Who's Someone In WWE That Got Over That You Never Understood

Matt "I Bitch All The Time" Hardy

I can never understand how much this guy is loved by smarks and the IWC. He has never been involved in any major angles, or any major title matches (WWECW title doesn't count) and he is a 10+ year veteran, to me that doesn't look very good. As much as people praise him especially on the forums i just dont get it if he was so good dont you think he would at least one world title or at least be close to winning a world title. Matt Hardy equals overrated and boredom.
So many people come to mind for this. Great question.

Chris Benoit first and foremost. The guy lacked almost everything. He dove off a top rope with a headbutt and put somebody in a cross faced grapple on the ground. That hardly made up for his boring personality, boring wrestling attire, and rotting teeth. How he ever held any belt...let alone the world heavyweight title...is beyond me.

The rest aren't in any particular order...but are all baffling nonetheless...

Rey Mysterio Jr. - as I've stated before...the David vs. Goliath thing only works when it's done once in a while. If the David vs. Goliath angle happens over and over and constantly...well David vs. Goliath doesn't exist anymore now does it because it basically becomes the norm. Which just isn't believable. Giant 6'5"+ wrestlers are all getting their asses kicked by some little twerp flip flopping around everytime? Don't buy it. No way. Keep this guy in the cruiserweight division.

Rob Van Dam - this one always boggled my mind. The guy has a personality of a dead moth. He's basically a stoner in a one piece bathing suit somersalting around who pretends he's the only one in pain after he does his moves. This guy has caused me to switch many a channel when he's on the television.

This is what I have for now...but there are certainly a heck of a lot more. Stay tuned!
This isn't going to win me any friends here, but it's Kofi Kingston for me...

Nothing about him interests me at all. He's decent in the ring, but I don't rate his mic skills and I don't care much for his entrance music. I really don't understand the appeal of Kofi, but perhaps those of you who like him can debate this with me? I feel that WWE gave him a chance to shine against Orton, but he really failed to seize the moment, for whatever reason.

I totally agree. He just doesn't do anything for me, he's just boring; his personailty is boring, his entrace is boring etc. Why the hell do people like him? But the thing that isn't boring about him is when he tries to be serious, he can't act serious if his life depended on it and it's laughable to be honest.

Another one is Cryme Time. I fucking hate these guys as a team or as singles. They are also very boring maybe even more boring than Kingston, the only time I enjoyed them is when they were released hopefully they're both released soon, they are just a waste.
Ric Flair - Yeh he did some tip top promos in the 90s but the robes, the hair, his awful wrestling ability. No thanks, never got why he is considered one of the best ever. His matches bore me to death. Even more so now he is old and decrepid.

Kofi Kingston, Christian, Matt Hardy are a waste of space aswell.
Batista - Cookie Cutter template and was the equivalent of Hercules in the ring... His whole push was an insult to guys like the Barbarian, Herc and Davey Boy who had immensly more talent and never got World titles... Why did fans cheer for him, I can't really say...he was the most unlikeable wrestler of this generation.

Jeff Jarrett - He was never truly over enough but always manipulated it so he'd come out on top... He was mediocre in the ring and as a character... Basically he proves the adage about promoters sons being pushed never working...

Orton is over now by default, same for guys like Kingston...

The worst case I have ever known in this is JBL... He was a horrible worker who resorted to using the cheapest heat to get over as a heel. Racial slurs, Nazi goosestepping in Germany... and he was given a hell of a long reign compared to most these days... His investments must have made Vince some coin or something cos otherwise there was nothing to get him one reign much less all the titles he ended up hoarding...
5.) Bret Hart - Great wrestler, but when you get on the mic, I change the channel

I think you answered why he got over in the first half of the sentence. "Great wrestler", in a business called WRESTLING, I think its safe to say thats what got him over.

Admittedly Hart wasnt the best on the mic, but his phenomenal in-ring ability and average mic skills (he was better on the mic as a heel in the Hart Foundation later on in his career), is what got him over with the fans.

