Plans in wrestling that never happened

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What if Vince gave Bret the contract he wanted and Bret never jumps ship to WCW? For one, Bret doesn't get kicked in the skull by Goldberg and is wrestling Kurt Angle and Owen. Second, Montreal doesn't happen and third, does WWF win the ratings war and push WCW out of business? Bret's jump was essentially the turning point because it allowed Austin and the rest of the Attitude Era stars to shine.
There was susposed to be 2 incest storylines:

1.Vince McMahon being Stephs baby's dad she refused and later changed to Shane/Steph incest and again refused.

2. Paul and Katie burchill was suspossed to be in a incest storyline remember "whatever Katie wants Katie gets" but was pulled because WWE turned PG

Also there was a rumor that Cena was going to blade at hell in a cell but he dropped the blade.

Mick foley was susposed to go to TNA in 2005 but was signed to a new contract for WWE

Stone cold was planned to face someone at WM25 but was scrapped

in the invasion story WCW was susposed to be all faces attacking only WWF heels but later turned into WCW/ECW vs WWF that we all know
The best one I can remember is the blowoff match to the Jericho/Goldberg mini-feud in WCW. Jericho had been calling out Goldberg for months, calling him "Greenberg" and developing his own 5-0 streak against Goldberg, using count-outs and impersonators to pad his list, kind of a knock on WCW padding Goldberg's epic winning streak. He even went as far as hiring his own security crew, including his head of security Ralphus, to lead him to the ring, leading into an awesome This Is Spinal Tap parody where Jericho gets lost on his way to the ring.

Jericho was set to do the job to Goldberg on PPV to blowoff the feud, but Bischoff had no faith in Jericho, called a meeting with both men to tell them it wasn't happening, and instead blew the feud off with a simple spear on the ramp.

This in turn created the heat between Jericho and Goldberg that ended with Jericho front face locking Goldberg in a WWE locker room and making big Jew Bill look like a bitch.

Everyone should know by don't mess with Jericho!
I can't remember who posted it but about Undertaker at Wrestlemania 16.

He was injured before 2000 started, not quite sure when, but he was out until May 2000 when he debuted the biker gimmick. So they didnt have any plans for him as they knew he would be injured.

However it would be interesting to see what stage he would have been at had he not had the long term injury. For a start would he be biker or ministry taker?

I think Bret Hart's second (or third) run with the WCW title. He got knocked out by "that kick" so we never saw what became of it, but supposedly he was supposed to have the title again.
Apparently i heard that at wrestlemania 24 Jeff was gonna win money in the bank and cash it in on orton that night after he defended against HHH and cena .....dont know if its true but he got suspended and dropped his IC title a week before WM :banghead:
"One angle I was really hoping to see, was Beefcake and Honky. For whatever reasons, I can't remember, Beefcake didn't show so Warrior got the strap. I would have liked to see that feud with the title on the line. Would have been very good."

As I recall it, Beefcake was injured in a parasailing accident before Summerslam that crushed his face. Warrior ended up being the last minute sub and the rest is history
does anyone remember wrestlemania 19 i believe when booker t faced triple h and booker was in the dressing room and he got that not that said i haven't forgotten or something like that, whatever happened there :S?
One angle I was really hoping to see, was Beefcake and Honky. For whatever reasons, I can't remember, Beefcake didn't show so Warrior got the strap. I would have liked to see that feud with the title on the line. Would have been very good.

That was when Beefcake broke his face in that parasailing accident... that's why he wasn't there... boo that derailed his whole push...He might have been a good IC champ
Brock Lesnar was suppose to squash Goldberg at at WM20. But, with him leaving for the NFL, well we all know what happend there.
As I search back in my memory bank, I read where Lex Luger was supposed to beat Yokozuna at Summer Slam, especially after winning that Body Slam challenge. I want to say that the WWF wouldn't give him the title because of a question with a drug test where Luger had PEDs in his test (Imagine that...Luger doing roids). But back then, instead of suspensions, they just held your title reign back.
First off, great topic. I've really enjoyed reading the replies.

