What match would drew more if it happened in 1999?

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Pre-Show Stalwart
ok like the title say's out of these matches which match would of drew more if it happened in 1999 when Wrestling was at its heightest's,I Know Shawn Michaels was injuryed at this time but for this thread lets say he was'nt

1) Stone Cold Steve Austin vs Hulk Hogan

2) Stone Cold Steve Austin vs Goldberg

3) Undertaker vs Sting

4) Shawn Michaels vs The Rock

5) Bret Hart vs Shawn Michaels III

6) Undertaker vs Goldberg

7) The Rock vs Scott Steiner
Stone Cold vs Goldberg ( Both where in there prime around 1999 and they where two of the biggest superstar's of the late 90's)

The Undertaker vs Sting ( If this match happened around WM15 it would of been golden)
Hulk Hogan Vs Stone Cold Steve Austin. why?, cause that's when Austin first became the face of the company around 1998/1999 so for him to face the former face of the company Hulk Hogan it would have been huge, kinda like The Rock Vs Hulk Hogan when Rock first became the face of the company around 2001/2002. and with next year's Wrestlemania we have Rock Vs Cena. people have been discussing Austin Vs Hogan for a long time now, and its a shame that it looks like there isn't gonna be a match between them, Austin says he can still go, but to be honest if he was in such a bad shape at the time of his retirement in 2003, then he cant be in any better shape now. and Hogan well, hes in TNA now and hes refusing to retire much like Ric Flair and they both suck now, so there you have it.
Austin vs. Hogan. The two biggest draws in recent history colliding, it could sell anywhere. At the height of the Monday Night Wars, Steve Austin was the most popular wrestler on the planet and Hollywood Hogan was arguably the most hated. Put Eric Bischoff (the man who fired Austin from WCW) in Hogan's corner, and you've got a match that could sell out a stadium AND set PPV buy-rate records.

My #2 choice would be the Undertaker (as the Dead Man) vs. Sting (as The Crow). The promos and the mind games leading up to that match would be gold.
Obviously Hogan vs. Austin. Both men were the biggest draw of their eras and it would've been better taking place at that time than any other time as Hogan was nWo, both men were in their badass gimmicks. nWo Hogan is by far the better gimmick than the red & yellow fruity pebble Hogan and I'm sure Hogan would've had his fans had he faced Austin as badass but if the red & yellow gimmick, I don't think he would as it wore stale as soon as the 90's came around.

If you asked which match would drew more now it would definitely be Shawn vs. Rock as they both can still go and Rock has developed into a huge name since 1999.
I agree with all the matches you posted. If all said matches such as hogan vs Austin, crow sting vs undertaker, 1999 rock vs Goldberg,dx vs nwo,sable vs madusa,bret hart vs hbk (the revenge),If those matches took place at wrestlemania 15 and were booked properly, it would be the greatest wrestlemania of all time.
The rock vs Shawn Michaels no doubt!! Austin vs Hogan sounds better on paper but HBK ability in the ring is superb compared to hogan and the rock was the man in 1999 maybe he wasnt "the face of the company" but 99 was his best year, his promos on hbk would've been epic!!! and the match even better, to bad hbk was injured.
I don't even think any match would be close to Austin/Hogan when it comes to drawing power. The 2 biggest faces in WWF history and at the time Hogan was the biggest heel in wrestling so it would've been golden to have him square off against the biggest face in wrestling
Austin Vs. Goldberg would have been it in my opinion. In 1999, Austin was the face of WWF and Goldberg had just become the face of WCW by beating both Nash and Hogan in one night to win the World Title, not to mention he was still undefeated. It was the height of the Monday Night Wars and these were the top guys on the roster. Hogan Vs. Austin would have been cool, but Hogan was starting to slide and had pasted the WCW torch to Goldberg. Just a one on one match would be more than enough to please me but if you wanted to through a gimmic on it I think a Last Man Standing Match would have been a great way to showcase these two forces squaring off.

Sting Vs. Taker is my second choice, with the rock and hbk next in line.
Steve Austin vs Bill Goldberg. Instant classic. Sorry Christian, but you don't deserve that title anymore. What about "Instant loss." Anyway, yes, Austin/Goldberg would draw huge numbers in 1999. At the top of the world these two, never will there be a point in their career where they will be bigger.

It is either Steve Austin vs Bill Goldberg or Eugene vs Santino.
I would say it has to be any of the biggest Attitude era stars going up against Hulk Hogan, the biggest icon of all time.

Wrestling was on a HUGE boom in 1999, and if Hogan had left WCW to rejoin the WWF he could have gone up against the 2 biggest stars in the company at that time, Stone Cold and The Rock.

Austin was a ratings monster at that time, so putting him against Hogan could have been the highest drawing match of all time, no doubt about it. The Rock was also incredibly hot at that time, so the same could be said for that. Hogan v Rock was big when it happened, and it would have been even bigger earlier on.

There are so many others that would have been HUGE as well

Sting v Undertaker
HHH v Goldberg
Shawn Michaels v Hogan
Bret Hart v The Rock
Goldberg v Austin
I would say it has to be any of the biggest Attitude era stars going up against Hulk Hogan, the biggest icon of all time.

The Rock was also incredibly hot at that time, so the same could be said for that. Hogan v Rock was big when it happened, and it would have been even bigger earlier on.

I agree with this here. If this match were to take place in the fall of '99 there was no way the fans would've took Hogan's side.
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