Who's Someone In WWE That Got Over That You Never Understood

As much as I love the guy, when you think of it. How the fuck did Mick Foley get over? He was an overweight, ugly son of a bitch. However he will go down as one of the best ever. It just goes to show you that as long as you're good at what you do you can make people give a damn about you, and I tell you what. Nobody cared more for someone than the fans cared about Foley for a long damn while. I won't understand why. But for some reason he just clicked with us fans.
As much as I love the guy, when you think of it. How the fuck did Mick Foley get over? He was an overweight, ugly son of a bitch. However he will go down as one of the best ever. It just goes to show you that as long as you're good at what you do you can make people give a damn about you, and I tell you what. Nobody cared more for someone than the fans cared about Foley for a long damn while. I won't understand why. But for some reason he just clicked with us fans.

Yeah Foley was a strange one. I think he just clicked with WWE fans simply because of the sacrifices he was willing to make and what he would put his body through to give the fan something that they would remember.

It was clear to everyone that he was a steroided up monster, or a gifted technical wrestler. The fans could see he was just a regular guy, with little or no athletic ability who was able to get to the top on sheer guts and determination, and that is why the roof came off when Mankind won the WWF title :) A great moment in wrestling history for me, and it showed that dreams can sometimes come true if you work hard enough.

I think that when people saw the clips of Foley jumping off the roof of his house, and playing the Dude Love character on tape, that he was simply a man living his dream and everyone can relate to that. and the fact that he was such a nice guy helped as well.

Mick Foley was a rarity in modern day wrestling, he didnt look like an athlete, he didnt look like a star...and he made it. Its a great story
I have a lot of dislike for Randy Orton and now that he is getting cheers is quite irritating. Everyone else I can think of to me got over because they deserved it. Foley was golden on the Mic and despite his looks could move & make things work. Dusty Rhodes is one of the most out of shape wrestlers I've ever heard or watched, but I know he got over for many of the same reasons
I so glad he did but if you would have put the idea on paper for a gimick and gave it to me i would have rip it up. but this person lived the gimick and made it bad ass. so with a lot of negitive feed back coming i will say THE UNDERTAKER. He's one of my fav of all time but when you think back if we was the age we are now we would have said what the hell. can you hear vince now, lets create a zombie wrestler who can be stop, and a urn will control him lol. but i give them credit the pulled it off
I can not understand the fans and the company getting behind the Miz. He is so worthless IMO. People say he's great on the mic and I've even seen him being compared to the Rock. Yeah right! WWE has 2 great mic workers, Jericho (currently gone), and CM Punk. Miz is miiiiiles behind both of them. He doesn't have the look. His physique is hardly impressive. He looks like a goofball no matter what he chooses to wear, suits, street clothes, whatever. I hate him because he's annoying, not because he's actually succeeding at being a heel. His stupid facial expressions remind me of MySpace/Facebook girls doing the "duck lips" pose. The one interesting thing he can do in the ring is his corner clothesline. He's not fast. He's not strong. He doesn't fly. He's not a grappler. He's not technical. Took me a good minute to even recall what his finisher is. I was about to say "someone tell me what's so great about him", but it would be a waste of time. I will never support him. God help me if they ever decide to actually put the belt on him. I think he's the perfect candidate for the first person to fail at cashing in their money in the bank. (At least I think everyone has been successful so far, but I don't keep up with WWE 24/7 anymore). He should cash it in on a champion who just went through a grueling battle, yet still get punked out and not win the belt, and fade away and get released.
I can not understand the fans and the company getting behind the Miz. He is so worthless IMO. People say he's great on the mic and I've even seen him being compared to the Rock. Yeah right! WWE has 2 great mic workers, Jericho (currently gone), and CM Punk. Miz is miiiiiles behind both of them. He doesn't have the look. His physique is hardly impressive. He looks like a goofball no matter what he chooses to wear, suits, street clothes, whatever. I hate him because he's annoying, not because he's actually succeeding at being a heel. His stupid facial expressions remind me of MySpace/Facebook girls doing the "duck lips" pose. The one interesting thing he can do in the ring is his corner clothesline. He's not fast. He's not strong. He doesn't fly. He's not a grappler. He's not technical. Took me a good minute to even recall what his finisher is. I was about to say "someone tell me what's so great about him", but it would be a waste of time. I will never support him. God help me if they ever decide to actually put the belt on him. I think he's the perfect candidate for the first person to fail at cashing in their money in the bank. (At least I think everyone has been successful so far, but I don't keep up with WWE 24/7 anymore). He should cash it in on a champion who just went through a grueling battle, yet still get punked out and not win the belt, and fade away and get released.

