Major Stars Who Got Over, But Never With You?

I'd say The Shield but the aren't really Major stars yet...

Other than that... Kevin Nash, Double J, Daniel Bryan, Edge, Chris Jericho.

Kevin Nash - never had any matches that were exciting. Diesel was boring and his run at the WWF title was some of the most boring WWF wrestling there ever was. He was a part of an important angle in the nWo but nothing has ever made me say "I want to watch a Kevin Nash match"

Double J - This guy just screams suckfest to me. He's okay in the ring, his angle is boring, the slap-nuts thing was utterly ridiculous...I just can't stand him. He's like the Ricky Bobby of wrestling except without any driving ability.

Daniel Bryan - Yeah yeah yeah he's a great technical were Dean Malenko, Les Thornton, Norman Smiley, Lance Storm...and none of those guys were main event material. The yes/no thing is whatever, its kinda funny I guess. Daniel Bryan in the ring with The Undertaker, Austin, John Cena, The Rock...not even in the same league and not remotely convincing.

Edge - I like Edge but not as a WWE Champion. I'm not sure what it is. He never really glued me to the TV as a singles competitor. I loved Edge & Christian (particularly the 5 second pose era) but they didn't do too much for me on their own endeavors...although Christians "at last your on your own" stuff was amusing.

Chris Jericho - I just got really sick of hearing and seeing Chris Jericho. When he made his big return I was already sick of him. His stuff in 1999-2001 was somewhat amusing...I'll never forget peeing in Regal's tea, and even his run as the first ever Undisputed Champion gave him something unique. But again I was never too excited to watch a Chris Jericho match. His promos were funny but got old for me quick.
The Miz - I just never saw him as a special performer. He's okay at everything, but he's not great at anything. They even made his WWE title reign look like a joke when he couldn't beat Lawler cleanly. He had no business main-eventing Mania and I'm glad they put him back in his rightful spot.
Shawn Michaels: Greatest ring performer ever? Fuck off! Alright, alright he's had some great matches I'll admit, but the cock sucking he recieves in todays age as a result is just sickening. There have been better, more entertaining wrestlers that Shawn Michaels, and on the mic? He shouldnt even break into the top 1000. People hardly gave a shit about him when he was a Main Eventer back then, I know I didnt, and people only really care now because of the screwjob and revisionist history. Thanks for warming the spot up for Austin, overrated prick.

Undertaker: Occasionally compelling storylines for an impressionable teen to watch, in the ring, fucking horrendous, the man had bad matches with Austin, fucking Austin! That was nearly impossible back then but the Twat From Death Valley managed it. I'll take Kane, all day every day please. Similar character but without the fucking pretense of being some awe inspiring legend. And today? Great finisher fests once a year, yippee, fuck off and retire please.

Edge: Reasons mentioned, had all the tools and was popular, yet I just didnt care one way or the other.

Kurt Angle: Too much is made of his ring work, good wrestler sure, overrated as fuck though. His best asset is his mic skills and personality, his timing for comedy is fantastic as well. Angle on the mic>Angle in the ring.

I was going to put in a long rant about Flair, but I'll admit I wasnt there then and never saw the man in his "prime." He's still fucking shit though, always has been.
I was a kid when it was Austin against the McMahons for the first time. At that time I thought that Austin was in the wrong to not respect his boss, so him beating up a middle-aged man was despicable to me.

Ever since he debuted, I liked Rocky more, as TFR also mentioned. No disrespect to Austin the person - he made the biggest impression in pro wrestling in recent memory, but I just never liked his character.

Also, this "one more match"-crap is starting to piss me off. I suspect it's a rumour in an attempt to make him relevant again.
This is actually a really tough one for me. I mean there are a handful of World Champions that just didn't do it for me ... but I don't think that is what we are looking for. I think we are looking for main event mainstays that really didn't do it for me ... and that is pretty tough. But I do have a couple ...

