be good to see a feud with the Hart Dynasty. Maybe they even win the unified tag titles. Involved in the traditional survivor series tag match. Then at the Royal Rumble they have a segment with a major DX announcement. Shawn Michaels announces he is going to retire, and he will be having his last match at Wrestlemania. Randy Orton and Legacy come out Randy Orton says it will be his pleasure as The Legend Killer to retire Shawn Michaels, Triple H and Shawn clear the ring of them all. Shawn picks up the microphone, and says there is only one man he wants to face at Wrestlemania, Triple H. They shake hands continue as DX for another few months. A few weeks before Wrestlemania, they start trying to one up each other, and end up costing themselves matches against young teams. Eventually they turn on each other, both hit finishers on each other claiming its not personal, just business.
Winner: Triple H

Money in the Bank:
Evan Bourne vs. Christian vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. Jack Swagger(US Champ) vs. The Miz vs. Shemus vs. John Morrison vs. Matt Hardy(IC Champ)

Looks like a good MITB to me, no large athletes as they have put in, in the past. The new generation for after 25 years, smaller, faster. Seems like a show stealer. Three brand tourny for the places.
Winner: Christian

Randy Orton vs. Ted DiBiase[/B]
The personal match that builds through the year, he makes it clear he is a top WWE player. He maybe gets a pinfall victory over Batista or Cena leading into the big event. Randy eliminates Ted in the Rumble only for Edge to come down and eliminate him to win. Ted then attacks Randy during the Elimination Chamber match, costing him the contendership.
Winner: Randy Orton

Battle for Brand Supremacy:
Jeff Hardy
(assuming he has re-signed if not Kane or Khali) vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. Big Show.
Perhaps the idea from this sparks from the Royal Rumble. Not really that much more to explain here, elevating the games of Shelton and Hardy (if he does stay).
Winner: Big Show

Diva's Champion vs. Women's Champion
Beth Phoenix vs. Natalya

The Hart Dynasty win the Unified tag titles and start appearing on RAW, a few backstage confrontations between Beth and Natalya, Beth wins the belt off Mickie James somewhere down the road, will be champion by the time they get face to face. Beth as the face I think and Natalya as the heel. Natalya beats Melina or McCool. Beth then challenges Natalya after she tries to cost Beth the title.
Winner: Natalya

Pre-show. Unfied tag titles.
The Hart Dynasty (c) vs. Kofi Kingston & MVP

Bit of a last minute throw together? But I think it would be sellable. Kingston and MVP lose out on MITB, Hart Dynasty sore how they are not on the Wrestlemania card, Kofi and MVP make the challenge.
Winners: Hart Dynasty
Personally I want The Rock v. Cena

The two greatest smack talkers going at it. The Rock returns at some random PPV and costs Cena a match. Then back forth for a couple months till Mania.
Thats a pretty good line-up you've cooked up, I definetly hope to see Edge vs. Jericho, and although I'm not the biggest fan of either men Batista vs. John would be a suitable match to take place at 'Mania, perhaps before Survivor Series Cena cuts promos on big Dave challenging him to a match at SS, Batista accepts, Cena wins this time around, at the RR they eliminate one another, then it leads onto WM where the two square off, perhaps with a heel turn by Batista. 'Taker/Punk I've pondered about, it would be a great match but I'm stuck on Jericho either facing Edge or 'Taker, both matches would be immense though.
wtf? I have no idea where half of these ideas have come from. I could see the Edge/Jericho match, obviously. I can see Taker/Punk, and if it did happen, it'd be for the world title. I'd prefer to see Orton vs Cena for the WWE title. Michaels vs HHH is a possibility, but I can see Michaels taking on Swagger or someone else. I kind of hope the put on a US/Intercontinental title matches.
These aren't so much predictions, as they are my outlandish hopes. But here goes.

WWE Championship: Orton (C) VS HBK
Have Orton hold on to the title up until mania, and in the process beating HHH, Cena, and whoever else comes up against him. Have him start cutting down everyone, including HBK. At HIAC Have Cena and Orton go at it for the title, and HBK interferes, attacking Orton and costing Cena the match. Have Orton and HBK fued up until mania.
Winner: HBK

World Championship: Kane(C) Vs Edge
Have Punk drop the title to Morrison, and have Kane fued with Morrison, finally capturing the World title for a respectable reign. Have Edge return at the Rumble, winning it. Have the two fued heavely going into Mania, having Kane teaming up with Undertaker (as heels), and Edge and Jericho (faces) go at it a couple time, setting up the Jericho vs Taker mania match. I wanted so badly to see this match a year or so back, before Edge was injured and the fued was scrapped.
Winner: Kane

ECW Title: Koslov (C) Vs Seamus
Koslov will inevitably win the title from Dreamer or Christian. Sheamus is the one they are probably going to push, judging by his size and air time he gets. Koslov is at least improving, and think this fued would be interesting, if Koslov turns face.
Winner: Seamus

