What if WCW bought WWE in 2001?


Getting Noticed By Management
What if WCW bought WWE in 2001 instead of WWE buying WCW? Who do you think would have been signed? Would we have seen an invasion angle? Would we see a group of guys try to start a new promotion like Jeff Jarret did with TNA? What do you guys think? Also, what matches would we have seen?

I don't think we would have seen an invasion angle at all. I do think some of the major stars in the WWE would have definately been signed. Guys like Austin, Triple H, Big Show, Undertaker, Kane, Mick Foley, and Chris Jericho would have been signed immediately. The Rock would have been signed to the WCW to but I think he would turn it down and head to the movie industry a lot sooner. I think there are a select few mid carders and tag teams that might have been signed but not a whole lot examples Hardy's, APA, Dudley's, E&C, X Pac(friends with Nash and Hall) and Billy Gunn. I think Shawn Michaels would still have returned but obviously to WCW instead.

Some match I think we would have seen is:
Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. Hollywood Hulk Hogan. Who is the Biggest Face. Hogan can brag that he is officially the biggest face and WWE going out of business proves it. Stone Cold said the only reason WWE went out of business is because Vince sold it not because Hogan or WCW was beating WWE in ratings.

Triple H vs. Scott Stiener (Would happen sooner and be pretty much the same storyline as WWE). I also think Scott Steiner would be kicked out of the NWO for Triple H instead and Shawn Michaels.

Austin vs. Goldberg- Austin says Goldberg is nothing but a Stone Cold wannabe.

Shawn Michaels vs. Sting. Who is the bigger Icon.

APA vs. Kronik.

Austin vs. Sandman(Hardcore Hak).

Those are matches I think would have happened and the ones that I personally would have like to have seen.

So what do you guys think? Have fun with this.
I believe that would ever happen because Vince was smart with his money. Ted Turner made a lot of stupid descisions also you had AOL/TIME WARNER who did owned it in 2001 and they didn't want a wrestling program so WCW would have never bought out WWE.

I think we would have seen would be DX vs. NWO but knowing easy e he would have had X-pac, hunter, and shawn turn on the new age outlaws and throw them out the building having easy e say that DX is nothing like the NEW WORLD ORDER. I would have loved to see The Rock vs. Sting or Undertaker vs. Sting. I still think TNA would have started sometime maybe a little later then when it started but still would have been, and i also think that instead of dixie carter it would be Vince McMahon putting money behind it. I still think that WCW wouldn't have used the womans division if they bought out WWE because all WCW used woman was for eye candy (Nitro Girls) or for valets. Also ECW would have been in trouble because WWE paid there bills and i am pretty sure that Ted Turner wouldn't have paid it.
If WCW had purchased the WWE I honestly think TNA wouldn't be here today obviously.

I think WCW wouldn't have been as greedy as Vince, and WWE, and they would have kept both promotion's running. Bischoff would have hired someone to run the WWE promotion, and would definatle had REAL interpromotional show's/PPV'S.

I think wrestling would be a much better and more productive landscape than it is now. There wouldn't be any has been's like, Hall,Xpac, Saturn ,and about 40 other talent's that were lost in the demise of WCW, and the new REIGN of Vince McMahon. Alot of history was lost in 2001, and new history was made, and everything happens for a reason they say. Of course money can buy anything like Vince McMahon has alway's bragged.

I think overall the past 10 years would have been more exciting in many way's than they have been. Monday night wars would still be going on, and prospering because of the interpromotional matches, and actually creating all the dream matches we talk about here on the forum.

Would have been interesting to say the least.
Well, TNA would never had happened with Jarrett not being out of a job. ECW would have still gone out of buisness. So either WCW would have still died due to its wasting of money, or they would have smart and started to release higher talent and bring in new.

If that didnt happen, ROH would be the top company. They would have Daniels, Joe, Styles, and alot of other top talent im sure because some would leave WCW or refuse after the merge. Or would be cut. So basically if WCW beat WWE the wrestling buisness would be 100 times worse then it is now.
If WCW bought WWE, we would have no major league of professional wrestling. It would of been all the big stars of WCW holding down good talent. Bischoff was a good promoter but as a business man he was a joke. Look how WCW fell apart. Yes I know he was one guy doing all of the operations in WCW, and did work his butt off, but he needed a staff. He would only kept a few names around from the WWE staff, and he would of tried everything.

Kevin Nash even stated when WCW was at it's prime, everything was hectic and chaotic. Very un-organized. Even when WCW was kicking WWE's ass, their was still a staff of people. WWE had a good staff of 300, I think they have about 400 people working for them today. That includes talent, ring crew, stage hands, corporate office, creative, talent relations, etc, etc. It was organized and good amounts of resources were used.

WCW buying WWE would of been the end of professional wrestling. Eric wouldn't of known what do with that much talent. You thought TNA was using their roster, just take a look at WCW. Guerro, Benoit, Jericho, Big Show, Malekeno, and Saturn wouldn't be used. Well maybe the Big Show, but a henchmen for the NWO in my opinion isn't great usage. Anyways those guys jumped ship because they were rarely used. These were decent names, and helped edge the monday night wars in the favor of WWE.

