Why John Cena?

People like Cena because he gets beat up the whole match and comes back at the end to win and it excites people. I am not a Cena fan just for the fact that the company pushes him on us night after night and he is always winning. If he would be involved in a fued with someone who could actually beat him clean, I would probably root for him more. But he just gets boring because when you see him in an elimination tag match like on raw, you knew exactly what was gonna happen (at least I did) and that takes all the thrill out of it. It gets too predictable. The guy has already won 11 World Championships in his 9 years in the WWE. It took Ric Flair, his entire career to win 15. That I think is my biggest problem with him. Oh, and the jean shorts.
Here's one you don't hear very often... I like him because his in-ring skills are not only vastly underrated by the IWC, but he's actually one of the best in-ring performers, if not THE Best. People will talk about his limite moveset, and then go on and on about how great Bruiser Brody or the Undertaker or even Triple H was. Cena is more technically sound than Brody, does just as many moves as Taker or Triple H or anyone else for that matter who isn't a spot monkey or an indy guy. He's built a moveset for his character and uses the rest of the time reacting to other people's moves, which he does masterfully. Some say he can't wrestle, Flair, Austin, Jericho, even CM Punk himself say that he can. Dave Meltzer regularly gives him 4 star matches and recently he and Punk gave the WWE only their 5th ever 5 star match. I've read on here that Punk carried Cena to a 5 star match, but I usually laugh those comments off because of how stupid you'd have to be to believe that. Then people hate on "Super Cena"... Have they not heard of Kenta Kobashi? Yes, many of the Cena haters have and are huge fans of Kobashi even though there's never been a bigger super man than him. Austin was a super man, Hogan was a super man, that's how the WWE/F has always worked. They protect and market the hell out of their top guy, and who are we to argue? I like Cena because he comes off as a nice guy who wins because of hard work and dedication to his job. Isn't that how it should be? People are getting whinier now days and everybody seems to want something for nothing. I think that's why the IWC relates more to CM Punk than John Cena, because Punk likes to talk about what's owed to him just as the IWC feels the WWE somehow "owes" them something. My final reason for what makes Cena great to me is how he deals with his detractors. They hate his guts. They curse him, spit at him, throw things at him and what does he do? He smiles right to their faces. They look stupid and he comes out smelling like roses. It must be a great feeling to look at some fat bearded man with glasses holding a homemade sign and then look at Cena who despite all of this angry man's rage is still the biggest star in the wrestling industry today and will likely remain that way for years to come. It must be how pats fans feel when they read comments of Buffalo Bills fans on message boards.
People like Cena because he gets beat up the whole match and comes back at the end to win and it excites people. I am not a Cena fan just for the fact that the company pushes him on us night after night and he is always winning. If he would be involved in a fued with someone who could actually beat him clean, I would probably root for him more. But he just gets boring because when you see him in an elimination tag match like on raw, you knew exactly what was gonna happen (at least I did) and that takes all the thrill out of it. It gets too predictable. The guy has already won 11 World Championships in his 9 years in the WWE. It took Ric Flair, his entire career to win 15. That I think is my biggest problem with him. Oh, and the jean shorts.
I have a serious question I need answered. Why in fuck do you guys place so much emphasis on "clean wins"? You guys want Punk to win clean and hold the title even though it would hurt his character, you want ADR and Christian to win clean even though they're chickenshit heels. What the fuck? Do you guys want the Joker to beat up Batman without using any tactics?

It makes no sense and is incredibly markish to think that clean wins matter. It's about character development. Your top babyface NEVER loses clean. How many times did Hogan, Hart, HBK, Sting, Austin, Rock, Goldberg, or any other guy who was the biggest babyface in the company lose clean as a babyface? Not often and it was typically only against other babyfaces. It hurts EVERYONE if a babyface loses clean to a heel. Nobody goes "well that bastard just beat Cena clean, I hate him more now".

You can say the elimination tag match was predictable, but he got the biggest non entrance, non win (which he also got) pop of the night when he was the last guy for his team. The crowd really got behind him. Every Hogan, HBK, Hart, Austin, and Rock match was pretty predictable too. Most movies are predictable. Most posts on here are predictable. That's not as much of a negative as people make it out to be. They just tend to point it out more on things they dislike.
Another serious question, why are you guys such marks for the belts? It's similar to the Punk/Christian thing. You guys want the WWE to give the belts to guys as rewards, which sometimes it is. However, most of the time, it's a marketing tool. The Rock held the title 7 times in basically 3 years (late 1998-mid 2002 with a few movie breaks in there). Cena won his first title in 2005, so it's been over 6 years. If he kept the same pace as the Rock, he'd be a 14 time champion.

Also, Flair is a womanizing, drunk fool. He has 3 ex-wives that he says he has to pay 20K a month in alamony. Why do you want to keep the prestige for him? Cena is probably approved by the fuckin catholic church. Why do title reigns (another very markish opinion) matter so much to some of you?

As for the jean shorts, stone cold wears them too. Just saying.

I don't mind criticism for Cena if it makes sense but basically saying "he's being booked the same way every babyface ever has been booked and has been booked to be the top guy for 6 years and has many title reigns which is consistent with the current era" is just dumb. You may as well say "I don't like Roy Halladay because he throws strikes and wins ERA titles with an ERA that wouldn't be top 5 in the late 60s".

