What was the greatest match that never happened?

I think somebody brought up, so I'm just going to expand on it a little more.

Survivor Series 1999 - Triple H vs The Rock vs Stone Cold

We're talking about the 3 most over guys in the business at the time.

The Rock's pop and cheers were getting bigger and bigger and the fans were loving more and more during the Summer of 99.

Austin was still Austin and his pops never went away. His badass attitude was still loved by all the fans.

Triple H was just going on his second reign as the WWF Champion and quickly became one of the most, if not the, most hated heels in the business.

3 Big Names in one epic match for the WWF Title and what put the icing on the cake is that Mr. McMahon was the guest referee. He already hated everybody in the match due to his history with all 3 and it would've been interesting to see who would've been Champion.

It was a dream match that never really happened. Survivor Series 1999 was already a great ppv itself, and this match could've made it go down as the best Survivor Series in History. Come to think of it, they still NEVER had that match. Not even on a Monday Night RAW.
I have a few that I thought would be great Wrestlemania specific matches....
1) Triple H v. Shawn Michaels...especially at 26 when Shawn was going crazy for a rematch with Taker...First at Survivor Series when HBK super kicked HHH twice...then eliminated him from the Rumble...then split after losing the tag titles...I thought those two could have had an amazing end to DX on the grandest stage of them all....

2) I would love to see Undertaker v. Chris Jericho with the streak on the line...both are masters of the mind games...something that would be a classic build up to a match with two ring generals...would make for an instant classic...

Also would be a fan of The Ultimate Warrior v. Batista....just because it would be interesting to see who could shake the ropes faster...

Also for some reason always thought an Eddie Guerrero v. HBK match would be awesome. heel eddie of course, sexy boy vs. latino heat
there is NO WAY that cena would beat goldburg. but if this happened in WWE of course cena would get the victory. the hype would be huge, but the match would suck. I think Austin and Goldberg would have an awesome match! or Brock Lesnar in his prime vs. Goldberg? anyone would be better than Cena really....
I think somebody brought up, so I'm just going to expand on it a little more.

Survivor Series 1999 - Triple H vs The Rock vs Stone Cold

We're talking about the 3 most over guys in the business at the time.

The Rock's pop and cheers were getting bigger and bigger and the fans were loving more and more during the Summer of 99.

Austin was still Austin and his pops never went away. His badass attitude was still loved by all the fans.

Triple H was just going on his second reign as the WWF Champion and quickly became one of the most, if not the, most hated heels in the business.

3 Big Names in one epic match for the WWF Title and what put the icing on the cake is that Mr. McMahon was the guest referee. He already hated everybody in the match due to his history with all 3 and it would've been interesting to see who would've been Champion.

It was a dream match that never really happened. Survivor Series 1999 was already a great ppv itself, and this match could've made it go down as the best Survivor Series in History. Come to think of it, they still NEVER had that match. Not even on a Monday Night RAW.

Honestly they had so many chances to have that match happen it makes me angry. It would of made so much sense to have this match at wrestlemania 17. That way when austin turns heel he joins triple h and vince. They also had another chance at wrestlemania 19. I truly think that this is hands down the greatest triple threay match never to happen.
I would loved to have seen Steve Austin vs Randy Savage...both in their primes in the main event of a major PPV. Might not be safe though....the amount of testosterone could be enough to make your television explode.
i wouldve liked to see ddp in his prime (98) vs hbk in his prime (97) imagine two of the most over ppl from thier time with the most unpredictable finishers/ finishers that can hit out of nowhere.epic.

honorable mention to

Bret Hart vs the Rock

Bret Hart vs Kurt Angle

Goldberg vs Austin

Savage vs HHH

HBK vs the Rock

almost forgot...dream match(es) of the century, nWo vs DX: WarGames match, Survivor Series match

Hogan Hall Nash Stiener and Bagwell


HBK HHH Xpac Road Dogg and Billy Gunn

could you just imagine the tickets sold for that main event in 1998 or 1999??
i think this would top anything goldberg, austin, rock, undertaker, sting etc could pull together
The greatest match that never happened is very clearly:

Hulk Hogan vs. Steve Austin.
Those are the two most popular wrestlers in the history of the industry, and a match between the two could have broken buy-rates records.

Other matches include:

The Big Show vs. Andre The Giant
This one never could have happened for obvious reasons, but holy crap - it would have been epic. Andre used to get fed huge opponents, but none of them came close to his size. The Big Show would have matched Andre's size like no one before him.