Kevin Nash: Even in his run as Diesel and with Scott Hall and nWo in the WCW ... I never was a big fan of Kevin Nash. I always thought he looked slow in the ring. Too deliberate in his movements and not natural. I always thought his promo work was OK, but never top of the heap and certainly not as good as his buddies HHH, Hall and Michaels. I mean ... I guess I believed him as a viable world champion, but he bored me, and for the most part, still does whenever he comes around.

The Big Show: This one is really tough on me because honestly, if you ask me if I like Show, my response is, "Sure, I like him." He serves a great purpose as a giant in an industry that loves giant killers ... but I have zero cares when I see him in the ring or on the stick. I literally never miss him when he is gone and could care less in general when he comes back around.

Lex Luger: This one is easy, because while the other guys I always thought at least had a place and I could understand their popularity ... this guy was always just crap in my eyes. I never like a thing he did. There was never anything about him appealing to me and I always thought it was ridiculous that people wanted me to cheer for him over Flair, Sting, Hogan, etc. He was boring in the ring. Boring on the stick and in general just something of a phenomenon that almost made me tune out because he bored me so much and you could not get away from him.
I forgot HHH: "Hi guys, I am the third wheel in the Austin/Rock relationship, I'll just be loitering around here leeching off their success until. . . They've gone, now its all about MEEEE!"

13 World Titles later and The King Of Kings has finally jacked himself off enough to think he's on their level, when sadly he isnt. He's the afterbirth, the bit left over from the attitude era that nobody wants but gets promoted because he's all thats fucking left. Pushed because he's a relic in the vain hope that people who liked Austin and The Rock might just remember this guy with half the wrestling ability and a fraction of the charisma. I hope Lesnar breaks your arm again, ********.

Brock Lesnar: He had everything, well, except charisma, so why was he so fucking empty? Brock Lesnar was a fucking void, he beat everybody (a small evil smile formed when he trumped Undertaker I'll admit) but fuck if I cared, congratulations "Next Big Thing" the thought of you being on top forever turned me off wrestling, thank fuck you left and we got the miracle that was JBL.
Roddy Piper as well for me. If I had watched him during his peak, I probably would have loved him. However, I was firmly on The Rock's nuts before I ever really knew who Piper was so seeing his supposed "controversial" promos really didn't do anything for me.

I'll also go with Ricky Steamboat. Again, I can totally understand how he was great during his time, but I grew up watching guys that I believe to be a lot better in the ring and much more entertaining on the microphone.

Batista never had a fan in me up until his heel turn, which was fucking awesome no matter what anyone says. Always had a running joke that he was the Godsmack of the WWE; You can respect that they're good at their job but you're never excited to see/hear them.
I think it's a really easy thing to look back at Foley matches and just say that his only move was falling off things but if you consider what he did for WWE durring that time promo-wise it's pretty amazing. The Mankind character was really unique and made for a lot of good, dark storytelling that the "attitude era" was known for. It's impossible to really see these again and feel how they were week to week but if you can find the JR interviews with mankind it's worth the time to watch.

I've seen Foley's stuff from the attitude era including the J.R. interview and to me it just seems like any other crazy deranged character in wrestling. I just can't get in to him idk what it is about him but I just don't enjoy his work. I feel that he was at his best at the end of his career feuding with HHH I enjoyed every moment of that feud and thought it produced two of the greatest matches ever
This is actually a really tough one for me. I mean there are a handful of World Champions that just didn't do it for me ... but I don't think that is what we are looking for. I think we are looking for main event mainstays that really didn't do it for me ... and that is pretty tough. But I do have a couple ...

Kevin Nash: Even in his run as Diesel and with Scott Hall and nWo in the WCW ... I never was a big fan of Kevin Nash. I always thought he looked slow in the ring. Too deliberate in his movements and not natural. I always thought his promo work was OK, but never top of the heap and certainly not as good as his buddies HHH, Hall and Michaels. I mean ... I guess I believed him as a viable world champion, but he bored me, and for the most part, still does whenever he comes around.

The Big Show: This one is really tough on me because honestly, if you ask me if I like Show, my response is, "Sure, I like him." He serves a great purpose as a giant in an industry that loves giant killers ... but I have zero cares when I see him in the ring or on the stick. I literally never miss him when he is gone and could care less in general when he comes back around.