My pick would be The Big Show. I dont find him entertaining in the least, never have. He has got over for being tall, I honestly cannot see any other reason. He is awkward in the ring, cant bump really because noone can move him, doesnt make the most of his immense power because every move he does looks rubbish, and isnt funny as a face or threatening as a heel on the mic.

How he entertains fans is beyond me
Ric Flair - Yeh he did some tip top promos in the 90s but the robes, the hair, his awful wrestling ability. No thanks, never got why he is considered one of the best ever. His matches bore me to death. Even more so now he is old and decrepid.

Ric Flair is one of the best wrestlers of all time. Of course his matches arent very good now, he is in his late 60s?!!? He needs to call it a day, but to never understand how Flair got over, and has been over for 30-40 years is ignorant.

The hair and the robes fit his "Nature Boy" persona perfectly, and its one of the most iconic looks in the history of the business. Back in the day, in his prime, Ric Flair was putting on hour-long masterclasses every night in the ring. He was phenomenal at telling a story and making the crowd believe that the home-town guy had a chance of winning, when really you knew Naitch was gonna come out on top.

Most fans today only know Flair in his veteran years, hell he was old back in WCW in the late 90s, but he has always been a master on the microphone, and cut some of the best promos of all time back in the day.

Yes he needs to retire and stop cutting himself now, its time to hang up the boots, but he was excellent in the ring in his prime and brilliant on the mic, as well as looking the part and having incredible charisma. So that is how he got over
My pick is... Jeff Hardy.

I never got into either him or Matt and I never saw the appeal. Yeah, they were great in the TLC matches and Jeff was always good for a "Holy Shit" moment, but that's the extent of my interest in him. He calls himself the Charasmatic Enigma? I've never seen anything charasmatic about him on the mic and the only enigmatic thing about him to me is why he is so over. I guess I just see him as a glorified spot monkey. I enjoyed his feud with Punk last year but that's pretty much because I wanted to see Punk take him out. Maybe I'm totally missing something, but I just never understood how Jeff Hardy got as over as he is to this day.
So many people come to mind for this. Great question.

Chris Benoit first and foremost. The guy lacked almost everything. He dove off a top rope with a headbutt and put somebody in a cross faced grapple on the ground. That hardly made up for his boring personality, boring wrestling attire, and rotting teeth. How he ever held any belt...let alone the world heavyweight title...is beyond me.


How Chris Benoit held any title is beyond you?? Are you forgetting the fact that he was one of the best wrestlers of his generation. Benoit was brilliant in the ring, and became a star based on his actual wrestling ability, rather than being simply good at talking. Yes he sucked on the mic, but it was in in-ring talent that got him over, same as Bret Hart.

He was lacking nearly everything?? He was in amazing shape, great submission skills, good moveset, devastating finisher, and the missing tooth and unshaven look made him look one mean SOB...perfect for his Canadian Crippler gimmick. Oh, and his attire was just normal wrestling tights, same kind as Eddie Guerrero wore and many other wrestlers. If you think that is boring do you also find Austin and Goldbergs plain black trunks boring? Or Triple H and The Rock, or Hogan because they just wore plain coloured trunks too? Does that make them lack something? I doubt it. Benoit didnt need the flashy robes, jackets or sunglasses because his gimmick was simply a no-frills tough guy who could "cripple" you. He didnt need the outfit to get his point across

Benoit got over because he was good, simple as. All he was lacking was mic skills, then he could go down as an all-time great in my opinion.

How Chris Benoit held any title is beyond you?? Are you forgetting the fact that he was one of the best wrestlers of his generation. Benoit was brilliant in the ring, and became a star based on his actual wrestling ability, rather than being simply good at talking. Yes he sucked on the mic, but it was in in-ring talent that got him over, same as Bret Hart.