Undertaker vs Jericho
This one is a big longshot, but have Taker return as Jericho's mystery partner, returning as Big Evil (awesome promos in my opinion), and a Heel. Have them go on as the "Legends who get no respect" type of gimmick, and dominate the tag division on all brands. Eventually they begin trying to outdue each other, which costs them the titles, to the Hart Dynasty preferably. Have them go at it at Breaking point (main event anyone?), two of the best submission fighters on smackdown. Have Jericho lose initially to the Hell's Gate, but have the ref reverse the decision after Taker refuses to break the hold, causing Jericho to bleed, and have a (kayfaybe) career threatening injury. Have Taker just run over the roster up till Armageddon, where Jericho returns as a face, costing Taker the title against Morrison. Have them fued till mainia.
Winner: Taker

Unified Tag Titles: The Hart Dynasty (C) vs Mysterio and Morrison
Not much to say here, I'd like to see the Hart Dynasty vs Smackdowns high flyers.
Hart Dynasty

Extreme Rules Retirement Match: Dreamer Vs RVD
Have RVD return for one night to take Dreamer on in a real extreme rules match. Since it seems Dreamer doesn't have much longer in him, I'd have him have a great retirement match against a fellow ECW original, and run the rest of his contract as ECW GM.
winner: RVD

Cena vs HHH
After HBK costs Cena the title, have him go on a tilt, and lose a bunch of matches to mid-carders, Miz, Swagger, Dibiase, MVP. He'll get frustrated, and snap after a clean loss to a face, maybe MVP, and HHH will come to the rescue. I think the promos for this could be good, and it would give a different angle for Cena.
Winner: Cena

Money in the Bank: Christian VS Punk VS Swagger VS Paul Burchill VS Yoshi Tatsu Vs Bourne Vs Matt Hardy Vs Dibiase
Just some superstars i'd like to see in a the ladder match
Winner: ?, I'd like to see Paul Burchill win and get a push, but it'd probably be Christian.
World Heavyweight Title
Edge vs Jericho(c)
The match we all want to see. It is looking like Edge will return at the Rumble and get the win, challenging his former partner as a face. It would be kind of cool if Christian was somehow involved, maybe a triple threat, but dont think it will happen.

WWE Title
HHH(c) vs John Cena vs Batista vs Jack Swagger
One of the titles in the past have been a multiple wrestler match, and usually is with HHH or Cena. I would like to see Swagger on the Main event level by then. I dont want to see Batista, but for some reason Vince loves him and will put him in this match, especially since he missed WM25.

Money In the Bank
Evan Bourne vs Cody Rhodes vs Yohsi Tatsu vs The Miz vs Dolph Zigler vs Kane vs Kofi Kingston vs Jeff Hardy
Might need another Heel in there, but i think that would be one hell of a match with all of that young talent in there. I would like to see the Miz get the win somehow and move on to the Main Event scene.

ECW Title
Christian(c) vs Shelton Benjamin
If they were smart they would book these two in the match. They can both put on one hell of a match. I would like to see Benjamin get the win and a legit title run on ECW which he deserves.

Orton vs DiBiase
I cannot wait to see the matches between these two. DiBiase has a lot of talent and a big match at WM vs Orton would solidify him as one of the future headliners of the busniness.

CM Punk vs Undertaker
I like the idea posted earlier by a few others.

Unified Tag Titles
Hart Dynast(c) vs Shawn Michaels and John Morrison
I just put Morrison in there as his partner because i couldnt think of a better partner for Michaels, but I would love to see Michaels take the Titles off of more members of the Hart Family. I think it would create some controversy in the wrestling world.

There will also be some sort of Diva's match, dont really have any idea of what format or who will be used, its the divas, who really gives a crap, piss break match.
I've been expecting Edge to return at Royal Rumble and win and Jericho be WHC by then.And I'm hoping Morrison wins that MITB match you predicted.
WOW hard to believe no one mentioned undertaker vs cena

i know their both on different shows but still this match would be a bigger draw than taker vs jericho or punk obviously

i mean who really thinks jericho or punk will actually end the streak but with cena he could be the "one"
Ok, here's my thoughts:

WWE Title:

John Cena [C] vs. Batista

Cena takes the title off Orton at Breaking Point and holds it thru til Mania. He defends the title against, Orton and has an epic title defence at the Royal Rumble against Ted DiBiase. Batista wins the #1 Contender EC Match at No Way Out to set up this second clash between the top faces of Raw. Cena's NWO Title Defence will be against Randy Orton

This time, Cena wins to retain.

World Heavyweight Championship:

Kane [C] vs. Matt Hardy

Kane wins the title at the Royal Rumble from CM Punk and holds it til Mania which includes a No Way Out EC defense against: Taker, Jericho, Rey Rey, Punk and JoMo.

Hardy wins the Royal Rumble and challenges Kane. Kane goes psychotic all over Hardy but Hardy uses clever tricks to one up Kane. Hardy talks about how the lesser known brothers are gonna steal the show.

Hardy turns it up at 'Mania to become the new WHC

ECW Title:
Vladimir Kozlov [c] vs. Seamus O'Shaugnessy

Kozlov wins in an epic extreme rules match.