Bret Hart vs Kurt Angle
This would have been a technical masterpiece as the two are widely considered the best technical wrestlers of their generation.

Austin vs. Goldberg
The two biggest stars of WWE and WCW, respectively.

Hogan vs. Flair (at WrestleMania)
It ruined WrestleMania VIII that Vince split these two into separate matches. WTF was Vince thinking? Even if he was down on Flair as a performer - as he reportedly was - this match still had a huge money draw to it, pitting the most popular wrestler against the widely-assumed best wrestler.

CM Punk vs. Roddy Piper
I'd really just like to hear the mic work in this feud. It would be hilarious.
Okay, so I was watching Rocky induct his family into the hall of fame on youtube, and Rocky said something alone the lines of how he never got to face Cena but he wished that he got the chance to. It really made me think of how just over a year ago we had no idea that Cena and Rocky would ever meet in the ring, and how it would of been arguably the greatest match to never happen. Well... Now it is... Not only is it happening, but it's coming off of the shelf labelled 'greatest matches to never happen' and it's taking place this year.

However, all of this had me thinking... What is truly is the greatest or biggest match to never happen? You often here alot of Sting/Undertaker rants, Hogan/Austin, Rock/Michaels, etc. Hogan and Austin would of been huge, simply because they were the top guys of their respective eras of which they peaked. Hogan was number one during his prime Hulkamania run, and even though Rock was a megastar, you can't deny that Austin was THE man of the Attitude era. What I've heard was that Hogan/Rock was originally meant to be Austin/Hogan, but the two couldn't come to terms on the match. A few years ago Austin and Hogan were considering giving it another go, but Hogan's son was arrested and his family began to fall apart. I think that it's pretty late to have this match either way, and although fans would be into it no matter how old they became, the match itself would not be appeasing, and would probably fall out to be like Bret/Vince - A dream match that fell short, waaaaaaay short (To be fair, both men were out of shape. Don't say Vince could never have a good match, he told an excellent story with Hogan at WM19).

So, you'd think that the greatest match to never happen would be Austin/Hogan, but I've always believed that the greatest match to never happen (up until it was announced last year of course) would be Rock/Cena. Why? It's because it was THE dream match. You see, seeing Hogan take on Austin would be cool just because it's top dog taking on another top dog; but Cena/Rock means so much more in this new day and age. Attitude era fans and PG era fans have had this kind of rivalry going for years now. Rock/Cena personifies that rivalry. You go on any Rock or Cena video on youtube and in the comments you'll be flooded with fans of each respective era trying to explain why one is better then the other. This match is for every PG fan who loves the new direction of the product - and for every Attitude era fan who want's them to shove it. It's huge because it was looked at as one of those matches that had zero possibility of ever happening, because we just assumed that Rock would never agree to have another match. For years fans prayed that Rock would return and 'show Cena how it's done', but no one ever imagined in their wildest dreams that Rock would ever lace up a pair of boots again. Rock had made a few appearances and judging from them you presumed that he was too happy in Hollywood to ever come back to a WWE ring. But... He did. I don't mind Cena, but for over half a decade he has been 'that guy' that Attitude era fans want to see get destroyed, so when Rock came back to RAW, it was one of the biggest events in wrestling history. Having Austin take on Cena would of been great aswell, but I think that most fans wanted Cena to face Rock, simply because their styles would be much more entertaining to watch clash; the same way that we would rather watch Punk take on Austin, rather then Austin take on Orton - The storytelling and chemistry would be much, much better.

Anyway, that's just my thoughts on the greatest match to never happen. I believe that a great match has to mean more then just in-ring skill, it has to tell a story. Hogan/Austin, or Sting/Undertaker I personally would like to see - but Rock/Cena is the personification of PG verses Attitude, and is THE match that we've wanted to see for years, that up until it was announced last year we thought would never ever happen, making it so much more exciting. I know this drifts abit away from 'Old School Wrestling' and more towards the 'Rock/Cena' forums, but how would you stack Rock/Cena against the other great matches that have never happened? Do you think that Hogan verses Austin would still be a good match in this day and age? And which was a better 'dream match' - Bret/Vince, or Hogan/Vince?

What do you think is the greatest match to never happen... Your thoughts?
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I completely agree I would have said Rock/Cena as a clash of attitudes, values and generations, now that this is actually happening however, I will try and pick something else.