It's not that I don't think Cena has any faults, it's that the faults people on here find in him are just silly.

I'm going to add how brilliant headman's post is. People rag on Cena all the time. Watch japanese wrestling. They no sell fucking top rope german suplex headdrops. THAT'S fuckin annoying. It's why most of them have like 8 finishers and Kobashi had to develop the burning hammer as one move no one ever kicks out of but he rarely uses due to the danger of it. It's that sort of style that killed Misawa. How is it that this sequence: guy hits headdroppy move, guy no sells it, screams, drops the other guy on his head, he no sells, screams, kicks the guy in the face, gets kicked in the face, headdrop, headdrop, both sell for 40 seconds and then do it again. Is considered artful and cool when Cena getting the crowd to get even MORE into his comebacks without taking as much punishment is considered shitty? I don't even like watching old Marufuji matches anymore because I don't believe he could beat a baby with his superkicks. Nobody ever fucking sells them. This is all coming from a guy who has KENTA vs Bryan Danielson ROH GBHVN2 as one of my top 5 all time favorite matches, so it's not like I "just don't get it". I get it, I just don't get the hypocrisy.

Jim Cornett once said "you know, back in the day guys didn't hurt each other but the audience believed they did, now a guy kills himself jumping off a ladder and no one buys it". It's kinda what's happening. Getting a HUGE reaction out of very little is the true art of pro wrestling. Not doing a bunch of moves.
I will never bash Cena's desire, or his work ethic. Cena is doing what any wrestler in his position past, present and future does, sticking with what works. Your biggest audience is kids then cater to those kids. Rock and Austin catered to teens and young men, Hogan catered to kids. That's what you have to do and I can't hate him for doing that because that is how this business works. And if anyone here says they'd do it differently if it were them well then they'd be lying.
Now the thing that causes me to hate Cena isn't personal just character based and the fact that he's being HHH'ed. Meaning he's being pushed down our throats without actually putting anyone ever. The only other main eventer to do that was HHH, hell Hogan put Warrior and Yoko over, Bret put Michaels and Austin over, Austin put Rocky over, Rocky put Austin, Foley, Goldberg, HHH and Lesnar over. Cena squashes people. I forget who wrote the article but they mentioned how Orton had three matches in five days and in each match he made the other guy looked like they belonged in the main event. Cena? He just squashed the guys he wrestled. Cena is built to be super-human and to guys like us that shit don't fly. Our generation doesn't root for super-man we root for Batman and Spider-Man, we love the underdog, the guy who has to fight to win. Not the guy who easily beats everyone in his path.
Our generation also grew with the eras of wrestling. When we were kids WWF was rock and wrestling cartoons, when we got older and more rebellious so did wrestling, it got extreme, it gained attitude. Now we're still growing and wrestling just looped. We're moving forwards and they're starting over. We can no longer relate the way we did growing up, so we blame the face of the company. But if we were 6-10 years old we'd love him until we reached the age of 14 and got more cynical.
Also our generation for a lack of better terms is more knowledgeable about the inner workings of wrestling. We grew up in the internet era. We like to think we know how everything works. Just go back to Brian Pillman's smart marks promo. We know about bookers and the gorilla position, we know Vince McMahon is a tyrant and HHH fucked his way to the top. We know most wrestlers have drug problems and we know the world of wrestling, like any other career oriented profession is all politics. So we hate the guys who can't wrestle like Bret or Shawn or Kurt because we're smart fans and we want a good match. Yet we get those good matches on SD and Superstars. So why is no one watching those? I don’t think it’s so much that we hate Cena, we’d hate anyone in that position, if that was CM Punk playing the unbeatable good two shoes, we’d hate him to.
I will never bash Cena's desire, or his work ethic. Cena is doing what any wrestler in his position past, present and future does, sticking with what works. Your biggest audience is kids then cater to those kids. Rock and Austin catered to teens and young men, Hogan catered to kids. That's what you have to do and I can't hate him for doing that because that is how this business works. And if anyone here says they'd do it differently if it were them well then they'd be lying.
Now the thing that causes me to hate Cena isn't personal just character based and the fact that he's being HHH'ed. Meaning he's being pushed down our throats without actually putting anyone ever. The only other main eventer to do that was HHH, hell Hogan put Warrior and Yoko over, Bret put Michaels and Austin over, Austin put Rocky over, Rocky put Austin, Foley, Goldberg, HHH and Lesnar over. Cena squashes people. I forget who wrote the article but they mentioned how Orton had three matches in five days and in each match he made the other guy looked like they belonged in the main event. Cena? He just squashed the guys he wrestled. Cena is built to be super-human and to guys like us that shit don't fly. Our generation doesn't root for super-man we root for Batman and Spider-Man, we love the underdog, the guy who has to fight to win. Not the guy who easily beats everyone in his path.
Our generation also grew with the eras of wrestling. When we were kids WWF was rock and wrestling cartoons, when we got older and more rebellious so did wrestling, it got extreme, it gained attitude. Now we're still growing and wrestling just looped. We're moving forwards and they're starting over. We can no longer relate the way we did growing up, so we blame the face of the company. But if we were 6-10 years old we'd love him until we reached the age of 14 and got more cynical.
Also our generation for a lack of better terms is more knowledgeable about the inner workings of wrestling. We grew up in the internet era. We like to think we know how everything works. Just go back to Brian Pillman's smart marks promo. We know about bookers and the gorilla position, we know Vince McMahon is a tyrant and HHH fucked his way to the top. We know most wrestlers have drug problems and we know the world of wrestling, like any other career oriented profession is all politics. So we hate the guys who can't wrestle like Bret or Shawn or Kurt because we're smart fans and we want a good match. Yet we get those good matches on SD and Superstars. So why is no one watching those? I don’t think it’s so much that we hate Cena, we’d hate anyone in that position, if that was CM Punk playing the unbeatable good two shoes, we’d hate him to.
So I guess Punk and Miz weren't more over while going against Cena were they? I guess they don't have more credibility as a star after those feuds do they?