He was lacking nearly everything?? He was in amazing shape, great submission skills, good moveset, devastating finisher, and the missing tooth and unshaven look made him look one mean SOB...perfect for his Canadian Crippler gimmick. Oh, and his attire was just normal wrestling tights, same kind as Eddie Guerrero wore and many other wrestlers. If you think that is boring do you also find Austin and Goldbergs plain black trunks boring? Or Triple H and The Rock, or Hogan because they just wore plain coloured trunks too? Does that make them lack something? I doubt it. Benoit didnt need the flashy robes, jackets or sunglasses because his gimmick was simply a no-frills tough guy who could "cripple" you. He didnt need the outfit to get his point across

Benoit got over because he was good, simple as. All he was lacking was mic skills, then he could go down as an all-time great in my opinion.

He wasn't a world champion. He was a little short twerp with rotting teeth who dove off the top rope and delivered a head butt for his finisher. He was B-O-R-I-N-G plain and simple. Everybody can conjure up these fantasies in their head about certain guys being a "man's man" or a "blue collar guy just like me" wrestling out there...and holding some sentimental attachment for something that really isn't there...but I just use logic and reasoning instead.

Bret Hart had the image. He had great ring attire (pink and black that stood out), he had the shades he would give to the kids and would play the crowd, his theme song was incredible...and he had the hart legacy machine behind him. Chris Benoit didn't have ANY of these things. He literally just went out there with his 5'4" frame, looking like a jobber from a Sunday afternoon episode of Superstars and somehow got a push in WWF to World Champion??? That's like saying that Floyd Mayweather is the best in the world and he SHOULD be the heavyweight champion because he's quick and has nice moves. NO! First of all he couldn't be because he's too small...therefore it's just not believable.

Same with Chris Benoit and Rey Mysterio. They're these small twerps running around with their boring gimmicks and no personality giving leg locks and stuff and becoming world champion against these other far better guys. Just didn't make sense to me and probably never will.
One guy I'll mention is Hardcore Holly. The guy was actually pushed in the main event before against Brock Lesnar. He was a short guy that was a stiff worker but never did anything remarkable. He never had any flashy moves or even had a catch phrase or fancy finisher as far as I remember. How do you like me now? I guess that was it. The fans did cheer for him though. He was over for a certain amount of time in the attitude era. I don't think Holly would be over today like he was back then. He never received a huge reaction as Spark Plug Holly either.

Another guy that WWE got over was Test. He was in a love triangle with Stephanie McMahon and Triple H. I will never understand his fascination or why he had so many fans. He was a big guy who was average at best. He was pretty bad on the mic and the biggest he ever got was during the Triple H/ Stephanie wedding.
Ever heard of the Steiners Brothers? Ever watch him in WCW? If you're going to limit Steiner's career to his brief time in post-Alliance WWE, then it's no wonder you're in the dark.

My vote for this topic is easy... Roddy Piper. Now he was perfectly fine as a heel, but I never understood how he got over as a face. I was always annoyed any time he showed up on my TV. It felt like people cheered this guy just because they knew he was a legend, but he did nothing I ever saw that I thought merited a reaction.

Totally agree with you on the Steiners.

As for The Rowdy one, in the early 90s WWF, Piper was legit. You couldn't help but love his enthusiasm. Granted looking back it was more than likely his coke addiction, but who's keeping track? He was kind of like an early day Stone Cold, he fought for what was right but deep down you kind of knew he didn't really want to..If that makes any sense? If we're talking about ICON/WCW Roddy Piper, then I'm totally with you.

8..) Ron Simmons - Career heel starts saying "Damn" and the crowd loves him?

I think a lot of Ron Simmons' popularity, and I'm assuming you're just talking about after his retirement from the ring, at least with the IWC, has a lot to do with how hard he worked throughout his entire career. He wasn't the best in ring worker necessarily, nor that good on the mic necessarily, but he is very well respected.

As for everyone bashing the Miz.. like it or not, this dude is the future of wrestling. I never thought I'd say this when I watched him on the Real World, and yes, I used to watch the Real World, back when it was good. He does probably the best heel mic work of anyone in the WWE and he IS constantly improving in the ring. Once he lost the hat and baggy shorts, I was sold.

