Okay I found this whole thing funny. Especially the whole why would you boo someone who is preaching morals and values we should all live by. So let me get this straight. You are confused when people boo Cena, yet the WWE Universe booed the crap out of CM Punk and he was preaching about not doing drugs and smoking and drinking.
Natural reaction considering Punk was being pushed as a heel then. Being a good person (Cena's message) is not the same as "I WILL TELL YOU WHAT YOU SHOULD AND SHOULD NOT DO" (Punk's message at the time). I guess subtlety is lost on you.
Those are values that I myself live by, and every WWE superstar should take a page out of his book, that way we aren't having all these drug test failures every other week or month. But, I guess in your mind those aren't the values that matter, so Punk can get booed over and over and that's okay, yet Cena goods booed and you whine.
Whoa there, McGruff. Simmer the fuck down already.
I hate Cena not because he is a "good guy" as you put it. I hate Cena because I think Cena is nothing but someone who pretends to do it for the fans yet is all about how much he can make. That way he can go out and fill his giant house with more expensive cars, yet claim to be from the streets and be with the fans yet his so far about them it is not even funny.
So, essentially, you're just jealous because he makes money. I mean, all of the time he spends out of the ring doing good work for good people means nothing to you because he makes good money. Butt hurt venom at it's finest. Please, go on.
He tries to act all goody goody and pretend that the thousands of people booing him every night doesn't bother him, but I bet it really eats him up inside, since like you said he is being the good guy, the superhero everyone should look up to. Hogan was asking himself the same thing in 1996 when he would make one of his rare appearances, when he decided he was going to grace the fans with his presence, and he would hear boos. That's when the NWO was born shortly after and the rest was history.
Yes, I'm certain Cena cries himself to sleep because of the fans who boo him....NOT! You ever stop and think to yourself that you take this way too seriously? The nWo was born because Bischoff needed something to turn heads and get ratings for Nitro, the decision to turn Hogan heel was never the plan but was the solution they came up with to complete it. And it was, again, Bischoff's idea, not Hogan's. I guess it's still real to you, though.
See, everyone on hear wants to talk about how much money he makes and he can't be turned heel because they will lose money. Yet, when the NWO was born, everybody had a shirt. Those shirts were selling more than any shirt WCW was releasing. The NWO were heels yet sold a lot of merchandise. Stone Cold Steve Austin was a heel in 1996 yet everyone and their mom had an Austin 3:16 shirt didn't they. If the WWE doesn't think they will make money with John Cena being heel, why bother even making tshirts and merchandise about heels in the first place.
1996 was a different time with different fans wanting a different product. And furthermore, history showed that the nWo juggernaut was not nearly as dependable as Cena's run at the top has been. The nWo ran out of gas in a matter of years, relegated to sporadic rebirths and such for the rest of time, all of which were jokes.
Im sick of people going on about Cena being a hard worker, reliable, 'he always gives 101%', he puts in more hours than anyone on the roster, 'he actually CAN wrestle' and so on and so forth.
I dont care if Cena is a hard worker. So is Dolph Ziggler. But Dolph can SELL. Cena cant. And I know how Super Cena is limited to the 5 moves of doom because of his gimmick and the money it makes for Vince, but lets face it, he is about as technically sound in the ring as Kelly Kelly when it comes to chain wrestling and submissions. Id like to think that if Maven had been on top for 5 years, wrestling people like Shawn, Hunter, and Kurt night in and night out he would be able to pick somthing up.
Bitter much? When did everything in wrestling come down to chains and submission? If that's the case, why isn't Dean Malenko at the top of everyone's favorite list? Is it possibly, and tell me if I'm wrong here asshole, that there's more to wrestling than just flashy chain moves and technical superiority? Just maybe?
Wrestling 10 good matches in your career doesnt make you a good worker when theyre against the greats. Ric Flair used to go from territory to territory making their top guys look good, for the betterment of the business. Its old hat.
No, it's his charisma, his work ethic, his marketability, and the fact that he is almost as recognizable as greats like Hogan and Austin and Rock to non-fans that make him a great worker. It's that he can work long runs and miss little time to injury, and that he really doesn't injure others with his work that makes him a good worker. Got anything else, chump?