IC Title:
Dolph Ziggler [c] vs. John Morrison

Spot-festy high flying fun match to watch. JoMo wins after Starship Pain

US Title:
Jack Swagger [c] vs. Mark Henry

Swagger retains with underhanded tactics, but this builds up Henry to challenge for a world title in the future

MiTB Match:

ECW: Christian, Shelton Benjamin
Raw: MVP, Santino, Cody Rhodes
SD: CM Punk, R-Truth, Rey Mysterio

Winner: Christian

Grudge Match

Edge vs Chris Jericho

In January, Edge returns at the rumble distracting Jericho allowing Matt Hardy to win it. This sets up an amazing feud over the mic that leads to a match at Mania.
Winner: Edge

Beat the Streak:
CM Punk vs. Undertaker

Punk claims to only way to beat the streak is by being Straight Edge, it fails.
Winner: 'Taker

Retirement Match


DX reforms, then implodes. This match at mania the loser must retire. HHH goes over HBK.
WOW hard to believe no one mentioned undertaker vs cena

i know their both on different shows but still this match would be a bigger draw than taker vs jericho or punk obviously

i mean who really thinks jericho or punk will actually end the streak but with cena he could be the "one"

Cena JOBBING? Nah!

Love the match ups in the original post. Morrison for MITB winner though.
Ok, here is my shot at it (BTW - I believe Jeff Hardy will not be with the company which is why I have left him off the card):

WWE Championship - John Cena (c) v Batista

Big Dave returns and takes the title from Cena, promting a heel turn at around Survior Series time. Cena is on the fringes and regains at No Way Out. Batista uses his rematch clause for Mania.

Winner - John Cena by submission

World Heavyweight Championship - Chris Jericho (c) v Edge

Edge returns and wins the Rumble. Jericho defeats Jeff Hardy for WHC around Summerslam and has all the gold for a time to build up his 'best in the world at what I do' gimmick.

Winner - Edge by pinfall

ECW Championship - Kozlov (c) v Sheamus v Dreamer (if Dreamer doesn't win the title he retires)

No major build up needed for this match

Winner - Kozlov by pinfall

Grudge Match - Randy Orton v Ted DiBiase No DQ

I can see the fathers getting involved in the build up to this match, Legacy come apart around Survivor Series, Orton punts Ted and puts him out until No Way Out. DiBiase returns to screw Orton out of championship setting up this match.

Winner - Ted DiBiase by pinfall (thanks to assistance from his father)

'Who is the best' match - HHH v HBK

Similarly to what has been written before, both men try to out do each other to prove thay they are the better man. Maybe a retirement match for HBK.

Winner - HHH

Streak match - Undertaker v CM Punk

I think by Mania, Punk will be a full fledged heel and will have the typical 'ego' reasons to take on Taker

Winner - Undertaker

Inter promotional match - Intercontinental Champion Dolph Ziggler v US Champion Jack Swagger

I think this one is unlikely but I thought it would be a good match up

Winner - No contest due to outside interference?

Giant match - Big Show v Great Khali v Kane

Couldnt think of anything for these guys to do

Winner - Big Show

Money in the Bank - Matt Hardy v Christian v MVP v Kofi Kingston v Rey Mysterio v Shelton Benjamin v Mark Henry v John Morrison

No build up needed for this one as there never is

Winner - Matt Hardy (tempted to say he cashes it in after the WWE Championship match after Batista destroys Cena in a tantrum and wins the title but that is stretching it...although I'd love it!)
Yeah it's a tad way too early but heck why not. This card will be a mix of what I want to see and what's likely.

WWE Championship:
Randy K. Orton (c) vs Jack Swagger vs John Cena.
//The faces in the match are Swagger and Cena. I think WWE has the most faith in

Undertaker vs CM Punk
//This match should have some type of stipulation that would favor CM Punk but, again, Undertaker would prevail. These two could have an awesome mat wrestling/striking/mma style match. The build up prior to this would be CM Punk defeating 'Taker at "Breaking Point" or "Bragging Rights" in a submission match and Punk (as a full blown heel now) taking out the Deadman up until Royal Rumble where Punk was in the Rumble (the last two in the Rumble being Edge and Punk). Punk by WM26 has had most if not all the wins over Taker, but yeah Taker wins at Mania. This feud would really elevate Punk.

Chris Jericho (c) vs Edge vs Christian (will somehow involve him in the title picture)
//The reason I have Christian is because it's fairly obvious he should involved in this storyline somehow. I don't particularly want to see him in the MITB AGAIN either. I think you have Edge go over of course.

Triple H vs Batista (Grudge Match)

Ted Dibase (c) vs Cody Rhodes (US Title)
Dibase is the face in this scenario. The feud wouldn't be that surprising, seeing as tag teams always end up breaking up and feuding with one another. Rhodes goes over, and Dibase moves up to the main event scene.

MVP vs HBK (If Shawn loses, he leaves)
//I know there are a lot of people who think it should be a retirement match w/ HHH but I don't think it's that likely HBK will retire at 26. I think 27 is way more likely. MVP hasn't yet cracked the main event by this time either hence why he's the US champion. The buildup for this match would be MVP as a heel getting fed up with Shawn Michaels constantly having to be the center of attention, the main event of every Wrestlemania when no one's the MVP of the WWE besides himself. Now that sounds like a crap storyline, but that's what the WWE Produces. HBK wins in a great match that would hopefully make MVP main event status.

Shelton Benjamin vs Kozlov (c) (ECW Title)
//By this point, if Shelton is still with the WWE you should make him a face. Everyone respects his ability so he's already liked in that sense. He doesn't go over well as a heel and Kozlov probably will never be a face. If anyone can have a mildly exciting match w/ Kozlov its the Gold Standard. Shelton wins.

