Who's Someone In WWE That Got Over That You Never Understood

This isn't going to win me any friends here, but it's Kofi Kingston for me...

Nothing about him interests me at all. He's decent in the ring, but I don't rate his mic skills and I don't care much for his entrance music. I really don't understand the appeal of Kofi, but perhaps those of you who like him can debate this with me? I feel that WWE gave him a chance to shine against Orton, but he really failed to seize the moment, for whatever reason.

Actually his was the first name that came to my mind too.

I just don't see what the deal is about him. I get the whole he appeals to kids thing. But besides him being small and smiling a lot, I don't see what is so great about him. He jumps around a lot? Oh ok...

EDIT: Oh and he says "Boom" LOL
I still cannot understand how the Miz got so over. This man is being branded as the future of the WWE and if he is then the future looks bleak because I have never been impressed by his in ring abilities, or his supposedly golden mic skills. The Miz isn't AWESOME, he's OVERRATED!

People say that he has outshone Morrison by being really good on the mic. I would have loved to have seen the WWE turn Miz face after he broke away from Morrison. It is always going to be easier for a heel to do more on the mic than a generic face. Somewhere in this thread Squirrelbaby noted that until recently he had not been impressed by the in ring ability of Morrison. Did you not see any of his matches against guys like Edge, CM Punk, Jeff Hardy, and Rey Mysterio on Smackdown? He was on fire until they sent him to Raw. There is no way the Miz is ever going to be as good as Morrison in the ring, and if given a heel turn, I'm sure Morrison could be great on the mic.
One person I want to mention that I know will give me heat is... Cm Punk and his heel persona.


Now why would I say such a thing like that? Well, as much as I love the character, I never understood how he gets over as a heel. Sure everytime he cuts promos and rips on the crowd, he's like a prick. BUT HE'S A PRICK WITH GOOD MORALS. Who would you want your kids to root for, someone who does drugs and is in danger of getting fired if he fails another drug test or someone with good morals that could teach actual lessons.
One person I want to mention that I know will give me heat is... Cm Punk and his heel persona.


Now why would I say such a thing like that? Well, as much as I love the character, I never understood how he gets over as a heel. Sure everytime he cuts promos and rips on the crowd, he's like a prick. BUT HE'S A PRICK WITH GOOD MORALS. Who would you want your kids to root for, someone who does drugs and is in danger of getting fired if he fails another drug test or someone with good morals that could teach actual lessons.

Well that's the reason Punk is a great heel and is extremely over as a heel. He tells everyone we are all shit because of what you just mentioned. Listen to his promos. Like back when he was feuding with Jeff Hardy. He told all the parents they didn't know how to teach their choldren to follow him instead of Jeff. He tells everyone he is better than them. That's why parents don't want their kids modeled after him. They want to teach their kids that we are all equal no matter what lifestyle you choose.

Id also like to choose another. The oh so "Dashing"Cody Rhodes.
I don't see anything in this guy. He's just flat out annoying to me but yet, everyone seems really high on this guy. Everyone thinks he could be a future World Champion. I don't see it. His in ring ability is just mediocre. His gimmick is annoying aswell. No one wants to watch how to brush your teeth and shave your legs on a wrestling show. I'm not getting whatever it is you guys are. I love heels, but this guy has shown me nothing.
One person I want to mention that I know will give me heat is... Cm Punk and his heel persona.


Now why would I say such a thing like that? Well, as much as I love the character, I never understood how he gets over as a heel. Sure everytime he cuts promos and rips on the crowd, he's like a prick. BUT HE'S A PRICK WITH GOOD MORALS. Who would you want your kids to root for, someone who does drugs and is in danger of getting fired if he fails another drug test or someone with good morals that could teach actual lessons.

I was so ready to rip on you until I saw the morals part haa. So here's an example. I recently found out that sex under 18 is illegal, so if you are or were underaged, how would you feel if I told you not to fuck? Pretty pissed huh? It's not rare to want to have a good time, and a good time includes everything that straight egde is against which is drinking drugs and premarital sex. So Punk is the minority, and you're right. How can they boo a man who is pure good? Cause they're human my friend.
People don't boo Punk because he's trying to tell kids that drugs and alcohol are bad, people boo him because he's straight up telling everyone that he's better than they are. Big difference there.

Anyways, I never liked Jeff Hardy. I don't think I've ever heard him give a good promo, and his matches are nothing to write home about. As sad as it sounds, Matt was the one doing all of the work in the tag matches, while Jeff was dead outside the ring for 3/4 of them.
The Miz- For me, this guy has zero appeal. I guess he's good on the mic, but I think he's way, way overrated. He can cut a promo, but he's not nearly as entertaining as some make him out to be. I think Alex Riley is more entertaining than the Miz. In the ring, he has shown nothing. I mean absolutely nothing. When has he ever had a performance worthy of becoming World's champion? Never.