As for Brutus vs. Honky Tonk Man at Summerslam '88, that wasn't put off because of the parasailing accident. The accident was in '91 when Brutus was set to defeat Mr. Perfect at Summerslam for the IC title.

As for Luger/Yokozuna, I head that several days before the event, Luger told a radio show or possibly a newsreporter that was he scheduled to win. I even heard they had already done a photoshoot with Luger and the title belt. The drug test story is interesting and certainly a possibility.

One plan that never happened that I particularly would've loved to have seen was Savage in TNA. I believe it was 2005 when he made an appearance at two PPV's. One was a run-in and the other, he tagged with AJ Styles and Jeff Hardy. He was supposed to face Jeff Jarrett for the TNA title at the next PPV. TNA wanted him to do the job, but Savage wanted to win the title and lose it back to Jarrett at the next PPV. The sides couldn't agree and Savage went home. We haven't seen Savage involved in wrestling since, which is a shame as he was and likely will always be my favorite wrestler.

I've enjoyed reading everything posted here. Keep it coming!
I actually heard that John Cena vs Hulk Hogan was scheduled for WrestleMania 25 but was scrapped cause Hogan had his hip go out or surgery or something
I could believe that too considering Cena got sloppily thrown into the Edge/Bigshow match/feud and didnt fit

So I do believe that
Benoit wining the ECW title is one fore me as it was going happen as he woul;d have been the vet leading the roster but he screwed that over by going all crazy.

Eddie G winning the World Title was to happen but he died before it could happen.

The one storyline that really bothered me that never happened was that it wasn’t suppose to happen but what if it did happen and that was DX showing up at Nitro live & trying to get in the building & what would of happen if WCW let them in. I mean it would have had made a DX a monster in the ratings but if WCW guys had got “Real” with the WWE talent & beat them up it would have been big ratings for WCW.

Also the whole G-TV thing. That one time as suppose to be Goldust TV and believe it or not, Gericho TV! As WWE did not know if WCW owned the rights to the name Chris Jericho so he would have been Chris Gericho.

That would of been awesome if DX was able to get in and appear in Nitro. Chyna could of taken out half the wCw roster by herself lol. But simply would of been amazing to see DX in the wCw arean on Nitro.
I just remembered about a horrible story about TNA and Savage and Luger.

Take note that this is disturbing, and may change your opinion of TNA.

Back in 2004, TNA proposed a fued Savage/Luger fued to Savage, where the story would be that Savage blames Luger for killing Miss Elizabeth.
Lol at HBK doing the over the top selling in his match against Hulk Hogan at Summerslam 1995. He did that because Hogan would not put him over? Hey man thats the 1990s Shawn Micheals I know and love. Hogan a moron he was proably gonna win the overall battle, all he had to do was have HBK win one match against him and thats it. No big deal.
First off, great topic. I've really enjoyed reading the replies.

As for Brutus vs. Honky Tonk Man at Summerslam '88, that wasn't put off because of the parasailing accident. The accident was in '91 when Brutus was set to defeat Mr. Perfect at Summerslam for the IC title.

Brutus Beefcake's accident actually happened in 1990, not 1991. Hence why Kerry Von Erich ended up coming into the WWF around that same time and won the I-C title at Summerslam 90. Bret Hart would win the title at Summerslam 91, which had nothing to do with Brutus Beefcake.