Tag Team Title (In preferably a TLC match, but some sort of gimmick match)
The Hart Dynasty vs Cryme Tyme vs *hopefully* The Brian Kendrick and whoever his partner will be.

Money In The Bank
Dolph Ziggler (IC Champion) vs The Miz vs Kofi Kingston vs Evan Bourne vs R-Truth vs Ezekial Jackson vs John Morrison vs Sheamus.
Morrison & Ziggler end up as the last two on the ladder. Morrison wins, but you have the two feud over the contract over the next couple of months kind of like how Punk was sort of doing it this past year.

I'm not having Kane and Matt Hardy cause I do kind of hate both of them. Jeff isn't involved because who knows if he's signed a contract or not. And I hate the women's division and I can't see how anyone cares about it.
Theres a very gud chance that edge may not be back in tym for Mania. his injury seems to be that serious,so with that in mind im gna hav to predict that jericho will face taker...these two havnt had a main event programme and are heavily due 1 before taker retires. no doubt this cud potentially be even better than hbk/taker from this year,and with the right build up and psychology cud be 1 for the ages...

as far as the championship scene it is 2 difficult at this point to say. luk back at this time last year,wud anyone hav predicted that we wud see another HHH/orton match? however with that in mind i would like to see someone make the step up and compete for a title at mania. its been a while since someone other than established main event stars were given a push,how abt havin morrison win his first title at mania? or even dolph ziggler who luks better every week,i wud like to see someone different headline it other than HHH or Cena
Cena vs Orton vs HHH(c) vs Batista vs DiBase
Cena will win at NOC keep the title till RR, where Orton will beat him. Orton will carry the belt till No Way Out, where HHH will take it from him. Batista will return at that time and he will attack Orton the way Edge did to Kofi. HHH, Cena, Batista will fued with legacy up to 2 weeks before WM. Dibase will win a contenders match get in the Title match at WM. He will leave legacy and turn face, and that will lead up to a 5-way for the title at WM.

Christian vs Shelton vs Kozlav
Christian will win at NOC, keep the title till the draft and he will get drafted to raw.

This is where Jeff hardy will return to win his MIB match.

Jericho and Edge vs HBK and Morrison

Punk vs Undertaker(c)
Punk will keep the title till No Way Out where Undertaker will take the title. They will fued till WM setting up a title match.
Winner:CM PUNK
After the match:
Hardy will cash in MIB and destroy PUNK to get the title.

WM goes off the air.

i no i missed some matches but what ever
I would have to go with someone from an earlier post if there is a match I would love to see is Cena vs Taker at WM. Finally see the streak end to the top guy in the company. That moment could easily compare to when Hogan slammed and ended Andre's 15 year undefeated streak at WM 3. It would be a Wrestlemania moment that would never be forgotten.
I honestly don't think Michaels will retire. He's got it too good to turn away. He works a light schedule with barely any house shows as it is and gets paid full-time salary. His contract will run out and Vince will offer him the same money for even less dates.

I don't think he's taking all this time off now to return for another few months, then call it quits. They need him and he's got a good mind for the business. He wants to be around his family more, Vince will make it happen with great money so why ruin a good thing?

I like the other ideas though.
My card isn't going to shock people but here it goes....

I will only give explanations for the "important" matches cuz those matches aren't drawing money.

Before I get started I firmly believe that Donald Trump will be involved somehow in Wrestlemania XXVI what this is....will be based on circumstances at the time.

WWE Championship:
John Cena (c) vs. Batista:

Whether it's at Night of Champions (which I doubt) or it's later, Cena will re-capture the WWE Title. Batista is expected back at Survivor Series in DC but other than a few teases these two again with staredowns and such I don't think a program between the 2 will begin til after No Way Out. Batista will be entered into the elimination chamber with "comeback" written all over it facing off with let's just say....Mark Henry, Triple H, Shawn Micheals, Randy Orton and Big Show. Those guys are elite of the Raw main event scene so going with those guys makes sense and it's a safe bet.
Shawn Micheals will win the chamber because the crowd would love to see it as his "Wrestlemania road story" will be based around him getting the WWE Title back after not having it for more than 10 years let a lone any other major championship for the better part of his second career. Shawn will get giddy and want a shot at John Cena on a 3 hour Raw or SNME in a ladder match claiming that Cena's had his number over the years and he wants Wrestlemania to "come early". To place a seed of doubt in the fans eyes HBK can offer Cena a rematch at Wrestlemania should he take the title from him. Cena will win the match and Shawn will begin doubting himself (more on that later).
Wth no Wrestlemania opponent in sight for Cena, he calls out Batista. Basically a rehash of their Summerslam 2008 story in that they're the 2 biggest stars in the WWE and they're managed to be seperate for so long and he hasn't let down his crushing defeat to Batista way back then.
Winner: and still WWE Champion...John Cena

