Why John Cena?


David French changed my life
If you believe what you hear in the IWC, he can't wrestle, he can't talk, he is boring and bland, protected to the hilt the superhero kids love and anyone over the age of twelve loves to hate! I can vouch for the kids bit, to my young daughter, Cena is god, mentioned about 50 times a day in our household, brainwashed by the bright red shirt, it a hopeless situation lol

I'm not a Cena fan, from a creative standpoint I feel sorry for him, trapped by his own success, as Iv stated in previous posts Super Cena = $$$$$$$$ so who can blame the WWE or Cena for milking that cow, there's not to much he can do with the character and that's why I'm not a fan I'm bored with Super Cena.

However many people on these forums are fans, there not pre-teen kids, there smarks with excellent knowledge of wrestling and they love Cena. The arenas are not full of only kids cheering for Cena, wearing Cena shirts and holding Cena signs, and all of his 8 million or so FB are not just kids.

So Cena fans, what is it you like about John Cena? I'm generally interested to know, 'I'll add at this point, I do think Cena can wrestle, I do think he has charisma and mic skills, and this is in no way a Cena bashing thread!

Your thoughts?
Personally I'm ok with John Cena. Let's face it.. If the WWE need someone to represent them and bring in some younger fans to the product then it's John Cena. He's just so appealing to the kids(including your daughter) that Vince loves him for it. Plus he's a good talker I don't know what you're listening to. And he's limited in the ring because of his character(do you honestly see Cena performing roundhouse kicks and sharpshooters? It wouldn't fit his character at all). And how is Cena not charismatic? He comes out to a mixed reaction every week sure. But he gets everyone on their feet whether they're cheering him or booing him. Plus another thing I like about Cena is the way he makes the young talent look good when they're against him. Just look at the way Cena was selling the way Ziggler and Swagger were dominating him. It looked like Cena got lucky with them arguing and him pulling off the win because of it.

I'm not a John Cena hater. And I'm not his biggest fan. But I respect him for his dedication to this business. He's a very hard worker and has been wrestling with injuries as of late to give back to his fans and for his love for this business. He's exactly what the WWE needs right now. He's the main person attracting all the young audience that the WWE wants to tune in every week. And CM Punk is probably the main reason for the older audience enjoying the show because of his edgy character and great in ring and mic skills. So as long as we have guys like Punk entertaining us long time hardcore fans that actually understand what he's saying then I'm not complaining.
It's just his work ethic, he may not go about it the same way CM Punk has recently, but Cena wants the business succeed, he's almost married to it. His character at the moment is what most people complain about but he's not always been that guy, he's developed into that guy and actually it's almost who he is. He doesn't give up and he fights until his last breath, that's who the guy is so it's not even a character anymore. Some people really are like that, and they are usually disliked by everyone around them as everyone around them is flat out jelous, and i think that's all this is, Cena is in essence a reason for everyone to be jelous, the guy isn't Jericho in the ring or Kurt Angle, but he makes it work and he works hard at it. He might not be the Rock on the microphone but he tries, he adapts and tries to improve and it works for him. People are just jelous of his success and there's always that element of 'well i could do a better job than him' when in actuality, if you could, you'd be there instead.
I think John Cena is the only person in the two major american promotions that can play the hand he's dealt. Not a TNA basher, but couldn't you see a character like John Cena's being a reason that company hasn't taken off yet? To have a character that can tell a high stakes story in & out of ring(unless they're people that were legends 15 years ago) is something I don't see from that company.

But every sport pushes their sport around men that has strong character & unyielding ability. NFL, Peyton Manning. MLB, Derek Jeter.

At this point, I look at John Cena like the NBA's Lebron James. He's shown throughout the years that he has the ability to keep you watching & entertained. Yet in high stakes, big pressure moments, he falls flat. You may think of Punk's matches as a rebuttal, but Cena's been at the top of the card all year and those are the only matches this year that are considered MOTY material(Miz's rematch for the belt was good, but not of that quality).

I'm a fan of John Cena. I believe he caters to young & old alike. I believe every main eventer has their 5 moves, just not as noticeable as him. I believe he's exactly where he needs to be. I just hope they can continue letting him get his tv time, just not too much.
The thing with John Cena is that he's about 25 years too late. Back in the 80's the "take your vitamins" all around good guy thing worked for literally everyone. Little kids loved it and adults loved it as well. But this was back in an age where things seemed much simpler, more routine. Good guys were cheered no matter what and bad guys were booed. It was a pretty simple formula at the time. Good wholesome sitcom television shows with morals and values existed as well, nobody knew athletes were 'cheating', etc.