Please don't give wrestling fans that nightmare. They are already complaining how things are PG, now imagine how we would of saw Hulk Hogan's career just fizz out of 05 after he would get to squash everybody. Then It would just die out, because why... Eric didn't know how to build talent, he just used others.

If WCW had purchased the WWE I honestly think TNA wouldn't be here today obviously.

I think WCW wouldn't have been as greedy as Vince, and WWE, and they would have kept both promotion's running. Bischoff would have hired someone to run the WWE promotion, and would definatle had REAL interpromotional show's/PPV'S.

I think wrestling would be a much better and more productive landscape than it is now. There wouldn't be any has been's like, Hall,Xpac, Saturn ,and about 40 other talent's that were lost in the demise of WCW, and the new REIGN of Vince McMahon. Alot of history was lost in 2001, and new history was made, and everything happens for a reason they say. Of course money can buy anything like Vince McMahon has alway's bragged.

I think overall the past 10 years would have been more exciting in many way's than they have been. Monday night wars would still be going on, and prospering because of the interpromotional matches, and actually creating all the dream matches we talk about here on the forum.

Would have been interesting to say the least.

You think WCW wouldn't of been greedy as Vince?? The greed of that talent helped ended that company. You know WCW was loosing money on every T-shit sale to pay their roster.

Hogan, Nash, Hall, Flair, Goldberg and a lot more got paid not good professional wrestler wages, but Professional Athletes money. Hogan made 20 plus million a year with a riduculous contract.

Bischoff signed anyone that was on WWF tv. Anyone. People jumped ships because of those guaranteed contracts. Not also that, But Vince tried to open up WCW again, and it failed. No one cared for it, because it's last year plus was just crap. On top of that, Vince had to release a lot of those guys because they weren't that good. They were lazy.

Not also that, but Vince did the brand split, because of the purchase. He separated the titles, and ran it like two promotions. Still doing it today. If Bischoff ran the two companies, we would never see new talent get promoted. Jericho and Benoit left the company because WCW were nimrods with their booking.

Now, before I go, are you talking about Vince McMahon's character on TV or Vince McMahon? Two different people there, The business man didn't jump on the chance to buy WCW till he was asked the third time. He didn't want to buy his competition. He liked competition. But he bought it because he knew something was there, and he could combine the resources to produce the ultimate product. If WCW bought, it would of been less then 5 years before it went under, because Bischoff didn't know how to build talent, he just knew how to use them.
WCW would not have bought WWE in 2001, they would have bought it circa 1997-1998. By time 2001 came around, WCW was already next-to-dead.

The WWF wrestlers would have likely gone the same route Bret Hart did when he got there, but other than that, nothing else would have likely changed, and WCW would probably still have shut down around the time when it did. WCW was never run well at any time, they just got lucky that the New World Order caught fire like it did...or got lucky that Vince never had the good sense to turn Hulk Hogan heel when he could.

After that, who can say.......

This feels like a "I hate the way WWE has turned out today" thread in disguise.
I think if WCW bought WWE, WCW would've did the invasion angle correctly and would've received the WWE top stars with open arms. Just think about it. WCW never really acted like they were above WWE. They had the same attitude that TNA has now whereas they acknowledge a superstar's past from another promotion. I think guys like Rock, Austin, HHH, and Undertaker would've came to WCW and we'd have the dream matches that we all wanted to see. Hell, WCW might've even kept WWE still operating and had it as 2 seperate brands with different logos and everything. No way in hell would WCW have dropped the ball like how WWE did with WCW and just put it on the shelf. Wrestling as we know it would be completely major league and wrestling would've never hit the decline like it did in 2002.
No Chance In Hell. WWE was worth too much money
and if it did happen, the whole thing would've crumbled. Ted Turner woulda pulled his money, poor booking and money management woulda had the ratings plummet and we'd have no wrestling at all.

WCW was always losing money cause of there awesome money management just to get ahead of WWE. WWE on the other hand was only losing money cause WCW paid rediculous amounts of money for there best names.

and those who claim WCW would never have been greedy fail to remember what they did to ECW and other promotions, get into a talent trading scheme then rape them for there best stars, and then when they are in WCW they were chucked on the bench. Na thats not greedy

Stop implying Vince masterminded killing the territories, NWA (aka early WCW) was trying to do it well B4 Vince accomplished global success, so going back to the initial question back b4 WWF hit it big WCW/NWA could well have been on top very early and been in a position to scrub WWF/E out.

Vince may not be the mastermind behind ideas that he is made out to be, but he sure as hell knows how to make money and get his employees global exposure, intern making WWE alot of money
WCW never really acted like they were above WWE. They had the same attitude that TNA has now.

So the constant jabs at WWE talent/commentry, making fun of who they had as champs, having stars bag there former employer.

thats not saying we are far superior?

get a brain dude, WWE doesn't acknowledge the opposition for a reason, why advertise something that is not making you money, it's called smart business.