My choice would have to be face Batista.. I'm talking post-Evolution Batista.. Guy was terrible on the mic and not much better in the ring. I never understood why he was sky rocketed to the top. I guess it's a prime example of someone getting the rub.
Im not going to say that I dont understand why he got over, but I will say there is just something about him that bothers me.

Sheamus. Honestly, I think its his hair. It just makes me roll my eyes. If they cut it short, dropped the spikes for SURE, I think I could start taking him more seriously. I know he is Irish but I wish he could get some pigmentation on that chest too. He is definitely a good worker, and he can work the mic and the crowd pretty well for a new guy, but his look just turns me away. He isnt champion material with that haircut haha. And hearing these rumors about him fighting Taker in potentially his last match, no way. They need to do something with his appearance before I can buy into him as a true main eventer.
Chris Benoit The guy lacked almost everything. He dove off a top rope with a headbutt and put somebody in a cross faced grapple on the ground.

You are oversimplifying Benoit's abilities. He clearly had a lot more than a cross face and a diving headbutt. He got over based on being one of the best in between the ropes. Listen to the reaction he gets after beating Angle in the 30 Minute Submission match at Backlash 2001. Both those guys kept us entertained for 30+ mins using pure in-ring ability. While he wasn't great on the mic, he wasn't bad. It's nothing you would cringe at...his delivery is simple and to the point.

What does his teeth have to do with anything? That's a completely superficial issue. If anything it added to his gimmick of the no-nonsense guy that would hurt you...like a war wound. The guy could wrestle and despite all the sports entertainment and storylines, in the end it's the wrestling payoff that people care about.

I'm going to come out of left field just a little bit and go with Chyna. Her in-ring skills were mediocre and the only reason she managed to get over is because she was a woman. If she had been male and doing the same thing in matches she'd never be given a second look as opposed to say, Beth Pheonix, who has that 'unfeminine' physique but is a helluva wrestler.
You are oversimplifying Benoit's abilities. He clearly had a lot more than a cross face and a diving headbutt. He got over based on being one of the best in between the ropes. Listen to the reaction he gets after beating Angle in the 30 Minute Submission match at Backlash 2001. Both those guys kept us entertained for 30+ mins using pure in-ring ability. While he wasn't great on the mic, he wasn't bad. It's nothing you would cringe at...his delivery is simple and to the point.

What does his teeth have to do with anything? That's a completely superficial issue. If anything it added to his gimmick of the no-nonsense guy that would hurt you...like a war wound. The guy could wrestle and despite all the sports entertainment and storylines, in the end it's the wrestling payoff that people care about.

I'm going to come out of left field just a little bit and go with Chyna. Her in-ring skills were mediocre and the only reason she managed to get over is because she was a woman. If she had been male and doing the same thing in matches she'd never be given a second look as opposed to say, Beth Pheonix, who has that 'unfeminine' physique but is a helluva wrestler.

Chyna was awesome, sorry. I would love for her to come back and wipe the floor with all the "divas" (except for Beth Phoenix). Chyna went toe to toe with male wrestlers and often came out on top. I'll never forget the time she powerbombed Christian. She also had a pretty decent feud with Eddie Guererro.
The Great Khali, The Miz, Shawn Michaels (Ball and Cock Contract/Ric Flair's same moveset), Jeff Hardy, Umaga.

After i started appreciating wrestling, i grew to like Eddie Guerrero but am surprised he got a world title push. It seemed like they'd use him for a midcarder or jobber 4 lyfe.
WWE normally doesn't know what to do with wrestlers who have talent. It's all about your gimmick. 3 wrestlers have told me that.
You are oversimplifying Benoit's abilities. He clearly had a lot more than a cross face and a diving headbutt. He got over based on being one of the best in between the ropes. Listen to the reaction he gets after beating Angle in the 30 Minute Submission match at Backlash 2001. Both those guys kept us entertained for 30+ mins using pure in-ring ability. While he wasn't great on the mic, he wasn't bad. It's nothing you would cringe at...his delivery is simple and to the point.