Since then, things have changed so much, not only in the industry...but the world that surrounds us as well...where that no longer is the case. Family sitcoms no longer exist and have been replaced by raunchy sex induced sitcoms and/or violent dramas. People trust each other much less as the world has fallen apart in many ways over the years. And we can't forget to mention the fact that the late 90's combo of the NWO and the 'Attitude Era' made way for not only the 'bad guys' to be cheered and rooted for, but also represented basically the all-out eradication of good-guys in general. Most "wholesome" good guys are viewed as comic relief as both good guys and bad guys are foul mouthed, use sexual innuendos, cheat, and are basically the same thing. The only thing that differs between the two today...is the fact that one makes fun of the fans and the other works the fans positively. There really is no longer any major difference at all.

That being said, this is why John Cena is beloved by little kids...because he represents the superhero good guy (they don't understand his foul mouth or sexual innuendos yet) - and the adults have seen it before and are more or less sick of it.

I personally don't mind him...but he seems to be stuck in limbo as he's the Hulk Hogan like superhero who tries to somewhat have a "Rock" type edge while on the mic and I think people just become more confused haha. Winning the World Title every other week doesn't help his chances either. That automatically makes people angry and rightfully so.
I don't like the character, I found him mildly entertaining in the early 2000s where he was calling The Big Show nicknames like "Baloney Tits". It's amusing how the rapper gimmick what was probably only intended to be a one time gag (his dressing up like Vanilla Ice for a Halloween special of SmackDown led to the next level of his career) but somehow it carried over into the next week and thereafter, albeit with a retooling of course (I think it's safe to say that if Cena kept up with the Vanilla Ice garb he'd have been in the WWE archives along with Phantasio and Tekno Team 2000).

I digress though, Cena has an it factor no matter what any of the haters want to say, again like I said I dislike the character strongly but the guy puts on a great show. Kids love the character and kids are a target audience it's just like the way it was when Hulk Hogan was on top all those years. The youth audience are always going to influence the overall product, no doubt about that.

Despite the fact that people deride Cena for being so Hogan like is something I sometimes have an issue with. Yes, I realize that like Hogan he beats insurmountable odds a lot and wins quite often more often probably than a lot of his non-fans want to see. However to be fair to Cena, there have been heels that have gotten the better of Cena on several occasions...Edge, Big Show and Randy Orton all have had big wins come at the expense of John Cena and before a lot of IWC crybabies want to say "oh but that was a cheap victory, the heels had to cheat to win"...that's where I say "No shit, that's what the job of the heel is SUPPOSED to be." The Cena character has to be preserved somehow and that's the way it has to be, as the top good guy he just can't lose fairly against a heel, honestly at this point in his career while he's still a top draw that won't fly.

Plus he has even lost cleanly more often than Hogan did in his mega-80s run. Just watch Night Of Champions 2008 where he wrestled Triple H and that special UK Edition of RAW after WrestleMania 23 where he lost to HBK. Those were great matches and went back and forth and Cena came up short in those efforts. Granted the latter against HBK was a non-title match but still Cena came up as the loser in those matches.

Plus Cena has been shown to pull off a good match, there's no doubt that, I can dislike the character all I want but I can't let it blind me to his ability to go in the ring. WrestleMania 23 against Shawn Michaels I honestly put down as one of my favorite WrestleMania matches ever, more so I think because I was a huge HBK mark growing up, but I am not going to undersell Cena's work in that match either. HBK is great but that whole simplification of HBK being able to carry a five star match with a broom is bullshit, let's be honest. If that rationale were to be true that would therefore mean that any one of us without any formal training in wrestling whatsoever could just go and have a five star match with HBK ourselves. Which I think we should all be logical enough to know is a farcical statement.

Cena winning the title often has gotten a little redundant however the hot potatoing of titles in wrestling is just plain annoying period. No matter who is winning it.

But yeah this is not a clear cut issue and I maintain my stance, I dislike Cena for his character and not his wrestling abilities, I think in this era where the ante in several ways has had to be upped with the fact that there are more PPVs and more gimmick matches, Cena is the guy that has clearly shown he can handle the demands of a WWE that's obviously different than what I grew up with when it was still the WWF.
So Cena fans, what is it you like about John Cena? I'm generally interested to know, 'I'll add at this point, I do think Cena can wrestle, I do think he has charisma and mic skills, and this is in no way a Cena bashing thread!

Your thoughts?
I like John Cena because he's one of the best wrestlers in the world. He gives 100% in every match, he goes out of his way to make his opponents look good (when applicable, a match designed to be a squash doesn't count), he's put on numerous memorable bouts over the years, and I love the message his character sends. Somehow, over the last 20 years, the idea of doing the right thing, working hard, having character and respect has become something to boo. Not sure why being an honorable and productive human being has become a bad thing, but for so many, it apparently has. Which just shows how awful some people really are, the fact they would boo a man who preaches morals and values we should all live our lives by.