Matt Hardy- Has no character, at all. The guy is absolutely horrid on the mic. And to top it off, he isn't that great of an in-ring competitor. In fact, he never was. Was Jeff much better? Not really, but Jeff had the whole risk-taker thing going for him. Matt is Jeff, minus the big, exciting spots. What does that leave? Not much, in my opinion.

John Cena- Well, everyone took shots at Randy Orton, so I figure it's only fair to share how I feel about the Golden Boy. I don't think he's as bad as a lot of people say he is, but I never found him interesting either. On the mic, he really only appeals to small children. He's funny, but in a campy, cheesy kind of way.

In the ring, he's nothing special. Is he terrible in the ring? Not really, but I don't think he's good enough to warrant the popularity he's achieved. And no, I'm not talking about the "5 Moves of Doom" or whatever the F*** it's called. I'm more about execution, and he seems to be pretty sloppy in that area. He seems to move really quickly between offensive moves, and that never helps in telling a story. I expect to catch some shit for bagging on "The Man," but that's how I feel.
Alot of names come to mind from jeff hardy to kofi kingston, but one guy that is a legend and considered one of the best to tep foot in the ring, yet I just can't see it!!

He is Bret "the hitman" Hart. I just can't see it, he has 3 things going on for him, a good yet long catchphrase. The sharpshooter, and from it he is considered one of the best technical westlers (benoit and anlge where always better for me), and last his pink sunglasses that he gives to the kids, (Jomo does it now, lol). But he was over as a face and heel (espicially), he was boring, no, very boring, no, extermly boring. And he was just dsecent in the ring.

Now I know 95% would disagree with me but WTH this is my opinion
One person I want to mention that I know will give me heat is... Cm Punk and his heel persona.


Now why would I say such a thing like that? Well, as much as I love the character, I never understood how he gets over as a heel. Sure everytime he cuts promos and rips on the crowd, he's like a prick. BUT HE'S A PRICK WITH GOOD MORALS. Who would you want your kids to root for, someone who does drugs and is in danger of getting fired if he fails another drug test or someone with good morals that could teach actual lessons.

Seriously? It's quite simple really. The whole gimmick, like many, many heel gimmicks, revolves around the fact that regardless of the moral integrity of a character's lifestyle/opinions, it riles people to have someone shove their 'superiority' down people's throats, and berate them for their supposed inadequacies as human beings. Very simple concept. Executed incredibly by C.M Punk.
Randy Orton? Why would someone question how come Randy Orton got over in his current position considering the fact that he originally got over as a heel? Randy Orton didn't exactly get over at any point between his heel and face turn. He simply changed alignment and the crowd cheered for him more. Nothing more, nothing less.

Anyway. John Morrison is my choice.

He might have had some interesting moments of his career. Hardly something worth mentioning though for the overall reaction he gets from the crowd. The guy is a mess on the microphone, mediocre in the ring and the only thing he got going for him is his looks.

John Morrison is constantly the talk of future main eventer on this forum. And I cannot wrap my head around why people would want to see this guy wrestle for a world title. Much less be champion at any given point of his career. He's overall a boring act that only manages to put on a great match when he's working with people better than him.
Rikishi- Fat dancer that made me heave when he shoved his arse in peoples faces.

Eric Young- Looks and sounds like a loony toons villain! I cannot see anything special about this guy at all.

Vader- Big fat bastard in a mask. To this day I just cannot see what was so good about him

But the main 1 I am going to choose simply has to be......


She looked like a transvestite, was nothing special in the ring and on the mic sounded as though she had a blocked nose. Belonged nowhere near the IC title in my opinion.
Bret hart. I always found him slow (even in his prime) boring and un entertaining. His mic skills sounded boring and he put little emotion into it so he always sounded like he was reading it off a piece of paper in front of him. Yet he is, was and always will be hugely over. I honestly think that if it wasn't for the montreal screw job Not as many people would care about him now.
Hold on heres 1 I just thought of whom I dont think has been mentioned yet


Seriosly :wtf: He's the same height as my 5 year old brother does't talk doesn't do a great deal in the ring, his finisher is awful and basicaly imo is a C.L.B

I just don't get it :banghead:
I never understood the appeal of Bobby Lashley. I thought he was just boring and I couldn't believe that this guy was getting such a big push. He never really seemed very intimidating, eveything from his voice to his name 'Bobby Lashley'. Obviously, he's a big muscular guy and we all know how Vince feels about that. So I guess that explains his push but he never clicked for me.
I already ranted about the Miz... Now I'll calm down and go over 2nd place and 3rd place.