What does his teeth have to do with anything? That's a completely superficial issue. If anything it added to his gimmick of the no-nonsense guy that would hurt you...like a war wound. The guy could wrestle and despite all the sports entertainment and storylines, in the end it's the wrestling payoff that people care about.

Dean Malenko was a great "between-the-ropes" wrestler too with zero personality. Him being world heavyweight champion and representing an entire business with his boredom is just the same. Curt Hennig, who had the "between-the-ropes" skills AND a great personality didn't make it past the mid-card...and he still managed to be a Hall of Famer. Nothing wrong with that.

It's when you start taking these mid-card boring guys and try to make them into something they're not...that's when things get out of control and you have guys like Rey Mysterio flip flopping around with the HEAVYWEIGHT (what?!?) Title for a hot minute. Pointless.
i dont understand all the Randy Orton acting all dumbfounded that he's so over, he was such a good heel even stemming from Evolution he was getting a reaction for YEARS, and his face turn makes sense the same way austins did, austin didnt change his gimmick when he turned face either... but as long as they start beatin down heels they will be cheered

matt hardy is the obvious choice for this thread, hes a fat baby who does nothing but gain weight and leave videos. R-Truth is another, he SUCKS both in the ring and on the mic and his gimmick and everything about him is annoying (not to sound like michael cole). "Whats up?" was a good song to get the young fans into it but how the hell does he still get cheered with his new garbage
i dont understand all the Randy Orton acting all dumbfounded that he's so over, he was such a good heel even stemming from Evolution he was getting a reaction for YEARS, and his face turn makes sense the same way austins did, austin didnt change his gimmick when he turned face either... but as long as they start beatin down heels they will be cheered

Randy Orton as the Legend Killer was so awesome, and the reason I am a fan of his today, and have remained one [even during what some of you would call a questionable run as "The Viper."] I can't get enough of a good, cocky heel. I watch his hardcore match with Foley from Backlash 2004 frequently.
It's when you start taking these mid-card boring guys and try to make them into something they're not...that's when things get out of control and you have guys like Rey Mysterio flip flopping around with the HEAVYWEIGHT (what?!?) Title for a hot minute. Pointless.

But why should having less than stellar mic skills but great wrestling skills hold someone back while having a great personality with mediocre in-ring skills holds someone back. Benoit was way over due to his matches. Why is that a worse way to get over than having mic skills?

I'm not trying to argue for the sake of arguing, I just would enjoy hearing your views. None of my friends watch wrestling anymore so I have to go to the internet to talk about it! I'm glad I've found this forum and wrestling fans like you guys.

It's strange, because I can kind of see your point about Malenko. Guy was fantastic and deserves a Hall of Fame spot, but I can see how putting a world title on him might raise some eyebrows, moreso than Benoit and Mysterio.

As for Mysterio, he's not that great anymore due to injury but he's another who's in-ring skills got him over. He was a great worker in ECW and didn't rely on the same few spots all the time. The heavyweight title should only be heavyweight in name only...the scripting of the matches means that there's not the unfair advantage in crossing weight classes like there would be in boxing. I can see why people don't like Mysterio but I think that's partly down to his weak booking.
well there are quite a few guys but i can remember only four for now

RVD-basically what you guys are saying for jeff hardy is true for this guy as well.he is just a spot monkey with the personality of a toothpick.never understood what was so big about him.people bring up ecw but wasnt he just a midcard champ there as well for a long time.i always thought that ecw was more about guys like dreamer reaven sandman etc.now all that combined praise from iwc and tna(add to that some of the stuff he smokes)has got to him and he is considering himself to be the SCSA of tna