World Heavyweight Title:
Chris Jericho (c) vs. Edge:
No shock there but here's how it will play out. Edge will come back and win the Royal Rumble at number 30. Being the Ultimate Oppurtunist that he is he will take the # 30 entrant's spot who will conveintley be Chris Jericho after a backstage beatdown that goes unreported. Edge will run in in his street clothes to square off with Randy Orton who has been "going Diesel" in the ring for close to all of the match. There will be a quick and limited fight and out of nowhere an already eliminated Ted Dibiase will come in and help Edge eliminated Orton which will later be revealed as a discussed plan to help sell Edge's injury....that fans will eat it up.
Of course Jericho will cry foul and due to Edge's act of injustice Jericho will be given a spot in the Elimination Chamber for the World Heavyweight title at No Way Out. Jericho will claim that his contract as Unified Tag Champ allows him to replace his current partner (TBA @ N of C) with Edge when he his back healthy. This furthering the claim that Edge really isn't 100%. Jericho and his partner will be ordered to defend the Unified Tag Titles at No Way Out against The Hart Dynasty. Edge of course will interfere and cost Jericho and his partner the belts. Later in the night Jericho will win the World Heavyweight title for in the elimination chamber by defeating: CM Punk, Rey Mysterio, Undertaker, John Morrison, Dolph Ziggler, and Matt Hardy (Jeff Hardy no longer with the WWE).
Edge of course chooses to face Jericho at Wrestlemania. By the demands of Jericho, Teddy Long orders Edge to square off in a 6 pack challenge vs the defeated superstars in the chamber on the 3 hour Raw or SNME or even SD. Edge will win with limited action and solidfy his match at Wrestlemania with Jericho.
Winner: More on that later $B]

Grudge Match:
Triple H vs. Shawn Micheals:

Whether it's in preparation for Summerslam or afterwards HBK will return to the ring as part of a DX reunion with Triple H. Feuds with Legacy and The Hart Dynasty will take place. As the Rumble nears HBK begins talk of how the fun and games of DX need to end because he needs to kick it into high gear for the Rumble. He goes on to say that stealing the show at Wrestlemania out from under the main event is always great but he hasn't been a champion in years and he's the best so he deserves that distinguishment. This creates subtle tension with Triple H but DX chugs along but merely on a need basis. HBK doesn't win the Rumble but makes it pretty far. In the process he eliminates Triple H afterwards shrugging it off the HBK way to make it funny but it foreshadows what's to come. Micheals earns a spot in the chamber and goes on to eliminate Triple H, infact he gets the boot first but not after almost if not all 6 men have been entered in (God forbid Trips can't look good).
After HBK wins the chamber and decides to face Cena on the 3 hour Raw and loses. As said earlier Cena choses Batista as his Wrestlemania opponent but much to the disagreement of HBK who comes off as almost desperate to make it to the title match. So HBK faces Batista because Batista feels he needs to earn his spot. Triple H appears to be fully behind Shawn's run back to the top but it becomes obvious he feels slated. Micheals and Batista square off and Triple H costs Micheals the match via pedigree but not before he hits it on Batista just to throw HBK off.
Triple H claims he's the Game and any conversation about the WWE Title and Wrestlemania should have his name in it. He claims he surpassed HBK a long time ago and Shawn should settle with his spot on the card stealng the show while he closes the show because he's the 13 time World Champ. HBK says he'll only settle for that spot at Wrestlemania XXVI if there's enough space for Triple H to join him. Triple H claims HBK's days in the main event are over and HBK should open up and tell everyone what he's been telling Triple H for the past year. That he's been contemplating retirement.
Triple H does this to fuck with HBK, but Shawn musters up the courage that Triple H is right and that he's thought long and hard about it and that's why the road to Wrestlemania XXVI and the chance to be in the title picture has possessed him and regardless of all that Triple H is his best friend but he needs to prove something to him and himself. He isn't sure if Wrestlemania XXVI will be his last match or not but he goes on to say that after his match with Triple H win, lose, or draw "he'll know."
Winner: Shawn Micheals

Darkness vs. Straight Edge
Submission Match:

Undertaker vs. CM Punk:
I haven't thought much about this but I'm stealing it from the other threads. After losing the World Heavyweight Title in the elimination chamber, Punk says it's a bummer there's still a spot at Wrestlemania for him and it's not MITB. He knows there's not much merit in being the one who scored the fall over Undertaker to eliminate him from the chamber but it's got him thinking if he could be the one to square off and end the Deadman's streak. Pretty simple booking here but I would at the begining give the idea that Punk feels he's way in over his head challenging the Undertaker at Wrestlemania and he begins to attack him and stand up to the Phenom as their interactions are involving them locking eachother up in submission holds and making eachother pass out. He then challenges Undertaker to a submission match with the idea that he can eliminate the possibility of Undertaker defeating him with the Tombstone thus giving him the "straight edge". Undertaker will do his deal where he tries to spook Punk and at first it will work and then Punk will start to stand up against it.
Winner: 18-0 The Undertaker

Grudge Match
Randy Orton vs. Ted Dibiase:

The super duper slow mo build to Dibiase's babyface turn has already begun and will become full-on when he is seen helping Edge win the Rumble at Orton's expense. Orton and Cody and Legacy replacement Joe Hennig begin ambushes and attacks on Dibiase. The feud will heat up when Orton costs Dibiase his shot at a spot in the elimination chamber vs. Big Show. Which results in a 1-on-1 match with Dibiase facing Hennig in his debut match giving him a good rub. Orton says when he wins the elimination chamber at No Way Out and is once again WWE Champion that he will not give Dibiase a title shot at Wrestlemania because that's why Dibiase is doing this, unless he can beat Cody Rhodes at No Way Out then he would give him a shot. Of course Orton loses, but Dibiase defeats Cody. But the stretch to Wrestlemania sets up these Dibiase going at it with Legacy.
Winner: Randy Orton by nefarious means, because no heels have won so far.