For me Rock vs 90s HBK would have been pretty incredible as both were similar larger than life type cocky characters in their prime, the fued would have been absolute gold on the mic and would have resulted in an incredible match. The post 90s HBK just never did it for me personally I always felt he was muted to an extent and lacked the edge which he had previously whether through his personal change in lifestyle, simply getting older, or WWE going more PG I'm not quite sure but I'd be kind of soured on it nowadays.

My personal choice would actually be, presuming he could still deliver of course Undertaker vs Austin at Wrestlemania. Austin as the one superstar who always seemed to have Takers number and with their history particularly the whole Ministry angle I think the fued would pretty much sell itself. It's a match I have always wanted to see and although Taker would probably have to win it'd still be incredible to see on the grandest stage of them all.
Hogan/Flair, during Flair's first run in the WWF. As soon as the Nature Boy showed up on WWF Television, holding the NWA Championship, it seemed like a foregone conclusion that Hogan, the WWF's greatest star and Flair, the NWA's greatest star, would give us a feud for the ages, culminating at Wrestlemania VIII. Natural, right? Obvious? Hell, they even teased it at house shows! IT'S GOTTA HAPPEN! And...then we got bupkis. Vince decided to push Sid, killed the developing feud between Hogan and Flair, and the dream match of all time never happened. Flair helped the Undertaker beat Hogan for the WWF title, but that was about it. No dream match between them. As a WWF fan, I felt royally gipped when Flair left to go back to WCW without that match happening.

Sure, they ended up wrestling in WCW, but it just wasn't the same thing. Hogan/Flair at Wrestlemania VIII could have been the single most hyped match in the history of professional wrestling, a battle of the titans, two of the greatest champions of all time, etc...Hogan/Flair in WCW? Yeah, not so much. Seemed like too little, too late.
Hogan/Flair at WM8 is always my first thought when a topic like this comes up. Michaels/Guerrero would be another one. Others include Cena/Austin, Austin/Hogan, and Taker/Sting. Rock/HBK seems like a styles clash to me, I would definitly watch, but I never considered it a dream match of mine. My dream match that I could see happening in the next few years is Punk/Angle, I see Angle eventually returning.
Hogan v Flair back in the 90s as mentioned before...
Bret Hart v CM Punk - Technical wrestling fan's dream.
Bret Hart v Bryan Danielson (still hate his name in WWE...) - see above
John Cena v Hogan - Two icons of different eras
John Cena v Stone Cold - see above
CM Punk v Stone Cold -its been teased... Thank you Paul Heyman....
Randy Orton v Stone Cold
Randy Orton v The Rock
CM Punk v The Rock
and for nostalgia and the history behind why he's in the biz and was billed as the son of the giant... Big Show v Andre the Giant

I could go on for years. I won't. Just a few matches to think about...
Honestly I been hearing for many many years that everybody wanted 2 see Sting vs The Undertaker.. and I'm sure it would be a great match but me personally i would have loved 2 see Sting vs HBK.. i think this match would give the HBK vs Undertaker match at WM25 a run for its money.. HBK is the showstopper and almost all his matches are incredible and Sting, even tho he never wrestled on the grandest Stage of them all, would make this an Epic match.. Icon vs Icon
Well, i know that this is way out at left field, but i wish that it would be 90's Shawn Michaels vs Dolph Ziggler, because it would have been a phenomenal match, two pure athletes going at it, that would have been amazing, this would be a match of the year, or a battle of tough guys could have been awesome too, i also wish i could have seen a match between Razor Ramon vs Test, ok, some of the names that i just mentioned are not exactly household names, but in a wrestling enviorment Test vs Razor, a battle of two tough guys that were also good athletes in the ring even if they were a little big, or CM Punk vs Randy "Macho Man" Savage could have been amazing, i know that my chices are a little weird, but if someone mentioned the Big Show vs Andre the Giant, then i gues it's ok, or another pure athletiscism match that can actually hapen if destiny some how gets them to cross paths could be CM punk or Kofi Kingston vs AJ Styles, just a thought........
Whenever I think of this question ... I go to Hogan/Flair at WM VIII ... but to be fair ... Hogan vs. Flair did happen ... and happened a few times.

I constantly think The Rock vs. Shawn Michaels. It kind of makes no sense that they didn't get these guys together at some point in The Rock's last couple of years. I can't even imagine how great a match between these guys would have been.

