Why Is Hogan Coming Back!!!




Why is that old loser hulk hogan coming back AGAIN he should just go away for good he just continuosly keeps coming back agan and again and again!
1) He likes making money.
2) He still entertains a large number of fans.
3) He has a reality show and daughter's career to promote.
yeee all thre of those reasons are valid! but he is so shit he's such a waste of a match! shawn kmicahels had to carry him thru their whoole fued and then there was the thing in his contract that he chooses whether or not he wons or not!! the guy is worse then ultimate warrior late into his career all he's worried about is money and staying on the wrestling bandwagon as long as possile!!


ragin' bull Wwf
Vince thinks he's the best yet his moveset is like Cena's and he couldn't even get SNME good ratings, he wants him to take out the legend killer once and for all, or else Taker at WM23, he thinks that high of an old top with no skill.
The reason Hogan comes back from time to time is simple. The fans want him to. When he comes out even a deaf man can here the reaction he gets from the live crowd.
scalizi said:
1) He likes making money.
2) He still entertains a large number of fans.
3) He has a reality show and daughter's career to promote.

There you have it...
He isn't amking money, see SNME's ratings with him starting the show. He doesn't entertain me with his stale moveset. His daughter ain't going anywhere with that racist and stale music video and singing but I love his reality show though.
1st off Hogans daughter will sell millions of records because shes Hulk daughter, 2nd off NOONE in wrestling still gets a welcome like Hogan, and just so you know everytime you see Hogans face hes making money, and lots of it. You say you like the reality show so pay attention HE NEVER CALLS VINCE FIRST. Brooks record company didnt want her to come in, but Vince showed the money to try and help SNME, but just think of what the ratings would have been had Hogan not been there.
You cant blame Hogan for the shitty SNME rating. The card was weak, it's on Saturday night during the summer(who the f--k stays home to watch wrestling on summer saturday?), and the fact Hogan was going to be there wasn't announced until only a few days before it aired. And trust me, he got paid for being there, some people were entertained, and he promoted his reality show and daughter's album by making an appearance. Can't argue the truth.
I really hope he puts orton over or there is no sense in him coming back at all. He sucks yeah but why does everyone cheer him? I know there are alot of hogan haters
i admit it, i'm tired of him comming back just to promote something. However, whether anyone wants to admit it or not, he's still the hulkster! Everyone loves the hulkster whether they'll admit it or not. deep down inside, we all love him. it doesn't mean we want to see him wrestle anymore, we just love seeing him every so often....
firsty to slim j "SAGGY ASS" flair is a GREAT WRESTLER and not to mention he actually stays on the raw show unlike hogan coming and going as he pleases. also if hogan sol reason of coming back is to help his daughter promote her album then he has problems! people already think she is a joke bcoz she's hogans daughter there gonna hate her more if she starts popping up on wwe!

Ragin' Bull :wwf:
that's bullshit! the ultimate warrior never has been as good as hulk hogan. and all he does is bitch about how he got fired
Hogan doesn't stay on RAW cuz of his daughter Brooke (who I don't think she's that cute) and he knows the fans don't wanna see 50 year olds wrestling but Flair still doesn't get that through his head.
Ye I Totally Agree Flair Is Getting OLD And I Definetely Think He Should Quit While He's Ahead Unlike Hogan Who Just Keeps Coming Back And Losing More And More Respect Everytime!!!!
Myko said:
He isn't amking money, see SNME's ratings with him starting the show. He doesn't entertain me with his stale moveset. His daughter ain't going anywhere with that racist and stale music video and singing but I love his reality show though.

How's it racist?
robwylde90 said:
Na at least Flair is funny. He styles and profiles , way better than big boot and "atomic leg drop". Wooooh!
Flair never made me laugh. Ever in my life. I hate him cuz he don't retire already. Look at Hogan he keeps losing more Respect by coming back at like 50 something years old. Flair is a "Hall Of Famer" yeah I know he's been wretling for like 40 years now it's time for him to retire and Hogan. I hate that whoooo.
I think the reason Flair wrestles still is because of finacial problems or something. I really don't want to see Hogan at Summerslam but, I guess we'll have to.

Flames Out
I've just finished reading the raw results etc. on wwe.com and after finishing the article i thought why did hogan even bother turning up the main thing any one cared about on that show was the shawn michaels incident. with all the hype wwe had put on their website about hogan the headliner for the raw results was shawn michaels being destroyed by umaga which just proves the fact :hogan: = shit!!

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