Putting someone over isn't just losing to them and it sure as fuck isn't just losing to them clean. If losing to someone clean is all it took to get them over then pro wrestling would be a lot easier to book than it is.

We don't want matches like Bret or Shawn or Angle because we're "smart" we like that because it's what we think is good wrestling. The IWC is pretty stupid. A good match is simply one that tells a story and gets the crowd into it. Angle's matches don't tell stories anymore but the IWC will tell you he's still amazing despite being a shell of himself.

I think you were actually making the same point I am. Essentially, the IWC thinks it's smarter than it really is but really knows nothing at all. If the IWC had it's way, Daniel Bryan vs Tyson Kidd would be the main event at mania and would be given 45 minutes. WWE would also be out of business. Cena is over and he's good looking and he has a "limited" moveset and because the IWC doesn't actually know why he's over (they think it's how he's booked, which if that's the case, why can't the WWE just book anyone to win a lot and get that over?). The IWC likes to be a contrarian.

The whole contrarian culture that exists here is really the reason why Cena is hated. It's also the reason a lot of people are starting to like him again. It's funny.
The man just puts it all out there every single night the spotlight is on him. He does his thing, knowing there will be people that love him, people that hate him, and people that are indifferent to him. And he doesn't care. He does what he does, gives 100% all the time.

Some of his stuff is cheesy and stale, yes, but I think he's doing the best he can with the guidelines he's supposed to follow (mainly the RAW PG rating).
Cena didn't put Punk over, Punk put himself over. And after five years the WWE could no longer deny it.

But yeah we are making the same point, Cena is over because of the things he does outside of the ring in terms of work, sales and marketability. And Cena isn't the first guy to do it nor will he be the last. Miz is going about it the same way. Another guy who has great work ethic and busted his ass to get where he is. The IWC just hates Cena because it's too predictable. As a writer the first thing they taught us was give a character a reason, a goal. Tell why it's important to that character, give that character struggles and failures and finally take it away from him and when it seems there is no way for him to achieve that goal he makes it. Think Rocky, Rudy pretty much any sports movie. Cena's character doesn't have those pit falls, he always wins. He doesn't have many struggles he easily over comes everyone. No real danger and really no chance of him failing. But again not Cena's fault, not even booking's fault. WWE goes with what works and right now what works for them is Cena not losing, Cena seemingly being a monster face. Now don't get me wrong, when Cena comes on I do change the channel because I know how it will end. I'm not a fan of the character or the actor. But it doesn't mean I don't understand why he is where he is and why they book him the way they do.

The IWC loves their mid carders, their internet darlings who they feel is being held back, like Punk, like Matt Hardy, like Ziggler and Zack Ryder (still don't understand that) but if anyone of these guys was booked the same way Cena is they'd loath them too. Funny seeing as 7 years ago Cena was once an internet darling who had so much potential and so much talent inside the ring. Now he only has five moves and is what's destroying wrestling. It's funny how quick we are to change our minds.
What I like about John Cena is simple. When he broke in, he was like every other meat head muscle man that was trying to wrestle. He was green and sloppy throughout his first couple of months. What I like about him then is the same thing I like about him now. He refused to give up. He worked harder than any of the Superstars in the back and he sought knowledge and feedback from the veterans. His slogan, catchphrase, or code of Hustle, Loyalty, and Respect reigns true because he wasn't the most naturally gifted wrestler coming up, but he refused to give up and continued to work. Fast Forward to now, where he's one of the most reconizable figures in the history of the WWE and he carries the WWE flag better than anyone has ever done it. Never bitches, moans, or complains, just goes to work night in and night out and puts on memorable performances galore. He's what's good about the WWE and worth watching, no matter who he goes up against. One of my favorites of all time to watch. Up there with Rock, SCSA, and Hogan.
The only time I disliked Cena was when he walked down the ramp in his clownish two toned tight shorts on his debut amd took Kurt Angle to the limit. I thought that was foolish and unblievable. Anyhow after he got throught that circulation cutting short phase and rocked the jean shorts I thought dude was hilarious. The real reason I like him is because I love his car collection. He's my fellow Camaro brethren, so how can I hate dude?
I gained respect for Cena over the years because of how hard he works, in and out of the ring.

In ring it was during his feud with Umaga. Something about one of their matches made me respect Cena more than I ever had before, and at that point something clicked, and Ive liked him every since.

