Why do people claim WWE is racist but only bring up black not asians.

Because Asia has its own well established wrestling organizations and WWE isn't the only way to "make it" for an Asian wrestler. Black wrestlers live in a White dominant country in a profession that isnt popular among their own culture whereas an Asian lives among their own with support from their own. Honestly this really isnt something that can be compared. They are two completely different things.
I think there are cases where people have gotten pushes mostly due to their race so if their is discrimination then there is also another side of the coin where people benefit. I don't think boring ass Pedro Morales would have had the career he did if not for his ethnicity. And when you think of it only 2 black QBs have ever won a superbowl. And one of them isn't even full black so if you ask idiot wrestling fans he doesn't count. If you were going to sit down and have the dumbest most unproductive conversation in your life it would be about racism.

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