I was never sure why Brutus was all of a sudden cast aside for his match with Honky at Summerslam 88. I know for storyline purposes, Brutus was attacked shortly before Summerslam 88 by "Outlaw" Ron Bass, and had his face ripped up (in the storyline). Which thus began a feud between them two. So that attack in the storyline put Brutus out of Summerslam which called for a mystery/suprise opponent for Honky, which of course ended up being the Ultimate Warrior, and the rest is history. But as for the real, behind-the-scenes reason as to why this was done, I've never known. I guess Vince just changed his mind and maybe felt that the Warrior was more over and would be a better draw than Beefcake?
i think it would have been interesting to see what mick foley would have done in the taker vs edge hiac at summerslam 08. if you dont remember he was supose to either ref or take a bump in that match but instead didnt resign his contract with the e and made the jump to tna.
1999 King of the Ring- Austin vs Shane and Vince in a Ladder Match. Hanging above the ring was ownership of the WWF. As Austin was going to grab the briefcase hanging on the wire... someone raised the briefcase. "Who raised the briefcase?" was the question that was asked. Yet was never given an answer.

Also i still don't believe that Vince was the original idea to be the Higher Power... making it one of the biggest let downs to a pretty sweet angle. Rumors had it to Dibiase.
I agree with D Squared (Dias). I would have loved to see where Vince's limo explosion was going. Did he want time away? Who would have stepped in his place? Would HE have made a "triumphant surprise" return at a PPV "shocking the world" that he survived the explosion? Would it have turned out to be someone other than Vince in the limo? Hmm... Too bad Benoit went bananas and ruined it. That was just absolutely terrible to see, but that is a whole other subject.
I agree with D Squared (Dias). I would have loved to see where Vince's limo explosion was going. Did he want time away? Who would have stepped in his place? Would HE have made a "triumphant surprise" return at a PPV "shocking the world" that he survived the explosion? Would it have turned out to be someone other than Vince in the limo? Hmm... Too bad Benoit went bananas and ruined it. That was just absolutely terrible to see, but that is a whole other subject.

The original plan for that story was that vince faked his death becuase he wanted to know if people cared about him.
The original plan for that story was that vince faked his death becuase he wanted to know if people cared about him.

AND Mr. Kennedy was gonna be the one who killed him I beleive but it was gonna be a swerve that both Kennedy and McMahon was both in on it.
AND Mr. Kennedy was gonna be the one who killed him I beleive but it was gonna be a swerve that both Kennedy and McMahon was both in on it.

Actually, I believe the original plan for Vince's killer was Linda. I remember reading about the original plan that Linda was gonna be arrested at the end of the planned 3 hour show that was planned to happen before Benoit's death.
I would have to say Mr. Kennedy cashing in his Money In The Bank contract. I was a huge Kennedy mark at the time, and Kennedy was a big deal. He had defeated many big names during that time (late 2006 - early 2007), and it was easy to see WWE had placed a lot of confidence in him to be a main-eventer. There was even a countdown clock on, with the number of days left until Wrestlemania 24, the time Kennedy had to cash in his contract.

Then came his injury, which was a serious one. He lost the briefcase to Edge, and was sent home to rehabilitate his injury. If only he hadn't gotten injured, who knows...he may have had at least one or two World Title reigns under his belt by now.
i think it would have been interesting to see what mick foley would have done in the taker vs edge hiac at summerslam 08. if you dont remember he was supose to either ref or take a bump in that match but instead didnt resign his contract with the e and made the jump to tna.

WWE pulled the plug on his involvement in the HIAC and that was the nail in the coffin for him leaving.

Also, Foley vs. Vince at WM X-7 was meant to happen, would've been interesting.
What if RVD had not gotten busted for weed? He probably still would have lost the WWE title, but he would have stayed a main event guy and kept ECW a stronger 3rd so that it might have traded places with SmackDown, but at the very least December to Dismember wouldn't have been the worst WWE PPV of the decade.

I always wondered what the plans were for Owen. I have heard that he was supposed to win the IC title as the Blue Blazer and then the WWF title as himself. Could have been fun having Owen try to explain why he constantly had the IC title; "Oh the Blazer asked me to watch it while he saved a kitten from a tree" or "I'm keeping an eye on it because the Blazer had to go say his prayers and take his vitamins" and have the excuses get crazier and crazier.
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