But more than just what you see on screen, it's what he does off-screen that has garnered my respect. All the time he dedicates to Make a Wish foundation (one of the most requested and fulfilled requests ever), all the time he spends with fans, the fact you never hear about him getting into trouble (Jeff Hardy anyone?), the way he seems to genuinely enjoy his job and has taken so much time to improve at it, the story I remember where he took time out of his workout to talk to a girl who was too shy to talk to him, etc. All of these things suggest that not only is Cena a quality human being on camera, he's a quality human being off of it as well.

People ask all the time why we like Cena, but the better question is why don't you? Because his character preaches noble things? Because he's a good guy? Because he works a wrestling style every WWE face works? Because his company books him to be in the main-events because they know it'll make them money? The reasons to like Cena are long and plentiful, but the reasons to dislike him just seem silly and childish.
John Cena is an unfortunate victim of human nature. Human nature, with regards to media and entertainment, works like this:

- Something gets popular. Actual quality is a very small factor.
- Popularity grows, and people say "it's taking X by storm" or "it's sweeping the nation" or "Bieber Fever" or whatever.
- Some people who are afraid of their image and want to be seen as smarter than/cooler than/different from the crowd, start to hate. These people are often pseudo-intellectual.
- Foolish people actually buy into supposed smartness/coolness of the first haters, and the pseudo-intellectuals, and jump on the bandwagon.
- Hatedom is born, and may even outgrow the fandom.

Now I'm not a fan of Justin Bieber's music, or of the Twilight novels, two shining examples of what I just described, but I believe a large part of their respective hatedoms are, by-and-large, uninformed, idiotic, and actually, they're the ones who are the so-called "sheep". The fans just enjoy it. I don't enjoy Bieber or Twilight, so I avoid them. Why waste my time hating?

I am, however, a fan of John Cena. I used to hate him until I understood the above concept.

What I like about John Cena:
- Entertaining, and funny.
- Gives emotionally-charged matches.
- Can wrestle, despite idiots insisting he can't.
- He is actually the main protagonist, currently speaking, and damn well behaves like the Hero.
- Understands, encourages and to some extent even sympathises with his own hatedom/broken base.
- If you knew a person like his character in real life, actually hating them like that would make you a jealous and weird douche.
- Puts in a ridiculous amount of effort to his work.
I like John Cena because he's one of the best wrestlers in the world. He gives 100% in every match, he goes out of his way to make his opponents look good (when applicable, a match designed to be a squash doesn't count), he's put on numerous memorable bouts over the years, and I love the message his character sends. Somehow, over the last 20 years, the idea of doing the right thing, working hard, having character and respect has become something to boo. Not sure why being an honorable and productive human being has become a bad thing, but for so many, it apparently has. Which just shows how awful some people really are, the fact they would boo a man who preaches morals and values we should all live our lives by.

But more than just what you see on screen, it's what he does off-screen that has garnered my respect. All the time he dedicates to Make a Wish foundation (one of the most requested and fulfilled requests ever), all the time he spends with fans, the fact you never hear about him getting into trouble (Jeff Hardy anyone?), the way he seems to genuinely enjoy his job and has taken so much time to improve at it, the story I remember where he took time out of his workout to talk to a girl who was too shy to talk to him, etc. All of these things suggest that not only is Cena a quality human being on camera, he's a quality human being off of it as well.

People ask all the time why we like Cena, but the better question is why don't you? Because his character preaches noble things? Because he's a good guy? Because he works a wrestling style every WWE face works? Because his company books him to be in the main-events because they know it'll make them money? The reasons to like Cena are long and plentiful, but the reasons to dislike him just seem silly and childish.

Firstly thank you for taking the time to post your thoughts and since you have put some questions to me, I shall take the time to answer them. Cena the individual I have no issue with at all, everything you read points to him being a good guy and an excellent figurehead for WWE. (I spend hundreds of pounds every year in Cena merchandise and would not do so if I believed he was not, or had a dubious personal life outside the ring) As I have already stated, but not as in depth is that I feel Cena has good in-ring, mic skills and is a great worker and I have enjoyed many a Cena over the years.

However I would not class myself as a Cena fan, there are other wrestlers I much prefer to watch for varying reasons none of which are any that you highlight in your post above. I just find that his current character is stale, and while I understand it, it doesn't mean I have to like it! Its nothing more than personal preference and if everyone was Cena's number one fan the WWE would be one boring product!