The man busts his ass for the business he loves and for his fans. Who cares what he tried to do before because what he's doing now, is so good its kept the WWE in business for the past several years.
Well Myriad I think it depends on what you're like as a person, your personal sense of humour. I find Cena's wackiness amusing, and it never gets old. I remember that one he did where he said "Oh no, my mom cancelled my subscription to Warcraft!" I was in stitches after this. Cena does not over-rely on catchphrases. Now obviously I am going to do the whole comparing Cena to the Rock thing, so here goes: I like Rocky's promos, they are usually pretty funny, but he has the same exact long set up every time. I know how it goes, word-for-word. We all do. Sure it's not always exactly the same, but the first couple of minutes are, and with Cena, that's not the case.

So in summary - I think Cena's promo work comes down to personal preference as to what makes a good promo.

Why do I like John Cena?

He's no more corny than anyone else. I thought The Rock was corny. He just cussed, that was the only difference. Rock made jokes about people being gay or a sissy, John does the same thing only he is restricted with PG. People say Cena "isn't funny" but here's something the Rock once said "Kane wants to buy the Undertaker chocolates, Undertaker wants to tickle Kane's big red nipple". How the FUCK is that any better than Cena's "toilet humor"? It's not. It's all the same. The only difference is people who like the Rock were kids then and they aren't now. I was a fan before Rock came along, so I don't look at it with the same nostalgia. Rock and Cena's promo styles are similar, and also a lot like Roddy Piper's. They do a lot of comedy. Then they get serious and it means more when they're serious. If you seriously think the Rock was any different than Cena then you're letting nostalgia get the best of you. "Poon tang your ass on out of here" is just a more crude version of what Cena says. Crudness doesn't make something more adult or funnier, unless you have a stupid, white trash mindset.

I quoted both of you together because both of you have made Rock-Cena comparisons. I would agree that they are true but in some ways their promo cutting styles are totally different. First of all I would like to clear that even though I like Rock, I would not really say that he is the greatest promo cutter of all time. I have always rated Austin higher because he could be funny though Rock was funnier. But he was much much better than Rock when it came to serious promos. Rock, I have always felt, was somewhat one dimensional on the mic.

But that is probably because he was so much funnier than almost everyone else. I do not think every Rock promo had toilet humor. One of his most famous promos was his promo on Billy Gunn at SummerSlam. Where is the toilet humor there? Actually listen closely to what Rock is saying in that promo and you will begin to understand why Rock said the same stuff as Cena and was hailed while people do not like Cena.

What Rock tells Billy, using more words than were needed, was that he sucked. But it was The Rock's style that made him so popular. It was not so much as to what he said but HOW he said it that made him so popular. He would interrupt his opponent's promo midway and say someting so fast and so awesome that his opponent would not be able to process it. By the time the other guy would get a chance to open his mouth, Rock would be back at him. That is what people loved to see.

It may seem like a pretty small thing but it is very important. Imagine Cena sayi ng "IT DOES NOT MATTER WHAT THE NAME IS!?" in half the volume with a goofy half grin on the face and after his opponent has said his piece. That won't work. Ever. And that is why Cena's corny jokes fail where Rock's corny jokes succeeded. Rock was more style than substance whereas Cena, when it comes to being a funny guy, has niether.
I quoted both of you together because both of you have made Rock-Cena comparisons. I would agree that they are true but in some ways their promo cutting styles are totally different. First of all I would like to clear that even though I like Rock, I would not really say that he is the greatest promo cutter of all time. I have always rated Austin higher because he could be funny though Rock was funnier. But he was much much better than Rock when it came to serious promos. Rock, I have always felt, was somewhat one dimensional on the mic.

Myriad/Rattlesnake - I bring this up purely because of my own neuroses, I hope you don't think that I like Cena just 'cause Sly does, as clear as it is that this is the case for some people here. I respect and, with regards to Cena, agree with his opinions, but it's not because he himself holds them.

I agree with you that Rock can be somewhat one-dimensional. That's the perfect way to describe his set up. In fact, his return promo this year was stand-out amongst them because of the way he changed between "The Rock" and "Dwayne". I dislike the concept of this but it was new and original as far as the Rock is concerned.

But that is probably because he was so much funnier than almost everyone else. I do not think every Rock promo had toilet humor. One of his most famous promos was his promo on Billy Gunn at SummerSlam. Where is the toilet humor there? Actually listen closely to what Rock is saying in that promo and you will begin to understand why Rock said the same stuff as Cena and was hailed while people do not like Cena.
What Rock tells Billy, using more words than were needed, was that he sucked. But it was The Rock's style that made him so popular. It was not so much as to what he said but HOW he said it that made him so popular. He would interrupt his opponent's promo midway and say someting so fast and so awesome that his opponent would not be able to process it. By the time the other guy would get a chance to open his mouth, Rock would be back at him. That is what people loved to see.
It may seem like a pretty small thing but it is very important. Imagine Cena sayi ng "IT DOES NOT MATTER WHAT THE NAME IS!?" in half the volume with a goofy half grin on the face and after his opponent has said his piece. That won't work. Ever. And that is why Cena's corny jokes fail where Rock's corny jokes succeeded. Rock was more style than substance whereas Cena, when it comes to being a funny guy, has niether.