Lex Luger: This one is easy, because while the other guys I always thought at least had a place and I could understand their popularity ... this guy was always just crap in my eyes. I never like a thing he did. There was never anything about him appealing to me and I always thought it was ridiculous that people wanted me to cheer for him over Flair, Sting, Hogan, etc. He was boring in the ring. Boring on the stick and in general just something of a phenomenon that almost made me tune out because he bored me so much and you could not get away from him.

I totally agree with you about Nash, I always prefered Hall. But Big Show and Luger were just fuckin awesome in their primes. When Big Show debuted as The Giant he was doing things that no one had ever seen from a big man before. Now ill admit after a while in WWE he got lazy and began to suck, but, he's putting on a hell of a feud right now with Sheamus.

Now Luger was the shit back in the day when he was feuding with Flair. Then again everyone was the shit when they were feuding with Flair. I happen to like all of Lugers early work though the guy was just a freak of nature and did work in the ring before he came back to WWE the scond time
Shawn Michaels: Greatest ring performer ever? Fuck off! Alright, alright he's had some great matches I'll admit, but the cock sucking he recieves in todays age as a result is just sickening. There have been better, more entertaining wrestlers that Shawn Michaels, and on the mic? He shouldnt even break into the top 1000. People hardly gave a shit about him when he was a Main Eventer back then, I know I didnt, and people only really care now because of the screwjob and revisionist history. Thanks for warming the spot up for Austin, overrated prick.

You know, although I DO think hes one of the best, its interesting to note that much of the time he was on top (1995-1997) was a bad time for the WWE.
Good thread.

I hate siding with other people's choices but there are some that I have to agree with here. Off the top of my head right now i'd list these guys as guys who got over but not with me are:

Edge - He was over with the fans but not with me. I didn't like him but also I didn't hate him. To be honest I thought Edge was better with Christian and I know I'll get heat from people but this is my perspective. His success came much later in his career and good for him for that but I just couldn't catch on to him.

Kevin Nash - We both are from the same city and thats about it I say in a more positive note. His WWE Championship reigns were in an era between Hogan leaving the WWE and the Attitude era. I guess he is what you could say, a transitional champion. Nevertheless, I just couldn't catch on to him individually. When Nash was in nWo, his character overall was just much better. However even when he was in the nWo, I couldn't side with him in that faction.

Wade Barrett - He has a huge fan base over in the United Kingdom, actually Europe in general (I think) but this is a guy who I just can't seem to care for. I've tried real hard to think he's going to turn the corner with his character but I have yet to witness that. His promos are okay to me, nothing bad but Barrett isn't just that flashy to me.

Jeff Jarrett - He's had a long career in the wrestling business which is good or bad depending on your opinion. This is another guy I just couldn't stand at all. He ruined TNA's PPV although I forget which one it was that just blew his character away from me. I don't think his character was good, he was okay in the ring but I just didn't like his character and I didn't think he was that good overall.

Sting/Goldberg/DDP/Steiner - I put these guys together because none of these 4 were any appealing to me whatsoever. I think out of the 4, Sting was obviously the most successful and I actually thought he was pretty good but I just didn't connect with his character at all. Goldberg was terrible as hell. I mean this dude couldn't wrestle for shit. His promos were....wait, did this guy even do promos? Whatever. This guy shouldn't have gotten over as much as WCW got him over. DDP was annoying as shit. I mean I hated that "It's Me, It's me, It's D-D-P" that crap really turned me away from WCW. He wasn't a good champion. He was way overlooked by the other WCW wrestlers and he shouldn't have had as much success as he did. Steiner just flat out sucked ass. Terrible moveset. Annoying ass promos.
Great discussion topic, and the majority of posts have been very solid and interesting. I can't disagree with that, here are three wrestlers that come to mind in the way of stars that were over, but weren't my cup of tea.