I feel as if you may have mistakenly labelled me a Cena hater when in actuality, I am just not a Cena fan, because at present time I prefer the work of other characters. As I have said this is not another thread to bash Cena, and I have not at any point, more a thread for people to state why the like him so much, because lets face it the guy is at a level in the business that few have ever, or will ever attain, what is it that guys like Cena/SCSA/Hogan have that send them through the stratosphere.
I like John Cena for everything that has already been said. He puts his heart into the business, and his work. Whenever he goes out there, he is entertaining to watch. What I really enjoy though is how he evolves into each feud. Every time he has someone new to fight against, he'll bring in another side of him. With Nexus, he brought out a vengeful fire. CM Punk, a fierce loyalty to the business. Now with Del Rio, he is outlining respect for the sport. Maybe it's just me, but I don't see anything wrong with a good guy that doesn't back down from his beliefs, even if they contradict what they had been saying earlier. And it's not like he's a bad wrestler. If the rumors are true, then he is working through multiple injuries right now, and he still had one of the best matches I've ever seen with CM Punk at MitB. The adults no longer like him because they grew up with these characters, but the kids are the new generation that haven't experienced it yet.
John Cena is fine for what he does. He draws especially for a younger or female demographic and that's fine with me. I mean personally he is not the guy that is drawing me to watch the product but, thankfully, the WWE can still balance that out with guys like The Miz, CM Punk, Orton, Christian, Daniel Bryan, Dolph Ziggler and such.

But good question then again thinking about The Rock vs. John Cena I always though what is so different about Cena and The Rock. In the Rock's peak he no less generic and bland as Cena ... sure The Rock had better catchphrases and promos but overall his Face character is no more or less interesting than Cena's.

And yep ... like Cena I did respect The Rock but even in the Attitude Era I was always more of a Triple H, Angle, Austin, Jericho, and Foley mark over The Rock. I remember a time before Royal Rumble 2001 when Kane semi cleanley beat The Rock. I marked out .... yep I marked out.

But I guess this answers this question for many of the fans today Cena has this scary charisma that appeals to a majority and was no diffrent than The Rock during 1999 to 2001 even though there were more interesting guys at the time.
An ideal that has endured. People say Cena's wholesome image is what's ruining wrestling. So let's continue to cheer a beer drinking redneck who beats women or the guy who fucks his friends girlfriend while he's at home nursing an injury, how about let's jump on a this guys bandwagon because he could be leaving even though for 5 years most of us couldn't care about him but he cut a sick ass promo so know he's the man or let's be saved from Cena by a guy who comes and goes comes and goes and oh this is my favorite let's have a guy who 7 years ago told us to fuck ourselves he's made money wrestling but know he makes a shitload more doing movies but he comes back calls Cena a phony without any proof of him being a phony but hey he called Cena a phony so it must be true.

The latter statement in my first paragraph is what really irks me about Cena haters and why I like Cena. We live in a TMZ society if Cena was a phony it would've been news YEARS AGO. You know who was the phony Hogan. We were told to eat our vitamins and say our prayers and train hard don't take shortcuts,from a roid head who only got away with it because his era wasn't living in a TMZ world it took the law to get the truth from him.

Cena's ideals are aligned with mine if I had a kid who looked up to him I wouldn't be upset for a second. So if that makes me a Cena fanboy then so be it. Oh and the guy can wrestle he made Kahli look credible.
First of all, he's one of the very few talents IN the WWE that is even believable as a "super face". He's one of the very few guys on the roster that I can look at and think "yeah....he might be able to take Mark Henry" for instance. He's essentially the best on the mic, as far as pumping up a crowd goes. The biggest thing of all though...is the fact that I can look at his character and think "yeah...if the whole world was filled with Cena's...it would be a pretty good place to live." In other words, his character is someone I can be extremely happy, as well as proud to have my kids (if I had em'), look up to. He's this generations "hogan", without a doubt, and lets face it....he's much better at being Hogan, then even hogan was. At least Cena works! Not to mention, he doesnt have a backlog of horrible personal incidents.

To some it up, real short and sweet...He's seems to be the character that Hogan SHOULD have been, but where Hogan failed...it seems Cena will succeed. Even WITH the mob of sexually frustrated, wannabe badasses, ignorant loudmouthed, social disease causing, fans that hate him.

Christ had his haters too. The world never changes. The sinful always hate the sinless. "Well, dont take your imperfections out on Cena", is what I say. It only exposes you even more for what you are. CANCER to the world.
While timing is a big reason that John Cena is The Face of WWE it does have a downside. Hulk Hogan had an 'IT' factor and also came along at the time when Vince McMahon was looking to go global. It was simple. People who had never watched wrestling were now doing so. To create huge feuds for Hogan all you had to do was get a big indestructible guy and have him crush some people and then have Hogan kick out of the finishing move and that was it. He also only had about five or six big matches a year so it was easy.
I mean, if Hogan appeared on a show it was a huge deal. Nowadays Cena HAS to appear on Raw 50 times a year and HAS to be in the main event on nearly every pay-per-view because WWE has not figured out how to use everyone else.