2nd to the Miz in terms of overrated and boring: Kofi Kingston

I don't say Kofi because his in-ring ability is overrated because honestly I'd disagree with that. I think he's better in the ring than most of the guys on SD!. I say it because he's boring. He was good in his feud with Orton but otherwise no thank you. His gimmick doesn't do much for me and his music is terrible. I'd be curious to see him be a heel main-eventer to see what happens. I mean why not, they tried it with Swagger.

3rd to the Miz in terms of overrated and boring: Anyone in ECW other than RVD and Sabu that appeared on the WWE show back when ECW "came back"

I'm sorry but fuck that. That stuff was terrible. OH HAHA LOOK SOME OLD GUY SCREAMING IS COMING FROM THE STANDS WITH A CANE DRINKING BEER. HOW EXCITING. Boooooooorrrrrrriiiiiiiinnnnnnggggggggg. Balls Mahoney? Tommy Dreamer? I don't care what you say they were just boring as hell almost made it look as bad as the diva's division does. They are embarassing themselves on TNA but then again I think TNA is the one embarassing themselves. Oh wow he went through a table so that makes him a great wrestler now! No. They all look like out of shape beer bellies that get together every Saturday to drink and watch college football. Not professional wrestlers.

I didn't say Mick Foley because I'd be hypocritical to say so. I really loved his Mankind gimmick and feud with the Rock. He told a story in his matches. He may not have been the best at "wrestling" like the ECW guys but he was better at every other aspect than any of them. He had some legendary matches (hell in a cell with taker, 99 rumble with rock, wm 25 with edge) and I just can't say that he is overrated or question why he's over.

And honestly, none of these (kofi, ecw fatasses) are even CLOSE to the Miz. If you want to know what I think of the Miz find my post on the third page. He is god-awful. End of story.
I was so ready to rip on you until I saw the morals part haa. So here's an example. I recently found out that sex under 18 is illegal, so if you are or were underaged, how would you feel if I told you not to fuck? Pretty pissed huh? It's not rare to want to have a good time, and a good time includes everything that straight egde is against which is drinking drugs and premarital sex. So Punk is the minority, and you're right. How can they boo a man who is pure good? Cause they're human my friend.

So, you're saying that a person has to drink, smoke, and do illicit drugs, in order to have a "good time?" I am Straight Edge. I'll tell you straight. You've got it all wrong. Nothing about this lifestyle has anything to do with denying people the ability to have fun. It's all about the fact that you don't need to do those things to have fun. And, to be frank, if you can't have a good time unless you're shit-faced, you really might want to consider treatment. (That last part is from the alcoholic that I was before I picked up the Straight Edge. If that's how you actually think, I'm genuinely concerned for your health.)
1.) Val Venis - Hi, I stole a career heels gimmick and made it into a face, ladies go nuts even though I look like a mole and I sound like I smoked 4 packs of smokes today, but hey, I got over with the crowd.... why? No freaking idea

Awesome vigniettes, cutting funny promos and having "Women [fall] and in love with him and half the guys..." (Vince's words not mine) was what made him a babyface. Plaid well any seemingly heelish gimmick can work as a babyface one.

For me though, it's gotta be Randy Orton as a face. I know what I just said applies here, but I still don't get why he's cheered. When Val played a heel he cut the humour out of the gimmick and played a straight "I hate the fans" heel. There was a difference between him as a face and as a heel. But Orton, not so much. He's the exact same person he was as a heel but he's cheered. I simply don't get it.
I would have to go with Matt Hardy.

I never get why every time his music hits the crowd cheers him so much. He sucks IMO. He has done next to shit in his career. Some say that he is bad ass as a heel and that he could put some good promos. Honestly it only got over with some from the IWC because they either hate Jeff or they just love Fat Hardy.
He does not even have the look to him. Sure he looks different from every one else, but that is because other wrestlers know that shit ain't going to work.
Triple H

Everyone knows he's a member of the McMahon family and that his marriage to Stephanie just so happened to coincide with his monsterous sized push he got back in the early 2000's, and yet fans almost never hold it against him.

Could you imagine if Cena married Stephanie and then became the biggest name in wrestling? Fans would never let him hear the end of it. Fans would be relentless with signs and chants reminding him of it at every show. But not Hunter.

On top of all that, there's the fact that Triple H is just another juiced up muscle man with no wrestling ability at all. Oh, and he's been around for like 15 years now and yet fans still aren't tired of him apparently.