I don't think Cena needs the substance, as much as I'll agree that he lacks it. And style - well, again, that's a matter of personal preference. Some kids might prefer Cena's "please laugh at my shtick" corn to the Rock's "respect me, I am a badass" promos. Cena backs up his words with his matches and his attitude fanbase, and just has a more likable personality for me personally. I see the recent Rock (as a character this is) as someone who simply expects, someone who demands, rather than earns, who is much more antagonistic on the mic, and also as someone who is relying on Cena hate to keep his own support. From a pure morality standpoint in the Cena/Rock feud, Rock should be a heel but isn't because he's too popular.

As for Cena's ring work, which we haven't discussed yet, it's fine, but the sort of fine that anyone could do. However, I will say that he does fuel his matches emotionally, in a way I always felt the Rock never could. The Rock shows emotion, during his matches, and he does respond well to the audience, yes, but he doesn't do it in the same "Powered by the Fans' Love" way that Cena does. Corny? Yes. But effective.

Cena's simply the more traditionally 'heroic' character, and sometimes even wrestling just needs a breather from all the badass anti-hero types.

I agree with you in a lot of ways but at the same time, I think you're looking for what made the Rock good in Cena, when Cena is good for different reasons.

By the way I dig the name change, it's cool.
I quoted both of you together because both of you have made Rock-Cena comparisons. I would agree that they are true but in some ways their promo cutting styles are totally different. First of all I would like to clear that even though I like Rock, I would not really say that he is the greatest promo cutter of all time. I have always rated Austin higher because he could be funny though Rock was funnier. But he was much much better than Rock when it came to serious promos. Rock, I have always felt, was somewhat one dimensional on the mic.

But that is probably because he was so much funnier than almost everyone else. I do not think every Rock promo had toilet humor. One of his most famous promos was his promo on Billy Gunn at SummerSlam. Where is the toilet humor there? Actually listen closely to what Rock is saying in that promo and you will begin to understand why Rock said the same stuff as Cena and was hailed while people do not like Cena.

What Rock tells Billy, using more words than were needed, was that he sucked. But it was The Rock's style that made him so popular. It was not so much as to what he said but HOW he said it that made him so popular. He would interrupt his opponent's promo midway and say someting so fast and so awesome that his opponent would not be able to process it. By the time the other guy would get a chance to open his mouth, Rock would be back at him. That is what people loved to see.

It may seem like a pretty small thing but it is very important. Imagine Cena sayi ng "IT DOES NOT MATTER WHAT THE NAME IS!?" in half the volume with a goofy half grin on the face and after his opponent has said his piece. That won't work. Ever. And that is why Cena's corny jokes fail where Rock's corny jokes succeeded. Rock was more style than substance whereas Cena, when it comes to being a funny guy, has niether.
I agree with the "how Rock says stuff" white trash people and smarks like Rocks' promos more because he uses a deeper voice and cusses. However, I disagree about the content.

Just like Rock, Cena uses toilet humor and corny (yes the Rock was corny, cussing doesn't negate that) phrases 90% of the time. Then when it's time, they could both get serious.

It's a very subjective situation, but I'm just saying that as someone with somewhat of a marketing background, The Rock's style simply appealed to the type of people who post here more. A lot of older people didn't like Rock because he was too crude. They'd admit that he was entertaining, but a lot of people put a lot of value in an entertainer benig family-friendly.
Some people just don't get. Just putting it out that YES I am a Cena Hater.

It's NOT John Cena the every day person we hate, it's his silly character that he's been playing the exact same for 5 years now. Him out of the ring I respect him sure, because he takes time out to help others, give back to the fans and help the business. But that's not even one bit relevant to the discussion..

John Cena THE WRESTLING CHARACTER is stupid. And let me tell you why. He says the corniest, cheesiest things I've ever heard a human say. See this:

He's had the same character for 5 years like I earlier stated, and as a result of that it's as stale as stale can be. I mean, look back a few years at his character. Now look at it today. See any differences? No, only a different coloured shirt and frankly that's just not enough. I can't take him one bit seriously when he turns into a soldier as 'declares war', then starts yelling into the mic with a straight face as if the world's about to end. I guess you could say he's just too much.

But fact is, he's a children's character. He tends to the kids, which is fine. I'm just saying why teenagers/adults dislike him so strongly. And I'm 18 in 2 weeks, just putting that out there.

i dont hate cena he's ok to me but i do get annoyed, that every week he has to win but i guess it make's the little jimmys happy
Okay I found this whole thing funny. Especially the whole why would you boo someone who is preaching morals and values we should all live by. So let me get this straight. You are confused when people boo Cena, yet the WWE Universe booed the crap out of CM Punk and he was preaching about not doing drugs and smoking and drinking.

Natural reaction considering Punk was being pushed as a heel then. Being a good person (Cena's message) is not the same as "I WILL TELL YOU WHAT YOU SHOULD AND SHOULD NOT DO" (Punk's message at the time). I guess subtlety is lost on you.

Those are values that I myself live by, and every WWE superstar should take a page out of his book, that way we aren't having all these drug test failures every other week or month. But, I guess in your mind those aren't the values that matter, so Punk can get booed over and over and that's okay, yet Cena goods booed and you whine.