Gotta agree with everything you said. I will never understand the hype over this guy. I posted a comment earlier in this thread bashing him. I think its just a bandwagon the IWC jumped on. Like maybe one of the top posters on here started having wet dreams about him then people started following because it was the cool thing to do. Ive tried to like Miz, ive tried to see the hype about him I just can't. Like you said he annoys the shit out of me and not in the Heel type way, more like the get the fuck off my screen type hate I had with Swagger when he was World champion. Even if he does rise to main event status, the same people who praise him as the second coming of jesus on here will be sick of him by the second week. We'll start seeing threads on "what to do with Miz", "Miz should turn Face" , "Miz is Overrated!". If the miz is what the future of the wwe looks like, I may just have to start tuning into Impact! more.
I have to admit, I detest BOTH of the Hardy brothers. As a team (which the 'E' no longer utilises) they were great to watch, but as Singles Wrestlers, forget it! I'd put them up there with the failed Single pushes of the Dudley Boyz. It just shouldn't have happened. Some Wrestlers are born to be Tag Wrestlers, but not Singles. I still can't fathom how Jeff Hardy managed to capture the the WWE/WHC Titles 3 times! Once is a mistake, twice a coincidence, but 3 times? Wow!

I know others may disagree, but as Singles Wrestlers, these 2 deserved very little. Not to mention they both have god-awful attitudes and seem to think they can live on the success of their Tag Careers whilst being a poor Singles Wrestlers . . .

Some things just can't be explained! :-S
Boy, boy....where do i start.

I know I'm going to get shitted on viciously for this, but the 'Dead' Man Mr. Calloway. How does he still get cheered. I understand he's a future HOF. but its time for him to hang it up and get of my TV screen. Every time i hear the gong in his entrance, i go to my kitchen to make a sandwich or go take a 10 minute shit hoping his entrance can wrap up. I was so pissed when he buried Punk. How can people still get excited seeing him treat Phillip Brooks like a wet rag?

Rey Mysterio- cot damn, i hate this Oscar guy. all his feuds are so repetitive. he still cant cut a decent promo to say his life and yet people still be cheering when he speaking Spanish even though they cant understand half of what he is saying.

Rey Mysterio- cot damn, i hate this Oscar guy. all his feuds are so repetitive. he still cant cut a decent promo to say his life and yet people still be cheering when he speaking Spanish even though they cant understand half of what he is saying.

I dont particularly find Mysterio entertaining anymore. With him getting bigger and older, he isnt as quick or exciting as he used to be. There are much better high flyers out there if you want to see fast-pased cruiserweight matches.

He got over though, because when he debuted in ECW, his style of wrestlnig was almost unheard of him the US, and its what made him stand out. Again, the excitment of his matches in WCW were what got him over with the crowd, most of whom had never seen his ECW work and thought of him as this fresh. new exciting talent.

In the WWE, the younger fans took to him because of his high-flying moveset, which is something which will always make kids go "WOW!", and the fact he wears a mask, which makes him different and "cool". WWE push Rey because of his large fanbase and the fact that his fan base are young kids who spend $$$ on merchandise.

Also, being Mexican helps as it gives WWE a face for the Mexican fans to cheer for, and brings in yet more money for the company. In my opinion, Mysterio is completely passed his best now, and WWE should start looking at other Mexican masked high-flyers, who could do just as good a job as Rey is doing now. He was one of the most exciting wrestlers in the world in his day, but he does less in ring now and is in a higher spot on the card than ever. WTF?!
Santino and Hornswoggle - I have no idea why both are as over as they are. I guess the 8 year olds love this crap. It just frustrates me that there are guys I would like to see on a weekly basis, but instead I have to sit through Santino telling a lame joke, or the misadventures of Horny and Teddy Long.

R-Truth - Can he do anything once he actually has to wrestle? The fans seem to like singing along to his raps, but he is very average in ring.
As I said before the Miz HAS to be front and center for this thread. I'm glad people out there are agreeing with me because all I see is people riding his shaft calling him the next Shawn Michaels or Chris Jericho. He's atrocious and annoying. Not annoying because he's a heel, but annoying because he's well... annoying.

The Miz. No doubt. He sucks.
I'm on the side of the many people saying Randy Orton.

When this man was a heel, I enjoyed him 'cos he was a cunt. Come on, he DDT'ed Steph & kissed her whilst her husband was cuffed to the ropes. This psycho shit was good, don't get me wrong.

Then he just became.. boring to watch. The fact I knew when a RKO was coming just didn't excite me anymore. That and I think the punt can't work when you're a face.
What made it worse, is that the RKO became a good thing, people cheered for it, and I didn't see why. Someone tell me?

He only became "Super Over" because people started cheering for him. I would've kept him heel as his character was interesting, with the attitude problems and the out of controlness.