Meanwhile back to the past top guys. When WWE needed a new direction (Attitude) here came Shawn Michaels and HHH and then to the ultimate extreme Stone Cold Steve Austin. When something new was needed here came The Rock. This is not belittling those guys. They were perfect for the time and had the talent to pull it off. They fed off of each other and it created the new Golden Era.

Times changed again and Cena came along and seized on it. It is up to the other guys to rise up and shove him to the side so then he can tweek the character. He does try to bring some edge to it ("I want to punch your teeth so far down your throat that your mouth becomes your anus!") but there is a limit to what he can do. I hope that Miz, Punk and a Bad-Guy-to-be-named-Later can raise the level of what they are doing.

If Cena were among several big-name guys there would not be the hatred. WWE may be shoving him down our throats at times but when the options are as limited as they are now what choice do they have?
I like John Cena because he's one of the best wrestlers in the world. He gives 100% in every match, he goes out of his way to make his opponents look good (when applicable, a match designed to be a squash doesn't count), he's put on numerous memorable bouts over the years, and I love the message his character sends. Somehow, over the last 20 years, the idea of doing the right thing, working hard, having character and respect has become something to boo. Not sure why being an honorable and productive human being has become a bad thing, but for so many, it apparently has. Which just shows how awful some people really are, the fact they would boo a man who preaches morals and values we should all live our lives by.

But more than just what you see on screen, it's what he does off-screen that has garnered my respect. All the time he dedicates to Make a Wish foundation (one of the most requested and fulfilled requests ever), all the time he spends with fans, the fact you never hear about him getting into trouble (Jeff Hardy anyone?), the way he seems to genuinely enjoy his job and has taken so much time to improve at it, the story I remember where he took time out of his workout to talk to a girl who was too shy to talk to him, etc. All of these things suggest that not only is Cena a quality human being on camera, he's a quality human being off of it as well.

People ask all the time why we like Cena, but the better question is why don't you? Because his character preaches noble things? Because he's a good guy? Because he works a wrestling style every WWE face works? Because his company books him to be in the main-events because they know it'll make them money? The reasons to like Cena are long and plentiful, but the reasons to dislike him just seem silly and childish.

Okay I found this whole thing funny. Especially the whole why would you boo someone who is preaching morals and values we should all live by. So let me get this straight. You are confused when people boo Cena, yet the WWE Universe booed the crap out of CM Punk and he was preaching about not doing drugs and smoking and drinking. Those are values that I myself live by, and every WWE superstar should take a page out of his book, that way we aren't having all these drug test failures every other week or month. But, I guess in your mind those aren't the values that matter, so Punk can get booed over and over and that's okay, yet Cena goods booed and you whine. I hate Cena not because he is a "good guy" as you put it. I hate Cena because I think Cena is nothing but someone who pretends to do it for the fans yet is all about how much he can make. That way he can go out and fill his giant house with more expensive cars, yet claim to be from the streets and be with the fans yet his so far about them it is not even funny. He tries to act all goody goody and pretend that the thousands of people booing him every night doesn't bother him, but I bet it really eats him up inside, since like you said he is being the good guy, the superhero everyone should look up to. Hogan was asking himself the same thing in 1996 when he would make one of his rare appearances, when he decided he was going to grace the fans with his presence, and he would hear boos. That's when the NWO was born shortly after and the rest was history. See, everyone on hear wants to talk about how much money he makes and he can't be turned heel because they will lose money. Yet, when the NWO was born, everybody had a shirt. Those shirts were selling more than any shirt WCW was releasing. The NWO were heels yet sold a lot of merchandise. Stone Cold Steve Austin was a heel in 1996 yet everyone and their mom had an Austin 3:16 shirt didn't they. If the WWE doesn't think they will make money with John Cena being heel, why bother even making tshirts and merchandise about heels in the first place.
Im sick of people going on about Cena being a hard worker, reliable, 'he always gives 101%', he puts in more hours than anyone on the roster, 'he actually CAN wrestle' and so on and so forth.

I dont care if Cena is a hard worker. So is Dolph Ziggler. But Dolph can SELL. Cena cant. And I know how Super Cena is limited to the 5 moves of doom because of his gimmick and the money it makes for Vince, but lets face it, he is about as technically sound in the ring as Kelly Kelly when it comes to chain wrestling and submissions. Id like to think that if Maven had been on top for 5 years, wrestling people like Shawn, Hunter, and Kurt night in and night out he would be able to pick somthing up.

Wrestling 10 good matches in your career doesnt make you a good worker when theyre against the greats. Ric Flair used to go from territory to territory making their top guys look good, for the betterment of the business. Its old hat.