Whoa there, McGruff. Simmer the fuck down already.

I hate Cena not because he is a "good guy" as you put it. I hate Cena because I think Cena is nothing but someone who pretends to do it for the fans yet is all about how much he can make. That way he can go out and fill his giant house with more expensive cars, yet claim to be from the streets and be with the fans yet his so far about them it is not even funny.

So, essentially, you're just jealous because he makes money. I mean, all of the time he spends out of the ring doing good work for good people means nothing to you because he makes good money. Butt hurt venom at it's finest. Please, go on.

He tries to act all goody goody and pretend that the thousands of people booing him every night doesn't bother him, but I bet it really eats him up inside, since like you said he is being the good guy, the superhero everyone should look up to. Hogan was asking himself the same thing in 1996 when he would make one of his rare appearances, when he decided he was going to grace the fans with his presence, and he would hear boos. That's when the NWO was born shortly after and the rest was history.

Yes, I'm certain Cena cries himself to sleep because of the fans who boo him....NOT! You ever stop and think to yourself that you take this way too seriously? The nWo was born because Bischoff needed something to turn heads and get ratings for Nitro, the decision to turn Hogan heel was never the plan but was the solution they came up with to complete it. And it was, again, Bischoff's idea, not Hogan's. I guess it's still real to you, though.

See, everyone on hear wants to talk about how much money he makes and he can't be turned heel because they will lose money. Yet, when the NWO was born, everybody had a shirt. Those shirts were selling more than any shirt WCW was releasing. The NWO were heels yet sold a lot of merchandise. Stone Cold Steve Austin was a heel in 1996 yet everyone and their mom had an Austin 3:16 shirt didn't they. If the WWE doesn't think they will make money with John Cena being heel, why bother even making tshirts and merchandise about heels in the first place.

1996 was a different time with different fans wanting a different product. And furthermore, history showed that the nWo juggernaut was not nearly as dependable as Cena's run at the top has been. The nWo ran out of gas in a matter of years, relegated to sporadic rebirths and such for the rest of time, all of which were jokes.

Im sick of people going on about Cena being a hard worker, reliable, 'he always gives 101%', he puts in more hours than anyone on the roster, 'he actually CAN wrestle' and so on and so forth.

I dont care if Cena is a hard worker. So is Dolph Ziggler. But Dolph can SELL. Cena cant. And I know how Super Cena is limited to the 5 moves of doom because of his gimmick and the money it makes for Vince, but lets face it, he is about as technically sound in the ring as Kelly Kelly when it comes to chain wrestling and submissions. Id like to think that if Maven had been on top for 5 years, wrestling people like Shawn, Hunter, and Kurt night in and night out he would be able to pick somthing up.

Bitter much? When did everything in wrestling come down to chains and submission? If that's the case, why isn't Dean Malenko at the top of everyone's favorite list? Is it possibly, and tell me if I'm wrong here asshole, that there's more to wrestling than just flashy chain moves and technical superiority? Just maybe?

Wrestling 10 good matches in your career doesnt make you a good worker when theyre against the greats. Ric Flair used to go from territory to territory making their top guys look good, for the betterment of the business. Its old hat.

No, it's his charisma, his work ethic, his marketability, and the fact that he is almost as recognizable as greats like Hogan and Austin and Rock to non-fans that make him a great worker. It's that he can work long runs and miss little time to injury, and that he really doesn't injure others with his work that makes him a good worker. Got anything else, chump?

Cena is good for business so Vince will ride the Cena train till the armbands fall off.

I dont care whats 'good for business', I dont care if he 'works hard'. WWE insults the intelligence of fans over the age of 12 with his 'I respect you, but god strike me down if I wont go without a fight' cheesy schtick that no-one buys but the aforementioned kiddies. Week in and week out we have to listen to him say lots of nothing and squash better talent that will never get his spot because they dont dress like the Power Rangers and drop the leg, brother!

Wow, you really do take this all way too seriously. You are a bitter jaded burnt out old man; you really expect Cena to say anything that you will believe? I fail to see how it's insulting to anyone but, again, burnt out old assholes like you that somehow have a grudge against the business simply because it passed you by. And please, tell me what talent Cena has squashed. I see Sheamus (over after his run against Cena), Miz (over after his run against Cena), Punk (over after his run against Cena)....c'mon now, surely since you can run your mouth like this you can come up with some examples.

If I didn enjoy watching Hogan V2 dominate WWE TV for the past 5+ years, it means nothing. Until the WWE change their target audience (if they ever do) Im afraid we must suffer him for the long haul. Atleast we get two or more good matches each RAW until he bursts onto our screens like a hyperactive Ronald MacDonald. And because of that, I will continue to watch.

So you hate the product, you hate that you feel you aren't the target audience anymore, and yet you're going to continue watching it why? Again, you reek of a bitter old man angry that time has passed you by. Get the fuck over yourself.