The only thing keeping Trips afloat all these years as been his backstage power. Without that, theres no way he'd have been as successful as he was. But fans dont seem to mind.
Actually I take Hurricane back and will go with Goldust instead. OK he was better back in 96 cause he showed more character as he was pushed to the bone & in 2002 cause he had good chemistry with Booker in the comedy department but for people to say he's a good wrestler, I will never understand, I dont & have never seen anything fascinating from him in the ring but I do understand that it's his skits & comedy that get him over but that's all he's good at, nothing else.
First Post Here on WZ Forums.. I would like to say a couple of things. The reason why The Miz is over is because his character has evolved over the years.. I can kind of see him as the replacement to the veteran heel Chris Jericho i am better then everyone else style gimmick. CM Punks heel gimmick is the best thing that could ever happen to him and its a shame that he is still not pushed in the main event scene enough, I lost even more respect for the WWE when CM Punk had to put over The Big Show.. The Hippo is old news.

One i never got back in the day would have to be Bobby Lashley. The dude has to have the worst Mic Skills in the world. He was just a jacked up 6 foot plus terrible wrestler straight out of the mcmahon factory.

Present i would have to say Dolph Ziggler.. The guy just oozes boring and they even had to put Vickie on him to help him get some form of heat. He will never make it.
I would have to say Rey Mysterio.

The problem with Rey Mysterio, for me, is that I never really bought into the whole “Ultimate Underdog” shtick that he continually touts. When you consider that it really is the foundation of his character, you can probably see why I have never latched onto him as a wrestler.

I mean, it may stem from the fact that I don’t think Rey Mysterio should be able to beat The Big Show in a match. However, to make Rey Mysterio a main event player, like the WWE have done, they had to give him something that would make it possible for him to be considered such. Giving him a “big heart” and “lots of spirit” seems to be the way they have accomplished that whilst simultaneously getting him over with the fans due to the message he seems to stand up for.

Really, I just hate the lack of realism in those matches. I mean, at first it was quite appealing. There is no way that someone with that talent of Rey Mysterio should be overlooked in the main event scene but there is also no way he should be beating people like Batista and The Big Show. It may be petty but I just cannot stand that aspect of his character.
Jack Swagger - I cannot believe that nobody has said him yet. I never really understood why he was given the luxury of being called "Mr. Money in the Bank" and winning the World HeavyWeight Championship from Chris Jericho (of all people). The reason that I don't understand why he all of a sudden got over is because we're talking about a guy who had a few good matches with some top guys, but was buried in the long run. We're talking about a guy who lost against Santino Marella and was made out to be a complete joke, but then all of a sudden he gets this MAJOR push to the stars? It makes absolutely no sense. I'm not saying Jack Swagger didn't carry his reign well, but you have so many other people in the Money in the Bank Match that could've made more sense to win the match than Jack Swagger.

Drew McIntyre - I cannot really understand what was so special about Drew McIntyre either. Vince McMahon made him "The Chosen One". I am pretty sure that people expected big things from this guy, but in the long run in my opinion I believe that Drew McIntyre is stale and isn't that good in the ring. He has his moments where some nights he is on and he puts on some good matches, but some nights... Most nights he is stiff and very boring inside the ring. I just never understood why people go crazy for this guy.
Jack Swagger is way underrated. But standard WWE is doing what it always does and that is miss use good talent. But i agree with McIntyre he is just plain boring.
Kevin Nash
2003 was a good year in Wrestling, given; but having Kevin Nash in a feud with Triple H for the World Heavyweight Championship and putting him in an Elimination Chamber that same August, when he's quite obviously past his prime? I'm sorry, there are some Nash fans out there, but you're going to have to agree with me in saying bringing Nash back to the WWE's main eventing area when he was obviously done with his career, was an awful move. The same with Stiener.

I didn't understand how Nash was brought back to the main events and immediately sky-rocketed to what everybody thought was super-stardom. I didn't like the match between Nash and Triple H at Judgment Day. I hated the Hell in a Cell they had at Bad Blood. I liked the Elimination Chamber at Summerslam, but not because Kevin Nash was in it. No way, if anything, Kevin Nash was the worst person in that Chamber and shouldn't even have been placed in it.

He was somebody that came and went. I'm not trying to say that his elder run as Diesel in WWF was bad, because it wasn't. I just never understood why WWE felt the need to bring him back to the main events after all those years, when it was evident that he didn't need to be. I could name a few others, just to solidify my opinion though. Scott Steiner, Goldberg and Kane. That's all I have to say about that.

His TNA run isn't worth while. Himself and people like Sting are jealous and demanding more money because they aren't in the main-events anymore. Get over it, there's younger talent and homegrown talent there that aren't being used because Sting can't get over the fact that he's past his prime and needs to retire. Same with Nash, Steiner and 90% of TNA's roster.

Nash for me.

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