Cena is good for business so Vince will ride the Cena train till the armbands fall off.

I dont care whats 'good for business', I dont care if he 'works hard'. WWE insults the intelligence of fans over the age of 12 with his 'I respect you, but god strike me down if I wont go without a fight' cheesy schtick that no-one buys but the aforementioned kiddies. Week in and week out we have to listen to him say lots of nothing and squash better talent that will never get his spot because they dont dress like the Power Rangers and drop the leg, brother!

If I didn enjoy watching Hogan V2 dominate WWE TV for the past 5+ years, it means nothing. Until the WWE change their target audience (if they ever do) Im afraid we must suffer him for the long haul. Atleast we get two or more good matches each RAW until he bursts onto our screens like a hyperactive Ronald MacDonald. And because of that, I will continue to watch.
Ok i think John Cenas gimmick is 15 years too late maybe even 20 years too late! Its the whole goody-too-shoes its like a governor kissing babies helping old ladies cross the street to get elected!! I think John Cena is in a hopeless situation right now!! He has that goody-too-shoes attitude doesnt ever lose at least not clean anyway and is adored by kids and women!! I do like John Cena no doubt hes strong as hell and he can wrestle if you dont believe me check out his earlier tapes!!! I think the reason guys hate him its cuz of his gimmick we just dont buy it you know!! Hogan wound up being a liar maybe the same thing we fear will happen again with Cena!!!
I guess there is enough to like about Cena. He is very good inside the ring and when it comes to cutting an intense, serious and a passionate promo, there is hardly a better man in the WWE. Most of the hate that Cena gets is overly exaggerated and is mostly a direct result of the fact that he wrestles in a style that does not go down too well with the likes of the current day IWC, his gimmick also does not go down well some guys even though it is a perfectly good gimmick and to make matters even worse, his first two feuds after his one with JBL were with smark favorites Jericho and Angle. Also because hating Cena has become the cool thing to do after WWE basically acknowledged the fact that Cena gets a noticeable negative reaction.

Here is however, where things take a twist. Most of the Cena hate is undeserved but some of his love is undeserved as well. There are people, many of whom you would find on these forums, who love to put down the IWC. There are some fans of Cena who are genuine, like Slyfox who posted a bit earlier in this thread but there are some people who are fans of Cena merely to look cool on the internet. The reasoning of some fans is that everything that the IWC says is stupid, and therefore by extension John Cena is some epitome of perfection. Also, it would amaze you how much reputation matters on these forums. Some people love reps and would do anything to get one from the acclaimed posters on this site, most of whom who love Cena. Therefore, loving Cena has almost become a cool thing to do on the internet. It was spurned by the undeserved hate that Cena got but like most things, it has, I believe become more of a fad rather than anything else.

Cena has some genuine problems when it comes to promo cutting. As I mentioned earlier, he cuts great serious promos but it is when he is all happy and casual and tries to cut jokes when the problem arises. He is not very funny and his humor is mostly of the toilet humor variety. And when I say he is not funny, I mean his is not funny to anyone. I remember one promo he cut about Alex Riley eating toilet paper and his recent promo on Alberto Del Rio was about him and Ricardo sounding like two cats trying to have sex and vomiting at the same time. These would get mostly a "huh!?" type reaction from the crowd rather than the racuous laughter that he is aiming for. On top of that there is a goofy half smile on his face when he is saying all this which somehow always suggests to me that he badly wants you to laugh at his joke.

This is the reason why I would say that I am not a fan of Cena. This is not a bias towards any one person. I would have blasted any person for using such humor and it does not help matters that this is the type of promo that Cena mostly cuts. His best promos are the ones when he is back to the wall and under some serious trouble. At such times, I find myself cheering for Cena. But these promos are few and far between. Most of his promos are goofy and unfunny. And mind you, I am saying this because of the content of his promos, not the language that he uses.
Some of you knuckleheads need to read the OP and respect the thread. Clearly the OP asks for Cena fans to elaborate on why we like him and this is not a Cena bashing thread. But you wouldn't be knuckleheads if you paid attention. No as soon as you see posters doing what the OP asked which was give reasons why you like Cena the haters have to take over and as Slyfox posted the reasons you give are silly and childish yes you oneleggedman" Cena is as technically sound as Kelly Kelly" ok put the crack pipe down because only someone under the influence would make a ******ed statement like that.

At the end of the day the boos shouldn't effect him because the same people booing him are the same people paying him either way like him or not he's getting paid. You want him to change the character tell WWE with your wallet and your remote control. It is as simple as that. SMMFH
I have tons of respect for John Cena and I think all wrestling fans should. He's the face of the WWE, the undisputed biggest draw in professional wrestling and has been since 2007. As for the character of John Cena, I think he sucked from 2008-2010 as he transitioned from the rapper/hardcore guy to the role model face who preached Hustle, Loyalty, and Respect. Now, he still kinda sucks but I care about everything he does, he makes a huge impact on the entire product, and I respect that his character should and will be the focal point of the broadcast unless someone's hotter at the moment.