Ok i think John Cenas gimmick is 15 years too late maybe even 20 years too late! Its the whole goody-too-shoes its like a governor kissing babies helping old ladies cross the street to get elected!! I think John Cena is in a hopeless situation right now!! He has that goody-too-shoes attitude doesnt ever lose at least not clean anyway and is adored by kids and women!! I do like John Cena no doubt hes strong as hell and he can wrestle if you dont believe me check out his earlier tapes!!! I think the reason guys hate him its cuz of his gimmick we just dont buy it you know!! Hogan wound up being a liar maybe the same thing we fear will happen again with Cena!!!

Settle down with those exclamation points, son. And, as has been demonstrated here, Cena is liked by much more than just kids and women. In fact, he is liked by guys demonstrably smarter than you, so go chew on that.

I agree with the "how Rock says stuff" white trash people and smarks like Rocks' promos more because he uses a deeper voice and cusses. However, I disagree about the content.

Only white trash and smarks like Rock? Lulz. You really are a bag of cliches, asshole.

It's a very subjective situation, but I'm just saying that as someone with somewhat of a marketing background, The Rock's style simply appealed to the type of people who post here more. A lot of older people didn't like Rock because he was too crude. They'd admit that he was entertaining, but a lot of people put a lot of value in an entertainer benig family-friendly.

First of all, LULZ at you dick riding your "marketing background" again. Didn't you say you hadn't finished school yet? What's funny is that even with that "background" you still usually come off as not knowing what the fuck you are talking about, as is clear when you usually can't respond to anyone calling you out without harping on about said background and education, or with some petty retort against the IWC, or some shitty line about Coca-Cola.

Second of all, the fans who like Cena now are the same fans who would have loved Rock then, and vice versa. They really aren't any different other than being from different times. The characters had some differences (Rock was more in your face and insulting while Cena is a bit more tongue-in-cheek about it) but really they both walk that same line. Please, tell me more about how Rock fans are all white trash; besides sounding terribly uneducated and ignorant, this also comes off as prejudiced.

i dont hate cena he's ok to me but i do get annoyed, that every week he has to win but i guess it make's the little jimmys happy

So then why aren't you happy?

For my part, while far from my favorite I enjoy Cena because he's a good worker, a good persona for wrestling, and because *gasp* he's entertaining for the most part. His work with Rock earlier this year impressed the hell out of me because he made Rock look foolish at times, which isn't an easy feat. His recent work with Punk shows that even in this day he's got some great ring skills in him (far from being a "Kelly Kelly"). He's an alright guy. Boring sometimes, sure. 2.5 dimensional? Maybe. But still entertaining to me, and that's all that really matters as far as I'm concerened. Also, his entrance music is pretty tops (and Rock trying to mock it was pretty lame).
Some people just don't get. Just putting it out that YES I am a Cena Hater.

It's NOT John Cena the every day person we hate, it's his silly character that he's been playing the exact same for 5 years now. Him out of the ring I respect him sure, because he takes time out to help others, give back to the fans and help the business. But that's not even one bit relevant to the discussion..

John Cena THE WRESTLING CHARACTER is stupid. And let me tell you why. He says the corniest, cheesiest things I've ever heard a human say. See this:

He's had the same character for 5 years like I earlier stated, and as a result of that it's as stale as stale can be. I mean, look back a few years at his character. Now look at it today. See any differences? No, only a different coloured shirt and frankly that's just not enough. I can't take him one bit seriously when he turns into a soldier as 'declares war', then starts yelling into the mic with a straight face as if the world's about to end. I guess you could say he's just too much.

But fact is, he's a children's character. He tends to the kids, which is fine. I'm just saying why teenagers/adults dislike him so strongly. And I'm 18 in 2 weeks, just putting that out there.


What's funny is how all of these teenagers keep saying why "teens/adults dislike him so strongly", and yet fail to point out it's usually just 16-24 year old males that don't like him. And even then, it's not all 16-24 year old males that dislike him, it's just that the majority of those who do fall in that age range.

Many adults don't have a problem with him. Many teenagers don't have a problem with Cena. Why? Because the younger children haven't gotten old enough to be dumb, and many adults have grown up enough to realize there's more to life than what you realize there is at age 20. That's not an attack on Cena fans, it's just a truth of most people in that 16-24 age range. I count myself among them when I was 18.

There has long been a culture in this country for a late teen/early adult "rebellion" against authority. It's the time we pull away from our caretakers, and learn how to be responsible adults ourselves. As such, we gravitate away from those who represent what we know as the status quo, the idea of being told what is good and what is bad is something we wish to find out ourselves. That's why so many 16-24 year old males who say they dislike John Cena, because they think it makes them "different" and sometimes even "cool" to boo someone they recognize as passing along the same values so many of our parents tried to instill in us from an early age.

Why do I know it's not things like stale character or childish humor that repels people? Because these same people who boo Cena will cheer for every DX reunion, such as when they pour poop over the heads of the McMahons, or make Vince sound like a rooster. These same people will gush over the latest Undertaker match, a man who has the same gimmick now he had 20 years ago when he first debuted in the company, except he has added the ability to do magic. When I see these people who claim they don't like Cena because he's stale or because he's targeted to kids, and then pop for childish and tired acts like DX and the Undertaker, it just shows they don't really dislike Cena because of staleness or childishness, it's because they're just simply trying to be different.