"Hacksaw" Jim Duggan - He was perpetual mid-card favorite in the 1980s-1990s, and he could get the crowd into his whole patriotic schtick. But Jim Duggan just never did a thing for me, my definition of wrestling's American heroes were guys like Hulk Hogan and Sgt. Slaugther (before he briefly betrayed the USA in the early 90s). Just the same, Duggan despite my personal dislike for his character still plays a solid hand in the indy scene, especially in the Northeast where I reside, and he's a cordial individual to his fans. By no means am I a fan, but I still respect that much about him. But I could never join the wave of fans that rooted for him.

Rey Mysterio, Jr. - Again, I respect his contributions to wrestling. He made the David and Goliath battle a believable staple in his matches. His feud with Kevin Nash helped make this possible, and to be honest, I think it's what made the longevity of his WWE stint possible in the first place. All the power to him for what he's accomplished but he's never inspired me to root for him in any way, shape or form. But to disregard his legitimacy as a performer would be unfair of me.

John Cena - I am not on the Cena hate train by any means, however I never got into his act either. I look at it this way, if I was a kid still maybe I'd be into Cena. I'm not really sure, but the direction of his character just hasn't done much for me. By the time WrestleMania 21 occurred, I started to cool off on him after he won the World Title. Then again, the WWE creative team was started to scale back on his antics by not having him cut some many acerbic rhymes and raps on his opponents. For instance, calling people like Big Show "slobs with bologna tits", well suffice it to say that totally started to taper off after his ascension to the main event scene. I will say this as well, Cena has put on some great matches and has held his own in the sense of getting in there and working the crowd. His back to back performances within a month's time both the WrestleMania 23 and the RAW non-title rematch against Shawn Michaels were in a word phenomenal. People can say all they want that Shawn Michaels carried that match, again I won't lie having a solid veteran like Shawn Michaels isn't going to hurt things, but let's not forget that Cena brought it as well.

More or less, my lack of fandom towards these men isn't so much for their abilities in the ring, it was just their overall presentation as characters. I just could never follow them and be a true fan, however I won't let that bias stop me from being objective and constructive in regards to their abilities.
Shawn Michaels: Greatest ring performer ever? Fuck off! Alright, alright he's had some great matches I'll admit, but the cock sucking he recieves in todays age as a result is just sickening. There have been better, more entertaining wrestlers that Shawn Michaels, and on the mic? He shouldnt even break into the top 1000. People hardly gave a shit about him when he was a Main Eventer back then, I know I didnt, and people only really care now because of the screwjob and revisionist history. Thanks for warming the spot up for Austin, overrated prick.

^This is the best and most true thing I have read on here in a long time. Thank you.

John Cena: I find it amusing that the character that got him over during his Smackdown days was completely changed when wwe made him top guy in 2005. I never liked the vanilla ice rapper Cena and I never liked the hustle/loyalty/respect Cena. He always has and always will come off as really cheesy to me.

Triple H: His best work for me came during the DX era with him, Road Dogg, Mr. Ass, X Pac and Chyna. I hated the DX with Shawn and Hunter and I hated the Evolution era even more. Also, pg era DX had to be one of the worst ideas ever.
I liked Edge, but his heel schtick of winning the World Title losing it, and then "shocking the world" by winning the title back again in "controversial fashion" got really stale, and it was a huge breath of fresh air once he turned face.
Shawn Michaels:

Greatest ring performer ever? Fuck off! Alright, alright he's had some great matches I'll admit, but the cock sucking he recieves in todays age as a result is just sickening. There have been better, more entertaining wrestlers that Shawn Michaels, and on the mic? He shouldnt even break into the top 1000. People hardly gave a shit about him when he was a Main Eventer back then, I know I didnt, and people only really care now because of the screwjob and revisionist history. Thanks for warming the spot up for Austin, overrated prick.

^This is the best and most true thing I have read on here in a long time. Thank you.

John Cena: I find it amusing that the character that got him over during his Smackdown days was completely changed when wwe made him top guy in 2005. I never liked the vanilla ice rapper Cena and I never liked the hustle/loyalty/respect Cena. He always has and always will come off as really cheesy to me.

Triple H: His best work for me came during the DX era with him, Road Dogg, Mr. Ass, X Pac and Chyna. I hated the DX with Shawn and Hunter and I hated the Evolution era even more. Also, pg era DX had to be one of the worst ideas ever.