Money in the Bank Ladder match:
Evan Bourne vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Matt Hardy vs. John Morrison vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. Christian vs. Mark Henry vs. Big Show vs. Jack Swagger vs. MVP:

This will be a special 10 man money in the bank with it being the year 2010. The special 9th entrant will be via online voting on WWE.com in the coming weeks. The 10th voter will wrestle in a dark match battle royal. Bourne will be in position to win the online vote and MVP will win the battle royal.
Winner: And Cashing in for the World Heavyweight Title Rey Mysterio
Jericho will injure Edge on Smackdown before Wrestlemania planting the seed of doubt in the Universes eyes even though they wouldn't beleive pulling Edge would be an actual possiblity. However it is to my estimation that he will not be ready to go full bore 100% for this match since it deserves to be the classic that it would be so Edge's availability will be played to death and in the match in such a fashion that it looks like a shoot Edge "will plant his foot the wrong way" and the match will come to a hault.
Everyone will play it to a hilt (even Jericho) that this its the real deal then out comes Rey Mysterio who will cash in his earlier won MITB briefcase and he will become victorious. A classic Edge Jericho match will be saved for when Edge is ready which wouldn't be too long after Wrestlemania maybe even Backlash.

What do ya think?
I like that card a lot jarose24...however, there are only 6 matches on that card so it's great to think that another 2 more matches can be put on the card.

Tag titles: Hart Dynasty vs. _____TBA_____

Also, some notable superstars left off the card:


I would love to see a formiddable tagteam of Goldust and Santino take on the Hart Dynasty... remember when there was "Book Dust" (Goldust and Booker T)? I think "San-Dust" would work perfectly... they'd be over as faces, actually get to wrestle and contribute, and I think putting them against heels such as the Harts would be awesome.
Ok Here we go...

WHC Edge vs Jericho(c)
As stated Edge comes back at the Rumble to win and they cut great promos on each other for a few months if Edge can't go 100% until Mania. THIS WILL BE THE MAIN EVENT! Edge wins, has a face title run loses it turns heel again after a few months.
Winner: Edge

WWE Title Batista vs Cena(c)
I think this will happen just because it will draw like a bitch! We have only really seen this match at SS 08 for nothing other than to bulk up the card. It will start out as a competitive rivalry maybe they tag a few times and Dave turns heel and they fued from maybe RR to Mania to build up. I would love to see Batista have a heel title run but not gonna happen.
Winner: Cena

ECW Title Koslov vs Sheamus
Well Koslov will win the title soon we all can tell, and Sheamus is being pushed and all the other ECW talent left will be moved or in MITB.
Winner: Sheamus

MITB Morrison vs Benjamin vs Christian vs Mysterio vs Bourne vs MVP vs Matt Hardy vs Jeff Hardy
This will be what the MITB match should ALWAYS be, Rey Reys first MITB match high flyers up the ass! Big spots. 4 heels (Benjamin, Christian, MVP and Matt) vs 4 faces (the rest lol)
Winner: Morrison

Hell in the Cell Undertaker vs CM Punk
This is my Mania 26 wet dream, its been 10 years since the was a HITC match at Mania and if creative books right they will have Punk feud with Taker from maybe Survivor Series taker takes Punk out wins title, Punk comes back at RR screws taker out of the WHC and there you go and have it culminate at Mania.
Winner: Undertaker

Orton vs DiBiase
We all see this coming, this will be the perfect time to push Teddy as a top guy in the business. I see a good back and forth match maybe we see Cody Rhodes screwing Ted over since Rhodes is the weak link in Legacy and I can see him still riding Ortons coat tails.
Winner: Orton

Retirement Match HBK vs HHH
We havent seen this match in what... 4 or 5 years? So it will seem fresh especially to the young audience. Both will be faces, kind of like what went down with HBK vs Flair and HBK vs Taker over the last 2 years maybe have HHH be the more heelish of the two have them tag up for a bit and then have HBK announce he is gonna retire and wants to face HHH, Hunter is reluctant HBK tries to egg him on then it snaps at maybe NWO
Winner: HHH in an emotional ending

Womens Gauntlet of the Womens Title
All Divas on the SD brand something easy and predictable
Winner: who cares?

Unified Tag Titles ? vs Hart Dynasty (c)
With the ever changing tag division this is too tough to decide on an opponent for the HD, maybe Cryme Tyme? I think that would be good but since they are feuding now who knows? Either way THD retains
Winner: Hart Dynasty

Champion vs Champion Lumber Jack Match Kofi Kingston (US) vs Dolph Ziggler (IC)
This is not for any title, just brand supremacy on the line, great face paced match I can see this start to build at the Rumble, maybe Ziggler target Kofi from the start of this time in the match then maybe a few cross brand tag matches take place and the GMs announce this match and say that Kofi and Dolph will represent their brand. Since its a LJ match ring surrounded by all the superstars not on the card. Dolph mocks SD! LJ they walk out Dolph gets jumped by the LJs.
Winner: Kofi Kingston for the Raw Brand

what do you all think?​
LOL here we go again with these MARKS Edge vs Jericho???? IT ain't gonna happen!!!
Chris Jericho stated he wants to wrestle Mark Calloway (UNDERTAKER) Thats whats gonna happen at WM26! Seriously you guys are so ignorant and stubborn you listen to one person and you all say the same thing!
Batista vs Cena is scheduled one more time!!!!
Carlito vs Koffee Kingston for US Title!!
Legacy vs Hart Dynasty vs Cryme Tyme