Jeff Hardy-same as rvd

Matt Hardy-how in the blue hell was he a face in his feud with edge.didnt he just go to the internet and divulge about his failed love life like the loser that he is(was that him or was that MATTHEW!!)yeah matt there's nothing you can do(except blame god perhaps)that you have a "small package"if you know what i mean

The Miz-this is what i wrote about him on some thread comparing miz and rock

this has come up recently even though i cant see it.rock was better in the ring though the miz is improving.on the mic there is no one who can compare to rock.he had like ten catchphrases while miz has one and a pretty sucky one at that.also i dont get whats so great about miz's interviews.he always talks about how he was mistreated and ragged when he first came to wwe.seems to me like a guy with childhood issues.hey miz why dont you show us on the doll where jbl touched you????
Really? Eight pages and only one line about Warrior? Really?

For me, The Ultimate Warrior is someone who should have never been pushed at all, mid-card or main event. Vince has always had an obsession with big guys, and at the time I think part of it was that body building was a hot market that he wanted to capitalize on (remember segments like WWF Superstars vs. body builders tug of war?). That's basically the only reason why he was given a push at all.

Warrior was a steroid freak who gave promos in his own language that didn't make sense to anyone, probably not even himself. He could not wrestle to save his life, and anything resembling a decent match that he might have had was because someone was leading him around the ring by his nose. He was a horrible worker, was disliked by everyone in the locker room, took his entire career for granted, and in total only wrestled for about three years, getting fired at least four times in the process and failing multiple drug tests.

Fans ate him up though, to the point where they put him over Hogan, who was the face of not just the company, but the entire wrestling world (arguably even to this day). He was enough of a household name that WCW brought him in so that he could wrestle all of three matches before he got fired again, one of which is considered to be the worst PPV main event of all time, even by Bischoff and Hogan, who was Warrior's opponent.

People still want him to somehow make an appearance on WWE programming, and it pisses me off that they have him in the intro now. He's basically insane and a raging asshole who was given the world when he didn't deserve it and whines about how he was mistreated, when he's not whining about how "gays are ruining America," or whatever the fuck he's saying. Fuck him.

I'd also like to nominate Goldberg. What the fuck did he do to get his ridiculous push and unbelievable record? He was big. People complain about Cena's move set, yet seem to forget how limited Goldberg's was. He's another jackass people want to come back for whatever reason. The guy basically wanted to kill Jericho's career because the writers gave him a heel anti-Goldberg angle. Hearing about how Jericho took him down in the WWE locker room put a gigantic smile on my face, especially since it's probably the only time that anyone has ever put the guy in his place and shown him that he's not as amazing as he thinks he is.

Fuck HHH too. I've never liked the guy. People never seem to remember that he also does his own version of the "five moves of death", and everything else he does is vastly overrated. The whole nepotism thing aggravates the fuck out of me. If he wasn't Vince's son-in-law, there's no way he'd have held as much gold as he has.

And to the guy who criticized Miz's hair, I have that haircut, asshole. :p
well there are quite a few guys but i can remember only four for now

RVD-basically what you guys are saying for jeff hardy is true for this guy as well.he is just a spot monkey with the personality of a toothpick.never understood what was so big about him.people bring up ecw but wasnt he just a midcard champ there as well for a long time.i always thought that ecw was more about guys like dreamer reaven sandman etc.now all that combined praise from iwc and tna(add to that some of the stuff he smokes)has got to him and he is considering himself to be the SCSA of tna

Insert incessant gasping for breath and heart palpitations here. Definitely did not see this coming from anyone. RVD was a huge spot monkey for sure, but he could also go catch as catch can. And he didn't have to be a very "hardcore" wrestler. Check out his match with Sabu from Wrestlepalooza '98, or any of his matches with Jerry Lynn. As for his mid card champion status in ECW, it's true, it's true, but, I always felt that ECW tried to do what Vince did with the WWF, and had three titles, making each one as significant as the other. The TV strap was "the working man's title" much as the intercontinental title was until the late 90s, and thus very important. As for his mic skils/personality, he isn't the greatest on the stick, but he has personality. In ECW and much of his WWE days, he was always happy go lucky and it worked well because the first time you saw him, you expected this dude to go out and get his ass kicked, and then he blew your mind! So when he did get pissed off, you knew it meant something. I was so stoked for RVD when he won the WWE title from John Cena and had both titles, even if the ECW title wasn't the same at that point.
But why should having less than stellar mic skills but great wrestling skills hold someone back while having a great personality with mediocre in-ring skills holds someone back. Benoit was way over due to his matches. Why is that a worse way to get over than having mic skills?