Bravo. Couldn't have said it any better myself. thank you. I will say

HBK is a talented athlete, but he was never a draw and his stupid I lost my smile speech should have been I'm coming out of the closet as the biggest pussy in wrestling speech.

Triple H- overpromoted, good but not to the point of 13 time champion and will forever be in the Rock and Austin's shadow.

My others are:


He had a look and that's it. He couldn't talk, very basic in the ring.

Hulk Hogan

Biggest star in the business, brought the money, but I couldn't stand him, his promos or his matches. I mean the guy had the charisma and ring command but after that he just bored me to tears.

Randy Orton

Not great on the mike, good in the ring, but there's been better. I find him more interesting as a heel than a face.


He's improved greatly, but he went to the top of the roster way too fast. Like Orton, I think he was better as a heel, he's just ok on the mike, solid in the ring, but nothing to write home about.

Wade Barrett

Why do people like this guy ? A future world champion, I'd hate to see how low the company has to sink before that happens. He has some of the worst finishing moves I've ever seen. He's ok, but I think he is clearly overrated.

Jeff Hardy

I'm sort of torn on this one. I'm not a fan of his, but I get his appeal to the fans. He's a daredevil and he's sort of a rebel and girls like him, but he's subpar on the mike, he's ok in the ring with some flashy aerial moves in there to keep him interesting. He does move merchandise but he does little else.
Sable: Now don’t get me wrong, I like the ladies as much as the next guy but I never saw Sable as the goddess that most people did during the attitude era. Of course she was good looking but I always preferred Sunny. I always found Sable to be rather annoying which took away from her attractiveness. The WWF got some mileage out of her during her conflict with Marc Mero but once that angle was over Sable became worthless.
Edge: I was never fan after he split from Christian. And before you say it, I get that he spent the majority of his singles time as a heel, and that if I didn't like him he must have been great at his job. But that's not it at all. I changed the channel when he was on. That's not being a good heel, that's being unwatchable, to me at least.

The Radicalz: I found all of them to be dreadfully boring. Again, when they came on, I changed the channel. In fact, when Benoit and Guerrero were pushed to the top of the card, I pretty much stopped watching wrestling altogether.

Diamond Dallas Page: He is a solid enough wrestler. He's decent on the mic. I don't care. He bored me beyond belief. I was more of a WCW fan way back when, and when he came on Nitro, I generally changed to Raw to see what was going on.

CM Punk: I just can't get into his character. Heel, face, it doesn't particularly matter. There's nothing interesting about him to me.
There are a few but the main one for me is Jeff Hardy.

I just could never buy into the Hardy hype. In my mind, he was always a tag team wrestler and his gimmick, just never got over with me. A high-flyer goth tag team wrestler is all he ever was to me. When he started to catch on as a singles wrestler and then finally got the belt, I couldn't believe it. I never thought he could talk and while he was extremely entertaining, he just wasn't a believable champion in my mind. I know people loved him but he could just never get over for me.
It may be because I didn't grow up during this period, but I have a couple:

Kevin Nash. I don't think he is amazing on the mic and even less on the ring. He does have charisma but he doesn't oozes charisma like Rock for example. In WWE I guess he had a lenghty run as champ for the fact that VKM thinks he has the "look" required to be champ.

DDP. Like I said, maybe is because I din't get to watch WCW, I only saw WWE's version of DDP and it completely sucked. I didn't saw anything special on him, the "it" factor, nor the mic skills or even in the ring.

Ultimate Warrior Seriously, this guy I don't get at all. He is big, PERIOD. he doesn't have anything "attractive". Once again, I guess it was that mistaken view that top stars needed to be physically huge....and didn't need much more.
Dolph Ziggler-I keep waiting for him to grow on me because usually I like his type of character but something doesn't click for me. He just seems like he is filling a role instead of being his own character. Also I feel that the WWE is kind of forcing him down everybody's throat if they like it or not. He is a great athlete but I would push at least ten different guys before him.
I can only think of one guy that has gotten extremely over that I just don't get at all, and that's James Storm. I'd never deny that he's good. He excites the crowd, he can work a match, and he's definitely talented on the mic, but he does absolutely nothing for me. I don't find his character interesting, I don't really care about his matches, and he's never done anything to make me care about his character. People laud him as the true number one guy of TNA, but I would put at least 5 other guys in TNA above him.

