And you're out of your mind if you think RVD more over then Kurt Angle's been in the past, or Sting. Hell, even Christian was just as over in TNA as RVD is right now. I find it hilarious when TNA fans start believing the shit they start spewing.

We should see how long RVD actually lasts as champion, and what creative actually does with his run, before praising it and going ape shit over it. Because knowing TNA his reign could last a month or less before AJ Styles wins it right back, or some other random talent does. Probably on free tv, too!


ROB VAN DAM never spent a year hanging out in the rafter with a bat! STING IS NOBODY!! he used to be an Icon, now he just a visual aid to try and bring in the people who loved him in WCW.

Tna giving Rvd the belt is them acknowledging they are giving fans the Wrestlers they want to see, not just whoever has a movie coming out right now.
This is a great move at a great time for TNA. WWE seems to hit an annual creative roadblock every year after Mania and this is no exception. RVD should have a real chance to be a real champion again. 2006 may not have worked in his favor but he was out of wrestling for 3 years and even though he's almost 40, his "wrestling" age is much younger.
I guess I am late to the party but as the old phrase goes "better late then never." I was a bit shocked by the decision to give RVD the belt. Not that he isn't deserving but quiet honestly he neither needed it to get over or should have been in the match, in my eyes. Coming off of the match with The Pope I thought TNA would have given Pope another shot or at least built towards a rematch between him and A.J.

However, I am not bothered with TNA really giving the belt to RVD. He is a tremendous entertainer and could and may draw in viewers to watch his reign. Far be it from me to comment on how the wrestling business is run considering I don't really know how it is run personally. Hopefully RVD and A.J. will have another match soon because their match was good and could be even better on pay per view.

As for being an RVD fan and seeing him win the belt I thought I would be excited but to be honest I wasn't. I wasn't not excited either but I was more indifferent. As I said I thought more should have come of the Pope/Styles feud and I felt RVD was a little rushed to the title. So in what should have been a feel good moment watching Van Dam winning the belt I really had no feelings either good or bad. I hope his reign is decent but only time will tell/
I think your theory is completely wrong. Russo works with 3 other people backstage writing, including his other half, ED Ferra - I don't think they NEED a replacement as bad as you think. They have other writers.

As much as Heyman would be a good boost imo, it's not happening. If anything they threw the belt on RVD because a title reign was probably promised in his contract - or he has a short term deal and they want to make him believe he won't be under used like he was in WWE.
ROB VAN DAM in one word SUCKS. The man is sloppy in the ring and just dosent mesh with his opponents. Giving him the title was an act of desperation on TNA's part. Just like when Booker t won the title at the last viewing of wcw. Just plain weak. For everyone the loves the dude he's not at the level of let's say Jeff hardy who seems suicidal at times but brings the oooohs and ahhhh's from the crowd and creats ratings.
IMO I think they handed RVD the title WAY too early. He has only been the for a month or so and had maybe 5 matches. And just because of His MegaFace Towards the fans doesnt mean he should get a title, let alone the WORLD title. They have been People In TNA who have literally busted their ass to even be in the picture, and still end up jobbing for some new 15 minute type wrestler...I.E. Christopher Daniels,(to my knowledge, never won the big one... and if he did, i apologize) he has jobbed from everyone to AJ all the way to shark boy in his "austin" Phase. My point is there are people in tna who very much deserve that title more than least at this moment. Thats my say

ROB VAN DAM never spent a year hanging out in the rafter with a bat! STING IS NOBODY!! he used to be an Icon, now he just a visual aid to try and bring in the people who loved him in WCW.

Tna giving Rvd the belt is them acknowledging they are giving fans the Wrestlers they want to see, not just whoever has a movie coming out right now.

I gues the proof will be in the ratings while RVD is champion, won't it? Like the 0.5 rating they did last week, the week after RVD won the title (one of the worst ratings ever). Not only will we see how the ratings continue to go the next few weeks with RVD as champion, but also how much he draws as champion on PPV. That will be the deciding factor in this debate. And you seem to mislabel the fans in general with the Internet wrestling fans who don't make up the whole demographic, thanks.

RVD had no build up to the championship, his victory was wasted on free tv, and I predict he's not the draw so many internet marks think he is, which will be proven over time. Very shortly, in fact.

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