I'm not trying to argue for the sake of arguing, I just would enjoy hearing your views. None of my friends watch wrestling anymore so I have to go to the internet to talk about it! I'm glad I've found this forum and wrestling fans like you guys.

It's strange, because I can kind of see your point about Malenko. Guy was fantastic and deserves a Hall of Fame spot, but I can see how putting a world title on him might raise some eyebrows, moreso than Benoit and Mysterio.

As for Mysterio, he's not that great anymore due to injury but he's another who's in-ring skills got him over. He was a great worker in ECW and didn't rely on the same few spots all the time. The heavyweight title should only be heavyweight in name only...the scripting of the matches means that there's not the unfair advantage in crossing weight classes like there would be in boxing. I can see why people don't like Mysterio but I think that's partly down to his weak booking.

Thanks for coming on here and I enjoy your discussion.

Take for example, Wrestlemania 6 in 1990. The main event was "The Immortal" Hulk Hogan (World Heavyweight Champion) vs. The Ultimate Warrior (Intercontinental Champion) - now neither of these guys could "wrestle" a lick. But what both of these guys had was charisma and stage presence. So due to this...wherever they were...they had your undivided attention and you were cheering your ass off. Whether it be their superhero like personas, their ring attire, their entrance music, or everything all wrapped up into one...they were the two big honchos in the WWF at that time. So at Wrestlemania 6, here they are facing each other for the first time ever. Most fans literally couldn't choose who they wanted to win...and they didn't care that they weren't going to do somersalts or cartwheels in the ring either. The fans wanted to know who was going to win and how. And because of this, that match goes down as one of the best matches people can remember to a lot of people. Not because they used great technical maneuvers or did flips off of the ropes...but because of what it represented. And the reason it represented so much is because of these two guys charisma they had.

Same can be said for Wrestlemania 3 with Hulk Hogan Vs. Andre the Giant or Wrestlemania 7 when then "Macho King" Randy Savage faced The Ultimate Warrior in a Wrestlemania's first "Retirement Match". These wrestlers were nothing great...but they are some of the most talked about matches by literally both wrestling fans and non-wrestling fans who may have just watched it at a buddies house or given it a chance.

A match between Chris Benoit and Eddie Guerrero hardly gets nearly as much press...mainly because outside of the technical wrestling (that only specific fans appreciate and enjoy) it was incredibly boring lacking substance. It's not a coincidence. It's just the way it is.

Charisma and personality has the ability to make the majority of viewers not care about the actual maneuvers in the ring. The opposite certainly cannot be said. A boring build-up to a match with 2 opponents lacking personality but having great in-ring ability gets forgotten quickly (by anybody outside of IWC or die hard fans around the time of that match)...but nobody ever forgets matches like Hogan vs. Andre. And it's for a reason.
The Miz.

Not only does he suffer from one of the stupidest names in professional wrestling history—rivaled only by Brother Runt, The Big Show, The Blue Meanie and Brutus Beefcake—but he has an immense following I just can't understand.


Yeah, I know... "Because, IDR, you blind TNA mark, he's super talented and is over and is a great heel and works the mic and this that and the other". :rolleyes:

Yeah? That's cool — I still think he's a massive tool and is still one of the most annoying people to see on a television screen. Really? Really? Yes, you obnoxious dick, really.

You can chalk him up to the high heavens, but I'll never see the appeal — he's a frat boy douche bag playing a frat boy douche bag.

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