As a face and champion, he does nothing for me. I'd rather see a different, not Cena champ. Barrett to win at Survivor Series & Miz to follow please.
Ok I am going to commit blasthphomey here I know I will get hell for this but I am going to say....

Ric Flair

I was never a fan of his at all. The ridiculous hair and robe made/make him look like he wouldnt be out of place in a gay sauna. I could never understand most of what he was saying when he began shouting and wooing in fact I really thought he had had a stroke in his later years as he only seemed to use half of his mouth! It was all garble mixed with woo's!

His in ring ability is good but nothing spectacular he chops, he woo's, he falls over and he uses a finishing move made famous by (I think) Buddy Rogers. Albeit he was a fan hence the use of the move and 'nature boy' name but still...

Then there's this whole 'nature boy' crap. Has Flair ever been young? Nature grandpa more like!

Then there's his lifestyle. Why does everybody love it? I read a comment by someone I forget whom that he 1st met Flair walking around a hotel naked with a balloon hanging off his knob. It is also rumoured that on the 2002 'flight from hell' that Flair was strutting up and down the plane naked except for his robe. His ex wife stated that he exposed himself to her friends. Now does anybody else find it rather disgusting that this man has a clear obsession with showing his cock to people? I wont bother to mention his marrying of girls young enough to be his granddaughter!

I just do not understand why people kiss his arse as all I see is an overrated pervert!
I agree with a lot of the names listed so far. I even agree about Randy Orton to a certain extent. Except that he got over because Evolution was so great, and he was the guy to take down Triple H during the Game's biggest high.

I'll really never get RVD. I suppose certain people love him because of the old ECW days, and he stands for freedoms like smoking pot and whatnot...but none of that really matters to me as a fan of wrestling. Mic Foley is another one. Hardcore wrestling is cool and all, but I'm all about the straight-up mat wrestling, as well as putting over a story, and I don't think these two have the ability to do it without being carried by their opponents.

Matt Hardy was over because Team Extreme was revolutionary when the debuted as a tag team back in the day. And the IWC gave him the small amount of push he got towards the end of his WWE days.

Oh yeah...I forgot about the one guy I will never understand... Abyss. I know, not a TNA thread. But it's still very applicable. This guy was given the keys to the TNA Hummer (metaphorically speaking of course...TNA could never afford a Hummer), and apparently he was very over a few years ago as well. I have no idea why... He's like a cross between Kane and Mankind, with about as much mic ability, and even less ring ability. I just don't get it. He's not scary like Kane was when he had his mask...he's just goofy looking.
As I said before the Miz HAS to be front and center for this thread. I'm glad people out there are agreeing with me because all I see is people riding his shaft calling him the next Shawn Michaels or Chris Jericho. He's atrocious and annoying. Not annoying because he's a heel, but annoying because he's well... annoying.

The Miz. No doubt. He sucks.

I totally used to agree. Miz was pretty much my most hated Superstar since the time he debuted. I would have been the first to say he was going to be "future endeavored" as soon as Miz/Morrison broke up. But this year he's really become a solid in-ring worker. And since he won Money in the Bank, his mic skills have been able to shine. This is a day where in-ring ability and mic skills are sacrificed for the "perfect look" and the ability to advertise, and I think the Miz (and I can't believe I'm saying this) is actually something I've been looking for in the WWE for awhile now. He's not a future Chris Jericho or anything. He's his own person. But with Jericho gone indefinitely, HBK retired, Triple H out "injured" (come on, he has to be better by now), and Randy Orton having the mic skills of Festus lately...Miz is needed. I'm glad Sheamus is getting much better as well. Though I swear if he jobs to Santino again I'll scream...
I still cant get over this hate for Miz...My gosh he IS the next big star. the next HBK, possible, I think he is farther along in his career at this point than Micheals was, and were talking about my 2 fav wrestlers here...

IF all that is true about Ric Flair i totaly agree. That is just nasty stuff...and iv watched TNA a couple times..i liked what i saw but i physically get sick when Flair is in a match..His style now and his looks..NOTHING what a wrestler should be like...
I still cant get over this hate for Miz...My gosh he IS the next big star. the next HBK, possible, I think he is farther along in his career at this point than Micheals was, and were talking about my 2 fav wrestlers here...


HBK was one of THE BEST in-ring performers the WWE has ever seen in it's entire history. The Miz on the other hand is yet to have one memorable match or one eye-opening move, for that matter.

Saying he's "farther along in his career" means ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. Two TOTALLY different era's we are talking here. There were less titles and longer title reigns during HBK's early days. Now? The titles are passed out like cake at a 6 year old birthday party and are on more guys than a ****e on the corner in a single month.