Dolph Ziggler gets an honorable mention, but I don't think he's really as over as people think he is. He's a fad that will die out when he's been exposed as the weak worker he is.
Dolph Ziggler gets an honorable mention, but I don't think he's really as over as people think he is. He's a fad that will die out when he's been exposed as the weak worker he is.

The so called fans of Ziggler will treat him the same way they do every other internet darling... whine about them not being pushed, see them get the world title, and then complain that someone else isn't being pushed. It's happened to a lot of people in wrestling... don't see Ziggler being any different.

As for me, my answer is quite simple... John Morrison. Everyone swore up and down that his ring work was good, that he had the mic skills to be a champion, or some shit like that but I never saw it. In MNM, he was out shined by Melina giving perverted old men bloody noses the same way Bulma does to Master Roshi in the original Dragon Ball series. When he went to ECW, CM Punk had to bust his ass off to make him viable. With the Miz, Miz undoubtedly broke out and became the better star.... to me, he's nothing special, and his pushes never made sense.

Another one, and this is going to be ripped down a lot but I don't care, is The Rock. I'm being completely honest here when I say this, The Rock never really "clicked" with me. This is long before he even filmed Mummy 2... I've not once found the guy to be worth the hype people give him. Stone Cold, Triple H, Taker, Kane, and Mankind are all names that stand out from the Attitude era long before I think of The Rock. Hell, I think of Kai and Tai before I think of him. In the "modern era" he gets even more exposed for the fraud he is... first by John Cena who out mic works him in EVERY confrontation and out performs him at both Survivor Series and Wrestlemania... By the way, I don't care if he was gone for 7 years. Stay out of the ring if that's your excuse, or stick around longer so that you're not getting winded too early in your matches....

And now, again, he's being out classed (already) by CM Punk. Not surprising in the least, considering I've always been a CM Punk fan since I first heard of him in 05, well after he got popular with the IWC but still the point remains the same. If Rock's so great, then why hasn't he been the focus of the show like everyone else in the Attitude Era main event scene?
Shawn Michaels
I never really took to shawn whilst he was active. Admittedly i never experienced him before his 4 year lay off as i was still sucking on my thumb so didnt watch wwf at that time (Thankfully from what ive heard about that era lol) But anyway from the moment shawn came back all the way to his final match i just wasnt into him at all, i found it vrry difficult to take him seriously as a major threat to any top player.Maybe it was the way he was booked to me he was a bit of a glorified jobber he never really could seem to 'get the job done'

Hulk hogan
Ever since my first experience on the 'Hulkster' ive hated the guy with a passion. I dont know why just do. I hate they way he gets his ass handed to him theb hulks up no selling even the modt vicious of beatings. I hated the way he stood there a broken sorry ass punk at wmx8 after the great one kicked his ass and shook his hand and they had there little posedown and embrace in my 9 year old eyes at the time the rock was the man, he'd just beat hulks ass on thd grandaddy of em all and hogan had no right been in the ring after the count. Obviously in retrospect i understand that decision with nostalgia and all. Oh yeah and it makes me happy everytime i think of lesnar destroying him.

Jeff hardy
He's a tag team wrestler plain n simple. I stopped watching the E for a whild around hardys push and when i borrowed the rumble 09 dvd i believe it waa from a friend i was shocked hardy was defending the main event title. To me hes a spot monkey who has no right in the main event picture and if you stuck him in the ring with some of the champions from when i was younger he'd not stand a chance. Obviously i understand now merch sales go a long way to determining your place in the company

Screw you Iwc you ruined wrestling for me
Hogan always bored the hell out of me. A repetitive schtick, and an unlikable egomaniac to boot -- and that was before I heard of any of his out of ring politicking.

Also, the NWO. Even though I liked Scott Hall. What an incredibly boring and uninteresting stable.

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