Why Is RVD TNA World Champion?

I have to say the way that TNA has been booked since the Hogan take over just stinks of politics left right and centre. they say they are listening to the fans, but in reality i suspect that they are listening to backstage BS a lot more.
The reason I say this is because of the way character roles have become so confused. Firstly they build up AJ and really make it seem like he will be champ for a long time (which really would have given strength to the horseman reunion), then they mess around with Abyss going from American hero to evil monster, then they throw in the ECW oap's for the hope of a big ppv draw (not a bad thing at all, but if theres no Heyman or Sabu then it will make as big joke of ECW as the WWE's version did).
I basically think RVD's title reign slots in perfectly with that level of backstage chatter. Don;t forget that he was saying for a while before joing TNA that he really didn't have that much interest and he couldn;t think what it would take to get him there. I'm pretty sure a title run ended up being a big draw for him.
Personally I am a big RVD fan, the crowd loves him, his matches are still good enough to headline, and his laid back character wors in the 'reality' world of TNA. Butis he the person to drive TNA forward as the face of the company? Simply put, no he isn't.
They have Jeff Hardy, a HUGE draft on TNA's part, yet he again has got lost in confusing storylines that never went anywhere, and it looks like he will be getting into another short standing feud now with Joe. (although ill admit they couldnt put the belt on JH right now for obvious reasons). Personally if I could book TNA right now I would have the belt on Matt Morgan, have him win clean time and time again as a heal and come out every thursday and let everyone know that he really is the blueprint, and now that he is being given the chance there isnt a single person who can stop him. The whole time Angle is slowly moving up rankings to eventually be the one to take the title and give credibility to the belt.
But as it is we have the title on a guy who cuts very amateur promos, is only concerned about making himself look good, will happily leave the moment he's had enough, and to be honest is certainly not 'the future' which TNA are 'possessed' by.
I really do see a parralel with WCW here (sorry to beat the obvious horse), but the problem is that TNA seem to be too concerned with the immediate right now, and really thought their new direction would be in creating a long term.
:lol: rambling? Probably, but I'm so dissapointed in the direction TNA is taking right now, and to make my point they end Impact with 15 mins of the most boring crap I've seen on TV in a long long time.
Because TNA saw more impact with RVD for some reason. He was riding a high coming into the company at the time, and for one reason or another they wanted to get the belt off AJ (something I won't get into right now).

I wrote a huge thread up on this months ago (http://forums.wrestlezone.com/showthread.php?t=114368), and my opinion hasn't changed since.

RVD is dull. Dull. Dull. D-U-L-L Dull.

I said it then, and I'll say it again now:

Prior to the concession of defeat and the return of iMPACT! to Thursday nights, believe me, I fully understood the rationale behind putting the strap on RVD over AJ Styles, as as great of a performer as Styles is, the iconic value of RVD was in fact more marketable at the time, but since the concession of defeat and the return of iMPACT! to Thursday nights, does that value retain it's continuity and sale? Personally, I don't really think so.

Let's face it – TNA is uncontested on Thursday nights, so it's not as though they need to be pulling out any more rabbits from the proverbial hat here. Solid booking and story lines would in fact sell the show IMO as a viable alternative were either to happen, so why is RVD truly the best option for TNA WHC still? While I appreciated (note the emphasis on past-tense) the efforts of management to capitalize on the notoriety of such a big name in the industry, the failure of the company as a whole was still prominent, and by no means IMO should the blame be absolved from RVD's feet any more than it is/was any number of the other top performers in the company. While poor booking and writing were undoubtedly the primary causes for the death of the Monday Night Wars II, IMO the idea that a number of characters were being booked as they were – including RVD as a top babyface and AJ Styles as the top heel were just too drastic and unbelievable to allow for the idea of either to really take root.