HHH vs Edge they never wrestled!!!!!
Great Khali vs Big Show
Rey Mysterio Jr vs CM Punk vs Primo for IC Title
There is a possible official WM26 card !!![/B]You can take that to the bank!!

he calls people ignorant and stubborn and he spell kofi 'koffee' fucking douche bag. edge vs jericho will happen dont you see what they are doing you cunt. btw who the fuck wants to see the big slow vs. khali? really? Legacy will be done by then, gotta turn Teddy face by time the Marine 2 come out heels dont sell dvds... only john cena does lol
k this is what i would love to see happen

WWE Championship- Randy Orton(c) vs John Cena
the ultimate showdown between the 2. Orton keeps the title till mania, and in that time injures john cena again. Cena comes back at no way out and interferes causing Orton a "non title" match. The 2 feud untill mania, making the feud more personal then their last feud. And i think this match could be the show stealer.
Winner Randy Orton

WHC- Edge Vs Jericho vs Cm Punk (C)
could u imagine this match?! it would be unbelievable! Edge could come back and win the rumble. in the mean time starting a feud with Jericho. at no way out Jericho steals a win over Edge for his wrestlemania spot. But the next week on smackdown Edge steals a victory in a handicap match against Jericho and punk to make the match at mania a triple threat
Winner Edge

ECW Championship- Shelton Benjamin vs Christian (C)
i think these 2 could put on a great mania match. and hopefully this would help both men step forward in the ME scene
Winner Shelton

Retirement match HBK vs John Morrison
this match needs to happen, by then Morrison could be a great face in the company. and it could be a match of the old show stopper and the new show stopper. of course the crowd would most likely be for HBK.
Winner John Morrison

their last mania match was legendary! and come on EVERY mania sees triple h or taker going for the title, not this time around, this match will just be a slugfest. HHH as the heel starts his shit about how hes best in the business. at the RR he eliminates taker with a cheap shot after hes already been eliminated. This starts a feud of mind games and one ups until mania when they finally collide. and imagine the 2 masters of the cell going to hell in the same match?!

US Title And IC title- Jack Swagger VS MVP
unify the titles and let them be defended on any show
Winner Jack Swagger

Woman's and Diva's Championship- Beth Phoenix VS Trish Stratus
OK i kno this isnt gonna happen. but come on i can dream right?

MITB ladder match- Dolph Ziggler vs John Morrison vs Evan Bourne VS Carlito VS Tyson Kid VS Kofi Kingston VS Kane VS Miz
Winner Kane
Seriously guys, is this a prediction thread or a fantasy thread? Alot of the suggestions sound pretty unrealistic.

John Cena (c) vs Randy Orton vs Batista for the WWE title.
These guys have all faced off against each other trying to prove who's the best. So I say throw them all into one ring and have the biggest Wrestlemania main event since Wrestlemania 17. Why the hell not? They're all big names. And they could easily make this a good match, like Angle vs Undertaker vs Rock back in 2002.
Winner: Cena or Orton. I'm leaning more towards Orton since Orton didn't win at Mania 25.

Chris Jericho (c) vs Edge for the World heavyweight title.
I know people are going on about Undertaker vs Jericho. But it just doesn't work. When Edge returns he'll be jumping right into a feud with Jericho. And he'll be over as hell when he returns, like Triple H in 2002, so he'll be in the title picture. Undertaker will be too close to retirement to be in the title picture by Mania 26, so Taker/Jericho won't happen. Not at Wrestlemania anyway, perhaps Survivor Series.
Yeah, so, anyway. If Edge returns by January, he's the obvious choice for the Royal Rumble winner. And then a nice long title run. Actually it'd be cool if he turned heel during his title run, kinda like Punk is doing now, but better.

Undertaker vs Triple H
People have been calling for this since No Way Out, when they put on an awesome show in the Elimination Chamber. And I think WWE are well aware of what these guys can do together. They're both better than they were back at Mania 17 so let them go at it in a nice 20 minute match.

CM Punk vs Shawn Michaels, Interpromotional Match, with possible retirement stipulation.
By Mania, Punk will be the cocky heel with the I'm better than you gimmick. Punk will call out HBK, calling his born again Christianity a lie and reminding us all of HBK's behaviour back in the 90's. This stuff practically writes itself. And Punk will be needing that one feud and that one match to make him into a true star and to be the leader of the next generation of main eventers. So I think HBK will put Punk over in his last match. It'll be match of the night too, I believe.

Money in the Bank:
Vladimir Kozlov vs The Brian Kendrick vs Kane vs John Morrison vs The Miz vs Dolph Ziggler vs MVP
Morrison or Miz will win here. More likely Morrison though.

Hart Dynasty vs Legacy (c), Unified tag team titles.
Hopefull this match will actually be shown. But this feud is bound to happen, with both sides arguing over who's the better team with the better wrestling family history. Hart Dynasty pick up their first tag titles here.