If "The Miz" somehow keeps getting a push, then maybe one day we'll say "Miz did have better mic skills than HBK." But that's a HUGE "if" to consider that he'll one day be that good and other than that one statement he is no where near and never will be near the level of HBK. No fucking chance.

Don't compare him or say "he is the next _____". The Miz is the next The Miz. Plain and simple. He will be whatever he turns out to be. And I really hope it's bad because his promos are getting dry and are waaaaaaaaay too overrated on this board, his look is terrible, his name is terrible, his in-ring performance is boring, and he's just annoying.

Just no.
As I said before the Miz HAS to be front and center for this thread. I'm glad people out there are agreeing with me because all I see is people riding his shaft calling him the next Shawn Michaels or Chris Jericho. He's atrocious and annoying. Not annoying because he's a heel, but annoying because he's well... annoying.

The Miz. No doubt. He sucks.

Keep telling yourself that, because he is supposed to be annoying and does his job very well. You may say you dislike him for other reasons, but it sounds like you got worked by a heel doing his job to me.

Not sure how he is "atrocious", maybe you should explain what is bad about him in your eyes so I can at least understand your point of view, because right now you just seem like a blind hater.

You got worked, son.
Keep telling yourself that, because he is supposed to be annoying and does his job very well. You may say you dislike him for other reasons, but it sounds like you got worked by a heel doing his job to me.

Not sure how he is "atrocious", maybe you should explain what is bad about him in your eyes so I can at least understand your point of view, because right now you just seem like a blind hater.

You got worked, son.

Have you read any of my other posts in this thread? I'm not going to list the reasons out again as to why he is atrocious.

I've been watching the WWF/E for a long, long time now. I know the difference between when a heel is annoying me and when an annoying person is annoying me.

"hater", "son".... I think I'm just going to leave this one alone, actually.
Getting off the Miz.....

The guy I never got was X-Pac. He seemed so over with the crowd at live events and I have no idea why. He was a punk with a bad attitude and TERRIBLE on the mic.

Complete Tool!
I don't know if anyone remembers this, but I would have to say "Dean" Douglas. Shane Douglas was a great worker at the time, don't get me wrong, but that was one of his WORST gimmicks ever. The fact that he was able to get over as IC champ still astonishes me to this day. That's enough of the past...

Current WWE: Sheamus

Yes, the guy is a brute. Yes, he's one of the only heels left on RAW. To me, he's just a bigger version of Finlay with a miniscule moveset. I guess when he knocked off John Cena from his perch as champion, I guess he started connecting with the crowd. If that never happened, this guy would be working dark matches alongside Yoshi Tatsu...
What about Sid? Just awful. Lex Luger is up there too. Both very ordinary in the ring and on the mic but somehow got near the world title scene. I didn't get either of them. When Luger showed up on Nitro it was hardly a coup - nowhere near Nash & Hall. And Sid? I get it - he's a big guy and Vince loves big guys. But come on - he's no Kane or Undertaker. I've been watching wrestling for 35 years and Sid's the one guy I just don't buy as champion (except David Arquette of course...)
i dont undersatnd the whole "dashing" one.... i think Cody just needs to go back to FCW the only reason he got over was orton...maybe i just dont see it cause he doesnt wear knee pads lol
Drew McIntyre to me is one of the most bland, boring wrestlers Ive seen in a long time. I don't understand how he was ever considered the "Chosen One", and thankfully, they've backed off on that.

There was a long point where this guy actually had a huge undefeated streak going, and his entire offense consisted of kicks, punches, and a double-arkm underhook DDT. He's not that good on the mic, unless he's bullying someone, which shows he has little dimension to him. He does have a great look, but that can only take you so far. It actually has to be backed up by demonstrating tangible in-ring ability and/or charisma, and Ive seen very little of either from him.

While he's improved, mildly, in the ring from his first stint in WWE in 2007, it wasn't worth the push he got, the IC title he won, or his label as "The Chosen One." The only really good thing about him is the kick-ass Shaman's Harvest sonbg he uses as his entrance them. But as a wrestler, and as a performer, I just don't see it.
One name that comes to mind is Scott Steiner. I think the only reason he was over was because he was always beating up HHH when he was in Evolution. I mean this guy had maybe 6 good moves, im sure people will disagree with me but o well

On the contrary, I agree with you. Scott Steiner was only good when the Steiners were a tag team and at their peek. When he became "Big Poppa Pump" he became louder and slower as the years went on. They tried billing him as a powerhouse but it never really never paid off. When he won the belt in WCW, all I could think was "What did he do to deserve a title reign?" Then he came to the WWE and fought Triple H. His first match and they give him Triple H. Both that match and the rematch to me were painful because not even Triple H was capable of putting that slow hulking oaf over.

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