And obviously ... Austin vs. Hogan. That match SHOULD HAVE happened at WrestleMania 18. Yes, Rock vs. Hogan was epic and great ... but seriously ... it should have been Austin. I know there are all sorts of rumors about who wouldn't allow who to beat who or whatever. But to me, I feel like Vince screwed Austin here ... and I am kind of shocked Austin ever let Vinny live it down.
my dream match is the rock and hbk. the rock is my favorite all time for a gimmick and hbk is my favorite in ring performer of all time so to see those two clash would be awesome. the speed both posses and their showman ship in the ring is always entertaining. so yeah, that is mine but i do have a few others of course

sting vs. undertaker
kurt angle vs. bret hart
austin vs. cm punk
edge vs. ricky steamboat
triple h vs. lesnar
macho man vs. orton
I think when AA came back to WCW from WWE it was time to split the Horsemen idea up and have AA vs Flair. I think every wrestling fan can agree AA is the greatest non-world champion.

Another match which would be very entertaining would be The Dragon vs Mr. Perfect. As much as Flair/Steamboat is mentioned as the greatest "wrestling rivalry" Dragon/Perfect in-ring would be pure awesome!
an match will be famous between Undertaker and André the giant.
Goldberg vs Batista power in ring
CM Punk vs Razor ramon different style and gimmicks
Scompvp316, Flair vs. Anderson did happen - Fall Brawl 95', to be exact. Great match with amazing psychology. Showed how amazing both men truly were. Promos leading up to that match were even better.

Also, I have to agree with several posters on here and say the greatest match to never happen was Ric Flair vs. Hulk Hogan at Wrestlemania, followed closely by Hulk Hogan vs. Steve Austin.
Flair vs Anderson didn't happen hen both were relatively in their prime. That match at Fall Brawl was the set-up storyline to later screw Sting over in the Falir/Sting vs Anderson/Pillman which WCW had somewhat of a new version of the Horsemen. So a rivalry between Flair/Anderson either at Starrcade or a GAB event would of been better but never a full scale plan for this rivalry was to ever take place
One match I keep coming to is a match that was heavily talked about in 1998 as a dream match for many fans. It was a match that zero doubt would have drawn massive numbers and in fact was being talked about in arenas, amongst fans, on 1-900 lines and in dirtsheets/websites.

Bill Goldberg vs The Ultimate Warrior. It was a marquee dream match that WCW and Warrior both missed the boat on. Fans wanted it, I definitely wanted it. Yeah cool, Goldberg can beat up 100 jobbers... Let's see how he does against Warrior, the guy who steamrolled through Andre, Hogan, Rude, Hercules, Undertaker, Sid, retired Savage, ect. A guy who is just as intense(more intense? That debate raged on) who was never beat cleanly. Could it be? Could Warrior return from Parts Unknown and end the streak?

We'll never know. WCW was more concerned with getting that Hogan/Warrior rematch and Warrior showed up looking less like Warrior and more like a cruiser weight while waxing Philosophical in 10 minute promos. WCW or more specifically Kevin Nash killed the possibility by booking himself to end the streak shortly after Warriors run anyways. Okay maybe not the most technical match but a big draw? Damn right it would have been.
Some great matchups in here. I like Steamboat vs Perfect that would have possibly been the best match of all time. Another great matchup was Goldberg vs Warrior in 98. That was right there in front of their faces, and they missed it. Would have been a huge Halloween Havoc instead of Warrior vs Hogan II, and Goldberg vs DDP.

I may get another spam infraction for this one, but oh well. My dream match has always been Bret Hart vs Royce Gracie.

I think Bret could have given Royce a serious battle in a real MMA fight, even in Royce's prime around 93-94 when he was unbeatable. Kazushi Sakuraba used a lot of Catch Wrestling techniques to solve the riddle that was Royce's guard, and finally defeat him in 2000. Sakuraba was trained in MMA by a former pro wrestler, and catch wrestling master, Billy Robinson. As we all know, Bret was trained in grappling by another master of the forgotten martial art that is Catch Wrestling.

Even if they would have put on some kind of worked match, it would have been amazing to see those two grapple each other.
Sticking to guys that were in the company at the same time and feasibly could have worked together, the two that come to mind are HBK vs Eddie and Vader vs Randy Savage in WCW in 95.

I'm more surprised the latter didn't happen, the only Vader vs Savage match I can find is a tag team main event from Slamboree 95, their interactions in that match alone make me think a singles match between them would have been special.

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