What do you think would happen if McDonalds started advertising what was on the menu of KFC's/Burger King (Hungry jacks), people may well start going there instead ie you lose money

sure Hungry Jacks/Burger King does take subtle jabs at McDonald's menu items but not McDonald's menu/staff directly and certainly don't advertise whats going on there.

Everytime TNA talks about WWE I bet people would flip channels if they the shows overlapped, and everytime WCW spouted some crap about WWE people flipped channels to see it for themselves
So the constant jabs at WWE talent/commentry, making fun of who they had as champs, having stars bag there former employer.

thats not saying we are far superior?

get a brain dude, WWE doesn't acknowledge the opposition for a reason, why advertise something that is not making you money, it's called smart business.

What do you think would happen if McDonalds started advertising what was on the menu of KFC's/Burger King (Hungry jacks), people may well start going there instead ie you lose money

sure Hungry Jacks/Burger King does take subtle jabs at McDonald's menu items but not McDonald's menu/staff directly and certainly don't advertise whats going on there.

Everytime TNA talks about WWE I bet people would flip channels if they the shows overlapped, and everytime WCW spouted some crap about WWE people flipped channels to see it for themselves

Dude I could not have said this better. I completely agree. People stopped paying attention to WCW because all they did was acknowledge the competition. If you are doing so well that you dont need to acknowledge the competition on live TV, you are going to succeed. I still remember the Nitro episode where Eric Bischoff invited McMahon to Nitro to have a fight. Bischoff sitting on his Harley saying "come on Vince... face me... if you have the guts." I think then was the point where I said "ok, if all they are going to talk about is WWE, apparently WWE is better. Looks like Raw will be my main show and Nitro can be the show to flip to during commercials." That and the fact that the NWO roster was at about 20 people at that time. It was no longer a faction... it was half the company. The roster not on the NWO were mainly jobbers. It was at the point where I could care less about the NWO vs. WCW. In my mind, WCW/NWO had beat themselves.
Again yet another thread mentioning the WCW/WWF angle and someone mentioning DX vs NWO. It would never happen no matter what happened. HHH would still be out injured for months, hell I doubt he would even bother to recover. HBK was retired and more than likely remained retired.
The angle would never happen, ever.

As for what would happen. Simple, WWF talent get buried, fans turn away. WCW lose even more money, they go bankrupt and the McMahons buy both companies and the WWF restarts.
Again yet another thread mentioning the WCW/WWF angle and someone mentioning DX vs NWO. It would never happen no matter what happened. HHH would still be out injured for months, hell I doubt he would even bother to recover. HBK was retired and more than likely remained retired.
The angle would never happen, ever.

As for what would happen. Simple, WWF talent get buried, fans turn away. WCW lose even more money, they go bankrupt and the McMahons buy both companies and the WWF restarts.

I agree... Imagine All ECW's wrestlers on independient circuit, or maybe a new organization with Vince and Paul together. WCW will run out of business very fast at that moment of the history... ROH will be the competition of WCW and will kill WCW. Maybe a lot of WWF/E wrestlers and ECW wrestler at that moment will go to Mexico, Japan, Europe, Puerto Rico. But... WCW will run out of business very very very fast...

simple as that.

People slate WWE for messing up the Invasion angle, WCW wouldn't have a clue what to do with the WWE guys, they'd of had Austin going against Disqo for the TV title, or The Rock vs Lodi on Saturday night fevor or whatever the show was called.

WCW wouldn't of been here now that is for sure and had they bought wwe we wouldn't of had ANY kind of wrestling apart from TNA.
Well, maybe if Jim Crockett hadn't tried to book the 1987 Starcade and 1988 Bunkhouse Stampede in Chicago and NY instead of the Carolinas, Georgia, or Mid-Atlantic areas in the 1st place maybe there would've never been a WCW. NWA-JCP would've succeeded in going national, JCP never sold to Ted Turner, the NWA would still be the best wrestling group in the business, and maybe the Crocketts would've bought the WWF (even if it was with Turner's help since another reason he bought JCP is because he wanted to buy WWF at one point). Not saying I didn't enjoy WCW, because I most certainly did, but I enjoyed the NWA even more.

But anyway, WCW having come from the tradition-entrenched NWA believed in the 'sport' of professional wrestling and its history, thus never ignored the pasts of wrestlers from other promotions (AWA, WWF, GWF, UWF, WCCW, USWA, GCW, FCW, IWGP, NJPW, AAA, etc...). WCW would've gave us a 'REAL' inter-promotional fued as Ted Turner would've paid to have the companies ran separately and compete simultaneously.

Turner always loved wrestling (thus NWA wrestling being on TBS for over 30 years). He would've been extatic to own WCW and WWF, and they would both still operate today under Turner Sports, Inc.

If Bischoff had made Hogan lose to Sting CLEANLY at Starcade 1997, then shortly later ended the nWo, and featured Goldberg vs. Sting for the World Heavyweight Title at Starcade 1998, then WCW would've by then put WWF out and bought them. There would be no TNA either, and pro-wrestling would still be going strong on TBS and TNT (I doubt Turner would've lost control to AOL had this all happened).

But we can all dream, can't we?

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