His raps earlier in the year were classic and I think each one was funny and entertaining. He's also entertaining when trying seem out of character, for example is farewell address after being "fired" was a really good promo. His serious promos are usually good but he has had bad ones, but I think for the most part he is great on the mic and is naturally witty and charismatic. His ring work isn't the best but it gets the job done (much like The Rock even though Rock was better).
Here is however, where things take a twist. Most of the Cena hate is undeserved but some of his love is undeserved as well. There are people, many of whom you would find on these forums, who love to put down the IWC. There are some fans of Cena who are genuine, like Slyfox who posted a bit earlier in this thread but there are some people who are fans of Cena merely to look cool on the internet. The reasoning of some fans is that everything that the IWC says is stupid, and therefore by extension John Cena is some epitome of perfection. Also, it would amaze you how much reputation matters on these forums. Some people love reps and would do anything to get one from the acclaimed posters on this site, most of whom who love Cena. Therefore, loving Cena has almost become a cool thing to do on the internet. It was spurned by the undeserved hate that Cena got but like most things, it has, I believe become more of a fad rather than anything else.

I agree, I probably should have mentioned that in my earlier post. Eventually the hatedom grows so big that the love becomes the cool minority, and the pop cultural cycle starts again, but on the opposite side.

Cena has some genuine problems when it comes to promo cutting. As I mentioned earlier, he cuts great serious promos but it is when he is all happy and casual and tries to cut jokes when the problem arises. He is not very funny and his humor is mostly of the toilet humor variety. And when I say he is not funny, I mean his is not funny to anyone. I remember one promo he cut about Alex Riley eating toilet paper and his recent promo on Alberto Del Rio was about him and Ricardo sounding like two cats trying to have sex and vomiting at the same time. These would get mostly a "huh!?" type reaction from the crowd rather than the racuous laughter that he is aiming for. On top of that there is a goofy half smile on his face when he is saying all this which somehow always suggests to me that he badly wants you to laugh at his joke.

This is the reason why I would say that I am not a fan of Cena. This is not a bias towards any one person. I would have blasted any person for using such humor and it does not help matters that this is the type of promo that Cena mostly cuts. His best promos are the ones when he is back to the wall and under some serious trouble. At such times, I find myself cheering for Cena. But these promos are few and far between. Most of his promos are goofy and unfunny. And mind you, I am saying this because of the content of his promos, not the language that he uses.

Well Myriad I think it depends on what you're like as a person, your personal sense of humour. I find Cena's wackiness amusing, and it never gets old. I remember that one he did where he said "Oh no, my mom cancelled my subscription to Warcraft!" I was in stitches after this. Cena does not over-rely on catchphrases. Now obviously I am going to do the whole comparing Cena to the Rock thing, so here goes: I like Rocky's promos, they are usually pretty funny, but he has the same exact long set up every time. I know how it goes, word-for-word. We all do. Sure it's not always exactly the same, but the first couple of minutes are, and with Cena, that's not the case.

So in summary - I think Cena's promo work comes down to personal preference as to what makes a good promo.
I like Cena because hes an extremely hard worker who rarely takes time off, he is really funny and amazing on the mic, he doesnt have the writers tell him what to say he comes up with his own stuff and hes great at it. Hell I even get motivated after some of his promos, it makes me wanna do some crazy Rocky III workout montage but then i remember its 11:00 at night and i sit back down on the couch. I think he does just fine in the ring, look at his cm punk matches, his 60 minute hbk match and a bunch of others. Hes probably one of the nicest and friendliest guys the wwe has ever had as no one has ever claimed to have a problem with him except michael tarver but im not gonna but that load of manure. He is the biggest star in the company inside and outside of wrestling and the biggest draw so from a business standpoint he is a golden goose so to speak. The man is a charasmatic workhorse who would more than likely take a bullet for this company and its fans reagardless of how they may feel about him.
re-post of mine from a previous cena bashing thread but pretty sure it applies to the cena haters that took over this thread.

this is a direct quote from hbk's 2005 book, heartbreak and triumph:

"i didnt know this at the time, but a fair portion of the fans get behind you on the way up, and then, when you get there, they turn on you. they did the same thing with hunter a few years later. when he was chasing the title they loved him, said he was the greatest thing in the world. once he got on top, they tried to destroy him. all of a sudden he couldnt work anymore, and the only reason he was champion and main eventing pay per views was because was because he married stephanie mcmahon."