Cena is good for business so Vince will ride the Cena train till the armbands fall off.
I dont care whats 'good for business', I dont care if he 'works hard'. WWE insults the intelligence of fans over the age of 12 with his 'I respect you, but god strike me down if I wont go without a fight' cheesy schtick that no-one buys but the aforementioned kiddies. Week in and week out we have to listen to him say lots of nothing and squash better talent that will never get his spot because they dont dress like the Power Rangers and drop the leg, brother!
Wow, you really do take this all way too seriously. You are a bitter jaded burnt out old man; you really expect Cena to say anything that you will believe? I fail to see how it's insulting to anyone but, again, burnt out old assholes like you that somehow have a grudge against the business simply because it passed you by. And please, tell me what talent Cena has squashed. I see Sheamus (over after his run against Cena), Miz (over after his run against Cena), Punk (over after his run against Cena)....c'mon now, surely since you can run your mouth like this you can come up with some examples.
If I didn enjoy watching Hogan V2 dominate WWE TV for the past 5+ years, it means nothing. Until the WWE change their target audience (if they ever do) Im afraid we must suffer him for the long haul. Atleast we get two or more good matches each RAW until he bursts onto our screens like a hyperactive Ronald MacDonald. And because of that, I will continue to watch.
So you hate the product, you hate that you feel you aren't the target audience anymore, and yet you're going to continue watching it why? Again, you reek of a bitter old man angry that time has passed you by. Get the fuck over yourself.
Ok i think John Cenas gimmick is 15 years too late maybe even 20 years too late! Its the whole goody-too-shoes its like a governor kissing babies helping old ladies cross the street to get elected!! I think John Cena is in a hopeless situation right now!! He has that goody-too-shoes attitude doesnt ever lose at least not clean anyway and is adored by kids and women!! I do like John Cena no doubt hes strong as hell and he can wrestle if you dont believe me check out his earlier tapes!!! I think the reason guys hate him its cuz of his gimmick we just dont buy it you know!! Hogan wound up being a liar maybe the same thing we fear will happen again with Cena!!!
Settle down with those exclamation points, son. And, as has been demonstrated here, Cena is liked by much more than just kids and women. In fact, he is liked by guys demonstrably smarter than you, so go chew on that.
I agree with the "how Rock says stuff" white trash people and smarks like Rocks' promos more because he uses a deeper voice and cusses. However, I disagree about the content.
Only white trash and smarks like Rock? Lulz. You really are a bag of cliches, asshole.
It's a very subjective situation, but I'm just saying that as someone with somewhat of a marketing background, The Rock's style simply appealed to the type of people who post here more. A lot of older people didn't like Rock because he was too crude. They'd admit that he was entertaining, but a lot of people put a lot of value in an entertainer benig family-friendly.
First of all, LULZ at you dick riding your "marketing background" again. Didn't you say you hadn't finished school yet? What's funny is that even with that "background" you still usually come off as not knowing what the fuck you are talking about, as is clear when you usually can't respond to anyone calling you out without harping on about said background and education, or with some petty retort against the IWC, or some shitty line about Coca-Cola.
Second of all, the fans who like Cena now are the same fans who would have loved Rock then, and vice versa. They really aren't any different other than being from different times. The characters had some differences (Rock was more in your face and insulting while Cena is a bit more tongue-in-cheek about it) but really they both walk that same line. Please, tell me more about how Rock fans are all white trash; besides sounding terribly uneducated and ignorant, this also comes off as prejudiced.
i dont hate cena he's ok to me but i do get annoyed, that every week he has to win but i guess it make's the little jimmys happy
So then why aren't you happy?
For my part, while far from my favorite I enjoy Cena because he's a good worker, a good persona for wrestling, and because *gasp* he's entertaining for the most part. His work with Rock earlier this year impressed the hell out of me because he made Rock look foolish at times, which isn't an easy feat. His recent work with Punk shows that even in this day he's got some great ring skills in him (far from being a "Kelly Kelly"). He's an alright guy. Boring sometimes, sure. 2.5 dimensional? Maybe. But still entertaining to me, and that's all that really matters as far as I'm concerened. Also, his entrance music is pretty tops (and Rock trying to mock it was pretty lame).