Well that's all I can predict. The rest is kinda random and fuzzy. We'll see what happens.
ill have a go but most people are agreeing on the main events so il try tweeking them


edge vs jericho - i see edge returning at no way out in the elimination chamber and winning the title from jericho setting up the rematch at wm26


orton vs dibiase vs cody rhodes - orton gets injured at survivor series by cena. at the royal rumble legacy are number 1 and 2 and end up being the last 2 in the royal rumble so to compensate for orton they eliminate each other togeather so they both go to wrestlemania and 1 of thm take the ttle from cena, however orton returns at no way out and wins the title setting up this match.


cena vs undertaker - in a backstage segment undertaker is laughing at cena losing his title to orton. so cena offers undertaker a match any time any place. this results in wm26


hhh vs hbk loser retires special ref batista - basically they hav this match out of mutal respect and to try an steal wrestlemania. but vince thinks that it needs some spice so makes it a retirement match and as batista is mates with them both and has just eturned from injury he can be the ref. this setsup a batista heel turn.


ziggler vs john morrison - ziggler wins the title at noc looses it again at summer slam back to mysterio then in the 3rd rematch ziggler wins and goes on an undefeated streak. morrison is un happy he is being over looked so challenge ziggler to a match

thats my list so far but im gettin tired now so will complete tomorrow superstars to still include. mysterio jeff hardy christian swagger kane evan bourne kofi heart dynasty cm punk matt hardy so still a load of decent matches to make up left using quality talent
My Predictions. These are based of other people's reactions to wrestlers...:

Money In The Bank Ladder Match:
Jack Swagger (US Champion) vs. John Morrison vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. The Miz vs. Kofi Kingston vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. MVP vs. Christian
Whoever has won this match has become an instant main-eventer, and since all these guys (with the exception of Benjamin, I just put him in there cause he's always in MITB) are constantly debated to become main-event material by next year, why not put them all in one match and see who comes out on top?
Winner: Jack Swagger

8-Man Tag Elimination Match for the Unified Tag Team Championships:
The Hart Dynasty vs. Legacy (Tag Team Champions) vs. Cryme Tyme vs. Ezekiel Jackson/Vladimir Kozlov
I'm kind of firm that Legacy will still be together by next year's WrestleMania, especially if they win the tag titles from Jericho and whoever his teammate will be at NOC (though I think they'll win them sometime after NOC cause Jericho needs the win to help push the new tag team. As for the throw-together of Jackson/Kozlov, 1) ECW should be represented here and 2) The interaction last Tuesday screamed either feud or tag team. I say the Hart Dynasty picks up the win and the titles to really push them as a threat because as of right now, they need it.
Winners: The Hart Dynasty

ECW Championship:
Sheamus vs. Zack Ryder
And no I am not kidding. There are three reasons for this. 1) If Sheamus has the potential that most people on this thread says he does, then coming into Wrestlemania he'd be champion by now. 2) ECW is the stomping groud for new superstars to get their feet wet. I say let the rookies have a shot at showing what they can do at Wrestlemania. 3) I already put Christian, Shelton Benjamin, Jackson and Kozlov in matches so there goes ECW's current main event scene.
Winner: Sheamus successfully defends, but how I would love to see Zack Ryder win it. WOO WOO WOO!!! YOU KNOW IT!!!

Diva's Match:
Natalya (Women's Champion) vs. Beth Phoenix (Diva's Champion)
I guess a dream match for me, sometime within the next couple months I expect Beth Phoenix to come back and dominate the Raw Divas scene again, later winning the Title. As for Natalya, she gets the Women's title from Melina (she won it sometime later). Both have a match to prove who's the Dominant Diva in the WWE. Non-title of course. Hell let's make it a Lumberjill match so whenever they have to get pushed in the ring they just beat the crap out of the other Divas and say, "I can get in myself!"
Winner: Beth Phoenix (to make up for the clusterfuck at Mania 25)

The Undertaker vs. CM Punk
A great suggestion by timmy872. I agree with this for the same reason as his. Undertaker will keep The Streak alive.
Winner: The Undertaker

Shawn Michaels vs. Triple H
Talk about a farewell match. Two best friends going at it. I think HBK should publicly state that he will retire beforehand and he'll say he just wants one more match with Hunter.
Winner: Triple H

Intercontinental Championship Match:
Rey Mysterio vs. Jeff Hardy (Intercontinental Champion)
The WWE needs to make up for the waste of time IC match they did at WM25. Make it longer and better.
Winner: Jeff Hardy

World Heavyweight Championship Match:
Edge vs. Chris Jericho (World Heavyweight Champion)
After coming back for a possible career threatening injury, Edge's first order of business is to take back the WWE Championship from the guy who continued to insult Edge throughout his recovery, Chris Jericho. Edge comes out to cheers, much like Triple H did after his first quad injury. And just like Triple H, Edge beats Jericho to become a 10-time World Champion
Winner: Edge

WWE Championship:
John Cena vs. Randy Orton (WWE Champion)
I do think Randy Orton will lose the WWE Title sometime between now and WM26, but eventually he'll get it back. I vote Cena will win because it's been a while since he's had the title.
Winner: John Cena

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