wow. sound familiar? and to tell the truth, that applies to cena WAY more than it does even hhh or hbk. (except for the part about steph)
thats just the way some fans are. 'i just came from over there, the grass is greener' lol.
some fans will just never be happy and need things to bitch about and a 'villian' to hate on for being sucessful.

i dont really like the past 3 years or so of cenas character, i understand he is overexposed, but honestly, who better?
money is the bottom line people, and as long as cena is the top draw, he will be in the top spot. if the iwc really want a guy like punk or miz on top, then go buy their damn shirts and stop streaming ppvs that they are headlining and buy them.
cena is NOT my favorite wrestler, (ironically i honestly like punk, miz, rhodes and ziggler better than cena) but i do have a soft spot for the guy, he has done a lot for the company, and i dont care who says what, he CAN WRESTLE.
i can name ten or fifteen absolute classics from the guy, from angle in 03 to hhh in 05 to edge in 06 to umaga for god sakes. and who do you think carried those great matches with batista last year? and so on and so forth.
like bill hicks said, just enjoy the ride people.
I respect John Cena, but his gimmick has gotten too old now. He needs to become a heel, and spice things up in the WWE business in order to become Legendary. Legends become legends because they can play both a face and heel. If John Cena wants to become a legend like Austin, HBK, or even Eddie, he has to become a heel. I expect that to happen before Wrestlemania.
Why do I like John Cena?

He's no more corny than anyone else. I thought The Rock was corny. He just cussed, that was the only difference. Rock made jokes about people being gay or a sissy, John does the same thing only he is restricted with PG. People say Cena "isn't funny" but here's something the Rock once said "Kane wants to buy the Undertaker chocolates, Undertaker wants to tickle Kane's big red nipple". How the FUCK is that any better than Cena's "toilet humor"? It's not. It's all the same. The only difference is people who like the Rock were kids then and they aren't now. I was a fan before Rock came along, so I don't look at it with the same nostalgia. Rock and Cena's promo styles are similar, and also a lot like Roddy Piper's. They do a lot of comedy. Then they get serious and it means more when they're serious. If you seriously think the Rock was any different than Cena then you're letting nostalgia get the best of you. "Poon tang your ass on out of here" is just a more crude version of what Cena says. Crudness doesn't make something more adult or funnier, unless you have a stupid, white trash mindset.

He IS extremely talented in the ring. He tells a story every single time he's out there and he does the little things. Like selling to the side closest to the bigger crowd (the side the hard cam sees) that gets louder reactions.

His character is actually a lot deeper than people give it credit for. He's the anti-hero of the anti-hero generation. People want him to be a heel, they want him to cuss, he doesn't, he does his own thing and not what "everyone" wants him to do. He is a good guy through and through. People love to hate the all american good guy.

Cena has had great matches of all types against all types of opponents, JBL, Angle, HBK, Jericho, Batista, RVD, CM Punk, Umaga, he brought out the best in Khali and he gets pretty much everyone he's in there with over.

Above all else, everyone talks about him. I was watching an old attitude era clip on youtube, guess who was mentioned? John Cena. If they truly hated him so much, they wouldn't fuckin talk about him would they? I didn't comment on the video and say "this is much better than Jersey Shore" I hate Jersey Shore and don't talk about it ever unless it's used in this example.

John Cena's name is mentioned on probably 90% of the threads on here. Either directly as a result of the thread or because someone can't help but bash him when talking about a net darling.

He's over. He's the most over heel with 30% of the audience and the most over face with 70% of the audience. It's easy to get over without restrictions. Just ask the Rock how hard it is to get over with a PG restriction. Not only has Cena gotten over, but he's gotten over and worked a non-homogenous audience to get 100% of them to care strongly one way or another.

Not only that but John Cena the person seems like a great person. He does a lot of stuff for the fans.

In my opinion, our generation, the 17-24 year olds, fucked up. We're so jaded and ignorant and want everything to be how it was when we were a kid. We're the first generation to really be brought up knowing it's "fake". We're the first generation to utilize the internet to discuss wrestling. I'm sure "smarks" were around before, but there wasn't an engine like the internet for us to perpetuate our own opinions.

I think the current fans of Cena will save wrestling from negativity. If you ever go to a show, these kids have a BLAST. It's weird, I'll see 6 kids all flipping shit over a babyface comeback and then in the midst of all these people having a good time, there are 3 fatasses with glasses and some net darlings shirt with their hands on their chins trying to look smart. It's kind of sickening.

I like John Cena because he DOES make wrestling fun. He makes it fun for more people. It's not just fun for teens and white trash adults (who think like teens), it's fun for the whole family except for the few jaded teens and white trash adults who can't see past their own nostalgic view on wrestling.

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