At the end of the day, those who profess a dislike for John Cena, for whatever reason it may be, usually do so for either ignorant, silly, or childish reasons. Those who cannot relate to John Cena? Fair enough, no one relates to every wrestler. But it's so funny to see all of these 16-24 year old males who come on wrestling boards to bash John Cena make blanket statements claiming all teenagers and adults dislike Cena, considering their ignorance of what it's like to be an adult.

Oh, and I'm 27 in 3 weeks, just putting THAT out there.
What's funny is how all of these teenagers keep saying why "teens/adults dislike him so strongly", and yet fail to point out it's usually just 16-24 year old males that don't like him. And even then, it's not all 16-24 year old males that dislike him, it's just that the majority of those who do fall in that age range.

Many adults don't have a problem with him. Many teenagers don't have a problem with Cena. Why? Because the younger children haven't gotten old enough to be dumb, and many adults have grown up enough to realize there's more to life than what you realize there is at age 20. That's not an attack on Cena fans, it's just a truth of most people in that 16-24 age range. I count myself among them when I was 18.

There has long been a culture in this country for a late teen/early adult "rebellion" against authority. It's the time we pull away from our caretakers, and learn how to be responsible adults ourselves. As such, we gravitate away from those who represent what we know as the status quo, the idea of being told what is good and what is bad is something we wish to find out ourselves. That's why so many 16-24 year old males who say they dislike John Cena, because they think it makes them "different" and sometimes even "cool" to boo someone they recognize as passing along the same values so many of our parents tried to instill in us from an early age.

Why do I know it's not things like stale character or childish humor that repels people? Because these same people who boo Cena will cheer for every DX reunion, such as when they pour poop over the heads of the McMahons, or make Vince sound like a rooster. These same people will gush over the latest Undertaker match, a man who has the same gimmick now he had 20 years ago when he first debuted in the company, except he has added the ability to do magic. When I see these people who claim they don't like Cena because he's stale or because he's targeted to kids, and then pop for childish and tired acts like DX and the Undertaker, it just shows they don't really dislike Cena because of staleness or childishness, it's because they're just simply trying to be different.

At the end of the day, those who profess a dislike for John Cena, for whatever reason it may be, usually do so for either ignorant, silly, or childish reasons. Those who cannot relate to John Cena? Fair enough, no one relates to every wrestler. But it's so funny to see all of these 16-24 year old males who come on wrestling boards to bash John Cena make blanket statements claiming all teenagers and adults dislike Cena, considering their ignorance of what it's like to be an adult.

Oh, and I'm 27 in 3 weeks, just putting THAT out there.

Ill say again I'm not a fan of Cena because I find his character stale, I'm bored with it, I don't dislike him, I am not a Cena hater, and a few years ago I didn't mind his character at all. Now Im not trying to be different, neither am I childish or ignorant! What I would consider ignorant is refusing to accept that individuals express opinions which are honest and are based upon their own personal preferences, as to what they consider entertaining, and what they like or dislike.

Is it that difficult to understand that maybe after watching five years of what is fundermentally the same thing each and every week that people, maybe just maybe might become a bit tired of it? Personally I don't have to relate to a preformer to like them, I'm either entertained or Im not!

Stating that your bored of something, and then explaining why is not childish or ignorant, making sweeping statements like people who find Cena stale are ignorant, 16-24 olds have don't know what its like to be an adult? Thats ignorance of the highest order! And then to top it all off you make a snide remark aimed at the poster you where replying to, while at the same time calling everyone else childish! :( Have you every heard the saying about people in glass houses?
I agree with the "how Rock says stuff" white trash people and smarks like Rocks' promos more because he uses a deeper voice and cusses. However, I disagree about the content.

Just like Rock, Cena uses toilet humor and corny (yes the Rock was corny, cussing doesn't negate that) phrases 90% of the time. Then when it's time, they could both get serious.

It's a very subjective situation, but I'm just saying that as someone with somewhat of a marketing background, The Rock's style simply appealed to the type of people who post here more. A lot of older people didn't like Rock because he was too crude. They'd admit that he was entertaining, but a lot of people put a lot of value in an entertainer benig family-friendly.

There are two things that I want to say.

1) You have misunderstood my point. When I said Rock had style, I was not talking about the cussing at all, I was talking about the manner in which he spoke. It would be a huge error to state that Rock only appealed to the white trash public. It is generally said that while Stone Cold was the hero for the adult males in the crowd, The Rock was the man for the kids and the women. What do you think they were attracted to? The cussing? Nope. They were attracted to the manner in which he spoke, deep booming voice, talking at the rate of knots, not letting his opponent get a word in and all the jazz. This is exactly what Cena lacks. I am pretty sure that if you asked an 8 or 10 year old in the crowd to explain exactly what Rock had said, he would fail to do so but he would surely say that it was something cool.

2) It is not fair to defend Cena's corny humor by saying that The Rock was corny as well. Cena is an All American Babyface, the stereotypical good guy, the wholesome family friendly hero, The Rock wasn't. You're a huge believer in the fact that people should behave according to their respective characters inside the ring. Tell me, do you really thing that a character like Cena should make corny jokes about pooping and sex?

A huge part of The Rock's character was making fun of his opponents. He was a comedian jock. That isn't Cena's character. He talks about anti bullying and all that sort of stuff and yet he is not averse to using a poop joke on his opponent? How does any of this make sense?

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