Call me crazy, but I was always led to believe that simplicity equates success, and simplistically speaking, heel champions bring the most out of the face performers in any wrestling company, which is exactly why heels tend to hold onto title belts for longer durations than faces. Factor in the fact that most of the company's top-tier talent are faces or face-tweeners right now (Anderson, Hardy, Pope, RVD, Abyss, Hernandez, etc.), and IMO the need for a heel champion really manifests as not just suggestion anymore, but more along the lines of necessity.
Does anybody want to explain to me why the hell is Rvd Tna World Champ? I mean im watching impact he cuts a horrible promo seemingly as if he's high while he's doing. Rvd has never had good mic skills and right now I believe he's a shell of his former self he's slowed down tremendously in the ring. I don't think as a company trying to elevate yourself to the next level you should have your World Champion as a laid back marijuana smoker. Tna has a ton of talented other guys like Pope and Anderson who would make great world champs. Hell Rvd didn't even come out to the ring tonight. It seems as if Tna ownly keeps the world title on Rvd because of his name. Your Thoughts. Agree or Disagree?

Couldn't agree more. He's basically the worst of both worlds. He's one of the "older" guys that people usually have a strong bias against...but since he was never as popular as they were...he somehow escapes their trashing and bashing. Apparently being mediocre or bad at something over the years is more appreciated by certain fans than being very good at something over the years. Go figure. Anyway, he's the worst of both worlds because he's technically one of the older guys that they SHOULD be disliking due to their irrational theories...and not only that...but out of all of the older guys in TNA...he's BY FAR the worst on the microphone. He literally sounds like he still lives in his mother's basement, wakes up at 3 in the afternoon, swallows a handful of mushrooms, and heads to the arena.

The ONLY reason I believe RVD is World Champion, is because he refused to work at TNA without it. It was probably a demand of his. To be honest, I'd rather not have RVD at all...than be forced to have him as my World Champion for several months. If RVD wants to somersalt and cartwheel around the ring from time to time...I don't have a problem with it...but for him to hold the title and main event for several months in a row at a time...that's just company suicide in my opinion.

RVD needs to take his one piece bathing suit to the beach and leave TNA. He's run his course...and then some. He's been in the business for quite a long time. He isn't going to get any more popular than what he is now. Forcing himself upon the fans isn't the way to do it. And I hate him even more for that.
THANK you IDONLYONE for stating the obviously. TNA is a sinking boat. In fact. Its a sinking boat that has an Anchor IN the boat. You kno what that anchor is? people like Hogan. People like Ric Flair. People like Scott Hall(not sure if he is still signed to TNA. Probably is. they tend to keep the rejects and fire the great ones) FOr WWE, TNA is the greatest thing that happened to them. They arent doing so hot these past couple of years but they have TNA to make them look good. Fans can say "damn that was a bad RAW, but hell i rather which this than that crap called TNA. Atleast i can shit out something that looks better than TNA." Sometimes i wonder what was Hogan's dumbass stroke brain was thinkin when he thought he can go head to head wit WWE on mondays. hmmm whatever happened to that plan? Oh yea the ratings happen. I think the only other show that can score a 0.8 in ratings is a show that updates up on the local time every 10 minutes. Good job TNA for ruining Wrestling. I PRAY that TNA is watching my posts. AND i PRAY someone PLEASE come defend TNA cuz ima have a field day with them.

oh i think ill take that challenge..... rvd is champ b\c the fans love him & he actually has talent. he deserves what hes gotten because he has earned it. he put in the time all these years, what have you done? i take offense to this being a wrestler b\c guys like u think you have all the awnsers.

you sir are a mark. so tna ruined wrestling because they have established guys like flair\hogan? if u recall wwe uses old ass dudes that cant fucking go anymore all the time. they have made millions off of raping the souls of their stars past glory. i think jackasses like u ruined wrestling along with vince when he started his 'pg' era. somewhere down the line *****es like u forgot about whats important in wrestling foremost. Respect & ability.

vince thinks that abusing talent is fun. how many great stars has vince buried over the years? and most of his favorites cant wrestle for shit. they might be able to cut a promo or look the part, but as far as actual skill? no dice. john cena? fuck, man.... the rock a bigger moveset & more charisma than cena ever will. vince made him into superman and its fucking retared.

real fans know what makes a great wrestler & tna has alot of them. angle, pope, rvd, samoa joe, the guns, amazing red, kazarian, styles, 3-d.... do i need to keep going? guys that are over & can wrestle their asses off. ill take a team of tna\roh guys versus team wwe anyday. tna & roh is the future. in the next 5yrs most of vinces top guys will be injured or retired.

so why dont u go back to playing with ur shit & stop making a fool of yourself. adults talking, its time for the kids to go to bed.
Just gonna be pretty honest here. Anything TNA does is a direct attack to WWE. "We gave RVD a long title run." "We made Matt Morgan significant." "We can recreate ECW and while we're at it, we have an invasion exactly identical to Nexus."

That's all this is really. RVD is champ because he had a short run in WWE because of the suspension. I wouldn't be surprised if they gave it to Anderson next but they're probably not going to put it on any of the homegrown talent just yet...if ever.

Huh? The guys in TNA (almost all of them) literally INVENTED the invasion angle. They were the pioneers. WWE ripped off literally everything from WCW back then. Now they're trying to do the exact same gimmick with Nexus, but only with young unknown guys instead of older well established ones. It certainly could never come close to matching the best storyline in the history of wrestling though...

RVD has a long title run because he probably demanded it in order to work for TNA. I'm entirely against it but what are you going to do?

Matt Morgan? Yeah...the only reason they are pushing Matt Morgan is because they want to make WWE feel bad about him.

What are you 12?
THANK you IDONLYONE for stating the obviously. TNA is a sinking boat. In fact. Its a sinking boat that has an Anchor IN the boat. You kno what that anchor is? people like Hogan. People like Ric Flair. People like Scott Hall(not sure if he is still signed to TNA. Probably is. they tend to keep the rejects and fire the great ones) FOr WWE, TNA is the greatest thing that happened to them. They arent doing so hot these past couple of years but they have TNA to make them look good. Fans can say "damn that was a bad RAW, but hell i rather which this than that crap called TNA. Atleast i can shit out something that looks better than TNA." Sometimes i wonder what was Hogan's dumbass stroke brain was thinkin when he thought he can go head to head wit WWE on mondays. hmmm whatever happened to that plan? Oh yea the ratings happen. I think the only other show that can score a 0.8 in ratings is a show that updates up on the local time every 10 minutes. Good job TNA for ruining Wrestling. I PRAY that TNA is watching my posts. AND i PRAY someone PLEASE come defend TNA cuz ima have a field day with them.

Huh? Where do some of these guys come up with this nonsense?? It's comical but sad to watch people fumble through what they think is reality...never knowing that they're so delusional to the real thing.

Basically, what you're saying is that every established and great wrestler of the past is horrible...and younger non-established drones are exciting and entertaining because they can do jumping jacks in the ring?

I'll agree that having strictly the old guys in there is a horrible idea but having them in there to compliment a bunch of younger guys who lack the personality is actually something very very good. That's why there are such things as "Consultants" in the business world. They are usually older more well established ex-full time employees who are hired on a part time basis to help compliment the younger employees who don't know nearly as much about the processes. That's pretty much exactly what those guys are doing there.

As for TNA being great for WWE? You're right. But it's not because of what you drooled onto your screen. It's good because any competition at all is good for business. As I've said before...competition requires companies to constantly improve their product. Without competition, there is a monopoly and they generally just have to put as mediocre of a product out there to keep you still somewhat interested in wrestling...but not really all that impressed with what's going on. WWE is doing this extremely well. They put out a mediocre-to-poor product because they can. And you dolts eat it up like ice cream.

If I were a die hard WWE fan...I'd want nothing more for TNA to succeed because then that would mean that WWE would have to start improving their poor product on a constant basis. Why wouldn't you wan that to happen??

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